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February’s Here

As many of my friends and long-time readers know, I love the month of February.  February is my personal month, the month I just love best.  It may be due to Valentine’s Day and the associated colors–reds and pinks and luscious corals–or the fact that it’s the shortest month of the year, or the gorgeous bulb flowers that begin to bloom, or that it’s my birthday month and I’m quite proud of being an Aquarius (we are apparently mad or brilliant, or a little of both…).  Regardless of the reason, it’s a month that always cheers me and I enjoy it, and celebrate it, to the fullest.  Which will mean lots of fun contests this month here.  As well as lots of positive thoughts.

And speaking of positive thoughts, I’ve had two different reminders pop up on my desk today that reinforce how important our thoughts are.

I keep this quote on my desk right next to my computer screen:  “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.  What we think we become.”  Buddha

Negative begets negative.  Sadness creates sadness.  Energy, courage and hope give rise to more energy, courage and hope.  That’s not to say we can’t get blue or feel low or be tired.  But we have to realize it’s not a permanent thing, but a passing mood that we want to help send on its way so that we can feel better things.

And then this morning, I got an email from a favorite website devoted to artists, writers and creative types ( and they always have fascinating quotes and insights into creativity and life and I loved this quote from Jack Canfield’s work: 

Your thoughts are not just wispy little clouds drifting through your head. Your thoughts are things.

They are actually measurable units of energy. Thoughts are biochemical electrical impulses. They are waves of energy that, as far as we can tell, penetrate all time and space.

Your thoughts are powerful.

They are real, they are measurable, they are energy.”

When I think back over the weekend and my bit of blues I can see now it was fear, as well as physical fatigue.  The baby is very wanted but the baby will change everything.  Change is something I embrace, but it also can be scary.  Change represents the unknown, and the unknown can be stressful.  But change also represents life.  Growth.  Possibility. 

Maybe that’s why I love February with its Valentine’s Day in the middle, or heart, of the month, and the burst of flower blooms and the promise of spring. February represents change and life and love.

I vow right here and right now not to be afraid of the changes coming. Instead of approaching the coming year with fear and anxiety, I will be hopeful and brave, excited and optimistic. There’s no room for fear, no time for regrets. Life is so short–like the month of February–and it’s to be lived, fully, joyfully, completely.

To celebrate my ‘no fear, no worrying’ vow, I’m giving away a In The Pink pampering prize package–everything’s pink and lovely and coming up roses for one lucky winner. The prize includes a princess tote bag, a gorgeous white lily, jasmine, and Moroccan rose and pear scented candle, a copy of Beth Kendrick’s The Pre-Nup, pink lip gloss, a pink Starbucks drink card, a pink $15 Barnes & Noble gift-card, Valentine chocolates, and lots of JP goodies. My In The Pink contest will run through Wednesday night midnight and I’ll post the winner’s name Thursday morning. How to enter? Just post in the comment section below.

As Buddha reminds us, what we think, we become. So let’s become peaceful and joyful and strong.

103 Comments on “February’s Here

  1. this post rocks. Thank you so much, I do beleive we all need some pick me up at times. I have to agree whole heartedly with Buddah. Peace, joy and strength.

  2. I agree with Buddah, we need Peace, Joy and Strength. I do have soem peace and joy right now because I have my power back on and heat. I am doing a happy dance. Last week tested our strength when the winter storm kicked out everyones power. We still have people without power in their homes and living in shelters. Things are starting to come back together. I am ready for some spring weather.

  3. Wow! Quite the postive energy you’ve posted here. Thank you! I have been feeling so blue the last two days. There is so much financial uncertainty in our family, I just don’t know what is around the next corner (or the next week). I am well aware that money doesn’t buy happiness, but being so far down can sure rock your world. The hardest part is our kids. They didn’t ask for this, and upheaval isn’t easy on anyone.

    So I’m going to re-read your postive post a few times over the next few days. Thanks Jane, for the glimmer of good things and good energy.

    Now have an early lunch and grab a nap!! You’re growing a baby–you deserve it.


  4. I love the way you think!

    Thanks for the inspirational challenge.

    Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day!

    And PS, February is my favorite month too, although I’m a Pisces.

  5. February is a big month for me, too. It is my birthday month, but I am Pisces. My hubby and I met in February, and we had our first date on Valentine’s Day.

  6. Hi Jane,

    I enjoy the month of February. My anniversary is this month, it’s closer to spring and by now I have all my organizing for the new year done. WooHoo!!!!!


  7. I love February, and I think this one’s gonna be especially memorable. Movin into a new house, lots of new books coming out that I’m dying to read and my birthday. I’m really looking forward to it 🙂

  8. It is so nice to read your optimistic attitude. I wish you tons of luck in staying hopeful and joyful. I am doing my best to stay positive too, but it has been a little hard lately.

    I love February. Also, Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays because my husband always goes out of his way for me to have a special and romantic day. I cannot wait to see what he plans for the holiday this year.

  9. February is a favorite month of mine, too. My husband’s birthday is the 4th, my youngest daughter’s birthday is the 8th and there is Valentine’s Day! And I get to add my daughter’s fiance to the list. His is at the end of February!

    So much positive energy flows from your post.

    I should print this post and put it on my refrigerator. Thank you.

  10. Wow! I’ve been struggling with the blues for a bit now too. I was reminded yesterday (in a sermon) that sometimes it’s ok t be alone and blue, but if we just reach out sometimes we’ll find we’re not as alone as we think. I know I’ve been feeling lonely and tend to isolate myself (well as much as I can with three kids and a husband) until I’m feeling happier. The point of the sermon is that sometimes that isolation just makes us more isolated. And he was right. Turns out a friend of mine was feeling lonely too and all it took was each of us saying it and making plans for coffee.

    I’m not saying it’s a cure, but at least we’re both putting ourselves out there. Thank you for your quotes today. I really appreciate them!

  11. Hi Jane! What an uplifting post and I loved the quote! It is a beautiful day here in Nothern Ca and I’m excited for my 24 daffodils to bloom! I like February too, because it seems like spring is just around the corner! Enjoy your day, my dear!


  12. I’ve never liked February because in New England it just means winter is way too long. But now you’ve put a new spin on it for me..thanks Jane..I like your take on February and I’m going to try thinking that way. Thanks for all the contest possibilities.

  13. Dear Jane,
    I found your novels from a recommendation at the end of one of Megan Crane’s books. I must say, I am hooked! I feel in so many ways that I can relate to your characters. I have felt the strain of marriage, the hope to not worry about what others think like Marta, yet at many a times I am very much Eva or Taylor. I am the mother of Irish twins (one is 18 months and one is 6 months!)Oh, my life has been so interesting this past year! Anyway,the only quiet time I have lately has been spent reading Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect. I am just about to start The Frog Prince and am looking forward to your next book. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your novels. Thank you.

    Ps. Like Taylor, I read and re-read this post. 🙂

  14. I love those quotes Jane. Thanks for sharing them, they are very inspirational! I love Feb. too, I can always count on getting spoiled by my husband. 🙂 I just noticed yesterday my beautiful daffodils and tulips are starting to poke out of the ground! It makes me excited for summer, I love gardening!

  15. I love February – lots of happy memories of Valentine’s. Now my girls are looking forward to writing cards to their friends. Puppy love – very sweet.

  16. February is always my favorite month, too … It’s my birthday month, and we only need to embrace our age and seek joy in it … there’s no other way around it! Happy Spring.

  17. This post was just what I needed today. Positive and uplifting. I always enjoy my stops here, always makes my insides warm and fuzzy. Thanks for making my day better.

  18. Your thoughts have brightened my day Jane! I am not a big fan of Feb. but it’s only because it’s the busy and stressful time in my business. However, I count my blessings everyday and try to remind myself I have a really good life!

  19. Wonderful quotes Jane. February is my favorite month too – my birthday month as well as my daughter’s (she came two days before mine – she was my gift that year!). So as I was reading your post I couldn’t help but agree with pretty much everything you said! 🙂

  20. AHHH Jane you are speaking my language. I am a big believer “thoughts become things, better choose the good ones” TUT.
    That is my mantra and that’s what is instilled in my four boys heads. When they are negative, I can just give them the ‘look’ and they say I know Iknow thought become things.
    I hope that mantra sticks with them throughout their lives. I do believe that negative thoughts surrounds you with negative energy and then negative attracts to you as well as positive.
    This week, I changed my room around in order to get the best fengshui. My first manuscript that I wrote was a light hearted comedy/romance about a superstious girl.
    I love Feb. b/c of the great feelings that surround the month. Love and growth of new life, what more can you want on a daily basis?!
    Thanks for the great blog!!!

  21. What a special and inspiring post today. Thanks for including those lovely quotes. Yes, life is short and we have to realize that it is precious and make the most of our time. A Positive Attitude and peace, love and serenity help.

  22. I so needed your positive energy today, Jane! I’ve been feeling isolated and lonely since moving to Mill Creek last May and I need to remember to stay positive so I can attract the right people and experiences into my life.

    Thank you.


  23. Hi Jane!
    I love this post! Very positive and good advice and quotes for all of us to take and think about. February is a good month…my husband’s birthday is the same day as yours! (2/17/1967) Special day for sure! Also, my favorite color is PINK! My wedding in 1990 focused around the color Pink I love it. 🙂 Happy February!

  24. Jane,
    Thanks for the uplifting blog. I’ve also been feeling a little blue lately and will do my best do get out of that funk also. The sunshine helps! Wishing you good things for you and your new baby on the way.

  25. Hi Jane! Thanks for the inspirational post! I really needed it. I’m so tired of winter but you reminded me that we’re halfway through winter and that means spring is coming! I can’t wait! Thanks again for the uplifting post. I loved it!

  26. Boy- I needed to see that quote! thanks for sharing! Glad you’re feeling in the pink- Let me share a little quote I found-
    Joy is Simple
    Joy isn’t complicated
    Joy is free

    thannks for writing…

  27. Jane,

    There is no blue sky in Northern Michigan today. No flowers beginning to burst forth in bloom. There is only snow and snow and more snow.

    Thank you for this post. It helped remind me that, no matter what, I need to keep the PROMISE close in my heart.

    The promise that spring truly is not far away. That new life is coming. That growth takes time, and above all, we need to be patient – something I confess that I’m not too good at – PATIENCE.

    Happy Birthday! Happy Baby! Happy Spring-is-coming-soon!


  28. Jane, i really liked your post. i need to think more positive thoughts, although some days it’s so very hard to do that.
    I too love february, my birthday is the tenth, my husbands is the 13th as well as my brothers. My neice is the 9th and nephew the 17th. we have a very full month in our family.
    Also february’s stone is amethyst, my absolute favorite, i love purple. pink is cool to, but give me purple and im a happy girl.
    then again i just have to think about my family and look at my husband and four year old son and i always smile.
    congratulations on the baby, i knwo it can be scary, but wonderful too. i had my son when i was 36, it was scary but well worth the wait.
    happy writing.

  29. Hi Jane! What a great post…so timely too. Things are so up in the air and a little scary for me right now so I know how easy it is to get bogged down by fear and uncertainty. Thank you so much for this great bit of advice and encouragement.

    Big hugs to you and the boys!

  30. Jane,
    I think that at this time of year – when you live in western New York and the weather is just cold and snowy and more cold and more snow, that you need optimism to get through to the spring thaw. To me, curling up with a good book or watching a romantic movie (this weekend’s pick was You’ve Got Mail) helps push away thoughts of cold toes and scrapping ice off the car window. Thanks for your post!

  31. Jane,
    Thanks for the great Monday posting. I have been thinking about applying for a different job but am afraid of the change. I know I could do the work but I am still not convinced it is the right position for me. However, I am going to decide whether to apply on what makes sense, not out of fear. As usual, you are an inspiration.
    It IS a relief to have January, which seemed to drag on forever, gone and “your” month; February, is welcome! Doesn’t it look cute this year on the calendar, starting on Sunday with four neat and tidy weeks? YIPEE!

  32. Jane,

    Happy Birthday to you! Yeah…pink! It’s my favorite color in the whole world. When I go shopping, I have to be careful or I buy everything in pink. Thanks for sharing the beautiful and inspirational quotes. I’ve done a lot of ‘soul searching’ over the past year. Some of it painful, but mostly lots of growth. All the best to you and the baby.

  33. Happy Birthday Jane! This is my birth month two. The past six months I have thought much about thinking and being more positive. Life is hard, it is easy to get sucked up into the negative and difficult times. Allowing life to weigh us down. I am always reminded that we get a new chance every morning when the sun rises. That in itself is a true gift.
    Enjoy February! Blessings to you.

  34. I definitely need to work on the energy I’m putting out to the world. I’ve been stressed to the max, and that’s not good. I need to think positive thoughts!

  35. I LOVE Pink!! My favorite pink item is a quilt that my grandmother made for me when I got married. It has all different pink fabrics, including fabrics from dresses that she made me when I was a little girl. Happy February!

  36. Dear Jane,
    I just loved reading you latest blog. The point that really hit home with me was the mention of how the new baby will change everything. My dh and I have 2 beautiful healthy children and have decided to start trying for #3. For years I have gone back and forth between fear and desire. My dear husband always reminds me that we only travel this road of life in one direction for a very short time and that the only thing we have to fear is regret.
    I am so happy for you and your pregnancy. Of course the baby will mean lots of change, and a bit of stress, but whatever is worth doing in life is never easy.
    Thanks for the February inspiration!

  37. Thank you for all of the wonderful thoughts. I always love reading your posts. They are so inspirational!



  38. Jane,
    thank you for sharing the wonderful, positive quotes! I understand too well about change causing “fear”.. I’m very security oriented, so change can be scarey for me.
    Last month I started a new job after 9 years in the same office, and felt the fear big time. I thought of staying home and quitting, but toughed it out. Now, I LOVE my new job!! Continue surrounding yourself with positive people. I have been trying to follow this since the New Year, what a difference.
    Feb is a great month!

  39. Hi Jane,
    Not a follower of Buddha as I’m a Christian but I liked your upbeat and positive message.

    It’s cold as heck here in New Jersey but I love February for just that reason….It’s ski season! Yay!! My 3 kids and I hit the slopes every weekend.

    I’m a single mom too and it sounds like you are doing a great job balancing your kids, your writing and your relationship. Keep it up!!!

    Feel good, stay heathly and rested!

  40. “Handle every situation like a dog; if you can’t eat it or play with it, then pee on it and walk away” this lovely quote from a friend made me laugh outloud. Joy is internal, happiness is external. One is a choice, the other is dictated by circumstances. I choose to be filled with joy and find happiness in those simple things around me.

    Happy February! Let the love pour out on you and smile at yourself in the mirror, even when you don’t want to!

  41. What an inspiring blog topic.
    I thought I remembered February as your birthday month.
    I am getting ready for a big change also.
    My first daughter stayed home for college but my second daughter that graduates from High school in May is going away to school.
    My second daughter also has Type 1 diabetes and the thought of her living on her own at a big university scares me to death.
    I have been losing a lot of sleep over the past couple of months due to this big change coming in my life.
    I am glad to here that your case of the blahs is over. I remember the days when I was waiting for the new baby years ago. I spent many a day and night wondering what new changes were coming and if I were going to be able to do it all. I found out that I can’t do it all. The best I can do is, just do the best I can.
    Any way that is why I am up at 4:21 am this morning I am worrying again about my daughter she has been sick this week.

  42. When I was pregnant with my first child, all things were possible. By the time my last came along, I knew things would change yet again. Any change is scary since it’s unknown (but in this case, oh so worth it!) Happiest of birthdays…Debbie

  43. Jane,
    I loved this blog entry!! You had some really great quotes in there!! Fear does promote fear. That’s why I am so grateful for the people in my life! When I have a fear and actually have the guts to voice it, I have people like Candle Leaders (yes, we know who that is:)), and a couple of girlfriends who have no problem cheering me on and telling me I can overcome it. I also have some great books that make me feel braver and they are written by my favorite author. Each time I read your books, I feel braver, more confident, and all around happier. There is also a great song by Jordin Sparks named One Step at a Time. I love to listen to that when I need a boost.
    My birthday is this month also and I love February for the same reasons! I don’t love the weather but I still love my birthday and all the hearts and colors that go with it. My son turns 5 on the 15th and that makes the month even better!

  44. I’m starting to let things get me down so your message is certainly timely and needed. My favorite things in February are daffodils and tulips at the market and a little more daylight (even if it’s not sunshine) each day!

    Take care & keep sharing your thoughts!

  45. My favorite quote is by Dwight Morrow~ We judge ourselves by our motives and others bu their actions.~ It always reminds me that no matter how people act it is what their motives are that really counts. It makes me have hope that people are good and just act badly sometimes. I like Februray because it always feels like a time of hope. A time to look at the good in people and maybe even start new!

  46. Hi Jane, Here’s one of my favourite quotes, “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go” by Carol Burnett.

    As for the month of February, it’s not a favourite here on the East Coast…just means more winter, and speaking of, we’re having a snow storm today. I guess it’s a great day to finish reading Mrs. Perfect! 🙂

  47. “As Buddha reminds us, what we think, we become. So let’s become peaceful and joyful and strong.”

    I love that Jane!!!! Negativity is one of my pet peeves. It takes so much energy to be negative and crabby. Just be happy!!! Thats what I tell my husband.

    Fear and being overwhelming always makes me exhausted and drives me to bed. I’m not a big one for change — although it can be wonderful. We lived in the same house for 18 years before we could face our fears and move! Its been a good and bad change! 😉

    Baby Mac will be an adjustmentto everyone but after a couple weeks you all won’t ever remember what it was like not to have him. He will bring so much joy to your whole family. With older kids I think you naturally don’t wantto burden them with caring for their baby brother but I also think it helps everyone bond if they are involved. Between you and one of my college room mates who is 44 and pregnant — due about when you are I am having some serious baby lust!

    Peace & Joy!

  48. Happy February! What a great post to start the month off right. Enjoy every moment. And happy early birthday, Miss Jane!!

  49. Hi Jane! And Happy early Birthday!!! If I am not mistaken, your birthday is a couple of days before mine! My big 40th is on the 19th! We are actually heading down to San Diego for the week and I am so excited! The past few days have been beautiful in the south sound but I’m in need of some heat! So-I am hoping for at least some 70 degree temps in San Diego!

  50. Hi Jane,

    Thank you for the encouragement. After reading your blog today, I think I will adopt my birthday month (March) as the best and most enjoyable month of the year.

  51. I love this post!!! February is a great month and Happy Birthday, Jane!!! You have much to look forward to in the upcoming months.

    Pink is my FAVORITE color and I love this prize package!!! You are always so generous to your fans!

    Sending many hugs your way!

  52. thanks for the great blog! we all need a little inspiration here and there. i dont know if it is the weather here or what, but your words put a smile on my face! thanks! we need to remember our lives are what we make it…happy birthday month!

  53. Jane,

    I love to read your blog and your novels. July is not going to get here fast enough. I welcomed a new baby a year ago, after 15 years. It is a big change and a big challenge, but you have raised two boys well already, Mac will just be a fun addition, that will keep you on your toes a little more than the other two. I hope he (and you too) is continuing to do well.

    Warm wishes,

  54. Jane,
    This entry was amazeing and uplifting. It is so true that our thoughts become not only our actions but also our words.Negative thinking leads you NO WHERE! I always think back to the story of The Little Engine that Could, that I read to my children. Sorround yourself with Positive people and Love and you can never go wrong!

  55. sometimes it’s hard to remember that negativity leads to negativity – so be positive. You’re right, change is coming whether we want it to or not, so face it with a smile. 🙂

  56. Jane–Love Feb myself! And love the positive energy! You have always been a boost when I need it! Embrace, move forward and enjoy!

    The best is yet to come.


  57. I absolutely love your reminder about how are thoughts are powerful! I am committing to work on positive affirmations…positive thoughts…and working on “thinking” the results I want to produce to move them into action. February, the month of love, is the perfect time to pave the way!
    Happy Birthday!! And, I hope you and baby Mac are well!
    My fingers, toes and eyes are crossed…and my mind is full of good “thoughts” for this contest!

  58. Hi Jane,

    What a wonderful month February is. You’re celebrating your birthday, my daughter is celebrating hers on the 5th, and I will be celebrating on the 10th. Not to mention V-day.

    *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE! *** 🙂

    I’m sure you’ve heared time and time again that everything happens for a reason. I’m sorry for any and all pain that you’ve suffered in your past, yet it is exactly that that has made you strong, beautiful and I’m sure a wonderful mom. Not to mention it brought you to your fans who so enjoy your work. Have a wonderful birthday, a happy V-Day and remain positive. Your an upbeat kinda person and we all enjoy that.

  59. Thanks Jane and to the other “posters” for such empowering quotes, support and energy! I look forward to celebrating every opportunity for newness with each new age, season, month, day…I, too, choose to live fully and joyfully!! Wishing you all a month of hope, joy, and especially….LOVE!!!!

    xoxo Mandy

  60. I love the month of February for Valentine’s Day which means dinner with my husband and chocolate. I even have some red and pink jammies that I wear with my cute little heart booties. lol The one thing I don’t like is the weather by me. It’s cold, too cold. I could do without that.

  61. Hi Jane,

    Happy Birthday to you and me! We are both turning 45 real soon. It feels like just last year we were talking about turning 40. WOW! how the years fly by. You take care!

  62. Jane, I sooooo needed your blog today. Yesterday and today have been the worst in my life in a while. Pain and frustration and anger and despair. But I love: what we think, we become. So I’m going to meditate and think myself into a frame my mind where the insurmountable becomes manageable. Thank you!!

  63. Love this blog! Just wanted to clarify to Annie that you can be a Christian AND a follower of Buddha…you don’t have to choose between the two. Christianity is a religion, Buddhism is a philosophy. There is nothing contradictory, so you CAN practice both. The teachings of Buddha are similar to Jesus and can only benefit you.

  64. Wow! I love all of your insight into our thoughts! They really are important, aren’t they? Thanks for all the positive energy! I LOVE your books. I actually found “Flirty with Forty” through one of the e-mals I get, and then went back to the others. I’m loaning them to friends now. I’m also hoping to go to Hawaii this summer, so I may need to contact you for advice on what to be sure to see. 🙂

  65. THANKS for the awesome quotes and comments beautiful lady! They are much appreciated and even more – needed. I live in a sea of negativity (husband), and I am slowly piecing my row boat together to get away, but in the meantime, wonderful posts like these get me through. THANKS again.
    I have always dreaded my birth month. I lost my dear sweet mother just a few days before my birthday, and it has always served as a reminder of loosing the one person who always loved me just the way I was. I am hoping someday I can look forward to it again.
    Change is really hard sometimes, but honey, you have a caring, supportive guy who loves you. You of all people know how much one person can be the difference between change making your life complete, or making it a complete nighmare. Embrace what you have now by remembering how you got there kiddo.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL ! (whenever that might be-lol)
    THANKS again for the positive.
    peace out

  66. my favorite quote:
    We are not humans on a path to become more spiritual – we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

    Embrace the day – you – Jane Porter – are awesome. Always was, are, and will be.

    There is always an energy drain the two week prior to a birthday, it’s part of the new layer of life, and a time to pause.

  67. Thank you so much.

    This post was just what I needed to “hear” late at night when I’m up at the computer because I had to stop lying in bed soaked in just that: Fear.

    Sending you lots of good wishes and thanks. Take good care.

  68. Wow, how crazy to read “It may be due to Valentine’s Day and the associated colors–reds and pinks and luscious corals” that you wrote…ever since elementary school, Valentine’s Day has been my favorite! And it is because of the memories of the school room decorations: red, pink, & white hearts everywhere, paper heart shaped doilies, exchanging valentines…great memories of childhood!

  69. some good food for thought Jane;
    I love Valentines day and a tea- I decorate with red heart-shaped doilies, red roses, white table cloth, clear dishes on red doilies, balloons with ‘love’ sayings in colors of red, pink and white on the wall beside the table and chocolate heart-shaped cookies I bake with colored icing and coconut.

  70. February is kinda like that last little hope for a little bit more winter…. I want some more winter! Summer just lasts way to long!

  71. I think everyone needs to inject some positive thinking in their lives. I used to say I was here to kick rainbows up people’s behinds. Then I went into a deep funk that I honestly didn’t think I could come out of. Leaving that world of gray and black took one step at a time. A thought like “For today, I have everything that I need.” or “For today, I will enjoy looking at the leaves on the oak tree and see what they can teach me.” Taking time to stop and smell the roses took on a whole new meaning rather than a cliche.

    You’re at a very exciting time of life, and yet it can be very tiring. Just listen to your body, and you’ll do fine. If it says you need a nap, then you need a nap. That’s a positive thing to do. Being positive take a lot of action.

    I’m so glad you mentioned your blog on Facebook. I’ve bookmarked it with other favorite blogs and will keep up with your adventures (and hopefully a few misadventures to keep life interesting! 😉

  72. Valentine’s does help lift our spirits in blah February…especially if you are surrounded by snow and ice (and spear-like icicles.)

  73. Hello!

    I, too, like February because the signs of spring begin to appear. I live in NC, and the bulb flowers are blooming. I enjoy sending valentines to friends and family. The pinks and reds associated with Valentine’s Day make the month that much more fun. Hope that you have a wonderful birthday!


  74. I also have many favorite quotes that I have around the house. A few of mine are,

    An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. Proverbs

    “Don’t be bitter it leads to Botox” quote from the movie The Women

    Quote from the movie Hitch: Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.

  75. I have never thought of February as a favorite month…but I do love me some Valentines Day! July is mine…MY birthday month and since I am over the hump of the funky 40…this year I can enjoy the 40’s with a birthday #41! Be blessed Jane!
    Kelli Van Ess

  76. I have never thought of February as a favorite month…but I do love me some Valentines Day! July is mine…MY birthday month and since I am over the hump of the funky 40…this year I can enjoy the 40’s with a birthday #41! Be blessed and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jane!
    Kelli Van Ess

  77. Jane,
    What great words of inspiration. I feel like I am out of my funk from the weekend too.
    I have always greatly admired people who are able to articulate so well.
    Keep the words coming!
    Love Pink too btw
    Best Wishes

  78. I agree. Last year was definitly a rocky year for me, but I vow this year will be a great year and I will make it through it and not get worked up about everything, instead just work throught it and be thankful for what I have.

  79. I just discovered “Mrs Perfect” and I am loving it! I can’t put it down, can’t stop thinking about it. I see myself and my friends as different characters in the book, and wonder why it is so hard for people to just “BE”. Why are we so afraid to just be and why do we make it so difficult for others to just “BE”? One positive thing about every passing year is that I have become less concerned about what people think. I do things more because I want to and less because of others expectations. If we could all just love each other and support each other with our different burdens how much happier would this world be. Thanks for this boost for my journey of self-discovery. I am trying to shed the layers of years of unconsciously being Mrs. Perfect!

  80. So funny Jane I just posted to your Blah and Blah… thinking I was right on time. I didn’t read all the posts just a few hear and there after I posted…I realized I was a day late… I swear my prego brain helps me cry at commercials, and forget major holidays. PINK a color I don’t get alot of at my house… Extecting boy #3 I don’t plan to see alot in the near future, but My coat is pink and all my bags have some kind of pink…just becouse it’s beautiful…not becouse it’s pink. Happy everything…the sun is peaking out but I’ve learned that we have to trade that for a rainy day in june…to get the sun to come out in february 🙂

  81. You included awesome quotes–I like that! I have believed in the law of attraction and positive thinking and the Secret for quite a while now. I am positive that what we think is what we become–negative or positive. I believe that we are the creators of our own lives and that we can manifest a lot, more than we realize. Happy February!!

  82. From one Aquarian to another, Happy Birthday!

    I have long believed that most people are a self-fulfilling prophecy, so what you think, say, do, you become.

  83. Something good is going to happen to me today! This is posted on a corkboard by my home office desk. It reminds me of how lucky I am and the wonder I have in my life.

  84. Amy, poster #100, you are the winner of the In The Pink Contest. Congratulations! I’m awed and amazed that so many of you took time to comment. Thank you to all! Amy, if you could please shoot me a private email with your mail address I’ll get the princess tote bag and goodies out in the next mail!



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