Historic Jefferson

Jefferson, Texas has a population of 2,000, a historic downtown, a famous ghost walk, and alligator on some menus.  Now I’m not much for alligator (I can’t even stomach chicken or beef right now) and I’m not about to do a ghost walk without Surfer Ty, but I can appreciate the incredible history and architecture of this East Texas town.

Nearly every building in Jefferson is historic and I can’t get over the wealth of beautifully preserved houses, hotels, and stores.  Many of the buildings date to the 1850’s and my jaw drops as I drive the virtually empty streets–amazing house, amazing house, amazing house.  Everything is just so cool.  Some of the Victorian mansions have been lovingly restored.  Others are available for sale.  There are also mansions with huge columns and porticos and mansions with big lots and then other houses on lots that look as if they were subdivided one too many times.  But this is a history lover’s paradise and I could almost live here.  Almost.  Except it’d make that flight to Hawaii even longer and right now I want to be closer to Surfer Ty, not further away.

The Pulpwood Queens Girlfriend Weekend is in full swing, too.  I’m staying at the very comfortable and incredibly charming Delta Street Inn and enjoying visiting with the terrific guest authors staying here, too.   I’ve bought a ton of books to bring home and am looking forward to speaking tomorrow at one and then its a drive back to the airport in Shreveport, Louisana and a couple flights back home.  It was a lot of traveling for 2 days but so worth it.  I’ll share more once I’m home, but in the meantime, tell me what you’re doing and if you’ve got any plans for the weekend.  I have a fun prize package from Hawaii to give away, including your choice of one of my books.  So bring me up to speed and hopefully you’ll win!  The contest will close Saturday night midnight and I’ll post the winner’s name on Sunday.  Good luck!


  1. Sounds like you’re having a fun weekend. It is bitter cold in the Midwest, so we’re hunkering down and staying inside to keep warm. I’m actually trying to get a lot of admin work done that I’ve been putting off- both for my business and volunteer life! Safe travel home!

  2. I hope you have a great weekend!

    It’s probably gonna be a busy one for us. We’re looking to buy our first house, so we’re going house hunting.

  3. I always try to get too much done over the weekends. I brought home work but I also want to finish reading Jane Austen’s Persuasion. Oh yeah, I had also wanted to go see the movie with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson but it’s not playing in the local theater (it is playing about 25 miles away though). But the truth is, I rarely know what I’m going to do for the weekend until it’s over. 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

  4. Jane,

    I just found out that my candle party is cancelled for tomorrow night but in all honesty, I really need to clean my house for my inlaws to come over on Sunday since we never did Christmas with them yet…oops. And I wasn’t getting a good vibe from the hostess for this candle party anyway, so I really don’t think it’s much of a loss. Have a wonderful weekend!! I have actually always wanted to go to Texas. There are so many places I would love to see right here in the US and sooner or later, I will.

  5. TRying to stay warm it is about 1 degree here. I have been working all week long and tomorrow my kids have basketball games. Right now we are getting ready to watch a movie, we are waiting for our 3 year to pick the movie.

  6. I get to spend my long weekend running kids to baseball practice. Not too bad but I am hoping to get a little me time in too. Perhaps a hot bath and lunch with my son will be the highlight.

    Have fun in Texas. It is one of my favorite places to visit.

  7. Hi Jane! Sounds like you are having a great time! I get FINALLY to have Saturday & Sunday off, so I am going to just be happy to be at home. And stay warm. Last night it was -14, not kidding, with a wind chill of -35. IN OHIO. What the heck?!?!?! So I will be glad to stay indoors & thaw out this weekend! HA!

  8. Hi, Jane:

    I enjoyed reading all about Jefferson, TX in your blog. My weekend plans involve having fun with my two grandsons ages 6 and 3 who are staying over while their parents are redecorating the oldest one’s bedroom. We just finished dinner and we’re watching Wall-E while snacking on warm chocolate chip cookies. Perfect evening since it’s going down to 9 degrees here in PA tonight. Tomorrow morning will begin with Nana’s special chocolate chip pancakes, then more visiting and playing with their favorite new toys – Transformers. My husband is an overgrown kid and they play well together. After that, whatever we do, it will be indoors snug and warm. Enjoy the rest of your time in Texas. Safe travel back to Washington

  9. Going to brunch with a good girlfriend and watching my daughter’s basketball game. It’s about 1 degree here so going outside this weekend is not as inviting as hunkering down by a fire.

  10. It’s my Mother-in-law’s 65th birthday this weekend, so we’re having a little weekend get-away to the farm for the party.

    Looking forward to spending some time outside in the +7 celcius weather after weeks of -30 C…

    Have fun in Texas!

  11. Wow, Jefferson sounds beautiful. I’ll bet there’s lots of gorgeous wrap-around porches on those houses: an inviting place to catch a cool breeze. Enjoy a glorious 48 hours in Jefferson…

    Our town has a beautiful historic area, but it’s pretty small. Tustin was settled in the late 1800’s as the stop between Los Angeles and San Diego for people to rest their horses and stay the night. Funny, we can drive that in a few hours now!!

    This weekend the kids are having a sleepover at Aunt Mo’s house. She’s the best sister-in-law ever and they love going there. That means hubby and I can enjoy a date on Saturday night. Whoo hoo! We’re going to a great BBQ restaurant here in Tustin and then to see Gran Torino. I think I’ll dig into their rooms to relieve them of the papers and “treasures” that seem to have taken permanent residence here.

    There’s no school on Monday and the weather is warm, warm, warm. Maybe a bike ride or something relaxing!

    Take good care and a safe trip home.

  12. Like a lot of others, trying to stay warm. It was -7 here in my part of Ohio when I headed into work this morning. It “warmed up” to a whopping 7 degrees by the end of the work day. Hoping to take the kids to see Bedtime Stories at the local theater this weekend if we feel like braving the cold.

  13. Plan to sleep in, take a hike to the top of Tiger Mt., eat pizza and watch a movie Sat. night. Sunday, sleep in, take a walk (no big climb) see my sister who is in town, do some shopping together and have dinner with her. Monday on MLK Jr day I want to go somewhere to celebrate his day because with the next day his “dream” becomes reality with the inauguration. Times are tough, but the miracle of no one seriously injured thanks to be smart flying of the US Airways pilot, and the hope of a new administration taking over uplifts me so that this weekend I am feeling better than in a while and feeling JOY.

  14. Jane,

    Sounds like you’re enjoying Texas. We need a girls weekend here in Seattle. Just sitting here with a fire going. Planning on staying in for the weekend. Reading, watching a movie or two and watching Football on Sunday.

    Have a safe trip home.

  15. Hi Jane – sorry to say this to everyone over there, but it is so so very hot here in NZ. The weather here is very muggy and humid at the moment.
    I’m catching up on some reading this weekend.
    Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip 🙂

  16. Hi Jane!

    The only plans I have for the weekend are to stay indoors and not go out in the below zero degrees temperatures. Brrr!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  17. Hi Jane! Unfortunately I have to work all weekend. Other than that, I’m just going to stay inside and try to keep warm. Enjoy Texas and have a safe trip home!

  18. My weekend plans have changed somewhat since the phone call a few hours ago. I have 6 days off after having worked five 12 hr. night shifts. One of the workers called to ask if I’d work Sunday days(12 hrs.)for her because her Dad is having emergency surgery tomorrow, Saturday. I said ‘yes’ so plans changed a bit. I still would like dh and I to go out to the local restaurant for a meal.
    Have a great weekend.

  19. The four of us have come down with slight, northwest colds…yeechk! Lots of delicious reading, lounging in front of the fireplace, and relaxing is on this weekend’s agenda.
    A trip to Home Depot, and Bed Bath and Beyond…and maybe, my favorite, Barnes and Noble.

  20. Well this weekend I am doing laundry, helping kids clean guinea pig cages and trimming pets toenails. I know its much too glamorous for some people but someone has to lead this exciting life. Why not me?
    Have a great weekend!

  21. Another cold weekend…

    Mostly organizing the house, clearing off the DVR and watching my netflix movie. Anyone seen Definitely, maybe? I am hoping it is a good one.

  22. It’s below zero and windy here, so I’ll keep myself busy inside aas much as possible. A basket with a tropical theme would be just the thing! Debbie

    Safe travels

  23. Hi Jane,

    I’m glad your have a good time in Texas. I unfortunetly have to work the early shift all weekend, ewww 6am -2 pm. It’s been cold here for us, so I had to break out the winter jacket and ice scrapper for the early mornings. Have a safe trip home.


  24. I just enjoyed some yummy blueberry coffee and am awaiting the arrival of my two best friends form Washington DC. I woke up early with excitement about their visit. We’re going to have a relaxed lunch and then go wedding dress shopping. My best friend and I got engaged just one month apart. Tonight we’ll have a nice dinner with wine and tomorrow I’ll spend sometime showing them around after a long, late, brunch. Monday I am off and plan to read the day away! Can’t wait to hear about your weekend, Jane!

  25. Gosh Jane the usual…ball games ball games ball games. You know with four boys, I no longer have my own weekend.
    I love it though! I wouldn’t have it any other way!!
    I love those small towns. Have fun.

  26. Jane-
    Texas is a wonderful state to enjoy and the people are warm and friendly too. I lived there twice in my life and would go back in a heartbeat!
    About this weekend! My family and I will spend time at the USAFA supporting the Cadets and their sports. Such fantastic kids! And a drive throught the Rockies is on the list. So, it is a fun weekend planned at our house!
    Safe travels back home!

  27. Good morning Jane,

    I am spending the day at a writers meeting and the evening at a race banquet for my son. He’s receiving and award!!!! Tomorrow I may be attending a Bridal Show with my sister in-law who is newly engaged. And then back to work on Monday.

    Enjoy your trip and have a safe trip home.



  28. I’m off to my 10 year old son’s basketball game and then to work at 3:00. It’s my weekend to work, so not a lot of plans after this. Have a safe a uneventful flight home. That seems like a long flight when you are pregnant!

    Take care,


  29. Hi Jane, sounds like a great weekend for you. It is very cold here and has been all week. I am planing on spending today cleaning the house and tomorrow I am going to work on a quilt that I am making. That about takes care of my weekend. It is to cold to get out and do anything.

  30. I love historic towns and Jefferson, TX sounds amazing! Sounds like you are having a great time!
    My Emma had puppies about a month ago and we have visitors constantly wanting to see them and hold them. So-this weekend isn’t any different than the past 3 weekends with visitors coming in and out. No sense in really cleaning because I have 5 puppies running around making a huge mess. I clean where I can and when I can right now! LOL

  31. Sounds like your having a fun time Jane! It is the same thing for me this weekend, taking care of my once again sick children. I can’t wait until they have their immune systems built up better!! Until then, I am here with tissue and medicine hanging out with them on the couch!

  32. Hi Jane,

    Wow, Jefferson sounds so beautiful, it’s nice to live vicariously through you…..

    I love the word “hunkering”, it brings so many wonderful, warm, family thoughts to mind.

    I’m spending my weekend enjoying the last few days with our golden retriever “chile”, as he’s got a fast-growing cancer that was just detected a week ago. I’m heartbroken. I’m celebrating his love, warmth and good nature tho and trying to look at it with different eyes, so it’s not all bad. I’m just enjoying his life with him right now. He’s such a trooper, I love him.

    I’m hoping you post pics of Jefferson! Have a great trip!

  33. Hi Jane, hope you’re enjoying your weekend. I could use a little warm weather right now…brrr….it’s in the single digits here. Soup, cookies, crocheting hats, watching DVDs is the plan for the weekend.

  34. My plans for the weekend include spending time with my mother- in- law, who’s in town visiting. I have also invited my teenage son’s girlfriend to join us and meet Nana for the first time. Our plan is to catch up, snack, and play our favorite games (most of them Nana “introduced” to us years ago!). Since she’s been very ill for some time now, I’m sure that today will hold happy memories for all of us to keep close to our hearts. AND…since we live on the Central Coast of CA and it’s been 80 degrees here (sorry to brag!), I’m certain that much of our visiting will be outside enjoying the glorious “winter?” day.

    Sounds like you are having a great time in Texas. Look forward to hearing all about it on your return.


  35. Me again. Joined Facebook a week ago and have to say I love it – especially for touching base with old friends from your past. Such a stress reliever. I just received an e-mail from a childhood friend in England who I have known since I was 4. I had not been in contact with Joan for a few years and it seems she suffered a stroke in September 2007 which has left her weak, but still able to speak. My father suffered a massive stroke at the young age of 53 – my age as of two weeks ago. He lost the ability to speak and was paralyzed on his right side for the next 16 years. I feel so fortunate to have low blood pressure and good health and am even more thankful when I hear news such as this. I wish Joan all the best for a full recovery. She will be in my thoughts and prayers until we see each other again – hopefully soon. It’s been 15 years.

  36. right now i am relaxing while the little one sleeps…then off to my parents for a visit, then i am going to a gathering tonight w.some gal pals! should be fun, but i dont know how i will feel tomorrow! we have a couple’s dinner we will be attending. bff threatened me to not bail on her…then that is about all back to work on monday….

  37. It is too cold to really do anything so me and the boyfriend are having friends over this weekend to watch football and of course I have to take care of the appetizers. LOL
    Hope you are having a great time!!

  38. Jefferson sounds amazing! I love the charm of historical towns. I’m really intrigued by the architecture of these beautiful old southern home. Just thinking about all that the walls of these homes have seen.
    I’m enjoying a Saturday night at home with my husband, complete with movies and pizza. I hope that you had a pleasant flight home.

  39. I’m going to be scrapbooking all night with one of my best friends! And tomorrow I am going wedding dress shopping with my sister (she is planning on getting married this June)

  40. It’s my birthday weekend! I just turned 46. So I will be doing what I want to do this weekend! Have a great time!
    Amy Fendley

  41. Glad you are having a great weekend! Last night we went to my hubby’s work Christmas Party that was postponed. We always have a great time and we got to see his co-workers do some singing (Holiday songs, but American Idol style. It was very entertaining.) Today we spent the day getting ready for our trip to Disney on Monday. We have lots of stuff to pack and get ready…and the girls are VERY excited!

  42. Hi Jane,

    Sounds like you’re having alot fun!

    I went out and did some shopping. Now I’m staying home because it is SO cold out!
    But I do plan to have fun, cuddling up and reading and watching movies and videos.


  43. Today I went to see Slumdog Millionaire and then went grocery shopping only to find out we didn’t have our debit card and they wouldn’t take a credit card. Had to drive all the way back home and back again. Tomorrow I have a funeral to go to.

  44. Hi Jane,

    Sounds like you are having a great time in Texas. I have been to Plano for work, but that is it. My great grandfather was from Sweetwater, Texas and I have been told that we probably have a lot of family still there. Doesn’t it is sound like a cool place to visit…

    My sister just found out the she is pregnant with her 3rd child today. So I am spending the day being really excited and happy for her, but sad at the same time. I am sad because I live in California and she lives in North Carolina and I will probably not be able to be with her when the baby is born. When she had her first 2 children, she was living in Modesto, so our mom and I were there. Since then, our mom has passed away and my sister and I have grown really close. So, here hoping to making it to North Carolina in time.

  45. Sounds like your having a fun weekend Jane! It is so cold and windy here in the NW….which I know you are use to! I am just staying inside where it’s warm and doing some cooking and cleaning, real exciting stuff! 🙂

  46. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I wish I could have a getaway! =) Well, I am off to read that is my getaway for now. Night and take care.

  47. Hi Jane!
    Not a very exciting weekend here. I live in Washington State and I can say I was happy to see the sun peek out for a about 1/2 hour before daylight was lost. It was great to see. Other than that it was house cleaning today and time with my daughter and husband. Enjoy your weekend!

  48. Jane, Jefferson sounds like a lovely town.
    Where I live we have many old historical mansions and plantation houses located in the area.

    I spent part of my weekend being a taxi for the kids.
    Later this afternoon me and the hubby went out of town and went out to eat to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.
    I also did some shopping.

  49. I wish I had an exciting weekend to write about, but far from it. My husband and son both had some time off from work right after New Year’s Day and they decided to tackle a much-needed and awesome chore of cleaning out our over-stuffed attic. They brought down umpteen boxes of “stuff” for me to go through and decide what goes where. Fun? Hardly. I envy you your trip to Jefferson, Texas. I have seen some of the beautiful homes in East Texas and they are such fun to see…definitely more interesting that today’s modern homes.

  50. Sounds like you are having a wonderful warm weekend! I am once again watching the snow come down. It is beautiful but I want the hazy, hot, humid weather back! My oldest child is leaving for a semester in France in a few days so this weekend we are helping her with last minute shopping and packing. I can’t beleive I won’t see her until June! I tear up everytime I think about it but at the same time I am so excited for her!

  51. The contest winner for the Hawaii goodies (which includes a signed book–your choice of my titles–, Kona coffee, the cutest blue sarong and more is #25 Aimee C. So Aimee, shoot me a private email with your mail address and the book you’d like me to autograph for you. Congrats and it is sooooo good to be home. I’m tired!!

    Jane Porter

  52. Beautiful Jane,
    I did not get a chance to say goodbye, alas, as I have a lot to say to you. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met and I understand everything and then some. You have now endeared the Pulpwood Queens to your tremendous fan base and are welcome back at anytime with welcome arms.
    For those of you that would like to know more about Girlfriend Weekend, go to http://www.pulpwoodqueen.com or http://www.beautyandthebook.com. For more on historic Jefferson, Texas go to http://www.jefferson-texas.com.
    I would love to talk to you more in person and I agree there is no place like home, there’s no place like home.
    Take care of you and rest and keep me posted on the baby and you and the boys.
    Love forever, tiara wearing and book sharing,
    Kathy L. Patrick
    The Pulpwood Queen

  53. Hi Jane!

    I’m glad you enjoyed Jefferson. I made my family take me there for a day trip last year for my birthday and had a great time.
    It’s also beautiful at Christmas – they decorate with a ton of lights. It’s a very charming place.

    I hope you’ll make the trip again sometime. I’d have loved to see you, but we unexpectedly had to make a trip 600 miles north. We got home yesterday and are thankful to be back in the warm weather and sunny skies and grateful for all our blessings.

    ‘Wishing many blessings to you and your family too.

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