A Good Day

It’s a good day!  I slept soooo good last night–woke only once or twice–and slept right until the alarm went at seven instead of up at four and then at five and then at six. 

The carpenters are back, putting on the trusses today for the boys new room and bath (we had to add a room so baby would have somewhere to go) and its sunny for them, or at least not raining, and that’s a huge plus.

I heard from one of my best friends this morning that she received an email earlier this morning with an offer to buy her manuscript.  This is to a top notch publisher, which would open all new doors, and I’m dying to share all the incredible details but I can’t.  I promised her I’d zip it until she has contract in hand, pub date set and title settled on, but its so so thrilling as this friend has worked very hard and has been such a good, true friend to me.   I was so happy for her on hearing her news that I got goosebumps all over, my scalp literally prickled, and tears filled my eyes.   Talk about a good day!  Champagne all the way around, please.

And then if this weren’t joyous enough, I had an amazing letter from a reader’s husband letting me know why his wife–who enjoys my books and is a reader of my blog–should be a heroine in one of my future books.  This letter was so lovely, and so full of respect and admiration and love for his remarkable wife that I felt like I’d just experienced the true meaning of Valentine’s Day.  Not goopy pink hearts and chocolates (although I am a sucker for both…) but love, respect, tenderness and pride.  His letter fairly burst with pride at all she had accomplished as a woman, a wife, and mother.  It was one of the best things I’ve read in ages and rereading now brings fresh tears to my eyes.  All women should have such a strong, confident man in their corner.  What a good man.  What a wonderful woman.  What a great day.

Tell me something good–one thing good, anything good–and you’ll be entered in my Good Day contest.  It’s a one day contest and I’m giving away my favorite cookies in the world from www.cherylandco.com (so yum, yum, trust me!!), plus a signed book from your choice of my books and other JP goodies.  I’ll announce the winner tomorrow morning and you have until midnight tonight to post a good thing to be entered in the drawing. 

So keep my glowing mood going.  Tell me something good!


  1. well one more day til fri and my dh and i are going to go out for dinner & staying in the city. i cant wait to have this special time for each other. he has been working a ton lately and we havent seen too much of each other…so this is going to be special. we will leave the little one w.my mother-in-law! i cant wait 🙂

  2. My house is clean and my to-do list is done for the day! I have almost a full hour to read before picking up the kids and running a few errands. That is a good thing! 🙂

  3. Jane,

    I just noticed part of your giveaway is Cheryl & Company cookies. I thought those were an Ohio secret! lol We used to live there and love Cheryl’s cookies.

    Have a great day!

  4. My children woke up giggling this morning (they are not morning-people!)…it’s always a beautiful way to start my day!

  5. This morning (while it was still dark outside)there was a Blue Jay bird in my garage sitting on my husbands truck. I wonder if this is a sign for good luck.

    Also,the sky is blue and the sun is out with temps in the 70’s today.

    Jane, sounds like everything is Happy on your side of the country.

  6. Tonight have a good friend coming over to have warm chocolate cookies/milk and watch Grey’s & Private Practice. It has become a weekly tradition and I look forward to it every week. She is also letting me borrow all 4 of her books from the Twilight Series! I feel like the only one who has not read it yet.

  7. I’ve been stuck in San Diego all week in a training class. While the class has been interesting and it’s a fun group of people, I’m very anxious to get home to my husband (and my own bed) in Bellevue! The best thing about being away is coming home. And every day that you learn something new is a GOOD DAY!! Take care, Jane!

  8. Well, here in Arizona we have finally had enough rain to fill some of our lakes. Yeah, now we can go fishing this summer or just boating for pleasure.
    And another good thing, my husband said he would forego roses for me and get me a gift certificate to a bookstore for Valentine’s Day- yeah

  9. We are redoing the floor in the computer room and it should be done this weekend. It will be so exciting to get everything back in that room. Congratulations to your friend on that great accomplishment!

  10. School was closed today due to power outages from high winds last night and today. We got sent home from work after being there only a few hours due to the power being out there. So I got to spend the day at home with my kids. And this means they have a five-day weekend since no school tomorrow because of school conferences and no school Monday because of President’s Day. So they are in a very good mood. 🙂

  11. Jane,
    I took a tour of the Candle Company that I am a distributor for today with my 2 children and then we went for lunch on the way home. I met the owner who was just amazing and toured the factory and saw how everything is made. When I arrived home with my order I talked to Kari on the phone. For once, I heard her voice instead of typing to it. She gave me fabulous advice to start building my team and just made my day better…I was thinking my day could not get any better already. But it did!! Hope your day is great still too!!

  12. I drove to Portland which if four hours from my home to get the headlamp on my Audi fixed….found out it’s still under warranty which will save me a bundle! Get to visit with my boyfriend too!

  13. This weekend we will be attending the Italian Movie Festival in town which I look forward to greatly. Time with my husband and a foreign film which I appreciate.

  14. Looking forward to watching the new Joss Whedon series, Dollhouse, tomorrow night.
    Both of the younger children will be gone tomorrow, so it will be some private time for the husband and myself.

  15. Today was bright, sunny, warm and very much not winter weather here in central southwest Texas. I refilled the sunflower seeds in the bowl on the patio as well as the water dish and put out a new ear of corn for the frequent visiting squirrels and bird ‘critters’. Low and behold while I was on the patio a small young squirrel came within 3 feet of me and waited patiently until I finished setting the ‘table’ then she feasted until her little belly was buldging! Made me feel good that something so simple that I did could mean so much.

    Healthy Happy 2009!


  16. What a great day Jane! 🙂 We wanted to go play in the sun, but it was just a little too cold, plus we still have a little snow/ice in our yard, so after playing for about three minutes, we gave up and came back inside!

    My good thing (in a round-about way):

    My hubby and I have been dating/married for over 15 years! We were high school sweethearts, waited to get married until I was all the way through school and then we got married (7 years of dating, and I was the one with cold feet!). Yeah! Now we’ve been married for over 8 years and have a beautiful two-year-old boy who is the light of our eyes!

    The thing with us is that I think we’ve gotten into too many bad habits and started taking each other for granted. I read a book called The Husband Project (non-fiction), and started doing the 21 day challenge on Monday. 4 days in, and my attitude is completely different. I find myself thinking of my hubby throughout the day – – – all day! After being nice and doing small things according to the book, he’s coming home with a smile on his face, spending more time with me (we played dominoes last night), and he left me a message on the table in using the dominoes this morning that said “I LUV U” – (I was so touched that I put a picture of it with a blurb on my blog!).

    Needless to say, this new-found appreciation for my significant other, and the difference in how he is treating me after just 3 full days of the Projects, is my good thing for this week! I feel like I’m glowing!

    🙂 Glad to hear things are going well, and hope the construction of the boys room goes really well!


  17. Your day does sound wonderful. One good thing for me today is that I am all set for a big closing tomorrow so I can make payroll and pay bills this week!

  18. I got a good medical report from my doctor today, a big relief.
    I am so happy you had such a wonderful day Jane!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  19. It was not below 0 here in VT – it was actually in the 40s! Plus, I just learned that my workplace will be closed for the holiday on Monday! What a delightful surprise! Debbie

  20. Jane… was that my husband?? heehee! He would totally do that!!

    I had a great day! Chatted with Cindy today and laughed and laughed. She is a delightful person and I’m so happy to know her… because of YOU!

  21. I am so happy you are having a wonderful day Jane! My day has been good too. My daughters and I are going to bake some Valentines Day cookies to give out to friends and family!

  22. Tons of things that are good, but most of all my hubby is not going on deployment! We are going to spend Valentines Day cruising the North Shore on the Harley and having a picnic on the beach!!!

  23. I’ve had a sore on my leg for over 6 weeks. The wrap on it was changed today, an its almost healed. By Mon. I should be able to shower again. I can’t wait.
    It’s the greatest news for me.

  24. I am starting a four-day weekend! My daughter who was sick last night has not thrown up all day! I am healthy, for now! I was able to give little valentine notes to all the people at my work today, it was fun to see them smile as they got them from their mailboxes. It didn’t snow today. Thanks for making me take the time to reflect on all that really is good about my life today.

  25. The Good Day contest.. I had a really good day for the little girl I take care of her name is Maddie, she took her first step by herself, she turned a year old on sunday, I took a video for her mom and dad. Carole fiore-abshire

  26. I love this… Sometime good. I am going to stay in a cabin this weekend with some good friends and I can’t wait. Going to sit around and relax and just enjoy the wonderful world without any stresses…. even if it’s only for a weekend, it’s going to be great!

  27. The sun cam out here, and the mountains are full of snow!! It warmed my heart and reminded me of Mt. Rainer, and all my good memories!And my niece is due with her first baby ANY day!! A new life!! Is there anything better than that??

  28. Jane,
    Wonderful news about your friend! It’s always great to get news like that!

    One good thing, just made Giradelli brownies and cut them into the shape of hearts in honor or V-Day! They look so cute and are very tasty – wish I could share one with you!


  29. Wtg jane I bet you felt really refreshed this morning. A good thing that happened today is that my work day is over and I am off for the next 2 days and I get to spend it with my hubby and children. My son got a A+ on a timed math test today ( which is a wonderful accomplishment).

  30. Good things, hmmm,
    1 Met with my critique partners and one thanked us for being there for her. We all passed hugs around the group of four.

    2 Saw a former student at the grocery store. I taught her 25 years ago and she recognized me as I walked by. Since I’ve gained some pounds and added some gray hair, that made me feel good.

  31. Well it has been a great day for me as well! My daughter turned 5 years old today, so I took the day off to spend it with her! My husband & I are spending Valentine’s Day with our friends for their annual Valentine’s Party! Can’t wait for the weekend ahead!! Happy Valentine’s Everyone!!

  32. Well first of all, I just want to say how Proud and Lucky I am to have such a Beautiful Little Girl. She is My Angel. Thank you God for giving me My Taylor. I Love being her Mom, and she is very special to Me. Second I found out at work today that a fellow co-worker and his wife became proud parents of a little girl from Russia. There family is now complete and the can bring her home next weekend. What a way to start off there Valentine weekend. God Bless.

  33. My husband works away but he will be home for Valentines and we are making heart pizzas with the kids! I am so happy, as I am a true homebody at heart.

  34. Survived torrential rain storms today and looking forward to–I can’t believe I’m saying it–SNOW. I hate rain in the middle of winter. I hate the dirty snow that remains in high piles at the end of driveways. But best of all, kids all have plans this weekend, so it’s a true Valentine’s Day for my husband and me.

  35. I am going to have a great Saturday; first a 40th birthday get together in the afternoon and then in the evening, a movie “date” with two girlfriends. I am lucky, too, that my husband doesn’t mind not having to do a big Valentine’s Day deal, but we will have a special breakfast Sunday and depending on the weather, do something fun. Best of all, Monday is a holiday!
    Wow! That makes 3 good things, but I couldn’t stop.

  36. Well, we have been camping in the desert outside of Yuma, Arizona and we had a sudden death in the family (in Northern Michigan). We had to make immediate plans to leave.
    A couple that we knew (a bit) came forward to look after our Australian Shepherd, for 2 weeks.

    It was a total gift. We didn’t have to worry and certainly the dog would be well looked after with a family, as opposed to a kennel.

    We were very happy with the sudden and unexpected kindness of our camping neighbors.

    Love arrives in many different ways.

    Now we are back for Valentine’s
    Day and we are taking them out for a fancy dinner.

  37. Our tax appointment which was scheduled for Saturday was cancelled. Yipee! Now I can spend Valentine’s Day with my husband over a nice dinner instead of us both sitting in front of a tax man working on our return.

  38. ONE GOOD THING LEADS TO ANOTHER! We recently had to banish cable from our house (you know, until jobs come in!) and it has been an exciting time. My husband is getting more done around the house, my kids (ages 4-18) are spending time playing board games, hanging together, my 4 year old daughter and I are playing more dolls and dress up and I’m actually forced to read more! I really enjoy reading now, thanks to Jane and I am looking forward to more and more adventures—from kids books to romance books! Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  39. Hi Jane!

    I finally got over a cold that I had this past week, and I feel great now! Hooray!!!

    I’m glad your day was so good! 🙂

  40. My daughter is coming home for spring break in a month! That is a VERY good thing! She’s a freshman at Boston U, and I really, really miss her.

  41. I’m glad you had a good day, Jane!

    We have planned a cruise to Nassau, Freeport, and Grand Bahama Island for March when the kiddos are out for Spring Break. It will be the first cruise the kids have been on, and we all are so excited!

  42. My mother works for the housing department of a city in Michigan. One of the things she does is help find housing for people with a financial need, sometimes with extenuating circumstances that make it hard to find them an apartment or rental home (ie. emotional, psychological, substance abuse). Many people will not rent to them or they have been evicted from places already. She reminded me today that there are still many good, big-hearted people out there who are willing to accept others “where they are”, and go the extra mile to help these people have a warm, safe, home to live in. She has many landlords on a list who are willing to do just that! In times like these, it is great to share examples like this with others! And as a side note, my Mom’s job is more than just a job to her. She truly cares for each one of these individuals. I believe if she could, she would take any one of them in herself if she couldn’t find a place for them. She always teases me that I’m ready to take in any “stray”, animal or person. Guess I learned from the best! 🙂

  43. I bought tickets to a comedy show scheduled tomorrow night. I’m going to surprise my husband and treat him to a date. For a bonus, I invited his brother and wife too! It’s all good!! Me

  44. I’m so very glad to hear such good, GOOD, things from you today!

    I heard an good old, bluesy, rock, punk song on the radio today that I never heard on the radio when it was new (The Alarm: Sold Me Down the River) and it made me smile. Now I’m going to crawl into bed with the kitty cats and have Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream – because I love it!

    Have a fantastic, happy weekend full of more good things!

  45. It’s a Good Day because my brother’s eye surgery yesterday went well with him not throwing up for the first time ever after surgery and because my sister’s surgery today went well as far as we know and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

  46. Jane –

    How exciting – I just saw that you are going to be at the Northwest Women’s Show this year! I’ve wanted to go for years, and I think I’ll finally be able to go this year. I see you will be signing books on Sunday – do you think they would mind if I brought a book to have you sign?

    🙂 Wendi

  47. It has been a wonderful day for me too. My friend underwent a major surgery to remove her cancerous tissues. She is doing well and everything looks good so far! I couldn’t have asked for anything better!

  48. Great to hear all the happenings! I am taking my kids to Sea World tomorrow (kids have a 4-day weekend from school) with my sister. It might rain but we’re looking forward to a great time. I love spending time with my little sis (by 12 years) and we all love Sea World San Diego.
    Happy Weekend to you!!

  49. We had sunshine all day today and this is good because lately it has been ice storms, snow storms and rain storms with high winds and today was beautiful! I have my power back on again!

  50. Well, my baby turned 16 years old today and I could not be happier that I am here to celebrate it with him. I just celebrated my 10th anniversary of my bone marrow transplant and I am grateful that I get to see them growing up.

  51. One good thing: Quite simply Life IS Good! Family, friends, health, peace, contentment. No matter what is going on in the world large or small with the right attitude life is good!

  52. My one good thing is, I have a date with a man I meet online and we are going out to eat and dancing. So I am very excited and hope it goes well!!!Just going to have fun

  53. Hi Jane! I saw an old friend today that I haven’t seen in years. We had lunch and talked for hours. It was a good day! So glad to hear your day was good too!

  54. I’m in my third week of radiation for my benign brain tumor and the fatigue isn’t nearly as bad as I anticipated – I’m still able to run and to plan events, so I’m feeling great!

  55. Hi Jane. This Valentine I am finaly going to have my husband as my Valentine. It is the first ever so we are pretty excited about that.

  56. Hello!
    I have a male friend who is about to be a daddy for the very first time. He was originally just ho-hum about the whole ordeal and as the days have drawn closer you can just see how he has changed. He has been asking his fellow female co-workers about child bearing issues and what to expect. And of course, regretting it every time! To see him cover his ears, grimise and walk away with a faint detection of eeewwwwww, is so much fun. He has laughed with us and has learned more than he ever bargained to. In spite of this, each day his smile seems to grow, his step a little lighter and a pure, sincere joy radiates from him. He knows they are having a little girl. With that he has vowed to not let her date until age 30, make her a Cubs fan, and not let her get away with anything. Well I think he may succeed with making her a Cubs fan.

    Today was his last day as he is also going on ‘maternity’ leave as the due date is tomorrow. He is beaming with joy and pride. When you talk about his baby he just giggles and gets all jittery. What a great dad he will be. What a lucky little girl!

  57. Today’s good things:

    I have food in my belly, a roof over my head, a car to drive, good health, family, love…

    My daughter is a beautiful, funny, intelligent child who makes my world a brighter place to live every day…

    I got 6 cases for my youth court, up from 2 last month (helps pay the bills)…

    I have Valentine’s Day chocolate – enough to last a month…

    I have a husband who loves and supports me…

    I have good friends who contact me almost daily to offer their support…

    I could go on, but I wont :> Thanks for the opportunity to get in touch with all the good things in my life.

  58. One good thing…I would have to choose having the support of my spouse. When you have a long day at work, to come home and have him waiting for you with dinner ready and just being able to spend quality time together. It’s these moments that I treasure and gets me going through my day.

  59. can’t wait for tomorrow. seeing “go dogs go,” having a valentine’s day party, and watching charlie brown with my first graders! my own kids are looking forward to spending time in the snow with just dad (i can’t stand being cold) and two close friends had major surgery this week and came through with flying colors…what more can a gal ask for?! happy v-day

  60. I could not possibly top your day. How wonderful is that?

    I am not entering because I am making cookies on Valentine’s day with my 2-year-old granddaughter. I think that as wonderful as YOUR cookie gift is, mine will be better. 😉

    I just wanted to share your happy day! And wasn’t the weather amazing today? My daughter and I took a long walk!

  61. Hard to believe this is NEBRASKA this week started out in the 40’s and Wensday topped out at 61, before diving back to 40’s. This a extremely odd winter for us because we usually have ice storm and negative 0 temps is the norm But this feel like April, Spring is coming and I actually back to wearing short and sandals! Have a HAPPY VALENTINES to all and a HAPPY SATURDAY NIGHT to ALL!!!!

  62. I am a very wacky person. i recently told my husband that I didn’t know how he had put up with this wacky person so long and he replied, “I wouldn’t trade my life for anything in the world.” How’s that for being something to be happy about?

  63. I am feeling lucky today because I survived a windstorm that blew the roof off the building I was working in and that my car was not damaged by a tree that fell by my car.

  64. Good morning! Congrats to #74, Tonya Clenney, you are the winner of the delicious Cheryl & Co cookies and a copy of one of my books. Email me privately and send me your address, along with the choice of book and how you want it signed. The cookies will come from Cheryl and the book and JP reader goodies come from me!

    Congrats again and let’s keep holding good thoughts and counting those blessings. (At least I need to to cope with all the bumps!)


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