I Love Mondays

Does anyone else remember the song, I Don’t Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats? I used to love that song, and if you need a memory fresher I found a link on YouTube.

Unlike The Boomtown Rats song, I actually like Mondays because my favorite TV shows are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and then I don’t watch TV again until Monday so tonight means fun shows (I love the worst sort of reality shows and Tuesday is double trouble night where I’ve got two shows to watch…at the same time with The Biggest Loser and American Idol.)

I also like this Monday because I bought three books over the weekend and I now have a small TBR pile next to my bed by authors I adore–Frederica by Georgette Heyer, His Captive Lady by Anne Gracie, and Tempt The Devil, the brand new release from Anna Campbell. Anna Campbell and Anne Gracie both write write historicals withย unforgettable alpha heroes, and they’re bothย Australian authors–as well as good friends of mine–but their style and voice are quite different. I’m a fan of both authors so its doubly delicious to have new books by them next to my bed.

And for those of you who still haven’t seen the Flirting with Forty movie starring Heather Locklear and Robert Buckley, it will air once more onย Lifetime, February 14th, Valentine’s Day, 7 pm ET/PT. So if you haven’t yet seen it, set your DVR now.

To celebrate the Valentine’s Day showing, I’m giving away oneย last movie treat box, packed with popcorn and candy and fun stuff and aย DVD of Sleepless in Seattle so you can have your own chick flick movieย marathon this weekend.ย  Post a comment below to enter. (Contest runs through Tuesday night midnight, winner will be announced Wednesday morning and I’d love to mail the box the same day so you have for the weekend. Tell me what you’re reading now, or what book you’re anxious to read, and you’re in!)


  1. I am reading Desert Prince by Constance O’Banyon and looking forward to reading Anna Campbell Tempt The Devil.

  2. Hello,

    I just read Frederica by Georgette Heyer. I loved it, but then I love most Georgette Heyer books. I am about to start the Nanny by Melissa Nathan. Books are my addiction. There is a Barnes and Noble near where I live. I could spend hours in there and be very happy.

    Happy Reading!

  3. Happy Monday to you!
    First I must tell you our good news! We awoke to snow this morning. It very, very rarely snows here. This will be a great day off with the kids, and a great day for snuggling under a blanket with a good book and something warm to drink.

    I just finished Flirting with Forty. Loved it and cried through it. Chapter 9 hit me like a ton of bricks. You have made me take a step back and start re-thinking a few
    things. I do deserve to be loved.

    Last night I started A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. What a start.

    Next up will be The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. This one I found at Goodwill and it just called to me. Do you ever have books that for some reason or another just beckon to be read? Ok, maybe not LOL. I just find that some books call to be read and I have not yet been disappointed. I’ll have to let you know on this one….

    Thanks for sharing your TBR selections. I love checking out new books.

    Happy reading to all!

    P.S. Where do you find the winners of prior contests? Couldn’t seem to find that.

  4. I’m currently reading Pretty When She Dies by Rhianna Frater (I think I just butchered her first name). It is a self pubbed title – and not like anything I really read.

    In my TBR stack is – if I remember correctly – All I Want for Christmas Is a Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks, Lord Sin by Kalen Hughes, Bleeding Dusk by Colleen Gleason and Oh My Gods by Tera Lynn Childs (which is actually going to be a re-reading.) And I’m waiting for Would-be Witch by Kimberly Frost to show up in my mail box.

    I’m trying to not make my TBR stack (which sits by my bed to huge – so I don’t pick books out until I have nothing left in the stack.)

    The last book I finished was Susan Wiggs’ Fireside. I am so enjoying her Lakeshore Chronicles.

  5. I just read Knit Two by Kate Jacobs and am about to start a book called Shelter Me by Juliette Fay. I love Monday nights because I am such a dork..I love The Bachelor and it is on tonight. My daughter and I hang out and watch together!

    Have a great week!

  6. Hi Jane! I am not currently reading any book, but I do have a stack of magazines about 1-1/2 feet tall that I’m trying to get caught up on…does that count? HA! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Book I am anxious to read:
    Easy On The Eyes (just 5 months away!)

    Currently reading:
    Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger, One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell, Parenting With Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay, and skimming through Harmonic Wealth by James Ray, (I have never been able to read just one book).

  8. As of five minutes ago, I just finished Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen. What an entertaining book. I also just recently finished listening to Twilight on Audio CD. OMG.. I am so in love with this heavenly character Edward! I am afraid to see the movie for fear that my vision of Edward won’t be fulfilled. Gosh, I never knew I could lust so heavily for a fictional character. Must be that 40-something thing. Ha!

  9. Wow, your TBR pile must tower next to your bed (as mine does…I never do find enough time to read!)

    I always loved that Boomtown Rats song — and at one time I think I heard it was based on a real event, but don’t quote me on that, probably just an urban myth.

    And speaking of Flirting with 40, any word on when that will be released on DVD…I am not so patiently waiting in Canada!

    I just started Michael Connelly’s, The Brass Verdict, last night. I go back and forth between mysteries and chick lit!

    Have a good week!

  10. Good Morning to all! I also enjoy Mondays, as they are my day off from work and my husband and kids are usually off at work and school. Plus, I too am a HUGE fan of the Bachelor and can’t wait until evening when I get to watch it every week. Who will he choose?!?

    Currently, I’m reading Rick Warren’s ‘Purpose Driven Life’ (to feed my soul), Robin McGraw’s ‘What’s Age Got to Do With It?’ (to heal my body), and Robyn Carr’s ‘Shelter Mountain’ (to give my heart it’s daily dose of romance!). Of course I am looking forward to ‘Easy on the Eyes’!!
    Enjoying these ‘rainy days and mondays’ here in CA. xoxo mandy

    PS Michelle #7, Check the old blogs and go to the end of the comments. Jane usually posts the winners there.

  11. I just started reading The Bridesmaid and the Billionaire by Shirley Jump. The next book on my list is The Australian’s Society Bride. Have a great day.

  12. Did you see the house from Sleepless in Seattle on the Bachelor last week?? What a cool house!! I work with Naomi from the Bachelor show and she is absolutely nice and so friendly…I just started reading Too Good to be True by Kristan Higgins…

  13. Jane, I love Mondays too due to tv, my show is The Bachelor! I just finished up The Frog Prince and loved it. Next is Twilight, and Odd Mom Out. Which I have heard nothing but good things about both!

  14. I’m reading Blackmailed into Bed by Heidi Betts and can’t wait to read Scandal by Carolyn Jewel. Have a fantstic Valentine’s Day!

  15. Happy Monday to all. I am reading Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts. Looking forward to reading the next Stephanie Plum book by Evanovich which I just ordered. That series always makes me laugh out loud!

    I read a comment from someone responding to you Jane who mentioned chapter 9 in the Flirting with Forty book. I saw the movie and have my DVR set to tape it this time, but it sounds like it’s still worth getting the book.


  16. I Don’t Like Mondays and Oliver’s Army (I would rather be anywhere else but here today)… yup, those were my theme songs every Monday. . .for quite a long time. Almost done with SE
    ‘s What I did for Love. H

  17. It was a long day at work today but not too bad. The book I’m currently looking forward to reading is Tangled in Love by Heidi Betts.

  18. Right now I’m reading Dogs and Goddesses by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart and Lani Diane Rich. And I’m really looking forward to Love With the Perfect Scoundrel by Sophia Nash.

  19. i just finished the twilight series today…so i am in need of a good read. i dont know the band..but i did see flirting w.forty three times now! i have it on our dvr….love it

  20. Enjoyed reading “Flirting with Forty”….just shared the book with my best friend and she is going to read it on her vacation! Would love to win this prize! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. What perfect Valentine’s Day treat! It says it all that Lifetime chose Your Movie to run that night. *hearty applause!*

    And yes, I remember the song. The version from the original Band-Aid concert is my favorite.

    My two books in my Being Read pile are The Alphabet and The Goddess (nonfiction) and T is for Trespass.

    Chiron O’Keefe

  22. My sister missed the original airing and I was saving it on my DVR recordings…but then I had to eliminate cable (big sob!) for awhile for budgeting reasons…now what am I going to do?! Well, she has been waiting to watch it with me so I guess Valentines Day it is. Our husbands don’t like the celebrate that day (even tho they say they love us to pieces). So, we are gonna have a fun night–at her house of course. She still has cable! I am reading a Jane Porter book–something about a Shiek, I think. haha I have a book cover on it so I forget which one it is. It’s just really good!

  23. Hi Jane! I just got home from work. I washed the dishes and did a load of laundry. Now I’m ready to sit down and relax. I’m currently reading The Legacy by TJ Bennett.

  24. I just finished “Angels & Demons” because it is going to be a movie soon. I like “The Da Vinci Code” and think this one is even better. Maybe next I will try one you suggested.

  25. Hi Jane!

    I’m in between books at the moment so I’m getting ready to start a new book. I haven’t decided what yet, but I think it’s gonna be a romantic suspense. So I’m off to search the TBR pile for a good one. Time for some reading fun! Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Monday to you, Jane!!!

  26. I really want to read this memoir called “That went well” by Terrell Harris Dougan. Its about taking care of her mentally challenged sister. I dont usually read sad memoir’s anymore but I believe in fighting for the rights of the mentally challenged so I thought I would give it a read. Plus I gotta read something till your next book comes out!
    Happy Valentines Day!

  27. My TBR pile is HUGE!! I’ve been in a funk with reading- trying to finish American Wife, and finally start Plum Spooky…

    I’m going to check out those authors you mentioned.

  28. is texting getting out of hand? I see kids forgetting how to talk. Sounds like you had a bad neighborhood week. Well you are not alone, there are viper mothers in Sammamish who have raised so many kids without manners.
    Good luck with your baby.

  29. I am so excited that the movie is running again on February 14th. I’ll be sure to tell my friends who missed it the first time.
    I saw the premier and loved it!

  30. Know the song and love it.
    Love to watch House, Fringe, Criminal Minds and laugh myself silly watching Hells Kitchen. Who would seriously set themselves up to such hostility,(I am an AF vet, I survived bootcamp, I know of what I speak…LOL) — the promise of fame and greed do weird things to people. :o)
    Jane and Stephenie Meyer set me on a reading frenzy. I went from someone who never had the time to read, to someone who now cannot go to sleep without getting her reading fix in. THANK YOU JANIE!!!
    My reading pile: re-reading Mrs Perfect, Over the Edge (military/romance) by Suzanne Brockmann, and A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands (vamp/romance, very diff from Twilight, but good).

    peace out

  31. I’m re-reading Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught while Im waiting for the new books I’ve ordered to arrive.

  32. I’m totally loving the romantic mystery series by Julia Spencer-Fleming. I just finished the 2nd one, and am anxious for payday to see if I can afford book 3! I’m so bad at waiting…Debbie

  33. My TBR pile is like the Leaning Tower of Pisa! So many wonderful books waiting to be read, I love it. I am now reading Confessions of a Shopaholic before I see the movie. It’s a light hearted read.

  34. Hi Jane-
    It is exciting to have good books stacked on the nightstand. Right now I am reading Sports Nutrition by Nancy Clark to get my certification in March. I am so anxious to read for fun! I recently talked with a friend and she recommended books by Jodi Pocoult. Ready to read for fun!!!

  35. Jane, I have a TBR pile from the library and a TBR pile from Borders:) I guess I have to get through the library pile first and then work on the Borders one after that. I have recently found the author Susan Wiggs. So I am making my way through her books now. I just haven’t had the time to read:( Thanks for the heads up for Flirting this weekend!! I have been looking for it every weekend!! Sunday, my son turns 5 and we are celebrating his party with his friends this morning at Chuck E Cheese and of course family and friends on Sunday. So it is another busy week for me…probably not too much reading getting done this week either!

  36. Hi Jane,

    My TBR list is as high was my bed, I came back from Girlfriends Weekends with 21 books!!! Yikes. Right now next to my bed I am half way through The Wonder Singer by George Rabasa and next to my recliner is Shellie Tomlinson’s Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On. And I don’t know which stack you are in!
    I loved meeting you. Sharing you life so intimately took such courage! Love to you

  37. Hi Jane,
    Actually I purchased Odd Mom Out a while back and I’m FINALLY about to start reading it. I have read Flirting With Forty so many times I can’t tell you! I just love that book. The movie was great! Can’t wait to watch it AGAIN this weekend. Hope you and your honey have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
    Take care!
    Jill J.

  38. Jane,
    I am so with you on the reality shows – Monday nights The Bachelor, Tuesdays American Idol and Biggest Loser – Soon on Sunday the Amazing Race comes back – love that show – wish I could do that..anyway I love those shows, is that bad? Oh well. I just finished one of your books “The Greeks Royal Mistress” and now I ready to start a new book. Can’t decided between James Patterson’s “Run for your Life” or John Grisham’s “The Associate” – will have to wait until after those reality shows tonight. Have a great day.


  39. Currently reading Confessions of a Shopaholic. It’s very entertaining to say the least. Looking forward to the movie.

  40. Right at this moment I am half way finished reading MY IMMORTAL PROTECTOR by Jen Holling.
    The book I am waiting for I can’t wait for your book Easy On The Eyes to come out.
    I also like the monday night shows,but with scheduling changes the networks made I have conflicting shows. So anywho I have to decide what to watch now and what to watch later.

  41. Anna Campbell, I love her books. I’ve been thinking of our Australian friends (the horrible fires)and how they are doing…..Anna, Trish, Annie, etc. are in my prayers.

  42. We just finished The Shack for our book club. Very thought provoking. We had probably one of our best discussions yet.

    Now I’m going to start Same Kind of Different as Me by Denver Moore and Ron Hall. Looking forward to it. Maybe that will be our next book club read!

    Happy reading, Jane.

  43. My husband and I can actually watch a TV show together on Monday night – “24”. We really enjoy it and it’s nice to have that together time on the couch. I just got done reading the new Patricia Cornwell book” “Scarpetta” – it was dark, but good. On a lighter note, my mom bought me two books by Luanne Rice, so I’m looking forward to reading those. Also, love watching PBS on Sunday nights when they’re airing the Jane Austen series. I just bought Sense and Sensibility -can’t wait to read that too! Have a great week, Jane.

  44. I’m reading How the Other Half Hamptons. I got it to read this summer and it is such a fun beach read! After this I will be reading the Twilight series…finally!

    So many books, so little time!!!

  45. Hmmm…I can’t wait for Flirting with Forty this saturday and I’m reading Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward and Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. I am loving them both and Happy Tuesday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  46. I read an Anna Campbell book that was very good called “Untouched”.

    I am currently reading “Devil In The Dark” by Evelyn Rogers.

  47. Just finished reading Dear Neighbor Drop Dead. It was good!! Made me laugh for sure! Now reading James Pattersons new book, which is hard to put down although sad. About a boy growing up with Tourette’s. Will be ready for something up after this!! Will try my “new” Megan Crane book ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Yikes!! Jane has goofed again and smart reader has corrected the error. I wrote that #37 Debbie had won the contest, which was a typo. #27, Debbie was the winner.

    However, I will send a special prize to #37 (Nancy), #38 (Debbie), and the eagle eye reader (Denise) for catching my snafu. Apologies to everyone that I confused. It’s been a very long long day and I’m having trouble today doing anything right.

    And now…we have a correct winner!

    Comment #27, Debbie, you’ve been picked as the winner for the movie treat box and DVD of Sleepless in Seattle. Please email me with your mail address and I’ll get the box out in the next mail! And the other three ladies, email me with your address and your choices of signed JP novel and I’ll get that out to you along with a couple other special treats. Sorry for the confusion. ๐Ÿ™



  49. I am reading The Glass Castle a memoir and Dance with the moonlight. One is a memoir and one is a historical romance. both great!!

  50. Congrats to the winners!

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Jane – I hope you love reading Frederica! I loved it and have an old trusty copy on my bookshelf!

    I read and review books for my blog, so I’m always reading great books, but recently, I’ve read The Husband Project (non-fiction) and am making my way through all 21 projects to try to make my hubby feel more loved and admired (boy has this been eye-opening for me, and has changed my perspective on a few things so far.). As far as Fiction goes, I’m just starting The Triumph of Deborah by Eva (yikes – I’ll have to go find the book!).

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Wendi

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