1. Hi Jane,

    Congratulations again!! Isn’t he the cutest thing you ever seen !!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures and enjoy that beautiful baby !!

  2. Jane – you and that beautiful baby boy have been in my thoughts since I saw you last Thursday at the basketball game. I am absolutely thrilled for you and Ty. Mac is perfect!

    Blessings to you, Surfer Ty, Jake, son Ty and Mac –


  3. Absolutely Adorable! Many Blessings! I know baby’s looks change- but he’s looking like his daddy right out of the shoot…I love all of his hair! So sweet!

  4. Oh Jane, what an adorable baby! What a wonderfully sweet (even if exhausting) time. Thank you for sharing the photos with us. Best wishes to you, your family and your precious new baby son.


  5. Congratulations Jane and TY!!

    Baby Mac is beautiful!! What a blessing and wonderful happy ending for you and your family. Not really an ending (only to the pregnancy) but…the beginning of a new story. Love it!

  6. Β¨Β°ΒΊΒ€ΓΈβ€žΒΈ β™₯β™₯ ΒΈβ€žΓΈΒ€ΒΊΒ°Β¨So happy for you and Ty. Congratulations again–beautiful photos of a beautiful baby.
    ΒΈβ€žΓΈΒ€ΒΊΒ°Β¨ β™₯ `Β°ΒΊΒ€ΓΈβ€žΒΈβ€žΒΈ

  7. Congrats Jane!! He is gorgeous – just like his momma!! :o) Thanks for sharing. Hope everyone is feeling well.

  8. Jane! What a beautiful family. Congratulations again and bountiful blessings to you all. Thanks fro sharing your happiness with us.

  9. Hi Jane,

    Your new baby is so beautiful. May God continue to bless your family. You are such an inspiration to so many people, including me. We love you very much!

    Sharon & Nathan Bitner
    Winston, Gracie & JJ (the Bulldogs)

  10. He is adorable! And he does look just like his dad! I love the pictures of your family!



  11. I’m bawling my eyes out, he’s just so beautiful and I think he looks like his daddy and big brother Jake a little. How wonderful for all of you. Hugs from Auntie M

  12. Congrats Jane. Mac is just too cute. You look wonderful after having such a handsome boy. Have a great day.

  13. Oh my gosh! What a beautiful family! Baby Mac is gorgeous! Congratulations again! I’m so happy for you and your family!

  14. Aaaaah!! He’s so cute I can hardly stand it. He looks JUST like his daddy; how sweet. Thank you SO much for sharing this with us Jane, you’re the best. I want to cry just looking at these pics; so beautiful and loving. It shows on everyone’s faces, really….

    What a gorgeous family you have. Your big boys are so handsome. They must be so proud of their new baby brother!

    May God Bless you all.
    Shannon in Tustin

  15. Thank you for sharing your pictures with all of us. He looks so much like his Daddy!! What adorable big brothers he has!! And as expected, you look gorgeous and radiant after your delivery.
    Wishing you all much happiness & good health πŸ™‚

  16. What a beautiful family!! Congrats!! you guys!!
    How exciting!!
    Take care & lots of rest!!
    Many Happy Wishes!!


  17. He was definitely worth the wait! Congratulations to all. I hope we get to meet him in person soon! Take care.

  18. Ah, all the worries are behind you! He is just adorable. And no sugar coating anywhere! Guess those peeps didn’t get to him!

    Here’s to many new and wonderful memories.


  19. What a beautiful, happy family! Jane, you look wonderful. So much love shows through in this photo. Congratulations!!!!

  20. Congratulations to the Porter/Gurney family. What a beautiful new addition. Love the family shot with his older brothers. I agree – Mac looks just like his Daddy. Ty must be ecstatic. He is one handsome little man. Best wishes to you and much health and happiness to Mac.

  21. Jane, Mac is so precious and adorable! And you look beautiful and so very happy…the entire family looks so happy. I can’t wait to meet him in person one of these days. Congratulations and enjoy every moment. Love you! πŸ™‚


  22. ahhhh!!!! how cute!!! how sweeeet!!! you all look so sweet!!! man! Hope you don’t mind me saying but he sure looks like surfer Ty! The spittin’ image!!!! Your 2 other sons look happy to have a little brother too! You can now say “My 3 sons!”. Thanks for sharing!

  23. What great pictures! Look at all those beaming faces. What a lovely family you have, Jane. Congratulations again!

  24. WOW what an amazing family!
    I know this is a hospital shot, but it a great family portrait.
    Congrats to everyone.
    The smiles you all have are just blinding – wink, and Daddy Ty looks so proud. And the shot with Mac on Daddy’s chest is priceless.
    And Jane – you look dang good kiddo for someone who just delivered a baby, not fair to the rest of us who looked like death warmed over for like two weeks after we had our kids. LOL

    God bless with much love, laughter and happiness.

    peace out

  25. Hello Jane and family: What a wonderfully new handsome young man you have in your life. So you are good for 4. Congratulations to all. So glad he is here and healthy. Love, Patricia

  26. Many congrats to you and your family, Jane! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us! All the best to you and yours! πŸ™‚

  27. Oh, Jane, what a GORGEOUS baby boy! And what a GORGEOUS family you have! Girl, you look absolutely radiant! I am bursting with joy for you!

    The photo of surfer Ty with Mac is precious!!!

    Wishing you love and happiness,

  28. Oh wow! Great photos, Mac looks just like Dad. Congratulations to the whole family! Much health and happiness.

  29. Congratulations to the happy family!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled for you all! Jane you are still glowing and Mac is beautiful! He looks like his big brothers & Ty.

    Best wishes for you all!!!!!

  30. Oh my gosh!!!!!!! He is beautiful! He has so much hair! You all look very happy! Congratulations again.


    Micole Black

  31. What a beautiful photo of you and your favorite ‘men’. Congratulations!! Baby Mac looks perfect and so blessed to have been born in a family where he is so wanted and loved.

    Welcome to the world!!

  32. Jane, no one should look so good after just giving birth! Mac is gorgeous and don’t the boys and big Ty look proud! I am so thrilled for you.
    Big hugs,
    Melanie Milburne xxx

  33. Beautiful! Your boys look the exact same as they did when they were on my soccer team YEARS ago! πŸ™‚

  34. Congratulations, Jane! I wrote a long greeting but got an error message. We’ll see if this gets through. Looking forward to hearing your talk on July 11, 2009 at the A.H. Library. Great family, all gorgeous. Stay healthy and enjoy. Aloha, Lynde

  35. What beautiful photos! Mac looks so sweet and adorable, and you look so radiantly happy!


  36. What beautiful a beautiful family, thanks for sharing! You look fantastic Jane!

  37. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He is a beautiful baby. Babies still amaze me.
    The picture of the entire family is lovely. You are all beaming with fantastic smiles.

  38. Congratulations! Wee, Mac is truly adorable and I’ll agree this little Hero looks just like Dad πŸ™‚

    You have a gorgeous family, Jane .. wishing you all the very best!

    God Bless!

  39. Won’t clog up your inbox with congrats, will post here. He is stunning. Jane surrounded by her heroes. Just lovely.

  40. Aw congratulations beautiful baby and family, my 2 babies are now 13 and 14 years old.

  41. Jane,

    I’m just getting back from vacation but wanted to extend my CONGRATULATIONS on little Mac to you, Ty and the boys! What a beautiful family you all make. I hope Mac is letting you rest.

  42. Congratulations! He is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! How fun to have a baby again, and those big brothers are so lucky – and so is Mac! Enjoy all these precious moments!

  43. Wow, Jane! I didn’t even know you were pregnant! LOL What a cutey pie!!! All your boys are darling!
    Hugs and Congrats!

  44. congratulations thanks for showing pics, and all the enjoyment your books bring.
    Barbara in North Wales.

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