Vintage Jane & Guest Bloggers

With a new baby and absolute chaos all around, I thought I should use the free time I have to nap and maybe, just maybe, cook dinner now and then for the two boys that eat real food. Which means, I won’t be writing very much for awhile.

I will still be on the JaneBlog, but I’m introducing a couple new features to mix it up a bit (and to work a little better with my new crazy schedule).

What are these new features?  Well, I’m going to show off some of my website, and highlight some vintage website features that I love, and then I’m going to bring back a handful of favorite blogs I’ve written during the past five years, as well as welcome some extra special guest blogs from my closest writer friends.  Some of their blogs will be about juggling life and deadlines. Others might be about our friendship and for others, just amusing stories. It’s really up to them. But know this, they’re amazing women and wonderful true blue friends and I’m excited to see what they might say.

So here’s to the next month and all the fun and discoveries along the way!


  1. You are so thoughtful. As a relatively new blogger, it will be fun to see and read some of your favorites from the past.

  2. Jane–loved the pics of everyone. Mac is PRECIOUS! And your boys are too–they looked thrilled. Take time for yourself and family. Enjoy.


  3. Congrats! So loved the pictures. Those peeps must be the secret to a healthy birth weight!!!

    You could also let readers contribute essays – contest style – maybe on parenting given the reason for your hectic schedule. Just put a word limit and have friends help weed them out to save time! 🙂

  4. Hello Jane: Wow!! What a big, beautiful family you have. Baby Boy Mac is precious but then, so are Jake and Ty. Lots of luck on this brand new journey you are about to take. Try and get as much rest as you can while Surfer Ty is here. Remember, you need to heal and get back to being Jane again. Take care of yourself.

    Love, Patricia

  5. I am so excited! This will be fun!! Thank you

    Putting that good old comfty
    chair(that rocks)to good use with New Baby Mac may be a necessity. Take advantage of those pajama days! Enjoy! Many Happy Wishes!

  6. I’m looking forward to reading blogs-past and guest-blogs. Thank you for keeping this fresh, Jane. Take in all the rest and cuddle time you can. This is such a precious time for everyone to bond and get to know each other.

    Shannon in Tustin

  7. Jane, I love this idea and look forward to reading what others authors have to say! I’m glad you are Baby Mac are doing well. Keep the pictures coming and enjoy every minute of him!!!

  8. Can’t wait for the guest bloggers – what a great idea. Thanks for taking the time to even consider us – it’s not neccessary though kiddo, you know that? We’d all completely understand you simply posted, “new baby, new family, exhausted, c ya in June!”
    THANKS for, as usual, always thinking of your readers. It one of the many things that make you the amazing woman that you are.
    Sleep up and enjoy your time with your boys and Daddy Ty.

    peace out

  9. Excited to see !!!
    You are so thoughtful in the midst of all your new changes!
    Rest, enjoy your family 🙂

  10. Loved the precious photos! Congrats to the whole family. I am looking forward to “vintage” Jane as I am a relatively new blog reader and I will get to know you better. Enjoy this special baby bonding and family time!

  11. Hope you’re enjoying your “bundlel of joy”, I so remember those days of juggling husband, children, activities and a new baby in the mix was a challenge. I hope you have help and are getting some rest.

    I’m really looking forward to reading your blog. As always, Jane’s Blog is so fun, informative and entertaining to read. Take care, Jane


  12. How creative! How can you think of such creative things right after having a baby! Sounds really nice! Have fun with Mac’s first days on planet earth!

  13. You probably don’t remember us, but my husband Bill and I shared dinner with you and your “surfer dude” on Amtrak while you were on your way south to speak, and we were on our way home to Klamath Falls last summer. You were barely pregant and feeling queasy. It was a wonderful, fun evening. You told us your love story and we loved it! We have watched your web site since then and are thrilled that you have a baby boy to add to your family. Next week we will be receiving the DVD of “Flirting with Forty” and will picture you two as we watch it. Good luck with your new family. Enjoy every minute. These boys will grow up too fast!!!

    Bill and Mary

  14. Jane-
    Congratulations! Just keep posting photos of your darling boys, and we will ALL be happy!


  15. Love the pics! Like your ideas for your blog too. I’ve had tons of fun posting all sorts of links and fun stuff on my blog. It saves having to come up with a stellar idea on my own. LOL!

  16. Sounds like a fun month for May.
    Enjoy the new baby.
    My baby graduates from High School this month so it is a busy month around my house.

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