Little Thoughts & A Mad World

I’m writing this blog to Adam Lambert’s Mad World which I just bought and downloaded from iTunes. For those who don’t watch American Idol, Adam is one of the show’s contestants but he’s so much bigger than the show. He’s going to have an amazing career and I will be one of the first in line to buy his future CD. There’s so much emotion and expression in his voice. He’s not just an artist, but he’s the kind of artist I like to write to. His voice inspires me. Lets the words loose. Makes writing fun.

The countdown is on for Sunday. It’s almost all I think about.

Surfer Ty’s en-route from Hawaii as I type, landing in Seattle at 10:30 tonight. He’ll be here for the next month. He’s never been here for that long. It’s cool to know that I won’t have to say goodbye to him anytime soon.

Since Mac and Jake’s bedrooms won’t be ready until mid May due to delay in the remodel, I’ve cleaned out part of my bedroom for bassinet and rocking chair, cleared off my dresser and topped it with a changing pad, and made space on my bookshelves for baskets of newborn clothes and blankets. It wasn’t the plan–we were supposed to have a darling little nursery ready for him–but such is life.

I’m reading the final chapter in What to Expect When You’re Expecting and the first couple chapters in my baby books on newborn care. Jake noticed and asked me why. I tell him I’m nervous.  And a little scared. Babies change everything, and even though this is a much wanted baby, I’m a little overwhelmed by it all. Soon Mac will be here and nothing will ever be quite the same.

And presents arrive.

Friends and family are calling.

I guess I’m ready.

Wish it wouldn’t hurt.

Hope recovery won’t be too bad.

It’s not that I can’t handle pain, but it’s the mental thing…the unknown. It’s leaving the big boys to go to the hospital, the worry that they won’t get enough TLC while I’m fussing with the new little guy, the worry that things will fall apart if I’m not on top of my game, in control of everything.

I’ve asked my web designer, the incredibly brilliant and loyal and dedicated Emily Cotler of to post the news once Mac arrives, and then once we have some pics of the little guy she’s promised to upload those here on my blog as well. So Sunday we should have details here and then by Tuesday or Wednesday, some first baby pics. Again, all the news will be here on my JaneBlog so if you’re curious, check in.

In the meantime tell me what your plans are for this weekend. Tell me what you’re reading, watching, thinking, dreaming. Tell me anything and everything because I need to relax and I definitely have some time on my hands. And as a thank you for taking time to share and chat, I’ll give away two fun mystery prizes that are great prizes, but surprise prizes since I’m getting surprises in the mail. The contest will be open through Friday night midnight PST and then on Saturday morning I’ll announce the two winners.

Love to all my readers and friends. You rock.

You make my life pretty dang sweet.


  1. woo HOO I’m #1. Good luck and prayers for a blessed day Jane.
    My weekend will be a craft fair for an animal rescue group with my daughter and hopefully some spring cleanup outside. I hear we may have some warm weather here in New England!

  2. Jane,

    I can’t believe it’s time for Mac to join the world!! I am so excited for you!! You can deal with the pain…you’ve done it twice already anyway!! Your older boys will be fine and so will you!! Surfer Ty will be around to help you all to adjust!! As for my plans this weekend, I will be attending my 5 yr old’s teeball game which is better than going to a comedy show!! So darn cute!! Don’t have concrete plans for the rest of the weekend but the weather is finally going to beautiful and we plan to enjoy it to the fullest!!

    Have a safe delivery and remember your fans (and friends) love you too!! Can’t wait to see the updates and pics!!

  3. well, the days almost here. and i’m sur eyou are nervous, i know i was. But everything will be just fine, and soon you;ll have a beautiful baby boy to play with and love. Congratulations Jane.

    As for my weekend plans, Saturday i have a RWA chapter meeting to attend, which i’m looking forward to. then sunday it’s the circus with our five year old. so a fun, full weekend.
    Books, i just finished two great books, “Her best friend’s brother” by Kay stockham. Very good emotional read, made me cry twice.
    And “Texas Hold Him” by historical Author Lisa cooke, which made me laugh my butt off in several places. both excellent reads.
    have a great weekend Jane!

  4. Can it be time already for that little guy to enter the world? Can’t wait to see his pics and I wish everyone the best!
    I’m BUSY this weekend going from a conference with the Colorado Education Association to a CASA conference with Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw! I’m hoping to get some reading done, some weeds pulled in the garden, and my dogs walked. Whew! An ambitious agenda…:) Have a good one, Jane!

  5. Hello Jane,

    Hope and pray everything goes ok. Everyone will be thinking about you and your soon to be bundle of joy. I’m currently reading “No Limits” by Alison Kent. However, I still have several books in my TBR pile. I keep telling myself one book at a time. Have a great weekend. I hope to be planting part of my garden and working on our porch.

  6. Early congrats Jane I’m sure you’re so excited for Mac to arrive! Enjoy these last few days as much as you can and REST.

    I heart Adam Lambert and I love his version of Mad World. He’s so talented.


  7. Well, sweets for the sweet! Anticipation is keeping us waiting – until the weekend. All I am doing is going on a hike with a friend from work. Too bad the brief warm spring weather has left us, but as long as it doesn’t rain I won’t complain! It is only going to get better.

  8. It seems things are coming together beautifully. How nice it will be to have Ty for a whole month. Can’t wait to see pics!

    I have just finished reading Christopher Moores’ Bloodsucking Fiends. He has the most pecular sense of humor. And with San Francisco as his back drop, everything is so believeable.

    I went to our local library book sale last Friday and found such great books. A few familiar ones and a few whos titles were just catchy. They were so inexpensive and such a great cause. I love the fact that they put some of the money towards a summer childrens reading program. I so believe that if you can read you can do anything.

    Enjoy your last few nights of quiet. Oh how your life is yet again about to change. What a wonderful life!

  9. I’ll be taking my husband out for dinner on his birthday on Sunday…while you are letting the Docs take out your little birthday boy…o what fun it will be for you. It’s too exciting to be scared and while it’s been a while since you’ve done this, you will be amazed, surprised and o so happy. Life is good…enjoy all there is for you at this very special time. Good luck and God Bless all of you. You will be in my thoughts (and prayers) Ruth

  10. I hope everything goes well. You’re in my thoughts!!

    Right now I’m reading Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult. Every time I read one of her books I am reminded of how much I love her and admire all the work that goes into one of her novels. Oy… the research!

  11. Jane,
    I’ll be thinking of you Sunday as Mac makes his debut in the world. Wishing you a quick and easy delivery and a happy and healthy little boy. Glad to hear you are getting plenty of treats to pamper you in the mail.

    Friday I’ll be heading into Miami and from there I will be going on a cruise to Ocho Rios and Grand Cayman with my mom and sister. It will be a first time cruise for them. Looking forward to hearing news of you and Mac on the blog. I just may have to access internet service while on the ship.

  12. For some reason I wasn’t paying attention and the end of the month and may seem to be a little booked. I am going to the American Kids Race with my daughter and nephew on Saturday morning, off to a pot luck with Pepper Cory – Awesome quilter and cheer tryouts for addy on sunday. Good Luck and congrats! Can’t wait to see the picutres.

  13. Jane,
    I will be thinking about you this weekend! Lots of prayers and love coming your way. I’m going to the beach this weekend to relax.

    I have faith everything will turn out great!

    Love ya, Julie 🙂

  14. Hi Jane,

    How exciting for you, soon you will get to meet your little Baby Mac. I’m sure as soon as you hold him for the first time all the neverousness and worries will just melt away. It’s going to be such a magical time for you, Ty, and the boys.

    As for me I will be picking up my Mom from the airport on Saturday and come Sunday morning my Mom, my daughter and I will be getting up and driving to Disney World (2 1/2 hrs away) for a wonderful girls only 8 day vacation. It’s Mom’s first time and I am obsessed with making it perfect.

    I wish you the best of luck with Baby Mac, and will be waiting for the first pictures of him to be posted.


  15. Jane, we are all excited for you & can’t wait to see the news & pictures posted! Now settle down, things will be fine, the big boys will be fine, you will be a very happy Mom of 3 soon! I’m supposed to be having a garage sale this weekend but I think I’m dumping that idea…not even close to being ready. So instead of stressing & rushing to get everything ready, I think I will just postpone it, and enjoy a weekend off for a change with no stress. Sounds like a great plan! Good luck & much love from all of your fans & friends!

  16. how exciting! just remember to stop and breathe when it feels overwhelming! wish i had something exciting to share but its going to be a laid back weekend, just like the weekdays :O)

  17. Hi Jane. I am so excited for you that Mac will be born Sunday.
    This weekend, I am working on Saturday and on Sunday I will be visiting my parents.

  18. Jane, I am so absolutely excited for you and Ty (and the boys) to welcome little Mac into the world in just a few days. I had a new baby 14 1/2 years after my first. It is a big adjustment and you feel like a new mom all over again, but it’s a total joy and greatest ride of life. Our original plans for the weekend was to go to the zoo here in Atlanta (an early birthday request of mine for a beautiful weekend), but my husband a roofer salesman, has to meet some insurance adjusters after the storms here last week, so now it’s just me and the girls at home. We will probably go shopping at the Coach store or hang at home.
    I can’t wait to see pictures of little Mac. Good luck on Sunday, all will be fine!

  19. It’s so neet! I’m so excited for you and Ty and your sons too! I can’t wait for the announcement! I’ll definitely being sending prayers and positive thoughts on Sat. and Sun.
    I’m working the weekend.

  20. Well, I just blasted through Nora Roberts’ In the Garden trilogy and have Melancholy Baby by Robert B. Parker waiting in the wings for the weekend.

    I’ll be in my garden a bit, we finally lost all our snow and crocuses are peeking up. I raked up a winter’s worth of dog poop last weekend (ugh) and now will clear out and edge the beds, manure/compost and whatever else… it’s going to be warm, 25 degrees (75F) which is really nice.

    And I crochet ear bonnets that horses wear in jumping competitions and since equestrian season is nearly on us up here I have orders to send out, bonnets to trim with cord and crystals — basically stuff to do in front of the TV.

    Hope all goes well on Sunday for you, looking forward to seeing the photos of your newest addition.

  21. I’m sooo excited for you and Surfer Ty and the boys – by Sunday you will all get to hold pure love in your arms — cool beans. Mac is dang lucky. :o)

    My b-day is today, and so my husband in his infinite wisdom (ohmy) decided we should all go see the Motocross this Saturday! Honestly hon, I’d rather be delivering a baby. LOL

    Spring babies are – if I say so myself – very cool people. We tend to be loyal and optimistic and happy. With all of you as Mac’s family, those will be easily learned traits.

    Hang in beautiful and know your readers luv ya and are sending all the good vibes and wishes we can muster.


    peace out

  22. Having been dealing with some very stressful life stuff the past few months, I’m planning to review the 5 chapters of my current wip and get my mind back into it, so I can dig back into my writing. My creativity and focus was cut off with everything else going on and I’ve been missing it all so much. Aching to reacquaint myself with my characters. So, that will be my weekend…well, that and waiting for the cable guy to hopefully get my high-speed internet up and running once and for all. 🙂

  23. Spring is a beautiful time for a baby to be born! I will be thinking & praying for you all! I am so excited and thrilled for your family. It won’t be long before you all won’t even remember a time before Baby Mac. I am sure the big boys will be drawn in and big helpers. Baby Mac’s feet won’t touch the ground for years!

    Sunday we will attend the baptism of our friend’s 4 month old baby girl that I care for while she works. And my sister is coming to visit this weekend.

    God bless you & your family Jane! You are such an inspiration in so many ways.


  24. WOW! It’s such an exciting time for you and your family. I know that some of it can seem overwhelming but just imagine the joy you are going to feel when you see sweet little Mac’s face for the first time. He’s going to be perfect. I don’t have any concrete plans for the weekend… (except waiting and watching for news of Mac’s arrival), I’m just hoping for a weekend full of sunshine. All the best to you!

  25. Wishing you all the best and great enjoyment. The weekend will be spent outside in the garden, reading and preparing flowers.

  26. Wow! I’m so excited for you!

    I will be thinking of you Sunday, as my son celebrates his 7th birthday with 10 of his little buddies. April is a great month for little boys to be born it!

    Good luck!

  27. Wishing you all the best this Sunday for a safe, and non-eventful delivery! I can’t wait to see pictures of your little guy! Well, I will be working all weekend (with new moms and babies), so you will especially be in my thoughts!
    Best wishes, Jane and Ty!


  28. Jane,
    You’ve almost made it!! What an exciting time. It flies by so fast so enjoy. My babies are 14 and 15. How did that happen so fast?
    I’m enjoying American Idol,too. I hated to see Anoop go. I really liked him. Adam is great!
    Think about me this weekend. I am running my first half marathon in Nashville. I am so excited–and nervous too. I’ve never run 13.1 miles.
    I’ll be thinking of your family.

  29. My plans for the weekend have changed due to sickness.
    tomorrow I go on a 3 hr. trip one way to see a Surgeon about the lump in my breast that they want to remove. I’m supposed to work Sat. night but have been home sick with who knows what- allergies/cough/Asthma- treating it with antibiotics which I don’t like to take. I will just be relaxing and taking it easy on the weekend after we return from our dr. appt. I trust you do the same and ‘welcome to Mac’ on Sun. and hi to Ty on his way.

  30. Hi Jane, all the best to you and your family during this upcoming special occasion! You have lots on your mind right now, but all will be gone as soon as they place little Mac in your arms.

    Landscaping and barbecues this weekend. Take care!

  31. Hello sweetheart: You know you and Baby Boy Mac are in my thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery. And I am so glad Surfer Ty will be with you for a month. Besides the fact I was afraid you’d go into labor early and he couldn’t get here in time. But it’s GOOD – ALL GOOD (my favorite phrase I stole from you). Now I’m not so worried. I think most of us would love to be having a baby about now.
    I definitely would – all the cuddling and everything else that comes with a newborn.
    My daughter recently returned from Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels so I am reading 3 books about Ann Frank and thoroughly enjoying them.
    That’s my reading for the weekend.
    Congratulations Jane and Ty that Baby Boy Mac is happy, healthy and wise.

    Best and love to all


  32. I had a D-day for the C-section and knowing that brings more excitement. But this too will pass and then there are other things to worry about. You will do just fine, little Mac will be a healthy and happy baby.

    I propose we all take a bit of your pain from that delivery room so you can only feel 1/100 or less.

    Alex wants a cat so this weekend we might get a mommy cat with babies and we’ll foster them until they are ready to be adopted, I’m sure we’ll end up with 2 kitties from the litter.

    All the energy from all those strong women who read your books and your blog will help you through. Don’t forget to breath!

  33. How exciting that the day is coming. I am a bit of a worrier too and it’s a bit of a joke with my husband and kids but it sounds like you have everything ready to go. This weekend it is supposed to hit the 80s here and sunny so it is going to be working on the outside which needs some serious help. I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of Mac soon.

  34. Oh, I am all teary eyed. Seriously. I am SO excited for you. I am glad Surfer Ty is there. Really glad. I am such a romantic and I am so happy you are together!!

    I can’t wait to see pictures. The book you are reading is excellent according to my oldest. She read it when she was pregnant.

    Take care.

  35. Hi, Jane,

    My eldest daughter is flyin gin from Anchorage, Alaska, and bringing the grandbaby I haven’t met yet and she’s seven months old!! Brianna Lee Scott!!! Sarah and Brianna will be here for eight wonderful glorious days! And my two year old grandson Cameron gets to meet his new cousin!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ty and the boys as you get ready for Mac’s birth. Don’t worry, you’re already a fabulous mother, and you’re going to be fine with a newborn, and you’ll love every minute of it!
    This is so wonderful and uplifting and life and love affirming! Just like in a…romance novel!
    Lots of Hugs,

  36. Congratulations! Wishing you much happiness and health to you and your new little one. This weekend my little girl is making her first communion. It seems like only yesterday that I had her baptized. Enjoy each moment. It goes by too fast.


  37. Hi Jane,

    I just finished cleaning out a file on my desk at work. I have been wanting to clean it out since January but each day I would put it off. Today I said I would clean it out no matter what. I almost put it off again but I cleaned it out and I feel great!! It is amazing by just de-cluttering I feel like a great big weight was just lifted off of me!! I look over at the file and it looks so nice and I feel good.

    Anyway, have a good weekend and a good delivery and I will check back in a few days for the updates of the baby!!

  38. Jane, we have a family birthday party at Mima Mounds (waaay out there,) on Saturday, and I’ll be watching the NFL draft all weekend. Mostly, though, I’ll be thinking about you!

    Again, I am hoping for an easy delivery, a perfect, healthy baby, and lots of rest for you! I am so glad to hear that Surfer Ty will be here as well.

    We love you, and we can hardly wait to meet Baby Mac!


  39. I absoloutely loved the book What to Expect When You Are Expecting, it was hilariuos! I wish you a speedy delivery! You’ll do great, you’ve done this before! 🙂

    This weekend I am working a 12 hour shift on Saturday. On Sunday our family will be going to a Birthday party for our cousin’s child who is turning 4, it’ll be fun! 🙂

  40. Hi Jane its just around the corner now. I will bet you are so excited. I had to keep my son in our bedroom at first to because we where remodeling the whole house at the time. I liked having him there at first.

    I don’t have any big plans for the weekend. I have to mow the yard tomorrow and maybe do some yard work. We are going to have a pretty weekend for a change no rain and in the 80’s. I will be spending a lot of time outside.

    I love American Idol and am watching American Idol Extra right now. Adam is awesome.

  41. Jane,
    Good luck to you on Sunday. My weekend will be spent at UW hospital with my brother. He has been waiting for a liver and kidney transplant and then out of the blue had a heart attack. It’s been a tough week as they told us he wouldn’t improve and then by some miracle he has. We’re just hoping and praying that it continues. Have a great weekend. Everything will be fine.

  42. Oh, Jane, it will hurt but there’s apart of your heart that’s neevr been used before that’s going to spring to life when you see him. That’s how it seemed to me anyway, that whole parts of my heart sprang to life, becuase I loved everything I loved before just a smuch, but then this immense love sprang to life too.
    This weekend I am taking agroup of gifted kids to the Renaissance fair in Atlanta.
    here’s hoping they behave!

  43. Hi, Jane – Hard to believe the big day is upon us!! You sound pretty calm for someone whose life will change dramatically sometime on Sunday. While you are delivering, we will be on our way to The Finger Lakes in NY for a mini vacation. As soon as we arrive, I will plus in my lap top to look for the big announcement. Attending a concert with my best friend on Saturday before we go and then off to try the local wineries and hike in the beautiful parks around Canandaigua Lake.

    Next week is my “furlough” week. We were all asked to take two weeks without pay as part of our company’s efforts to avoid layoffs this year. No sense in sitting home feeling sorry for myself, so we planned a mini vacation within driving distance. Staying at a B&B and the weather looks good, so should be a great week. Best wishes to you for a safe delivery and a healthy baby boy to add to your family.

  44. Yea Baby Mac is almost here. That is such great news, Jane. I am going to be thinking about YOU this weekend! The other day I bought a teeny little something for him. I was out, it caught my eye and I thought “who can I buy this for”…you popped into my mind. My daughter (in all of her curiousness) immediately proclaimed “we don’t know anyone who’s having a baby”. I said “Umm, YOU don’t know anyone who is having a baby, I do!!” And I immediately put it in my bag. Oh to be nearly 11 and have all of the information needed in life. (o:

    Well this weekend will be a busy one: grandparents day at the little league fields, then maybe Disney earth movie with my mom and kids. On Sunday we will be at my goddaughter’s first communion. It will be strange to be at another church and not ours (where I also work); never feels the same. And, of course, checking your blog to find out that Baby Mac is here safe and sound!

    Oh Jane, you will be on my mind and in my prayers for a peaceful and (relatively) painless delivery.

    Much love to you all!!
    Shannon in Tustin

  45. me again…
    Don’t worry about not having the nursery ready. both of my kids slept in our bed for about 6 months since I nursed them. I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. I get teary just thinking about it.
    I would always start them in the middle of the bed (between me and my hubby) and they would ALWAYS end up snuggle right up under my arm…ALWAYS!! Sometimes it seemed like a pain and I always had a stiff something (neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, etc.) but it was soooo precious.
    Put him right in the middle where you can sniff his sweet little newborn head.

    Ok, gotta sign off before I start bawling!!

    All the best to you.

  46. Yea for Baby Mac’s impending arrival!

    My weekend plans hopefully include a trip to visit the tulip fields, if the weather allows. Other than that, my time will be spent playing with my wee ones – two daughters ages 3 1/2 years and 7 months.

  47. Hi Jane,
    I can’t believe the arrival of your new one is coming soon! I hope all goes well and that Mac arrives in our world healthy and happy! I’ll be checking back to get updates!

    So weekend is pretty busy with a yard sale in our subdivision that hopefully goes well. Whatever doesn’t sell is getting donated and not coming back in the house! We are then going out Saturday evening with two other couples. I’m also making vegan chocolate chips cookies for later on Saturday night. Too much to do and so little time. Also, hope to get a little reading in…just picked up Love the One You’re With.

    Take care and be well Jane!


  48. Good luck Jane! All will be fine, once you see your little guy for the first time, all the fear, and nervousness will be gone!
    What am I not reading?? magazines, and have tried to get into too many different books, from Cloris Leachmans’ autobiography, Mia King’s “Good Things” ( Loved The Sweet Life). I am craving to be back in Hawaii, so I am looking for books that include it!
    This weekend, will be dedicated to “weeding the yard”, with the reward of reading in the sun with the pool waterfall on! that’s as close to Hawaii as I will get this year! I plan on doing more walking, to get in shape for the Relay for Life in 3 weeks.
    Enjoy your visit with your Ty, and your last few days before your little guy is here!
    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. 🙂

  49. Just want to wish you all the best for this weekend. Be present!!! Take it all’s one of life’s most precious moments!! Enjoy it for those of us who can’t conceive for whatever reason! Big big hugs!!!!

  50. Sending prayers your way for an easy delivery and a healthy baby! It’s normal to be nervous, but remember that you have done this before. It will all come back to you quicker than you think! I am looking forward to seeing pictures of you and Ty with Mac. Big hugs!!!

  51. Good luck to you Jane. It’s an exciting time and I wish you a speedy recover and happy times with your family & new addition.

  52. I planned to spend my weekend gardening, sewing and hanging out with my kids.

    The city sewer line backed up into our basement last night, so rather than fun stuff, I’ll be cleaning and disinfecting and throwing a lot of stuff away.

    If I could, I’d have your c-section for you. (I’d rather do that than face my soggy basement. I’m being completely serious.)

    Having had two c-sections, the best advice I can give you is to stay down as long as possible and take it easy– easier than you think “easy” is. Oh, and avoid stairs if possible. You can get down them okay… it’s the getting back up that’s tricky.

    It’s going to be great. You’ll be great. Baby Mac will be great. Surfer Ty will be great. The big boys will be great. It’ll all be one giant love-fest, and you’ll be the queen. 🙂

    I will be thinking of you, and I can’t wait to see photos!

  53. There’s nothing quite as exciting as a new baby and your sharing has been great. Will look forward to the photos.

    My weekend should be spent cleaning out cupboards and closets (12 years accumulation)but since the weather is supposed to be nice that will probably be pushed aside again for something outside in the sun!

  54. Babies…oh how I love babies 🙂 it’s so cool how so many people feel like they know you through your books and we all get to enjoy the warm and fuzzies of a friend having a baby. As for the book on my night stand…I keep thinking you will enjoy this one. The Eight Seasons of Parenthood by Barbara Unell and Jerry Wyckoff.After Mac’s birth you’ll be coming out of season 1 and into season 2 but also in season 4 with the big boys and probably close to season 5. It’s a really interesting non fiction read. Wishing you an easy delivery. Looking forward to Sunday.

  55. The big day is almost here. I am so happy for you. I hope everything goes smoothly. I know it will 🙂

    I am thinking about getting my kids a new computer this weekend. Theirs has finally crashed. Also, I hope to do some crochetting and finish a book I am reading.

  56. Hi Jane! I’m so excited that little Mac will soon be here. What an exciting blessing. As for us, we’re finally gearing up to move! We get to leave on May 21 for the first trip to go buy our home, then we’re leaving for good the end of July so that’s taking up a lot of our time and mental resources at the moment. I’d love to come see you before we go so let me know when will be a good time for that.

    Huge hugs and I can’t wait to see pics of the little man.


  57. Jane, sending you hearts and prayers. I’m so happy for all of you and can’t wait to meet Mac. I’m not doing anything as exciting as you this weekend 🙂 Just spring cleaning, packing away winter stuff and getting my dad’s room ready when he comes in 4 weeks. It’s beautiful outside today and weather predictions are for sunny and warm weekend, so if I have time, I may do some yard work but most likely, I’ll just talk myself into taking walks to the part and the library. Anyway, hugs, hearts and happiness to you. marelou

  58. Nothing too exciting going on this weekend. Need to take my daughter for her allergy shots on Saturday and then, hopefully, relax the rest of the weekend.

  59. Good luck with new baby!!

    This weekend–well, today I spent a lot of time cleaning & organizing and decluttering the loft which serves as my reading room/craft area/office/gift wrapping area. Then dinner with Eric at Red Lobster….shrimp & wine. Then to Home Goods to buy a new rug and a new more summery throw for the living room. Tomorrow getting my hair done, shampoo, blowout & style. Big curls. Then Saturday night I am going to a Girls Night In–wine and appetizers, just 5 of us girls getting together. Sunday is my free day, no plans. That’s it for me!
    xo Lesli 🙂

  60. I can’t believe the day for little Mac’s arrival is here.
    Everything will be fine and I am sure you will bounce back with all the help you are going to get from surfer Ty. It is going to be so much fun for you having a baby around the house.
    Babies smell so good.

    Tonight I am reading a little book on having a hysterectomy.

    I have to have surgery the first week in June. I am scared. I do everything around the house. I have been told that I can’t do any of my usual work for about eight weeks. I am going to go nuts. The book I am reading says to have plenty of books and DVD’s to watch. Anyway if it makes me better that is what matters.

  61. WOW!, I can’t believe the time has finally arrived. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Right now I’m reading some fantastic books by Diana Gabaldon – it all started w/ “Outlander” and I can’t get enough. There’s a total of six in the series with a 7th due out this Fall. I can’t get anything done around the house, cause all I want to do is read!

  62. Good morning everyone. It’s not quite 6 am here in Seattle but I’ve been up much of the night. Mac might be trying to make an early appearance. We’ll see as the day progresses but in the meantime, I have my two winners!

    #35 Debora Hosey you are the first of my two contest winners. Please send me a private email with your address and we’ll get your goodies out in the mail!

    #46 Kyrissa, you are my second winner. Please send me your address, too, and we’ll get your prize out.

    Congrats to both and may everyone have a wonderful weekend!



  63. You probably won’t get this, sweetie, before you go, but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with all of you! I can’t wait to see your new little addition. Happy Blessings to the growing Porter/Gurney family!


  64. I’m still in DIY purgatory, getting the house ready to list. This weekend is the nursery…

    The third baby isn’t as scary as you’re thinking. You go on autopilot with lots of things you’d ‘forgotten’…and the big kids? Omigawd, you fall so in love with them as they fall for the baby. It’s a big, heaping bowl of cuddles. Enjoy it!

  65. Hi Jane,

    Just popping in, and I see I may be too late to wish you well. Sounds like sometime this weekend, you’ll have your new precious bundle.

    Jenna’s right. Third baby…piece of cake, even when he turns into a teenager.

  66. Hey Jane! I hope you have a blessed weekend. Today (saturday) is my 17th Anniversary. Yesterday my dear hubby broke his leg and had to be put into the hospital. He will be fine, but he will do anything to keep from taking me out to eat and dancing…lol. I know that you are so excited about little Mac and can’t wait for him to make an appearance. I pray that everything goes smoothly for you and that you have a great weekend!

  67. Good Morning Jane and family!! Best wishes today from NJ! Hope all goes well and Mac arrives in your arms quickly –
    My advice is to enjoy your stay in the hospital. Take the time to relax and enjoy while others are taking care of you.
    Lots of love and prayers-

  68. Hi Jane,
    Sending you Congratulations on your new little addition!! I hope all went smooth for you and your all just basking in happiness & joy!

  69. Jane!
    Well its Sunday evening so I am wondering if you are having that baby right now! I cant wait to see the pictures! Welcome little baby Mac!!!

  70. Happy Monday! Can’t wait to hear how your weekend went. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. A child is such a beautiful thing. Much joy and happiness to you and your family!


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