Happy Mother’s Day

We’ve just returned from Mother’s Day brunch and happily Mac slept through the entire meal, which was a blessing considering the fact that he has cried since 4:30 am and only conked out as we were about to leave for brunch at 10:30.  After six hours of nursing, rocking and fussing I needed a mellow hour of eggs, orange juice and conversation with the big boys. 

At brunch Surfer Ty surprised me with a beautiful silver locket containing tiny oval pictures of my boys and engraved with “The Boys” on the back.  It’s absolutely beautiful and very special and it will help me remember my first Mother’s Day as mom of three. 

Everyone’s mellow right now and I might try to sleep for fifteen minutes.  I need the fifteen minutes.  I hit the so very tired point two days ago that while tidying up the kitchen I tried to slide the baby into the refrigerator.  But as I looked at me trying to find room on a shelf for him I realized babies don’t go in fridges.  So obviously something else must go in the fridge.  I looked behind me, found the gallon of milk and went ah.  Milk goes in fridge.  Baby goes in basinette. 

And now you know how it is here.  Mac is still yummy but he’s a tad demanding at the moment.  Prefers to sleep in my arms, or on his dad’s chest.  Being put down in a tragedy.  Having to sleep on one’s own unthinkable.  But I indulge him as he smells of milk and the sweetest baby skin and his cheek is so soft that I can’t resist kissing him.  He will only be this little once.  I know that now.  I know how fast kids grow.  I know that all too soon he’ll want to wriggle away and play on his own and there will be time for sleep later. 

To celebrate my first Mother’s Day with my three boys, I’ve a special Mother’s Day contest that will run through Thursday night midnight and then on Friday morning I’ll announce the winner.  I love this prize, too, as it’s a big green and white zebra striped tote bag, with a  fun pink and green beach towel, and signed copies of Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect.   Want a chance to win?  Just tell me something about your Mother’s Day, or being a mom, or about your mom and you’re entered. 

Hoping everyone’s having a wonderful day!


  1. My mom is the most patient person I know, honestly, I don’t know how she does it sometimes. Unfortunately I am not able to spend Mother’s Day with her (boo!) because she is spending it with HER mother and her Grandmother in Minnesota! My Great Grandmother is 98! I’m sad I’m not with her, but glad she is spending time with two very amazing ladies.

  2. Jane,
    Too funny! I laughed so hard! I love reading your blog! I have been there, done that too. Being a Mom of three (19, 16, & 10) I can so relate to the milk incident. And praying for sleep, any amount of sleep would be nice.
    It’s been a while since the kids little, little. Remember it will get easier with sweet little Mac.

    We are enjoying a nice day and planting the garden. Suppose to be 83 degrees today. We are working up to a Big Dinner tonight. I’m not cooking, so I’m excited. My Husband & the kids gave me their cards & handmade gifts, that were so sweet.

    Glad to hear your boys are being so good to you!

    Happy Mother’s Day to You!
    Have a wonderful day!

    Break is over, need to get back
    outside to organize things, you know.


  3. Happy Mother’s Day! I love having a day of just me and the kids. We hang out, are watching the Dodgers game and just spend time together. Could you ask for more? This evening we will nice by having my mom and friends over for a BBQ. Ahhhh, what a nice day.

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to you! Mac gave you the perfect gift he could give: A couple hours of quiet time.

    Oy–Baby in the fridge. Those early days of barely any sleep are the hardest, aren’t they. May they go by quickly, and he get on schedule soon.

  5. I can relate to the lack of sleep. My son is a very active 2 yr old. He just had his tonsils out a week ago and although it was rough going at first he has recouped, but Mom is taking a bit longer. This Mother’s Day we spent going out for breakfast and then to a Children’s Museum in our city. Although it was great fun, I must admit the best and most rewarding part of this day came when him and I took a much needed nap… together. Snuggled on the couch. Moments like that are fleeting, but are the most precious. And some day when he is not able to be here for Mother’s Day it will be the memory that I adore the most!! Happy Mother’s Day to all!!

  6. We had a wonderful day with my 84 year old wonderful mom celebrating with us and it was also my son Chris’s birthday. He made brunch for all of us and is also cooking dinner tonight. It will be such a treat as he’s recently graduated from cullinary school. My daughter Keri was also here for a week to celebrate my birthday as well and will return to DC tomorrow.

    Jane, like you I feel so blessed! Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

  7. We had a nice dinner that I made and carrot cake/cream cheese icing. The neighbor lady was over and joined us and then we watched a movie she brought with. Then came the naps.
    Jane, what a wonderful gift from Ty and a lovely outing.

  8. I just got back from taking my Mom to see the Star Trek movie (which was incredibly awesome)and am about to make her French toast as it is one of her favorite things to have breakfast as dinner. It’s a beautiful day here in Jersey, a shade too cool a wind but a warm sun to make up for it. We opened the apt. windows before we left for the late matinee and now the rooms smell fresh and comfortable. In a little while I’ll call my Nana who is 96-years-old, and wish her a happy day.

    Happy Mother’s Day Jane! This is such a special time for you and I’m so glad you got to spend it with all of your boys together.

  9. Jane,
    Happy Mothers’ Day to you! I think the day is really for the moms with kids that need them, especially babies, like you! You deserve a rest day of thanks for all you do!
    As for me, I just got home from a week vacation traveling with my husband and our grown son on a car trip through Oregon, California, Nevada and back to Washington – 2400 miles! It was the first year in 15 that we have been together on Mothers’ Day because of school, his living on the “other coast” and Fathers’ Day being in June when travel has worked out better.
    So, it was a special week for me and an extra special day because we were at my husband’s parent’s house and there were 3 generations together. They are in their 90s and we left our son there to spend time with them for a few days until he returns here and then flies back to Toronto.
    It was a perfect day, and I tried not to miss my own mom and just think of her and know how pleased she would have been to see my “baby” and her grandchild (one of many) all grown up. Now if he would find another job (yes, he is unemployed as so many are now) a wife and have a family of his own – but I digress. I am enjoying the blessings I have and I will worry about the world and my wishes some other day!

  10. Commiserations, Jane. My baby is so similar–forget about sleeping alone. She wants to be held all the time, preferably nursing or at least on tap! It’s important as you said to remember they’re only littlle once, and for so short a time.


  11. Happy Mom’s Day Jane! I got a fern plant from my kids today. Hubby and son been working on a garden for me too. I’m looking forward to having that to add that to it when it starts blooming. Its freezing here today!

  12. The first year of my oldest girl’s life is still a blur. She had reflux so bad that I had to give her medicine 20 minutes before feeding her and then she had to sit up for an hour after the feeding. Can you imagine a baby crying because they’re hungry and you have to give them medicine and then listen to them cry for 20 minutes until you can feed them? It’s heartbreaking. And when there’s only a max of 3-4 hours between feeding and you have to keep them sitting up for an hour after feeding them. The baby can sleep sitting up and I definitely learned to. It was tiring but I’d do it all over again in a minute. That’s what moms do. Luckily the second one was easier in that respect.
    Enjoyed reading about your first Mother’s Day with your 3 boys, Jane. Happy Mother’s Day to all the other mothers out there.

  13. Oh, I remember that fatigue that comes from a newborn! I distinctly remember thinking that I finally understood the idea of sleep deprivation as a means of torture…it hurts! You sound like you’re doing great considering the lack of sleep, and at least the baby didn’t actually make it into the fridge. You’re a natural!

  14. My mom gave her all to us kids. All of her heart, all of her love, and all of her energy. She went through so much raising us, but she never let on that any of it was a hardship. Now that I’m older I realize everything that she done for us. Sadly she passed away last year on May 16th. We all miss her so much. The memories that we made together are even more precious now. Cherish your mothers and cherish your children. That bond is stronger than any other. Happy Mothers Day to All!

  15. Jane,
    Happy Mother’s Day to you! So happy to hear that you were able to enjoy a nice brunch out and that all is going well with Mac’s arrival. I am sure you are very busy and to think that you are finding time to blog is amazing as well.

    This Mother’s Day was especially nice as my Mom was here visiting my husband and I. I surprised her with a few gifts this morning and then we spent this afternoon at a birthday party for a 5-year old. It was a great Mother’s Day and so happy she was here for it.

    Have a good week and smile! ~Michelle

  16. Happy Mother’s Day to you Jane. Mine was beautiful, spent with my 13 year old daughter. She gave me flowers and a beautiful note, then we went and bought flowers together and planted them, and just spent time and chatted. I treasured it.

  17. I have several charm bracelets that tell the story of my life. Every thing important, places we visit etc. For Mother’s Day, my boys got me a new charm bracelet with a book charm as the first charm of many. It is a charm bracelet that is going to tell the story of my novels getting published! They put a lot of thought into this Mother’s Day. Better than that, they spent the day with me!

  18. Such a great post. The fatigue was one thing that I had trouble with for a long time. This mother’s day waslovely. Family lunch and time to relax and get together.

  19. Happy Mother’s Day, Jane! I am also a mom of three and I think it’s the best!
    We went to breakfast and then went a looked at model homes (my very favorite thing to do besides reading and running)! We spent the day out and then had pho for dinner! Yum!
    I am so blessed and couldn’t have asked for a better day!
    I hope your day was awesome as well!

  20. happy mother’s day to all!! i had a brunch for all the ladies in our family today. my husband and daughter got me a japanese maple tree! so far every yr i have gotten a tree/bush for the garden…then i relaxed when everyone left and then we headed to my cousins for a nice big greek dinner! now i am home in bed and ready to hit the hay!

  21. I did not grow up with my mother, I lived with my dad and only saw my mom twice in my entire childhood. Mothers day is always bittersweet for me. I always wonder what it is like to have a mother. I ask my kids sometimes, “whats it like to have a mom?” and they either give me the blank stare, or depending on their mood I could hear “its boring” or “its like normal” or “mom you’re so wierd.”

  22. Happy Mothers Day! My day was great– my littlest boy gave me flower seedlings he’d been growing in a cup. Middle son gave me his 2nd grade cookbook along with a giant Hershey bar. Oldest boy gave me a recipe-card holder he made out of a block of wood and a wood clothespin. I am tickled pink by the gifts I received!!
    Mothers Day is always bittersweet for me–it’s hard to hear stories about all the wonderful moms out there–my own mother has always been cold and distant to her daughters and even though I’m 43 it still smarts. *sorry to be a downer* I’m so thankful for my 3 little sweethearts–I’m so lucky to be a mom!

  23. Well, as my gift, my hubby bought me a brand new mini laptop just for me to use early…we never do gifts for each other so this was a lovely surprise. Saturday night he took me out to dinner and then Sunday morning made breakfast and took me shopping…Even bought us lunch too and then cooked dinner!! I was very spoiled and really hated for the day to end but needed the kids to go to bed because they didn’t seem to be quiet the entire day:) I am headed to the gym and then to get my nails done this morning.

    Glad to hear you had a nice mother’s day and are enjoying every moment of Mac…They do grow so fast and he will be snuggling with you for just a small amount of time!!

  24. Hi Jane, great to hear about your Mother’s Day! My daughter and I took my mother out the day before Mother’s Day for our traditional Mother’s Day breakfast together. Yesterday, I enjoyed a quiet day at home with my daughter and hubby, just the way I like it. My daughter made me a tea light holder (which was originally suppose to be a jewelery holder, lol). A relaxing hot bath, then cuddling with my family on the sofa…a great way to end a wonderful day.

  25. It was RWA weekend for me – so I went home to go to my meeting and see my parents (like every month). I stayed all weekend – mostly to help out Mom since my parents are moving next week. We went to Dairy Queen for Lunch and had some soft server for dessert. And did a lot of packing and clean out.

  26. Went out to dinner with my husband and while gone, one of my three boys stopped by with a great card and a box of plants for my garden (seeds from his garden last year). Nice…quiet day.

  27. We had a lovely day. Had Mom over for lunch and went to in-laws for dinner. My 7-year-old however is going to the doctor today for a suspected case of poison ivy that she picked up at in-laws house. I feel bad because she and her cousin were picking wildflowers for their moms in the backyard and it seems came in contact with something bad! Also remember those days of “mush brain” – I hope you can get some rest soon, somehow, Jane!

  28. We didn’t do anything too exciting for my mom’s Mother’s Day. All of us kids just took her out to eat and then spent a couple hours cleaning the house from top to bottom. And while we cleaned she got to watch Little Dorrit from Masterpiece Theater and drink hot cocoa. So she was in seventh heaven.

  29. Yesterday was great! My kids made all kinds of wonderful cards and pictures, and my 7 year old even made me my own very special “Pokemon” coffee mug at school…

    Glad to hear your day was so very sweet too!

  30. Hi Jane,

    Love your blog, and loved meeting you in Seattle last month.

    I had a quiet Moms Day, just went out for dinner with my kids. It was very nice.

    Ty sounds like a great dad! So glad you had a wonderful mothers day!

  31. I had a nice Mother’s Day, albeit a runaround one as my husband had departed for three weeks in California on business and I did all the mom taxiing for sports and jobs for my two remaining daughters at home. I did get some lovely African violets, a garden centre certificate and my favourite Body Shop pink grapefruit bath products… so I feel spoiled.

    I can totally relate to the extreme fatigue… I had four kids in six years and the first eight years are a little blurry around the edges. I remember visiting a friend about 10 days after my fourth was born. Getting up to leave, I packed everyone into their snowsuits, herded them out to the car and strapped them in. I got in myself and looked out the window to wave to my friend, only to see her holding my baby in her car seat on her hip… I had left her in the living room. Not totally used to four at that point, I had packed up only the first three kids…

  32. I’m so glad you had a nice Mother’s Day. I’m also glad that Mac is not in the fridge!!

    I spent the day with the kids because my husband was working until 6pm. When he got home we ordered some gourmet pizzas and watched a movie with the kids. They love to eat picnic style and pile up on the beanbags.

    My husband bought me a hammock/tree swing for M-day. It will hang from our huge, gorgeous sycamore trees in the front yard. On a summer day it is a little slice of paradise; always a breeze and 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the world. It was a great day and I am blessed to have this family!!

    Wishing you some sleep in your own little slice of paradise there.

    Shannon in Tustin

  33. Hi Jane,
    It sounds like you had a lovely Mother’s Day and I remember the exhaustion of having a new baby even though it was so many years ago.
    My Mother’s Day was a relaxing one, something I didn’t always have. I didn’t have to cook at all, which I loved, and it was a beautiful day.

  34. Hi Jane, Hope you had a beautiful Mother’s day and Mac is letting you have some sleep. I spent the weekend with my daughters rearranging and cleaning up the house, then a chinese food picnic. My mom passed away when I was 13 so every time I spend with my girls I know she’s sharing with me.

  35. Hi, Jane! I had a very nice Mother’s Day. My daughter took me out to eat and then we had some quiet time at home.

  36. I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. My youngest was home from college and she and her older sister made me a delicious dinner. Such a treat!

  37. Happy Mother’s Day, Jane! I’m glad you had a wonderful day.

    My 9-year-old daughter made me scrambled eggs and brought me breakfast in bed, and all four kids wrote me letters I could read while I was eating.

    We went to church and then celebrated with my mom. It was a wonderful, peaceful day. I’ve had “official” Mother’s Days now for 10 years, and this one was by far the best.

  38. Happy Mother’s Day Jane!! I had the best Mother’s Day ever. My 4 year old came home from preschool a couple days before with some hand made cards and crafts. It was so special and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. It’s funny how the little things mean so very much! I hope you enjoyed yours with your new bundle of joy!! 🙂

  39. Happy Mother’s day Jane! I had a great Mothers day with my boys. At lunch we prepare a big meal and celebrate watching a movie in home together. I always think food bring family together, I could not asked for anything better. I hope you had a great Mothers day!

  40. I remember those sleepless days/nights where you didn’t know which way was up!

    But you are right about growing older, my kids are 13, 11 & 8 and I only received one homemade present this year for mother’s day (from the 8 yr old) and I know that I only have about another year before homemade gifts of handprints and “questions about my mom” will be gone.

    happy day after mother’s day!

  41. I took my mom gambling…one of her favorite things. With four kids, not one of us planned anything with her. Guilt, guilt! So at the last minute I drove up to take her gambling. We had a great time, and unlike never before, I won $400!!!! I still can’t believe it! Glad to hear you are enjoying those precious moments!! HUGS!

  42. My Mothers day was wonderful!! I had my Mom up and my son, I cooked for everyone and just enjoyed being a Mom, and having my Mom with me.
    My son surprised me with a Kindle 2!! !! I was thrilled!! So, last night stayed up way too late purchasing books!! I have my favorite Jane Porter books, including a few Harlequins I have not read.
    But I do have to say, my favorite was the card my son gave me. It was simple but the words hit hard about how a Mom is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend, and he could not ask for a better friend than his Mom.
    You would have to know the rough journey we have been on together since he was little, to understand the power of the card.
    What a blessing it is to be given the gift of being a Mom

  43. This had to be one of my favorite Mother’s Day ever!! My two children and I got together with 3 other moms and their children for an afternoon of planing flower boxes and then a BBQ where the cooking was all done by one of the gal’s husband. The sun was out, the kids all get along great and we got to have some “girlfriend” time. What an amazing day!

  44. I had a terrific Mother’s Day this year – my first as a single mom. My brother, sister-in-law and two nieces all flew into town on Friday to surprise our mom who turns 70 next Friday. She was absolutely BLOWN AWAY when they walked in the door behind me on Friday night…:-) So for Mother’s Day I had arranged for my youngest niece to be baptized at our church, then we went to lunch at PF Chang’s – all four generations of the women in our family – my 93 year old grandmother, my mom, me and my sister-in-law, and the three cousins – all girls. Then later that day we swam at the local pool and went to play miniature golf. It was a wonderful day!

  45. Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, Jane!

    Me and the family took Mom out for a positively yummy dinner at a nice restaurant. We all had a great time! 🙂

  46. I had the greatest Mother’s Day ever! My daughter graduated from college Magna Cum Laude on Mother’s Day. At first I thought it was a little weird that they chose THIS day for the ceremony, but it made it such a great day! I am so very proud of her, and my son who just finished his first semester in college. Wow..they grow up so fast…

  47. Hi Jane,

    Glad to hear that you had such a wonderful Mother’s Day and got to spend time with all of your boys. I was luck enough to spend the week before Mother’s Day at Disney World with my Mom and my daughter. I was such a wonderful time for us, lots of memories to cherish. It was also very special week because I live 900 miles away from my Mom and this was the first time we’ve seen each other in a year and a half. I know the trip meant a lot to her and me too. On the actual day I had to work but when I got the kids and my hubby surprised me with dinner and dessert, yummy banana splits.

    Take Care,

  48. Hi Jane,
    Mothers Day 2009 was a great yet somber day. This Mom of 3 boys as well spent a great day at Disney’s California Adventure. Although Disneyland is my favorite my Dylan LOVES “Toy Story Mania” so we rode and rode and as Dylan put it “It’s your Day Mommy”.
    I couldn’t help think however about my Mom. My first Mothers Day without my Mom and how much I missed her. She holds a very special place in my heart and I couldn’t believe how going to the cemetery affected me more than it did at Christmas and her birthday. It was a feeling like no other and how I wished she was on the Disney adventure and we as “Moms” should be spending the day together.
    I’m happy to hear how your day was. Please know you made me laugh and put a smile on my face just to read about Mac and the Milk. That’s just as good as the time when the twins were 2 months and Dylan was just a little over 2, I was so tired, by husband on a business trip and my Mom had a cold so there I was, starving, I heated Dog Food thinking it was soup. I could never serve our dog that kind again and the stink, GROSS!!
    Have a great week Jane.
    Lisa Borchert

  49. All I ever ask for is that my
    family be ‘extra’ nice to me on
    Mothers Day. This year though,
    my husband bought me tulips, after
    10 years of me stating that I love
    tulips. My daughter got me a
    surfboard key chain from the treasure chest in her kindergarten
    class. I loved all of my gifts.

  50. Listening to the giggles of my sweet babies as they plan my Mother’s Day surprise is the best possible to wake up in the morning.

    I see them coming, and even though I am not really a morning person, I smile and wait to kiss them on their little faces.

    I am blessed. Sometimes being a mom is hard, but it’s so worth it!

  51. Congrats! Nothing is more precious than a newborn baby!

    We had to celebrate a week earlier as I has to work on Mother’s Day! (8-5)

    The boys went camping in the Great Smoky Mts. They had fun but it rained a lot!

  52. On Mother’s Day my daughter and her children were sick. So, I did something I wanted to do and went fishing with my brother. Yes, fishing! It was a ton of fun, just a little bit chilly. My daughter and I are going to get together soon and do a girls spa day, to make up for Mother’s Day. Really, my best gift is having a happy and healthy family. Who could ask for more!

  53. As a mother of 3 great teenagers I found myself thinking how life changes. The oldest, full of life and energy, is about to go off to college, the middle has just started a band with his buddies and the youngest is the fireball of the family… smart and witty. Life changes. Lots of new friends joining us in the house, no more guarantee of everyone being there for Friday night dinners and while they put up with my kisses, they no longer sit on my lap for them…cause that would just be kinda weird. And with that change comes growth. They’re all at different levels of readiness to be out on their own. I look back and think how grateful I am for all those years of togetherness, as we are extremely close, and look forward to being grateful to the new kind of closeness that will develop as they each find their way in the world. It reminds me of a pillow my mom had that said, “We hold our children’s hands for a short time and their hearts forever.” I was a Mother’s Day baby myself and today is my birthday. Mom always said I was her best gift. Happy Mothers Day and Happy Birthday to all!

  54. Oh, I have to hurry up & enter! Well, I am not a mother and I did not spend Mothers Day with my own mother. I spent Mother’s Day in Vegas with my husband. I like to think of myself as a mother to my pets (see new comment about pets in reponse to your post about what pets would you not have). So anyhow I entered a contest to win a trip to a day spa in Vegas–it was for mothers only but the lady in charge assured me I could enter despite only being a mother to a Pug and some Siamese cats. Now I do sound like a Crazy Cat Lady.
    Happy Mother’s Day!

  55. Hi, Jane! I took my mom out to eat and then we spent the rest of the day relaxing! Hope your Mother’s Day was great!

  56. Hi everyone. It’s been a busy and semi-sleepless post-Mother’s-Day week. And now that we’ve reached the end of it, I have my Mother’s Day contest winner!

    Congrats to #46: Liz, you are my winner! Please send me a private email with your address, and we’ll get your prize out.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you… for all year long!



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