Father’s Day Weekend

Father’s Day weekend is here and my big boys have left to be with their dad, and my littlest boy is here in Bellevue with me while his dad, Ty, teaches surfing in sunny Waikiki.   Business has really picked up again in Hawaii so Ty has to be there now, but I am sorry we can’t be with Ty for his first Father’s Day.  Every great dad should be celebrated and Surfer Ty is a great dad.  He’s so loving with Mac and he can’t keep his hands off his baby.  In fact, when we were flying to Southern California last week for my family reunion, he told the flight attendant that ‘this lady keeps touching my baby.’ 

‘This lady’ being me.

The flight attendant and I had a good laugh about it, but I’m glad Ty loves his baby so much.  Dads need their kids, and kids need their dads.   My dad died when I was fifteen and although I’ve lived a rich, rewarding life, there’s always been a piece of my heart missing since his death.  Dads play with kids different than moms.  Dads tease and laugh and rough-house.  Dads are well…dads.

In honor of Surfer Ty’s first Father’s Day, and to celebrate all the wonderful fathers out there, I’m doing a weekend Father’s Day contest, with the prize being a big orange tote bag packed full of summer essentials ( like candles, lip gloss, fun make up and more), and a copy of the Flirting with Forty movie now released on dvd. 

To enter the contest all you have to do is post a comment below.  Tell me about your weekend plans, what you’ll be doing for Father’s Day, or how your world is right now, and you’re entered.  That’s it.  And I really do want to hear from you as I’ve missed chatting and miss you and would love to catch up.  The contest ends Sunday night midnight PST and the winner will be announced on Monday.  (Do make sure to check back to see if you won.  I have a bunch of blog prizes that have gone unclaimed in the last month, including two Easy On The Eyes arcs.  And if you won a prize but haven’t gotten it yet, or haven’t heard a confirmation from me after you emailed me your address, email me again.  Don’t be shy!  My server has issues with my web mail and sometimes emails get lost and I really do want you to get your fun stuff.)

Oh!  And Mac…how is Baby Mac?  Well, he’s still my yummy boy and he turns eight weeks old this Sunday.  We saw the doctor today for his 2 month check up and Mac’s finally hit nine pounds, and he does love to eat only it’s hard for him to keep most of it down.  We’re still working on finding ways to deal with the acid reflux but when he’s calm, he’s full of smiles for his Mommy, and he’ll coo to catch his brothers’ attention.   The trick is just getting his tummy settled so he can be the happy baby he likes to be.


  1. For Father’s Day I’m going to spoil my hubby with breakfast, and a nice dinner…and a massage later. For my dad, I’m going to try and make a quick “surprise” visit. Glad to hear Mac is healthy!

  2. I loved the book…it’s one that I’m so glad I read it in my 40’s. It struck a core. I watched the movie and smiled most of the way through it.

    Anyways, my step daughter is here in town with her twins (3yrs old almost) so this will be special for my husband. As of yet we don’t have anything specific planned but we’re working on it. I don’t think it will matter much what we do but just that his baby girl is here and his grandbabies will make his day!

  3. That’s too bad that Ty can’t be with you and baby Mac for Father’s Day. My husband is also going to be working. My two little girls will be making special cards for ther daddy. I plan on baking him his favorite cake and preparing his favorite dinner. We are a pretty simple family. We also plan on visiting my Dad for the evening.
    It’s good to hear Mac is doing well. Acid reflux is so heart breaking with babies. My daughter had it and it was a tiring and testing time in our lives. I wish Mac the best and hopefully it wont stick around much longer. I hope you are getting some rest with all that is going on in your busy life! 🙂

  4. It’s great to finally see a picture of Surfer Ty!

    The baby is looking so good, Jane!

    I’m sending the twins to the beach with my ex on Father’s Day and enjoying the peace and quiet… alone to read!

    I’m doing a big Easy on the Eyes Contest with Hachette in the first week of July. I’ll email you about it soon!

    Hope all is well.

    A Novel Menagerie

  5. Glad to hear that all is going well with Mac! He’s absolutely adorable!

    We already started the celebration of Father’s Day since our weekends are so incredibly hectic! We went out to eat for dinner tonight to avoid the rush on Sunday. The children and I (we have 3) will take him to McDonald’s for breakfast on Sunday morning (kids’ choice, not mine!) before church. We’re going to grill out and enjoy being with each other as a family prior to me taking the kids to Colorado for a few days for an adventure with my mom. It’ll be a fun time!

  6. Mac is so darn, cute! Oh my gosh! Happy Father’s Day to Ty! Well, my husband is a great dad too. He just finished an awesome fort for my son in the backyard. I prefer to call it a playhouse, but have been corrected many times! Father’s Day has been hard for me since my dad died 3 years ago. I always look at the cards that I would send my dad if he were still here and feel a little blue. I’m lucky to have a wonderful husband and father for my kids though, and will concentrate on the joy he brings all of us.

  7. Happy First Father’s Day to Mac and Surfer Ty!! Love is love, whether the distance is the next room or hundreds of miles away. May you two have lots of together times soon.

    And Jane, I’m flabbergasted that there are folks who won ARCs of EASY ON THE EYES and haven’t claimed them. WhAt?! I’d’ve held mine with both hands and used my elbows to keep everyone away from it.

  8. Awww, what cute boys! Thanks for sharing the picture of Ty and Mac.

    My boys want to make their Dad breakfast in bed for Father’s Day, and since both Grandpa’s happen to be away this year, our little family will just enjoy the day together being lazy and playing…

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Big boys or little boys, you have to love them! Mac is a doll and I can’t but love to look at him because though I don’t have all good memories of my dad who died when I was 18 but after I was married I became very close to his brother, my uncle, who was called “Mac” and had no children of his own. He was so special to me that I felt like I lost my real father when he passed away two years ago at the age of 89. My few good memories of my father are from when he would hold me on his lap when I was little and rock me and sing “you are my sunshine” and I felt safe and protected. My husband is a wonderful father and restored my faith in men. True loving fathers are gifts and deserve to be celebrated!

  10. What a sweetheart!! So glad to hear Mac’s doing better – and gaining weight! I’m only sorry Ty can’t be there to enjoy his first Dad’s day. Ironically, my boss is in Hawaii right now on a family trip to celebrate her son’s graduation from West Point. Hoo Yah! Maybe Ty’s giving them surfing lessons as we speak… 🙂

    I’m headed to an all day writing seminar tomorrow on mining and writing character emotions or something like that. With the endless rain we’ve been getting in Jersey (I came back from vacation in Phoenix for THIS?) I’m expecting to outfit my Honda with some hickory bark and the requisite two by two menagerie before beginning the 1 hour+ journey to the seminar meeting. Oh! And I entered my first writing contest this week. Huzzah! I’m really trying not to dwell on it too much or I’ll drive myself crazy. Crazier.

    On Sunday, my mother and I are headed do to Philadelphia to spend time with my grandfather who turned 92 this past week. We always celebrate Father’s Day and his birthday in tandem together. He’s a pistol and we have a lot of fun together. Lots of driving for me this weekend, but good stuff in there too. Tonight, I’m doing laundry and trying to finish up an overdue freelance assignment before the weekend plans consume me.

    Have a great weekend on your own with the little man! Enjoy!

  11. Jane,

    Those pictures are the absolute cutest!

    Saturday, I’m taking the kids to the waterpark. Father’s day we are hanging out around here. The kids have made some special surprises for Johnny as well as the gift we bought.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  12. On Fathers day I think we will go visit my husbands father, he is 85 now and not doing real well. He wants a rocking chair to go on his porch so we all went in together and got him one. My father died suddenly back in 1998 from a lawn mower accident, so all we have now is my husbands father and I am very fond of him.

  13. By the way baby Mac looks so cute and you can tell he is growing. I know my son had problems keeping his milk down when he was small. He refused to take a bottle anymore when he reached about nine months. He want drink milk to this very day and he is almost twenty years old now.

  14. Jane, Mac and Ty look adorable together. Thanks for sharing that picture! I am constantly amazed at how I can be grumpy with my husband about something, but then I watch him play with our boys and I see how head-over-heels in love with them he is, and I can’t be mad anymore. There’s nothing I’d want more for my kids than a great dad, and it looks like we both have that for our boys!

    For Father’s Day, I’m heading over the pass Saturday to see my Dad (and celebrate my brother’s soon-to-be-dad status), then heading back home to spoil my husband on Sunday.

    Dads are the best.

  15. I am leaving for California today. I have not seen my dad in two years. Since then he has been put on oxygen so I am prepared for a big shock. Seeing him age has been hard. It is especially so because I don’t see it on a day to day basis but every year or so. That said, this will be our first Father’s Day together in several years.

    I am very excited. Even with the prospect of two teenage girls in the van for over 12 hours. LOL

    Mac is gorgeous.

  16. I will be cherishing memories of my Dad on Father’s Day, too. He & my Mom both passed away 3 years ago, 2 months to the day apart. They were very sick. I miss them both more than words can say. I miss my Dad’s great sense of humor & how he would always TELL me to show him my wallet, to make sure I had money. He loved his grandkids & we all miss him very much. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!!

  17. Dad’s in a rehab facility (not drug related) this father’s day. He got really sick and spent six weeks in the hospital – and is now going through physical therapy to get his strength back. I can’ be there this Father’s day – but I’ve seen him when I’ve gone home and was there earlier this month. It is a road I can’t help him with. I can tell him that I want him to get better all that I want – but he has to be the one to want to get better.

  18. mac is a cutie!

    i will go and fill up the husbands favorite growler with his favorite beer for him to enjoy on sunday. other than that- another chill’n, kick the feet up kinda day.

  19. My husband and I are going to the Mariner’s game for Father’s Day. Love the pictures of you and your family, keep them coming!

  20. Oh, Mac is too precious for words. What a great picture of him and Ty. Wishing Ty a very Happy Father’s Day. I hope you and Mac have a great weekend as well, Jane.

  21. Hi Jane,
    I’m glad Mac is doing better and hope the acid reflux ends soon. Dads are so important to a child, and while I won’t see my father until next weekend my husband, daughter and I will be spending Father’s Day together. I am figuring what to cook and bake right now and my daughter will probably do some of the work which is always nice.

  22. Hi Jane: What great pix of Ty and his son Baby Boy Mac and yes I too wish as you do that they could be together for his first Father’s Day. Darn – but there will be many more, right? They just fit so well together, don’t they?
    Not a care in the world those two – doesn’t it look like that? Baby Boy Mac is just absolutely precious.

    I also get teary at this time of the year – my father’s deceased and as you I absolutely adored him. No hubby but that is a good thing.

    You and your precious baby have a wonderful father’s day and kisses from Bad Mommy Patricia!!!!!

  23. What a beautiful baby and beautiful family you all make! You’ll just have to have a belated Father’s Day together:)
    My daughter will be with her dad spending time with him and I will pamper myself in the free time I have!

  24. Just got back from the Farmer’s Market at Shaw and Blackstone with loads of fresh fruit and veggies for grilling tomorrow with steak, shrimp and white ruffey. Hubby does like to BBQ! We will go to church and then relax at home with the two munchkins.

    Glad that Mac is doing better and you get to see more smiles!

  25. Loooove the Mac and Daddy photo. There is nothing like seeing the modern Daddy in action.

    My Dad was a very wise man. He died two years ago at 86, but he is such a huge part of who I am, I feel like I carry forward the best of him.

    My own husband is a wonderful father, much more patient than I am or even my Dad was. I’m out to buy him some beer and will be making him a special brunch tomorrow.

    If you haven’t read President Obama’s comments on fatherhood profiled on Yahoo!, I highly recommend it.

    Hope Mama Jane is doing well, too!

  26. just got home yesterday from a hospital stay and surgery so I can’t do much for Father’s Day.
    Dad and father-in-law have passed away and dh’s kids don’t come around very often so it will be dh and me. A quiet day and a ‘take it easy’ day. Oh, dh told me he bought Saskatoon pie from the Hutterites so we’ll celebrate with that.
    Have a good day everyone.

  27. I am planning to visit my dad. He is the best!!!
    I have the #1 husband and best dad to our children.
    Mac is beautiful.
    Enjoy every moment.

  28. That baby is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will make peach ice cream for MY Dad (at 81, he still is a kid about homemade ice cream!) and spoil my hubby with steak and lobster sinner. Yumm………both a treat for me as well.
    Glad to see Mac look so happy!!!

  29. Mac and Ty are both adorable! Glad everyone is well in your world. In my world, I’ll be spending Father’s Day with my husband, as our kids are away visiting my sister. I have a new CD for him and plan to make him breakfast. The kids already gave him a gps before they left. My dad lives out of state, but has a gift there to open – a book he wanted. Happy Father’s Day to all the great men out there!

  30. What a little sweetie Mac is..and getting so big. Dad’s gotta make waves while the sun shines and I know where he wants to be for his big day. I’m taking my hubby out to dinner (prime rib…yum) There will be many more Father’s Days, so enjoy your one on one time with Mac.

  31. My husband cheated and opened his Father’s Day presents today, so we’ll settle for fixing him coffee tomorrow am. We had dinner last week when I forgot it wasn’t Father’s Day until this week – DOH.

    I miss my dad, though.

  32. My hubby will be on a very early bike ride tomorrow for Father’s Day. I asked if he wanted breakfast in bed before his ride… at 4am and he told me to sleep. I know he will make pancakes and have them waiting in the microwave for me and the kids when we wake up. When he gets home, he’ll go work in the garden with the kids and then we’ll finish the evening with a ballgame and dinner at Chinooks. I am blessed!

  33. Love your little man, he looks so cute.
    Well, here in Oz we don’t celebrate Father’s Day until September but we usually spend the day with my Dad after my hubby receives his pressies from the kids.
    You are right, Dad’s bring a whole different dimension to the family. Gotta love ’em.

  34. It’s a blessing to have my father still here at 84 years old. My seven-year-old son adores him. There have been many times that he was the only father figure my son could count on. Times are better now, and my ex has been more reliable lately. This Father’s Day will be spent first at Grandpa’s house, followed by a visit to Wesley’s Dad’s house. Each lucky guy will receive a beautiful handmade Father’s Day card.

  35. Sorry Surfer Ty isn’t with you both today, but I really think that it’s the quality of time and not the quantity that makes such a difference. My chef husband has always worked crazy hours and has had less time with our son than we would have liked… but when he is around, he is so wonderful and he and our son have such a close, loving connection. They’re crazy about each other! Surfer Ty sounds like just the kind of dad that will have that same deep bond no matter what!

  36. For Father’s day, dad will start out his day with his favorate pastime, golfing and we will spend the rest of the day with dad and prepare have his favorate supper tonight.

    Great to see you are doing well and baby Mac is a sweetie pie!

  37. For Father’s Day we are letting my husband sleep in late! We had a family get together for all the Dad’s yesterday! It was wonderful! Homemade ice cream, chocolate pound cake, barbeque sandwiches and all the yummy sides! We love them all so much. They are all working so hard! I hope you all have a great day!

  38. What delightful photos. Just love them. Just staying home and cooking a special dinner for my husband and the boys.

  39. Father’s should be celebrated every day for they play such an important role in the lives of their children. With the craziness of our lives these days, I’m glad there is one day that is set aside just for dads.

    My boys will also be going off to see their dad. While they’re gone, I’ll be off to see mine. He has always been there when we needed him. 1 1/2 years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. It really brought it home to me that we need to celebrate every day, for we never know when it’s the last Father’s Day.

  40. My boys and I are treating their daddy like royalty today! Daddy gets to play catch with them, watch cartoons and wrestle around without me telling them to be quiet or stop being so rough! Let the guys be guys!
    I am also making Lasagna for the first time, it is DH’s favorite and he is usually the one to cook it but this time I am going to let him relax.

    I am sorry to hear baby Mac can’t spend the day with his daddy and about his acid reflux! My oldest had to deal with the reflux, thankfully with some formula changes, sleeping habit changes and some time he got past it, I am sure Mac will too! H
    Have a wonderful day Jane!

  41. My boys and I plan on spending the day bbqin’ with dad and enjoying this great weather that California has finally decided to share with us… my youngest (10) is into Poetry so his gift was to frame a poem he wrote for his dad about their time they spend together while he teaches him how to weld… my oldest (13) isn’t as creative lol and went for getting dad some Transformers memorabilia route, as they are both so very different I am sure he will love all his presents.

    Enjoy your day with baby Mac and sorry to hear that Ty wont be with you… I am sure he is there in spirit and misses being with you

  42. My weekend so far: yesterday my day started with a call from my, hopefully , college in september.
    The sad news they brought me was that the library study I wanted to follow there, is not going to start, because of too little interest from future students.. thinking of a back up plan now. My afterschool care job ends the 3th of july, after that well deserved summer vacation!
    After that I went to the city to pick up books, and today I had a lazy sunday, with my new books..wich I was reading in the now officially summer sun in the backyard!
    Hope your weekend was great, Jane!

  43. Baby Mac looks absolutely darling (natch!), thanks for catching us up on his progress. Sounds like things are a bit more settled. I’m sorry Surfer Ty can’t be with you both today.

    We are going to wash my hubby’s car today. It’s reached haz-mat status and the kids get a charge of how gross it is. He’s working today so we’re going to go snatch it and wash it here at home then take it back. I had to let him in on the plans so there wouldn’t be any snafus (like him call the police), but the kids think he doesn’t know. It’ll be fun. We also got him a crazy gift called Bucky Balls–a batch of super magnetic balls that cost an insane amount of money (for what they are). Good thing we love him!!

    Today I miss my own dad. He died suddenly a little over 2.5 years ago at age 71. He was the best dad he could be and I miss his quirky behaviors. I am glad I was able to be there when we took him off life support, but never was able to look him in the eye and tell him how much I love him. I am sure that he knew but not a day goes by when he doesn’t float into my mind in some small (or large) way.

    OK, back to celebrating the dad that my children are blessed to have!!

    Happy Sunday Jane and Mac!!
    Shannon in Tustin

  44. For my husband for Father’s Day we are re-shingling the shed roof! This is something he has wanted to do for awhile but we never get the time. His dad passed away 7 years ago and I am not in contact with my dad or step-dad so we only have us to celebrate. Dads do make a difference in your lives.

    Glad to hear Mac is doing a little better.

  45. My father passed away about six years ago. My birthday always falls the day before father’s day. It was always our time. Although we can no longer spend that time together I still send a “Happy Father’s Day” in his direction. He will always be my Daddy, and I will always be his baby girl.

    By the way, Mac is a gorgeous baby!

  46. well my dad is in the hospital going on 3 weeks! so we went and saw my dad. for my husband we cooked him a nice breakast & gave him peace and quiet and left the house for a few hours. tonight we will have dinner w.mom, then tomorrow night have father’s day dinner at home, if my dad gets released 🙂 please say a prayer for him!

  47. First and foremost Mac is just adorable. My dad has passed away so I no longer celebrate Fathers day. After many years of celebrating it along with many other Hallmark holidays, I have come to the conclusion that one day doesn’t do justice to showing someone you love them. It must be an ongoing demonstration, and even though Ty is miles away, I get the feeling every day he is proud to be Mac’s dad and it is obvious Mac knows that.

  48. Jane,
    You have a beautiful family and hope you are having a great day with your littlest fellow. He is darling. My father passed away in 2005 and my girls dad in 2001 so we are missing our dads in our lives right now. They were both special men and we know they are looking down on us. Wishing all the dads the best day.

  49. My husband left at 05h30 this morning on business in Los Angeles for a month, so his Father’s Day was spent travelling. He’s not that into celebrating holidays anyway, but it’s too bad he’s out of town. I called my Dad and we spoke, but I didn’t get to see him as on my own I am the super incredible Taximom and my day was packed. I’ll see him for lunch tomorrow though.

    Baby Mac is adorable… such special times when they are small. I miss having a little one… my baby is 16 this year. Take care Jane!

  50. Today was a wonderful day! This is my husbands “9th” year having a Fathers Day to my grown up son, and he actually made my husband cry, tears of happiness that is! The card was enough, but inside were 2 Pre-season Laker vs Nugget tickets for Oct, 3rd row!!! My husband is a die hard Laker fan. We had a nice BBQ and just relaxing mellow day.
    I lost my Dad 14 years ago, and thought of him all day, and we looked at picures of him and remembered good times. Dad’s are important to kids, for love, guidance and support. In a different way than Mom’s are.
    Jane, your little guy is a doll! I hope your day was wonderful, and Happy First Fathers Day to Ty

  51. {{Hugs}}on Ty not being able to spend Father’s Day with you and baby Mac. They look really cute together.

    And {{{hugs}}} on baby Mac’s acid reflux. When my daughter, Kathy, was week old she suddenly couldn’t tolerate her formula. My poor baby would have tremendous tummy aches and horrible diarrhea (sp?). She’d scream and scream from the pain. We tried everything, including soy formula and goat milk. She pretty much lived on baby cereal liquified with weak koolaid or sprite. I’d put a pillow on my lap, put a heating pad on top of that, cover it with a thick towel and place Kathy on top. It helped sometimes. Carrying her with her tummy against my arm and her back against my front also seemed to help sometimes.

    When she was nine months old, the doctor suggested acidophilus milk. Wow, what a difference it made! I don’t know why the dr didn’t mention it nine months earlier. The nurse also mentioned that she thought Kathy would be able to tolerate dishes made with milk and/or cheese as long as the milk and cheese were cooked first. That worked, too. Kathy eventually became able to eat cheese and drink milk without it having to be cooked first. Sorry to blather on so long.

    Btw, I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Flirting with Forty.” I’m delighted it’s going to be available on DVD. My daughter (Kathy–now a mommy herself) tried to DVR it for me, but something happened and it didn’t work. I was bummed, but not for long because I have the book and can re-read it whenever I want.

  52. My husband lost his father a few years back. He still has a rough go of it and doesn’t want us to celebrate anything for him on Father’s Day. I’m not really good at that. It’s kinda tricky because the kids want to celebrate with him, but we ultimately have learned that the best thing that we can do for him on Father’s Day is to celebrate the way he wants which is to not celebrate. Life’s not always perfect.

  53. For Fathers Day I went to IHOP for breakfast with my family. The whole weekend has been great, spending a lot of time with friends and family. We also had time to go to Northwest Trek. A fun place for the whole family.

  54. Father’s Day was extra special this year. My husband was home and my dad was in town so I celebrated by making a huge dinner and sending them out to play golf! I really wanted to play too but I figured a guys day would be best. They loved it and so did my mom and me! The kids did their own thing but dinner together was extra special.

    I love the photo of Baby Mac and Ty together. What a great shot…

  55. This is such a great tribute to Fathers, Jane! I especially liked the posts from those who have lost their Dads (Sally – #26, Shannon – #47, and Jennifer – #49). My dad left this earthly world just over a year ago. He passed away at age 86 after a long battle with dementia. For some reason, I think it affected me even more this year than last. I really missed him. I was so blessed throughout my life to have him though. He was a great man and a wonderful testimony of a life well lived.

    I love the pictures of baby Mac and his Daddy. I’m off to Hawaii this Thursday so may have to at least say hi to Ty if we run into him on the beach. 🙂 I can’t wait to check out all the beautiful spots you have talked about, Jane. I hope your Father’s day was extra special even though you were apart from your man! Take Care!

  56. Awwwww… baby Mac is so adorable!

    We spent Father’s Day with my parents and family. It was fun to hang out with my siblings and tell stories from childhood about our dad. Then, not to be outdone, my husband started sharing stories from his childhood. We laughed until our sides ached, and I’m sorry to say (not really) that my kids gained a new appreciation for their dad and grandpa, as well as a few dozen stories of mischief and mayhem.

    It was a wonderful day.

  57. A drum roll, please…Congratulations to #37 MJ Gillot for being the Father’s Day contest winner! MJ, I hope you’re checking back and will discover you’re the winner. Please send me a private email with your address so I can get the tote bag, goodies and Flirting movie in the mail to you.

    Congrats again and thanks to everyone for posting!


  58. Hi Jane!

    I missed the contest, but that’s okay. I just want to say hello and let you know that I’m thinking of you and that the new photos of Mac are just beautiful! He is the spitting image of his Daddy! Too cute!! I hope things are getting to be a bit more manageable in terms of his acid reflux problem and that you’re getting the sleep and help that you need.

    I spent Father’s Day with my whole family at my sister Dianne and her husband Carl’s house in the country and we had a barbecue that included my Dad’s cousins who are visiting from Germany; so there were 14 of us. My Dad, who is German and from Hamburg, turned 67 on June 13th and with his blue eyes, perfect white hair, and slim, 6 foot tall physique – I’ve got to say he is one handsome dude for his age! He just needs to start wearing some of the new clothes we buy for him for different occasions! He’s a creature of habit and wears the same clothes year in and year out until they have to be thrown out! What can we do with him?!

    I have a complex relationship with my Dad, who isn’t very talkative or demonstrative, but I’m lucky to have him and have learned a lot from him over the years about responsibility and integrity. He’s been an excellent provider who was always dependable and whose love of animals and nature really rubbed off on my sister Karen and I (Dianne has asthma and is allergic to most animals). He’s an awesome Opa and I’m very proud of the man he has become…the evolution of everyone’s character is a neverending process! Believe it or not, after 30 years of my mother being a born again Christian and her prayering for him to accept Christ as his personal savior, he actually did it, in Arizona this past March. I’m telling you…miracles do happen and if you pray for something long enough, your prayer will most likely be answered! Talk about patience being a virtue though…wow!! I’m not as patient with God as my Mom is, but then again, I haven’t been saved either. 🙂

    Love from Kingston,
    Christine xox

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