Little Bits

I’m writing in little bits, hoping they’ll add up to big bits and trying to stay calm (and cool!) as kids run wild and temperatures hover in the high 80’s to low 90’s–not hot if you’ve air conditioning but sweltering if you’re at a computer without a breeze.

Fortunately I’m feeling more and more settled here, but not so settled that I won’t be going back to Bellevue end of August for my kids school year. That’s right.  For those of you worried that I’ve moved to Hawaii permanently, that’s a no, not happening, not possible until son Ty goes to college which is 7 years from now.  So until then, Baby Mac and I will be making lots of trans Pacific flights to see Surfer Ty and Ty will be making the same flights to come see us in Washington, and if you’ve a private event scheduled with me for the Fall, I will be there as I’m only in Hawaii for the summer.

Speaking of emails, I’ve been getting quite a few emails about upcoming book events for Easy–which Amazon now says it starts shipping on July 11th instead of the official release date of the 22nd–and thought I’d brief you here as well as on my events page.

While my Bellevue book launch hasn’t been scheduled yet, I do have two events in Hawaii, one this Saturday at the Aina Haina library when I speak to the local RWA chapter, and the other on August 6th at Borders at the Ward Center.  I’d love to see you at either event, so if you’re in Hawaii come find me, and if you’re not in Hawaii, rest assured that I will be doing some events in Washington and California this Fall.  All the details will be on my site on the Events page so keep checking back.

And finally, as many of you know, Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect were also optioned and remain under serious consideration by several production companies.  Due to the current economy I’m not sure if and when the project would be green lighted, but I’ve had the most amazing feedback on the books and their stories and am honored to have such talented directors and producers reading my books and discussing them so thoroughly.

Mac is waking up from his cat nap so I better rescue him from his swing.  Thank you to everyone for your emails, your reviews you’ve begun posting at Amazon, and your support.  You guys rock!  🙂


  1. I wish more than anything that I could attend your Hawaii book event! I was in Bellevue for the last book launch and your book signings are a thing of wonder! The line wraps around the store! Think about coming to Montana this Fall. I will put together a crazy fun event for you!!!

  2. Not surprising that Kari could put something fun together for you but how about NJ? I know it’s a far trip with a new baby…Oh and hopefully I will have a new car and no car trouble this time!!! Doesn’t matter … totally worth it:) Just ordered a few JP books and the Flirting DVD for my friend last night…she can’t wait to read and watch!!!

    Hope all is well!! Stay cool!!

  3. Wooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!
    Just got email from Amazone that my copy of Easy on The Eyes is in the mail!!!!
    I am so excited to read it!!!! Was going to get it on Kindle2, but like the “Book” feel!

  4. Jane,

    So glad that you are feeling settled in Hawaii and getting some writing done. Have no fear, it will all come together. Ihave complete faith in you and your abilities. Sending big hugs out to you.

    Hope that Mac is feeling good in the tropical climate.

  5. Aloha,
    Wishing you and your family all the best. Looking forward to your Bellevue launch. In the meantime…continue to celebrate the loves of your life.

  6. Because of your book club, I have re-read Flirting with 40, Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect and it struck me how every new book has been better that the prior one.
    Your books have a lot of glamour in them but you manage to address topics about single moms and raising children and marriage relationships and friendship (I could go on and on) that are insightful and make great points but they are not preachy. The books were all better on a second reading, which you can’t say about most silly fluff only “chic” books. I can’t wait to read Easy on the Eyes and am looking forward to a Bellevue Book launch!

  7. I wanted to pop over here from ANM’s Easy On The Eyes: Hollywood Nights Chicklit Extravaganza Contest to say hi!

    I’m so excited about your latest book!!!

  8. My copy just arrived today and I leave for vacation tomorrow. I am so excited to get to spend time on a sandy beach along a creek in northern California reading this book. I read Ms. Perfect last year in Yellowstone.

    Glad to hear your writing is moving along and enjoy your summer in Hawaii with your family.

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