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One Week Left

Can’t believe a week from today I return to Bellevue. Can’t believe I’ve been here in Hawaii almost two months already. Even harder to believe I’ve only been to the beach once!! What have I done all summer? Write. And write. And nurse Mac. And make sure boys were happy. And, well, write some more.

Yesterday I turned my book in to my editor but the ending still isn’t what I want so I’m continuing to work with it until I’m happy–which might be another few days–and then on Saturday afternoon I have another military base signing here on Oahu, this time at Schofield. But fingers crossed that on Sunday I can take Mac to the beach to see his dad.

Next Thursday Ty is going to fly Mac and me back home, make sure we get settled in the hotel we’re staying in for the next month (Bellevue house is being remodeled and isn’t ready for us to move back in) and then return to Hawaii for another couple weeks.

I will really hate saying goodbye to him. Already makes me feel emotional. I love it when we’re all together and Mac does, too. He’s such a Daddy’s boy and loves his morning routine with him where the guys get up at 5 to watch baby cartoons and hang out together.

On the book front, readers and friends continue to send me fun shots of Easy On The Eyes on store shelves. The photo below is from Kiersten and was taken at a Target store in NJ. Thanks, Kiersten for the pic!

And because this is my last week here in Hawaii, it’s time to share some more aloha. I’m giving away another fun Hawaii surprise package and I’d love for you to win! How? Just post a comment below and you’re entered. I’ll draw the winner’s name Sunday night and announce on Monday. You can share anything, just talk to me. I miss you all and want to hear what’s going on!

73 Comments on “One Week Left

  1. I admire how you are making this all work. I know it’s not easy and I admire that you do it with such grace. Excited to have you back in Washington so I can go to your upcoming book signing. 🙂

  2. Jane,
    You’re sad about leaving Hawaii and I’m sad about summer being almost over. Tonight I worked late and got home after 8:30, and it was already almost dark. Those long June evenings when I could take long walks after work are long gone. I love summer and hate the signs of fall! Still, there is much to celebrate, and having Jane back in Bellevue is one – see you at your book signing. Have a good time at the beach and a good flight back.

  3. Hi Jane – Enjoy the last week before going back to reality. I’m never ready for summer to end. This summer’s obsession was late night snacks of homemade pizza that my son made for us. Hungry teenage boys make great chefs, messy kitchens and great memories.

  4. Enjoy the remainder of your time in Hawaii! Today we took our two little girls to their first trip to the county fair. They had a blast seeing all the animals and getting pony rides. It brought back memories of when I was a kid and my parents taking me to do the same.
    Tommorow I am going to see if our Target has EOTE…can’t wait to read it! Have a safe trip back to WA! 🙂

  5. We miss you too! I hope your trip back is safe and stress-free. I’m having trouble sleeping, so I thought I would check in. 🙂

    Be safe, and see you back soon.

  6. I’m so glad you were able to spend the summer in Hawaii with Ty. Even though you had to work a lot I’m sure it was wonderful to be together. It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and the whole busy school schedule will start again soon. I’m not quite ready to let go of summer yet. We have two more weeks here before school begins.

    We are thankful for the fun trips we were able to do this summer to Va. Beach, a state park nearby on a lake, and to Michigan to see family. We even made it up to Mackinaw Island finally and it was just beautiful. Wish it were easier for us east coast folks to get to Hawaii but it’s quite a haul!

    Have a great day!

  7. Hi Jane,
    I can’t believe it’s coming to the end of summer so soon. It has been so hot and humid here that it feels like we are in the middle of summer. I hope you get your book done the way you want so you can spend a little more time on the beach.

  8. Enjoy the week, Jane. We are looking forward to having you back in Bellevue! And hoping to see you soon.

    Travel safely. ~LeAnne

  9. It’s always difficult to say good-bye to summer. But, I have to remember fall brings it’s own beauty and fun. Enjoy your last week in Hawaii!

  10. Hi Jane, it is almost sad to see the summer end! I think its wonderful that you got to spend the summer in Hawaii and I am sure you would love to stay there with Mac’s dad, you are an amazing lady. In your last week make sure you go to the beach at least once. This summer has flew by. I am packing things to move my son back to his college dorm tomorrow. It seems like it was a short time ago he was Mac’s age. They grow up to fast. I can’t believe its that time again.

  11. Oh, I am sad for you. But happy you are coming home here to Washington.

    Not much going on here….my daughter is starting 9th grade here in Puyallup so that is taking a lot of my time.

    Get down to that beach and enjoy yourself. 🙂

  12. You are right that the past 2 months went by fast.
    I hope you get your wish and get to go to beach on Sunday with Mac.
    Here’s wishing you a speedy good ending for your book.

  13. We didn’t have much of a summer in Colorado. It has been unseasonably cool and wet. Too much rain! We joke that it is like living in Seattle. Rain every day is tough!

    Enjoy your time with your boys and Ty. I hope you make it to the beach one more time to get the sand between your toes and the gentle breeze in your hair! (ahh…I just lived vicariously through that…)

    I can’t wait for the next JP book!

  14. Enjoy your final days in Hawaii. I’m looking forward to reading Easy on the Eyes. Good luck on finishing the ending on the next book. I recommend your books to lots of people because I love them.

  15. Hi! Good luck getting that ending right….
    Wanted to thank you for your generosity in offering yet another contest. You don’t have to do it, yet you do, even when you’re ever so busy.
    Please know your generosity and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated.

  16. Hi Jane,

    I am excited about summer ending. My favorite season is the Fall and Winter. I like the clothes, the boots and the good movies that come on the TV. Enjoy your time in Hawaii.

  17. Hi Jane and her boys; so happy for you sending in the near finished book and for you still being in Hawaii.

    I am still doctoring and travelling long distances to see the doctors but finally found out yesterday that I start Radiation on Sept. 9th for 25 treatments. Five weeks, that is. I also started on the HRT pills that I will be taking for 5 years. I, too, have to leave my dh for a week at a time and then he will come and get me for the weekend at home and then back to the city and the Cancer Lodge for another week and so on. Take care and thanks for the Aloha contest.

  18. Make the most of your last week. I hope that you have a safe trip back.

    This week I am having to deal with sending my baby off to college!

  19. Hi, Jane – The Summer certainly did fly by and I’ve enjoyed seeing the pics of little Mac and how he’s growing more handsome each day. My favorite so far was the “I Miss My Mommy” pic on your last blog – just adorable!! He’s going to be just as handsome as his Daddy when he gets older. Enjoy your last week – make the most of it – and get down to the beach as often as possible. Raining here in PA today. Safe travel back to Washington with two of your boys.

  20. Your posts always make me smile. 🙂
    My daughter was in the hospital for a few days at the beginning of the week but is home now and making progress in her recovery so there is much to be thankful for here. Enjoy your last week in Hawaii & thanks for always thinking of us.

  21. I’ve never been to Hawaii, so I’m living vicariously through your blog. Hope your trip isn’t too hard and you can get back together soon. I know it’s hard being separated.

  22. Good luck with the ending of the book and I hope you’ll get the chance to go to the beach again with baby Mac.
    Enjoy your last week in Hawaii 

  23. I’ve introduced my mom, in Delaware, (I am in Newcastle, WA) to your books and she is enjoying them very much. She’s mentioned Odd Mom Out at least twice during my short visit to see her this week. Thanks for giving us richly painted characters we can relate to, and whose stories we’ve come to care about. Mahalo for the contest and your work! Aloha to you and yours.

  24. I hate being away from my honey too. He’s starting with the fire department in a couple of weeks and he’ll be gone for days at a time.

    How could you be in Hawaii and not go to the beach?! Ok, I know, I’ve had three kids. It was years before I went ANYWHERE. lol!

    Can’t wait for the next book!

  25. It must be so difficult to live so far away from your husband, but what a great Mom you are to sacrifice time with your husband for your older boys.

    I think I’m looking forward to the end of summer; we began the summer at Virginia Mason Hosp in Seattle, where my husband had a sudden and life threatening infection due to a tumor blocking his bile ducts. We had to go back for surgery to remove the tumor, BUT the good news, that dr’s did not expect, was the tumor was “pre” cancerous. I have never been so scared in all my life!! But we made it through, what a relief, and are now home enjoying the summer and a normal life with our kids! I really enjoyed being able to read your books to distract me from stress!

  26. Thanks so much for doing the book signings on military bases and supporting our troops. My husband is in the army reserves so it is always nice to see people supporting them.

    Enjoy your time in Hawaii!

  27. Enjoy your last week in Hawaii and have a safe flight back. Hope the week in the hotel isnt’ too long before you’re back in your house.

  28. Summer always seems to go by too fast, even when we’re all grown up. Being apart from Ty will be sad, but the homecoming will be ultra-sweet. Aloha moments.

    I use my EASYontheEYES inkpen all the time. Love it!

    Hope to see you in Hawaii some day.
    From all the way on the east coast in the tiny town of Drewryville, VA,

  29. Its never easy to say goodbye, and its so sweet that your hubby and Mac have their time together,my son and my husband had time together but my daughter got short changed for he decided to start his goofing around crap, anyways were fine and life goes on. Glad to here your writing and have a goodtime that you have left in Hawaii.

  30. Jane, we are thinking about you, and I hope that even though it was a “working” vacation, the summer in Hawaii was wonderful for you and your family!


  31. It is now the last weekend before school starts and I can not believe the summer has passed.

    I have been using your Easy on the Eyes pen at work and it has sparked great conversation. I work with avid readers and they all wanted to know who Jane Porter was. Of course, I had to tell and shared with them all that you have written.

    Hope your ending is going where you want and meets your expectations. I know it will be another fun read!

    Enjoy your remainding time in Hawaii and get out there and enjoy the beauty of the island! I am sure that is what Mac would want you to do! How can you resist that face?

  32. Jane,
    Awesome that you got to spend all that time in Hawaii! But take a break and get your butt to the beach before your time is up. It sounds like you definitely deserve it!! Enjoy the rest of your time on the islands and have a safe trip home!

  33. Ohh what a great time you’ve had. I can’t wait to read your new release.

    Enjoy your remaining time and takes tons of pictures.


  34. Hi Jane! I hope you enjoy your final days in Hawaii! I’m getting ready to go to Disneyland with my 3 sisters! Should be a blast, two of them have never been. I hope the move into the hotel goes smooth for you…that’s going to be a difficult situation, but I know you’ll make it work just fine! Have a safe flight home!

  35. My gosh, your life has changed so much since I first discovered you 5 yrs ago.

    Here’s to more adventures, and I love the picture of Ty and his boy….

  36. Hi! To the boys … thank you for allowing your mom to share so much of her time and life with her fans. (You too, Ty!) I’m sure it’s not always easy. I certainly appreciate it and enjoy hearing about your family’s exciting life. To Jane … thanks for your acessability. It’s not often that a writer will take the time and interest to really connect with her readers. I first read Flirting With Forty – as I had recently turned 40. I must have read it four consecutive times. It was just fun! I tore myself away from a fifth read to move on to The Frog Prince and on from there. I always look forward to hearing what you’re up to and what’s new on the horizon … so thank you for your kindness, your aloha spirit and connecting with your fans. Aloha and A Hui Hou … Safe travels.

  37. You’ve been in Hawaii for two months and only been to the beach once? For shame! Everyone should try some snorkeling or surfing while in Hawaii.

  38. Hi Jane,

    I love summer vacations but hate goodbyes too. My husband and I travel a lot, but unfortunately not always together, so I simply hate goodbyes, especially when it´s nice outside and I want to spend time outside.
    Hope you have time to go to the beach before leaving for Bellevue.

  39. Goodbyes are hard but you’ll definitely have lots of fond memories. Hope you have safe travels home! Take care of yourself and your sweet family. Hope you can make it to Wichita, KS sometime!

  40. I loved “Easy on the Eyes”, and will be reviewing it soon.
    I’m currently upset that my girls will be starting school on 9/8 – they’ve been homeschooled up until now. I’m hoping it will only be for a year, though.
    Life doesn’t always turn out quite the way you want it to. But the good parts are great!

  41. I finally got to read Easy On The Eyes!!! All the way through in one sitting!! I am blessing the cold that made me do it. I really really liked it, and I loved your note at the end. I am curious what the foundation was that tested you and how…

  42. Thanks for the blog link on facebook! This is fun! I can’t believe you’re in Hawaii for this long! And you had a baby! How sweet! I can’t wait to see you at the Bellevue Library……. Aloha!

  43. My summer has been great…full of friends including FINALLY meeting Kari and the Montana group of the candle team!! Had a wonderful 5 days with them. Also, welcomed a new niece in July and my younger sister is pregnant with her first too!!

    Hope you enjoy your last week in HI, Jane!! Good luck with the renovations at home!!

  44. You sure had a busy summer. But, doesn’t it just go too fast! It’s unbelievable to me that summer is almost over & everyone is getting ready to go back to school.

    Anyways, enjoy your time in Hawaii & have a safe trip back to Bellevue!

  45. Hi Jan, glad to here you are doing so well. Miss you coming to Fountain Hills if you are ever this way please let me know. I would love to go to one of your book signings if you have any in Arizona. Miss you and wish you and the boys well.


  46. Glad to see that everything has worked out and you turned in your new book.

    No worries 2 weeks will fly by.

    Safe Travels, I look forward to your next blog!

  47. Hi Jane:
    I can’t believe summer is almost over! One week from today we’ll be writing names on all the school supplies and I’ll be foraging through the pantry to find lunch fixings. I am HUNGRY for the routine of fall and regular bedtimes. Call me crazy…

    Good luck with all of your moving and settling Jane. You’re such a trooper! Living out of suitcases and boxes is a hassle, let’s face it. You seem to take it all in stride.

    I hope Shea’s ending presents itself to you with little toil or struggle. I also hope you make it to So. Cal for a book signing at some point. I’m SO there!

    Aloha wishes to you and the guys,
    Shannon in Tustin

  48. Hi Jane,
    Hope your last week in Hawaii is going well and that your time away from Ty goes quickly. I just picked up your book at Borders the other day and it is on my pile of books to be read!

    Safe travel to you and your family.


  49. It is amazing that summer is almost over and school is starting again. Time flies so fast…

    Have a safe trip home.

  50. Hope you have some relaxing time in Hawaii before heading back to Bellevue and all that awaits you here. I think you are in for a real adventure spending 1 month in a hotel with 2 young boys and a baby. I can’t even imagine the stories that will provide!

    Safe travels.

  51. Hope you enjoy your last bit of time in Hawaii!! Have a safe trip back!!!

    I am getting used to a new routine with my hubby traveling again. I am not overly fond of the idea, but in the economy we are in I am glad he has a good job. Although it does make things a bit more difficult when we are trying to get pregnant now!

    Anyways, I loved Easy on the Eyes!!! Great story and I loved the way you wrote the book. You are so very talented!! Cannot wait to read the next one!!!

    Blessings to you!

  52. You’re a bigger woman than I could ever be in those circumstances. Just the thought of living with a little one in a hotel without partner support for ANY length of time…well, I’d be toast-:) Enjoy what is left of your summer!

  53. Aloha Jane!!

    We just booked a week-long vacation to Oahu and are looking forward to our first family Thanksgiving away from home…ever! Guess we’re trading our turkey and mashed potatoes for kalua pig and shaved ice!!

    Hope all is well with you. Have a safe flight home and good luck getting settled in to your hotel.


  54. Enjoy your last week in Hawaii… get to te beach if you can. I am amazed you were able to bypass the beach for work… I think it would be a huge distraction for me.

    My summer was eaten up by horse shows and am just home from the last… my 18 year old moved out for college this weekend and 9 days left until my youngest goes back to school. How time flies!

    Have a safe trip home and hope your remodelling is finished soon.

  55. Hi Jane,

    I think of Jackie all the time. I remember all the wonderful things she always said about you and what a good mom you are. Your baby is adorable and I wish Jackie could have met him. I am proud of you and your family. Take care Jane…..


  56. Hi Jane,

    Just wanted to say that I finally got to read Easy on the Eyes and I just loved, loved, loved it. I’m so looking forward to your next one. Hope you enjoy your last week in Hawaii.

    Take Care,

  57. Hi everyone,

    Jane is again experiencing some problems with her internet connection and asked me to log on and post the winners on her behalf. She picked two winners —

    #53 – Kit Borodenko
    #66 – Becky Brown Sullivan

    Congratulations, ladies! Please email Jane with your full mailing address right away so she can get the goodies in the mail to you soon. 🙂 Thank you!

  58. Mac is so cute! His face has so much personality! He looks so tiny next to Ty! You look great too!
    I just finished Odd Mom Out and loved it. I’m on a trip in Oregon visiting family and also camping and a little windsurfing and I brought that and also Mrs. Perfect which I’ll start reading soon. I loved having the book to look forward to at the end of the day and a bit in the a.m.! It really was a fun addition to the vacation! Good luck getting back home to Bellevue and hope the remodel is done early! You really worked hard this summer on the new book! Like you said in Odd Mom Out about Tiana making it big in her modelling business- she worked really hard, got up early and went to bed early instead of going out, gave up alot to “make” it! It’s work and dedication – it doesn’t just happen. Lot’s of insightful messages like that in the book. That’s what I like about your books- there are lots of messages- it’s more than just a fun story.

  59. Jane, I first contacted you several years ago when my husband went out and bought “Flirting With Forty” for me. You sent me a little thank you package and I was thrilled. Now, every time I get a Christmas card or any little note at all I am elated!!! My friends all say that I am a Jane Porter groupie! I don’t care if I win any contest or not…. just you doing the little things that you do are enough. I think that it is amazing that you take time out of hectic life to remember your fans. You rock!!!

  60. Oh my gosh ,how beautiful. I hate to say this ..but he is a smaller version of “Surfer Ty”.
    You guys look great!!!

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