Mac & Misc

I told Mac today’s our last day in Hawaii until December so he’s decided to do some sun bathing of his own on the living room couch. He’s a nature baby, that’s for sure.Nude and naked are his favorite states of dress, although he’ll settle for a diaper when we have to go out and about.

My book is now in and my editor is reading. I know I’ll have some tweaks so I’ve just finished mailing all my research books and materials back to Bellevue so I’ll be ready to get back to work as soon as I get the revision letter. In the meantime I’ve got some events coming up–a Bellevue library book signing with three other authors on Saturday, so if you’re in the area, come see me! The event starts at two and I’ll be reading/discussing around 2:15 or 2:30 and then signing books right after. I will be having other local events in the next month so if you can’t make Saturday’s library fundraiser (they’re selling a very cool author cookbook and I’m included among their celeb author recipes) you will have the chance to see me again soon.

I’m doing one last Hawaii contest, and this prize does fit into my suitcase so here’s what I want from you—tell me which of my books is your favorite (and why, if you’d like)–and you’re entered. Contest will close Friday night midnight PST and I’ll announce the winner on Saturday and get the prize in the mail on Monday. It’s a fun prize and includes a Starbucks card, a B&N, a colorful sarong and some more Hawaii goodies.

(And last but not least, my two winners from the last blog haven’t emailed me and I leave Hawaii tomorrow and can’t take the boxes of wonderful goodies in my suitcase so… check the comment section at the end of the last blog on my website, and see if you are either of the two names picked. Otherwise, I will pick two random winners from my reader list and just mail the packages out in the morning on my way to the airport.)


  1. What an adorable picture! Mac is one cutie pie! Well, as far as my favorite book of yours…I guess my all time favorite is Flirting With Forty. It was the first one I read of yours and for some reason, it just really touches me. I love anything that has to do with Hawaii, and when a story is set there, it just gives me that feeling of being there, I guess. Plus, the story is just the perfect fairy tale! Do you think you would ever have another story about Jackie and Kai? Or at least another book set in Hawaii?



  2. Beautiful picture of your little angel. He is such a cute baby. I miss so much this stage of my two girls who, at 9 and 6 are not babies anymore and make sure to remind me of it everyday.

    My favourite book of yours I have to say is Flirting With Forty. However I haven’t read Easy On The Eyes yet, so I will have to say it is my favourite for now.

    I was in Hawaii with my husband 12 years ago for two precious weeks and I just fell in love with the islands. We are always planning on which islands we want to see next (we were in Ohau and Maui) and trying to save in the meantime.
    Have fun your last day and have a safe trip back home.

  3. “Flirting With Forty” because it is, so far, the only book of yours I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Or… maybe because this east coast girl, who used to live on Oahu AND outside Seattle for 10 years, really misses those places. I felt like I was back everytime I’d open your book. Mahalo, Jane!

  4. Wow, what a cute little boy! You should be one proud momma! 🙂
    My favorite book would be Flirting With Forty, I can really relate to that book. I am reading The Frog Prince right now and I love it too!

  5. Mac is so cute in that photo. They all love to be that way. I remember when my son was about two I couldn’t keep anything on him he would take it right back off. He ran out the front door on me not a stitch on.

    I think I will have to go with Flirting with Forty, I think it was the first book I read of yours and it was such a great story.

  6. what a cute pic of mac!

    my favorite book of yours would be “flirty with forty”. just related to it in every sense and that i had just returned from hawaii made it even better!

    ps. thanks so much for sending my blog winning goodies! YOU ROCK!

  7. I think “Flirting with Forty” because I love Hawaii and could picture the places you were talking about and maybe because at the time I was dating a “much” younger guy also. I love all your books but if I had to pick that would probably be it.

    Mac is so adorable – don’t you wish we could just lay around and enjoy the sun like that!!

  8. I don’t know if it’s because I just read it but Easy On the Eyes is my favorite right now. It has such a great ending and I love books with wonderful endings.

  9. Mac is adorable!!!
    My fav book is Easy on the Eyes. Tiana is such an inspiration.
    Have a great flight home!!

  10. The pictures of Mac are great. He looks so happy.

    Gosh, it’s so hard to choose which book. Flirting with Forty was my first and probably my favorite. Although I can really relate to Marta and Taylor too. But FWF had the most impact on me and really changed the way I look at life.

    Safe travels to you.

  11. Please, please, please keep posting pictures of Mac…what a LOVE!!

    My favorite is Flirting with Forty: it’s just the perfect fairy tale and I couldn’t stop reading it until I finished. Literally about 2 days solid (for a busy mom, that’s like two hours!!).

    My second fave is Mrs. Perfect. Things aren’t quite as extravagant where we live, but I’m always trying to remember that “everything isn’t always as it seems”.

    Aloha Jane!
    Shannon in Tustin

  12. It’s tough to pick which one is my favorite. I think Odd Mom Out/Mrs. Perfect. I really liked Flirting With Forty because I’d been there so many times and could totally picture it in my mind.

    Well, have a safe trip home. It sounds like Hawaii has been a great experience for y’all!

    A Novel Menagerie

  13. Love the baby picture! My favorite book of yours is “Mrs. Perfect”, which I did not even expect to like that much (a whole book on that mean Taylor, no way! :)) I just loved her whole metamorphosis from controlling perfectionist to regular mom who finds out her value as a person has nothing to do with all the things she thought it did. The change in her relationship with Marta was a riot as well. Can’t wait to read “Easy on the Eyes”!

  14. I loved Odd Mom Out with Mrs. Perfect being in a close second! Getting ready to start Easy on the Eyes — maybe that will be my new favorite? 🙂
    I loved Marta and everything about her. She is herself without any apology. What an amazing role model for her daughter!! 🙂

  15. I LOVE this pic of Mac! Of course, I love all the pics of Baby Mac, but he looks so happy, playful, and peaceful in this pic.
    Flirting With Forty is my favorite. I love the whole feeling that I got from Flirting With Forty. And, of course, the movie just really brought it to life. Hope you and Mac have a great trip back.

  16. What an absolutely adorable baby Mac is!! So precious!!!

    I have to say that Easy on the Eyes has been my favorite so far. I connected with Tiana. Her struggles with aging and image really stuck out to me.

    Of course, I love all your books…amazingly I always find a little piece of myself in your books!

    Hope you have a safe trip back and hope your house renovations are completed soon!!


  17. I gotta go with ODD MOM OUT, cause it was my first with you and I really love Marta’s sense of self, her fearlessness in keeping to her own path no matter the pressure, and her heartbreaking attempts to understand the daughter who is so very different from herself. I do love MRS PERFECT too, but Taylor is a little harder for me to feel affection for and it’s not till the second third of the book that she wins me over.
    (I may have gotten names wrong, it’s been a while since I’ve read ’em)

    La, that baby is too cute. Au natural indeed.

    Safe journey!!

  18. Easy on the Eyes – I really enjoyed Tiana and Michael’s relationship and of course I am a sucker for happy endings! I have also been thinking about Odd Mom Out and Mrs Perfect these last few days. My son Jackson just started kindergarten and everytime I see the word PTO I think of Taylor and Marta…. Mac looks so happy! Have a safe trip back to Seattle.

  19. The Secretary’s Seduction the UK version was my first Jane Porter book and is my favorite because it was my first.
    I still pull it out every now and again and read it.
    I loved Flirting with Forty because well I am in my forty’s and I could relate.
    Have a safe trip back to the mainland.

  20. Odd mom out was my favourite because its so refreshing and I love “real” & adventurous women, rather than dull stepford wives.

  21. Hi Jane,

    What an adorable picture, now you know that it’s going to be blackmail material in 15 years when the girlfriends start coming around. As for your books, I have to say that my favorite is Flirting with Forty. I first read an excerpt from Flirting with Forty in a women’s magazine I had subscribed to, I was instantly hook. As soon as I was done with the excerpt I had to get online and order the book itself. I finished it in 6 hours. I would have to say that I just loved the way the story draws you in; you experience Jackie’s joys and pains, her ups and downs right along with her. Thank you for giving us those moments in time where we immerse ourselves, so deeply, in one of your stories.


  22. Can’t choose. Odd Mom Out, because I related to Marta best, and Easy on the Eyes, because I loved how you tackled the tricky side of beauty.

    Love the baby’s butt!!!

  23. My favorite is Mrs. Perfect because the characters were multi-dimensional. Taylor and really her whole family grew in understanding and values. The whole garage sale and sale of her dream house/furniture was sad and hilarious, too. Imagine having charged all those expensive clothes and finding them with tags still on them in your closet when your husband and sole wage earner hasn’t worked in months! I found the glimpse into the wealthy Eastside life style interesting.

  24. My favorite book would be Flirtying with Forty. It changed my life and gave me the courage to go out on a limb.

    My second would be Odd Mom Out. I have Easy on the Eys, but am waiting to read it until I have a day I can just veggie, cuz I know if I start it, I won’t want to put it down.

    PS Mac is looking so handsome!

  25. Ok, can’t choose just one…The Frog Prince, Flirting with Forty, Odd Mom Out, Ms. Perfect, and Easy on the Eyes. There…until Shey’s story is out, then i’ll add it too! 🙂

  26. Odd Mom Out is my favorite so far, I think I related to it the most — although all of your books so far seem to hold something that resonates for me!

    Safe travels!

  27. Love the photo – Mac looks very pleased with himself.

    My favorite is Odd Mom Out with Mrs. Perfect a close second. Marta’s relationship with her daughter and with the other mothers reminded me of my daughter’s grade school days.

  28. Flirting With Forty. I turn 50 on October 5 and every time I start to quake at the thought I think about your book. Now I will wait patiently for Fun at Fifty….or Fantastic Fifty 🙂

  29. Flirting with Forty has been my favorite book of yours so far. Some of my favorite books of all time are ones where the author taps into their own true emotions to tell a story and you’ve mentioned that this one is loosely based on your experiences. Not only does that make it more personal but it also, for me, makes it more relatable. I loved this book before I knew it was loosely based on your experiences and the answer would be the same to this question but I’ve just found that books that have some basis in actual events are more compelling to me, if that all makes sense.

  30. I cannot believe I forgot to mention how adorable Mac looks. I absolutely LOVE that picture! He has the sweetest face. 🙂

  31. I think I going to have to go with Flirting with Forty because a) it’s the first one of your books that I read; b) I love, love, love the Hawaiian setting; c) I could really relate with Jackie’s concerns about her age, body, etc. with respect to dating a younger guy; and d) I absolutely loved how Kai fell for her regardless… and of course, the personal touch, your own experience.

  32. This is hard because I have liked each for different reasons. Flirting was a great reminder not to give up and love can find you in many different ways. Mrs. Perfect hit home because it is easy to get wrapped up in the image that others expect. What a nice reminder about what really is important. What can I say, your books are enjoyable for many reasons and I always take away something new. I can’t wait to read Easy on the Eyes.

  33. Jane, I’m sad to see you leave Hawaii (cause it’s HAWAII and other obvious reasons 😉 But we’re excited to have you coming back!

    Mac is just too adorable! Can’t wait to see you at the ECWC!

  34. I’d have to say ODD MOM OUT. I thought you did an incredible job with the main character and her feelings about starting a new relationship. As a single mom myself, I related to every word.

  35. Such a difficult decision Jane!

    I loved Mrs. Perfect because it teaches so many lessons in being thankful and living a realistic life and who your “real” friends are.

    School starts here on the 1st so we are all back to “real life”!


  36. Jane-
    Mac is such a darling! My favorite book was Odd Mom Out – Marta’s character was strong (like mine) yet she was vulnerable in some ways.(i loved Luke, too and the daughter was a scream). Have a safe trip home.

  37. Boy, it’s hard to pick just one. Honestly I have loved them all for different reasons. I suppose I’ll pick Flirting with Forty. It was the first book of yours that I read and I was so excitied to find out that you lived in Visalia!! But mostly, because I could identify with the character. (as in all of your books) And also because I was just turning 40 when I stumbled across it. Oh wait, actually I read an excerpt of it in Redbook or something and instantly wanted to read the whole book. After finishing it, I found every other book you’ve written, read, and immediately bought them for friends as gifts.

    By the way, Baby Mac is absolutely precious!!

  38. Probably Odd Mom Out, because I can totally relate. Loved Flirting with Forty too. I am excited to read Easy on the Eyes!!

    Thanks for sharing your cute baby pics!! What a sweetie!

  39. My favorite is Flirting with Forty. My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Hawaii – so I loved the setting of the book.

  40. My favorite book of yours is “Flirting with Forty”, because it really resonated with a lot of the feelings/issues going in on my life at the time I read it. I’m looking forward to reading all your other books too. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your life with your readers! 🙂

  41. Flirting with Forty is my favorite, Jane. I just wish I could have collaborated with you on it! I have an affinity for Hawaii and with my own experiences from that time in my life … well it all hit home for me. I mentioned before, I read it four consecutive times! Only Grisham has done that to me before and never four times in a row! Cheers to you. Hope the flight was quick and easy!

  42. My favorite book of yours if “Flirting with Forty”. I am going to turn 30 in a few months and I am scared to death that 40 is just around the corner!! I recognized a lot of my fears in this book and have decided that maybe being 30… and then 40… won’t be so bad after all. My hope is that young men still find me as attractive as Jac was in your book. What a funny time the Brazilian Wax was! I HAD to share it with my husband and we both rolled on the floor laughing!! Keep the books coming I am in love with them.

  43. What an utterly adorable picture. I am happy for you, you are so blessed!!

    My all time favorite is Flirting with Forty. I read the excerpt sitting on the beach a few years ago and right away had someone go buy and bring me the book. From there, I immediately went in search of all of your other books. I love the fairy tale, and how you deliver it. I seem to feel a connection with each of your stories and read each new one with eager anticipation — then the bittersweet last chapter knowing that the book is done. LOL. I thank you so much for sharing your gift with the rest of us. May you continue to be blessed!! (p.s. and if you ever make it out to the east coast, please make sure to let me know! I’d love to say hello!) Safe trip back home today.

  44. I really liked all of your books, but I’ll choose Flirting with Forty as my favorite because it’s the first one of yours that I read. I liked that it was set it Hawaii, and also in the Seattle area which is close to home for me.

  45. Flirting with Forty was great…the only one I’ve read so far. Your little bathing beauty is precious and getting so big. Have a safe trip, it will be nice for you to see your other boys when you get home. Be happy!

  46. I loved the “The Frog Prince” and I happened to get an autographed copy from Borders in Sacramento when it first came out (I still have the book). Since then, I have read all your books and have enjoyed everyone. You are definitely one of my most favorite autors 🙂

    I have also got my sister and all of my friends hooked on your books too 🙂

  47. I just finished “flirting with forty” my first of your novels and I absolutely LOVED IT. It took me through therapeutic days on the beach while I’m flirting with forty three. YOU helped me through your words!!! THANK YOU JANE 🙂

  48. Without a doubt, my favorite Jane book is Frog Prince. It was my first Jane book and I was hooked from the first chapter!

    Have a safe trip home.


  49. Hi Jane!

    I love all of your books, but “Flirting with Forty” has remained my favorite.

    I love the story, but I also love the way the book transports me back to Seattle – all the local landmarks, streets, stores and restaurants mentioned mean something to me.

    I’ve read the book more than half a dozen times and I always enjoy it!

  50. Cute nudey photo of baby Mac!

    Jane, how can you ask us to pick just one favourite? You’re a cruel woman! lol!

    I’ve read them all (of course!)…just finished Easy on the Eyes yesterday. A favourite? hmm…I enjoyed Taylor, Marta, and Tiana so much, but I’d have to pick Firting with Forty as a #1 (I even have the movie).

    I can’t wait to see what you have in store for Shey!

  51. How sad that you have to leave Hawaii! What I wouldn’t give for some fun in the sun right now. On that note, Flirting with Forty was wonderful but I think my heart loved The Frog Prince just a bit more. I love Holly and I was there. literally, talking to her through out the entire book, telling her to say this or do that! But I have yet to read a book of yours that I didn’t like.

    Have a safe flight home!!!

  52. Hi Jane! Mac is such a cutie! 🙂 My favorite book of yours is Odd Mom Out. I think a lot of moms can relate! Have a safe trip home!

  53. I won the last contest and think I may have been too late! 🙁 Sad story!

    My favorite book was “Mrs.Perfect”. It was the first I read and as soon as I read it I handed it to my sister to read. She is the EPITOME of Taylor Young. Plus- I’m from the area so reading about all the spots the character was going to, (nordstrom cafe!) made it soooooo much fun!

    Welcome home Jane!


  54. PS: Sunday, August 30, 2009 :: 2:00 to 4:00pm

    Its on Sunday in Bellevue! I got worried that I planned the wrong day when I read this blog. 🙂 time flies huh?

  55. My favorite book was, Flirting with Forty, as I was reading this I kinda felt like her, in the dating sense, for I’m seperated and haven’t been out on date for almost 20yrs. And the book gave me some confidence that I can do the dating thing, and I’m pretty and worthy of some guy. A few weeks after that I went out with the girl’s and met a guy who’s alittle younger than me, nothing serious, but he makes me feel so good and we have a great time together. I have this book shelf with all my books on it and he thought I went out to find a younger guy, but I wasn’t even out looking, just wanted to go out dancing and laugh. Which I did.

  56. Hi, Jane – Hopefully by now you are back safely in Washington State. Thanks for sharing yet another precious photo of Mac. Did you pose him that way with his finger in his mouth or was that sheer luck. I must say that when you start missing Surfer Ty once he returns to Hawaii, all you have to do is look at your son and that should hold you until you can be together again.

    As far as your books, since I am a new reader/fan, the only one I have read so far is Flirting with Forty – which I loved and which got me hooked on your blog page in the first place. Never made it out yet to pick up Easy On The Eyes, but we have a week’s vacation starting Labor Day weekend and I will make sure I pick up at least one of your many other books to read during my trip. Best of luck to you in the next few weeks putting the final Jane Porter touches on the ending for “She’s Gone Country” and being the “Perfect Mom” to Jake, Ty and Mac as well as being author extraordinaire at all of the book signings and promotional events that are part of your responsibilities. Most importantly, take some time to enjoy yourself – even if it’s just to go out for a cup of coffee.

  57. Me again – BTW – you should put info on your Facebook or Blog page on how we can get one of the Fund Raising cookbooks. I collect them and especially like the ones that benefit charitable organizations.

  58. Aww, what a cute picture. My favorite book of yours is Flirty with Forty. Love the couple’s relationship and the setting.

  59. Hi Jane,
    My favorite book is Flirting With Forty. I saw the movie and loved it. I came across your book at the library and loved that even more..thanks.

  60. Hi Jane, I have read all of your books and enjoyed each one of them. However, I would have to say that I continue to go back to Odd Mom Out over and over again. I could not get enough of Martha’s view on life. Not to mention my own daughter is running a close 2nd behind Eva. They are alot alike and I can’t help but laugh out load. Thanks..

  61. Oh what an exciting contest, to maybe win something and get to talk about how GREAT your books are! WOOT WOOT!
    My favorite – well that’s hard – but I have to say “Flirting with Forty”. I really have never read any book out there that felt like you were reading someones diary that was so close to you, that you shared the same feelings and experiences. And when I put it down, I would think, “Oh yeah, that wasn’t me!”. It was so wonderfully written, so realistic, touched my heart, made me cry, made me laugh – but most of all gave me hope for the changes that may or may not come into my life! Your book made me realize that whatever I go through, I will be all right. Thank you for that. And I can’t wait to keep on reading.
    Have a safe trip back home. And I can’t wait to see more pictures of that cutie patutie!

  62. I think my favorite is Odd Mom Out. Probably because I identify with the whole not fitting in and trying to do things that you wouldn’t normally do all for the sake of your kid.

  63. My favorite is Flirting with Forty. I think it is because I related so much to Jackie. It’s so easy as a mom to give everything to your family, but forget to nurture your own soul. I loved that Jackie was able to find those parts of herself she had lost sight of along the way. The romance was pretty great too!

    I love the picture of your little sweet pea!

  64. Aloha Jane!

    After reading your blog it looks like I just missed you at Schofield. I got there late evening on a quest for a new blender and walked right by the table still perched in front of the store. But the “Easy on the Eyes” cover caught my attention and I quickly wondered right back. No sooner than I got there had your other book “Flirting With Forty” grabbed even more of my attention.

    I will say this one is my favorite (haven’t finished the other one yet) because I sooooo relate to the character. Actually she is me! I’ve been divorced 10 yrs. I’ll turn 38 Christmas Eve, and when I leave the island I’ll be 40. Thanks to the book I’ve decided not to let the next 2 yrs I’m stationed here blow by me like this first year has. A lot of my friends work the complete opposite shift I do, so like “Jackie” I haven’t seen as much as I should be seeing of this beautiful island because I’ve been in the ‘who wants to do anything alone mode?!’ But that’s going to stop & I’m going to go see the sites, and take a surfing lesson on Sunday at Barbers Point. And hopefully I will meet somebody great here just like “Jackie’ did :0)

    Thanks for a great read and food for thought Jane!!

    Mahalo ~

    *Those pictures of Mac are priceless!

  65. Flirting With Forty as I could so relate to the couple.
    Enjoy your last bit of time in Hawaii and I so would love to win a Sarong as I will never get to Hawaii. I can’t be in the sun after I have my Radiation treatments so the beaches are out for me, sobbing.

  66. Awwww! he’s a cutie!

    Italian Groom was my first Jane Porter and you never forget your first. Mrs. Perfect was my latest Jane read. Your contemporaries aka chicklit or whatever they call them now, are relevant and relatable to where I am in my life. Heh,. my way of saying I can’t pick a favorite. Safe travels!

  67. Hi Jane! Flirting with Forty is my favorite! I first read an excerpt in Redbook magazine 3 years ago when the book came out, and found myself eagerly waiting for the next issue~I think they did 3 excerpts. I couldn’t wait to get to the library. I loved everything about the story, and I’ve watched the movie 5 times!! I just finished Easy on the Eyes while on vacation w/my husband and 2 sons~I couldn’t put it down! All 5 of the stories have been wonderful and I look forward to Shey’s story next summer. Until then, I’m going to start reading your other stories too. I hope you had a good flight back w/Mac. I hope to meet you someday if you ever visit New Jersey.

  68. I love this picture of Mac…so darn cute!!!

    I have to say that “Flirting With Forty” is my favorite of yours…in fact I just gave it to a friend. I love the characters and the story…so real and I just couldn’t put it down! I did love seeing the hottie in the movie too LOL!

    Sending many hugs!

  69. I think my favorite is Firting With Forty. It is such a happy story and I love that there is some truth in it and we get to follow what happens in real life with this real person. I also love the many messages in it (lessons about life) and the way I felt after reading it- optimistic about starting a new life at a time in one’s life that it seems like really fabulous things wouldn’t happen. But I love Odd Mom Out also as a close 2nd because it is also about being proud of who you are and not trying to be like everyone else- dance to the beat of your own drum type of inspiration.

  70. Hi Jane,
    what a tough choice to pick a favorite of your books!
    Right now, I would say “Easy On the Eyes”. I loved how you had Physicans doing humanitarian missions and really made you realize, that in this world these things are happening. It was a total “make you feel good” book!
    If I had 2 to pick, the other would be Flirting with Forty! It has “many” things that I can so relate to when I turned 40!! ahhhhhh… 🙂

  71. He is so cute!! I am so glad that all the worry was for nothing. He looks plump and happy to me!!

    I love Odd Mom Out the best. I think because I live in an upscale suburb where you take you life in your hands if you leave a PTA meeting for anything!!! I also think its the sexiest of your books.

  72. The event that Jane mentioned at Bellevue Regional Library is actually on Sunday, August 30. If you’re in the Bellevue area, be sure to stop by!

  73. Mac is adorable. I enjoyed Odd Mom Out because it resounded with me since I can relate with the main character. I loved the story and the depth.

  74. Hi everyone, for some reason my announcement of the winner didn’t show up and so I’m trying again.

    #3 Sabrina, you have won the fun pink sarong and Hawaii goodies. Email me with your mail address and I’ll get your prize out in the next mail.

    Thanks to everyone for posting and commenting. I’ve got another fun contest launching later today so check back in!!


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