Jane Messes Up!

Yikes! I’ve been telling everyone the wrong date for the Bellevue library event. It’s not today… it’s tomorrow, on Sunday!!

So, if you are wanting to come, please please please come… tomorrow. I was actually all dressed and ready to go when I saw Lisa’s comment on my blog  saying the event is Sunday. And of course its Sunday. I’m so sleep deprived I don’t know where I am but I do know I’m Jane.

Pass the word and please come see me tomorrow at 2!


  1. The Times shows it, on p.22 of the NW Tickets, as on Sunday but I was hoping it was today since I have a grand-nephew’s birthday party to go to tomorrow. Darn! Today is hike day but it is raining. This weekend is not working out – and you should not have been billed last, either (I know, alpha, but still) . Hope you have a crowd tomorrow!

  2. Big hugs on being sleep deprived, Jane. Here’s hoping the signing is a big succcess for you and the others.

  3. On another note, don’t carry a cam w/ me, but the B&N in Edina, MN had EOTE front and center on the new fiction table and prominently displayed (facing forward) in the main fiction section flanked by all your other modern lit titles. Whoever is in charge of promoting you is doing it well. 🙂

  4. Hope you get some sleep soon…and after that, how about setting up a book signing so those of us who made plans around your original dates and got messed up by the mix up can come to see you?;)…please…I’m going back to bed…

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