The Suite Life

I’ve been back in Bellevue 8 days now and it’s the Suite Life of Jane & Family. For those of you who have kids who watch the Disney Channel you might recognize the play on the TV show The Suite Life of  Zack & Cody. And for those of you who know the show, Zack & Cody’s digs were far fancier than ours.  We’ve no bellman, or doorman, or lively lobby. We’re in a quiet little residential hotel with intermittent internet service.

But we’re here, and relatively settled, although it’s interesting trying to manage Abi the one eyed bulldog and baby Mac at the same time. Abi doesn’t like being in a hotel and trying to get her out to use the grass is fine when the sun is shining but when it rains, it’s a whole different story. I can’t leave Mac in our room alone while I take Abi out, but Mac doesn’t like getting wet when I take Abi out in the rain so I struggle to bump the stroller out through the doors while Abi tries to escape back through the doors and I try to keep Mac from crying and Abi from slipping out of her collar and I tell myself it’s only for another four weeks…

Speaking of four weeks, I’ve got more events coming up in October, including The Emerald City Conference’s Bookfair in Bellevue October 10th, and a California event scheduled for Laguna Beach Books on Saturday, October 17th. The Laguna Beach Book event will take place late in the afternoon so if you’re in Orange County or northern San Diego County, save the date and come see me!

In the meantime, what’s everyone doing this weekend? Got any fun plans? Boring plans? Tell me! I’ve an awesome end of summer prize to give away–a pretty pink sarong, a bag of Kona coffee, a box of Hot Tamale candy, lots of JP goodies, and best of all, a signed copy of Easy On The Eyes ready to be mailed. Want to win? Just post a comment! Contest ends Monday night, and I’ll announce the winner Tuesday morning.  So talk to me and you’re entered.


  1. You are a brave woman!! I think I would be screaming by now…but you have a great reward at the end of the rainbow??!!

    We just got back from my 9 year old’s football game. They didn’t win, but boy do I love them. Now we’re off to Fresno to see the Bulldogs on their first home game.

  2. My planes for this weekend are to try and finish a school paper and get some progress on another paper I have that is due next month so very boring weekend 🙁

    I hope it won’t rain too much in the next 4 weeks at least not when you have to walk Abi.

  3. I’m not doing anything today but I am going to a cookout tomorrow where they will have home made ice cream. I can’t wait. I had some last weekend for the first time in over 30 years. I would love to win your prize package. Thank you for the chance to do so.

  4. Today I decided I was going to hang out in my pj’s a while and relax. Of course the one day I do that I get calls to show my house, isn’t that the way it usually goes! Several showings today, so of course cleaning house with 2 little kids around can be a challenge. Doesn’t stay tidy for long! Lol.
    Hang in there with the hotel situation…sounds rough but you’ll make it! Have a good weekend! 🙂

  5. Jane,
    Sounds like a bit of a challenge living in a hotel!! I lived in my house while we did a 3000sq ft addition and I don’t recommend doing it!! I have a pool party tomorrow and school starts Tuesday! My daughter is starting middle school and my son is starting Kindergarten. I don’t know where the time has gone:) Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!

  6. Hi Jane!

    You certainly have your hands full there in the hotel. All the best with that and juggling the boys school stuff.

    My kids started school this past week and while I’m certainly relieved at that, three days was not enough–I need a full week and I’m not gonna get it until the week of the 14th! Oh well…

    My biggest blessing of the week (and possibly the year) is that my daughter started middle school without a hitch! We chose to put her in a small, Christian school where I am on staff while 99% of her friends went on to the very, large public middle school. While we knew the big school wasn’t right for her, I still worried (endlessly) about her making new friends, feeling welcome (her new school goes k-8 so not everyone is “new”). She loves it! Teachers, making new friends, loving changing classes, etc. I’m just feeling so relieved and happy about it. Yeah!!

    My son was very ready for his year to start and he’s pleased as punch to be back in school with a great teacher and all his pals.

    This weekend: cleaning up the living room. It’s a wasteland of papers and random “homeless” items from our trips this summer and such. Mix all that with a smattering of laundry or clothes that don’t fit and need a home….yuck!! The playroom could use a re-vamping as well, but I hate to be so ambitious.

    I am so pleased to learn you’ll be in Laguna Beach next month. I’m heading DIRECTLY to my calendar with a Sharpie so that happens. Next will be find a sitter for the kids!

    Have a good one, Jane. Enjoy the little (and big) ones.

    Shannon in Tustin

  7. I tried to sleep in but my black lab wanted me up. He jumped up on the bed and kept bugging me until I got up. He likes his routine,breakfast at 6 am, dinner at 5:00 pm and he thinks there is no reason for change. The rest of the weekend I’m going to relax and catch up on household chores. They always seem to patiently wait for me. Hope your having a wonderful weekend.

  8. Hi Jane! I’ve missed you and I wish, wish, wish I could be at the ECWC this year to see you. I had so much fun there last year.
    My weekend plans include…hmmm, wow, I can’t really think of anything LOL. We’re going to church tomorrow morning but today has been pretty slow and easy. I’m reading a Julia Quinn novel right now and enjoying it and I’m… Read More doing some intense editing on one of the books I’m writing so I can hopefully get a querry sent off soon.
    Kentucky is wonderful and if you ever get to this area- or even to Nashville or Memphis- let me know and I’ll come see you!

  9. I feel like today is MY labor day. My DD and I went grocery shopping for 4.5 hours, filling the trunk and backseat of our sedan. I managed to squeeze lots in the deep freeze, but I still have 10 loaves of bread to fit in there too. Oops.
    Tonight I’ll be putting the majority of my groceries into the pantry; I have to find space and rotate the current groceries first.
    Later tonight my DD and I are driving 1/2 hr away to watch our fave local band perform till the wee hours.
    I hope to sleep in till 8 tomorrow and then finally wrap a bunch of birthday gifts to mail on Tuesday — my sis turned 65 in May and was away, so now I’m REALLY late.
    Sunday night our family will watch various bands perform in a local amphitheatre.
    Monday I have to work.
    There’s no rain in OUR forecast and I hope there’s no rain in YOURS.
    Good luck. Remember: “This too shall pass.” You’re in the homestretch now.

  10. I am suppose to be working this weekend. I have a tree nursery in OR. With all the rain here lately, it looks like I will have some days off. 🙂 Tonight I am going to a little family get together/party to play some cards and have some yummy food. I hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend! I am so happy I don’t have your schedule! 🙂 Try to get some rest!

  11. You are one busy woman! I remember taking my baby along as I took the dog out. It was horrible and I am so glad I am done with that! Sounds like only a few more weeks for you to go until you are home sweet home. With your busy schedule, it’ll get here before you know it! This weekend I am cleaning house, big time. Loading up boxes of junk to take to GoodWill. I am tempted to go thru my husbands stuff, he is a bigger packrat than me!

  12. Hey Jane! This weekend I’m playing catch-up on your blogs. I missed one of your fun giveaways you did eons ago, so I thought I’d go find the items myself down at Ala Moana Mall last night. I picked up IZ’s cd and 2 books by Mia King (“Sweet Life” and “Good Things”/which was autographed) and … hmmm, now that I’m looking it doesn’t look like I actually grabbed “Here Today Gone to Maui.” Lol, can’t wait to dig in to the books though!!

    Other than that, I am house hunting. My lease ends in Kunia soon and I need more space and hopefully a/c, plus a garage for my mini-mini (right hand drive 1968 mini cooper) so I can start working on it again as it’s been sitting a year. Than it’s off to a cookout tomorrow.

    You’ll survive the hotel situation. The time will go by before you know it! And then you’ll have good stories to look back on. On the bright side, you can’t get locked out now in your pj’s :0)

    ~ Janelle

  13. Hi Jane, it sounds like you are one busy women. I really have know big plans this weekend. Friday I drove to my son’s colleged and picked him up to come home over the weekend. I will have to take him back on MOnday. I sure wish he would get his drivers license’s, it sure would help. Other then these little things I plan on getting some reading in.

  14. Yum…Kona coffee…that would really hit the spot.

    It’s Labour Day long weekend in Canada, and I’m opening a library in a brand new elementary school this fall, so I took my boys with me to school today for a couple of hours. They did crafts and chased each other around while I laboured…

    I don’t know how you do it all, but I sure admire you for sharing all your parenting choreography (that’s what I call my balancing act) with us in your blog. Hoping that the Speedy-home-renovation gods are smiling on you 🙂

  15. This is a great weekend. It was the first weekend of football. The season has now officially started. My son did wonderfully and his team won 26-0. I love being around the fields and the kids. What a fun group. Now it’s time for peace and quiet. How wonderful the extra day off will be! Hope you are having a nice long weekend as well.

  16. Finishing up the coop tonight so I can move the hens into their new digs. It’s been a flurry of work today so we can sit back tomorrow and enjoy the hen show as they adjust to a new coop and run.

    Good luck the next four weeks, Jane.

  17. Mom’s birthday is today and she’s up at West Point with friends for concert and fireworks, leaving me giddily on my own in my own home. Simple pleasures. I’m on the laptop procrastinating from the chapter I’m trying to finish. Tomorrow I’m taking her to brunch and then probably the community pool. Spent yesterday’s half day from the office early closing and most of today running errands hither and thither. Basically a bit of a lazy weekend (and some really good weather for a change here in NJ)with some chores and writing thrown in. I have a feeling it’s just the calm before the fall storm.

    Enjoy you Labor Day weekend!

  18. This weekend I’m working in the store and keeping my fingers crossed for good numbers. 🙂 I’m off Monday and I plan on sleeping in, doing some laundry and lounging around reading all day! 🙂
    Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend! Good luck during the next four weeks, hope things get better!

  19. Just relaxing and taking it easy this long weekend. Trying to catch up on things and spend time with special people.
    Have a good one.

  20. A weekend of nothing planned. It is kind of nice. My B-Day is on Monday and I am hoping for the weekend to stay nice and quite.

  21. Wow!! Living in a hotel so appeals to my Eloise fantasies (remember that book?? And the pink hot chocolate??)But I believe you that its not as fun as the book made it sound!! My hubby got a new hip so we are snuggled in the bed reading all weekend! Its actually nice!

  22. I went for a run Friday evening. I walked the dog this morning and then did yard work. Tomorrow I am going to church and then relaxing with my husband. Monday I have to work. But I don’t mind. I’ll being paid double time. I actually love working holidays. Partly for the money, but also so I don’t feel pressured to make plans. And this way if someone asks what I did on Labor Day, I can say that I worked and that is a perfectly good answer.

  23. Hi Jane,
    I have a busy weekend planned – Attended a first birthday party for a neighbor and spent some time with some college friends today I haven’t seen in 3 or 4 years, tomorrow off to a minor league baseball game with my family and Monday I have to work :-(…. Hope your house gets done soon living in a hotel with a baby is a challenge (spent about a month or so in one when my son was 3 months old) – I cannot imagine adding a dog to the mix!

  24. Hi Jane!

    Although I don’t have any pets, I can only imagine what it would be like to live in a hotel w/my husband and 2 sons, who would only wish they could be Zach & Cody-lol! I hope the time flies for you w/all of your planned events. Tomorrow, we’re going to friends for a little bbq and to swim. And, hopefully, Monday will just be quiet, since the boys and I go back to school on Tuesday. I’m a high school guidance counselor, and the beginning few weeks are always crazy, so I like to give myself a day to relax before the big event; however, this is hard to do w/a 7 & 6 year old. But, I do have Flirting w/40 saved on my DVR, and I’m hoping to watch it (again!!) once the house is quiet. And, still waiting for my library to call me to tell me they’ve found a copy of “The Secret” so that I can begin reading your classics! Good luck w/the hotel life and happy labor day!

  25. Plans for the weekend? Moving! 🙁 In…. the rain. Splendid right? I feel like I’m juggling a baby and a one eyes bulldog too by juggling two households! oh….. mercy mercy me!

  26. Bless your heart. I totally sympathize. I used to watch my sister’s kids when one was six months and the other a year and a half. My sister lived on the second floor and I couldn’t take the dog out without taking the kids and the dog would be so excited to be going out, I was afraid I’d go flying down the stairs with the kids. So I had my husband take her out when we got their in the morning and then again when he came to pick me up at the end the day (I don’t think my sister or her husband ever bothered to take her out, which is why my husband would do that).

    Anyway, this weekend is intended to be a relaxing one. I had to take my dog to the vet on Friday morning, in the afternoon I had to meet the exterminator at my house. So I took most of the day off and went to see the new Sandra Bullock movie (All About Steve). Thought it was cute, despite the fact that the critics absolutely hated it! Yesterday I watched a Pay-Per-View movie – Duplicity with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Enjoyed it. Also did some homework.

    The rest of my weekend looks like Saturday – watching movies and homework. And since photography is one of my classes, I’m hoping to get out and get some pictures taken. :o)

    Have a great weekend.

  27. Sounds like you’ve got your hands full with dog and baby…better you than me! We’re heading out to the beach for a week, nice quiet week as kids are back in school. Hang in there Jane…maybe they’ll finish early and you can move back home. Rain Rain, Go Away!

  28. That Mac and bulldog story is a metaphor for the balance that is motherhood if ever I’ve read one! I am trying to kick back and read before braving the Minnesota State Fair with the little ones. Yikes!

  29. It sounds like you are busier than ever. I hope that you have a good weekend. We are planning a family get together since it will be relaxing and everyone is available. Hope for good weather.

  30. I’m sorry but you made me laugh with the image of getting out the door with dog and baby. I hear you! Been there. 🙂

    We are devoting the next two days to photos. I have been with my husband for FIFTEEN years and not one photo album in that time. OMG. {hanging head in shame} so this is it. I take that back, I HAVE done my daughter’s albums but none for the family. You should see the pile on my kitchen table. Pray for me. 😉

  31. I call this a wipe-out weekend! The storm weather dumped lots of rain and the thunder kept me awake last night and I am having trouble with my email and I have eaten an entire package of cookies when what I planned to do today was hike in the high elevations and pick huckleberries (there is snow there today and tomorrow!). I did read a good mystery and did some shopping for furniture yesterday which is way overdue and it seems to be getting better outside now so at least a walk in the neighborhood is doable. Sometimes nature plays a trick on you and I need to not let something I can’t control upset me so much.

  32. jane….not too going on this weekend here. just relaxing and spending time w.the family….i should go dig up my garden..oh its raining..nevrmind. i need to go pick up your new book..maybe i will win it 🙂

  33. Just read Easy on the Eyes, and I loved it. Again, I was immediately pulled into your characters. You nailed a fear of women in general, I can only imagine being a woman in that industry and the worries she’d face daily. I read somewhere that you had a hard time with this book. It doesn’t show. It’s very well written and flows effortlessly. Great job. I and I look forward to Shey’s story. I have a very personal understanding of Shey’s future journey.

  34. I’m the boring type, I guess. We’re just cooking out with my dad on Monday and that’s about it. I hear movies calling to me, though!

    Have a great weekend, Jane!

  35. Gearing up to my fall schedule. It’s a rainy dark weekend here with everyone switching to long pants. The kind of day when you want to sit around in comfortable clothes and read.
    Hope to see you at Emerald City.
    Take care balancing doggy walking and stroller pushing.

  36. Not a very exciting weekend… But ealier in the week, we took the kids to Lake Tahoe and had a great time. We stayed in Squaw Valley and went swimming and ice skating at 9000 feet (very cool).

    Hope that the next 4 weeks go quickly for you.

  37. Fun? Howabout starting to pack a 4 bedroom home cause we just sold the house after being on the martket 5 days (seriously thought it would have taken longer) and going shopping with a friend for her daughter’s huge blowout 15th b-day bash that required a formal gown fitting after fitting after fitting…And the 60min drive back to San Antonio.

  38. Obviously I’m not posting to win my own prize, but rather to say how much I love hearing what everyone is doing!! Makes me realize we all kind of do the same things..and I love it. Here’s wishing you all will have a great Labor Day from a very rainy Bellevue and Seattle!


  39. Hi Jane,
    It has been a relaxing weekend so far! I have been doing errands, hanging out with my husband and playing golf. All of my kids are with friends or with their other parents this weekend. What a change!

    I am playing golf this afternoon. Hopefully my allergies will stop soon. I can barely breathe and I am tired from all the meds. Sheesh….

    Have a great day. I am wishing the next 4 weeks fly by…

  40. Hi Jane, hope all is well with you and the boys. It sounds like you’re having an adventure. The weekend is almost over ;( – did some fun things (bbq at my brother’s and some shopping) and now i’m doing boring things(laundry). Hopefully I’ll get some reading done tonight.

    Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!

  41. Hmmm, what am I doing this weekend? Well, right at this very moment I’m hoping to be the lucky winner of your giveaway. Hee, hee. Other than that, tolerating a cold and enjoying the Eastern Washington sunshine.

  42. For the first time in months, I have absolutely nothing planned except spending time with my kids and reading! I have finished one book and already started another. Sometimes the gray Seattle weather is a good thing! 🙂

  43. I went to White Castle and got some sliders (hamburgers) then came back home to work on my copyedits of next manuscript. But at least our weather is better than yours – sending some Chicago sun your way. Cathie

  44. We had a three-family birthday party at the lake yesterday. Went boating and ate great food. I gained five pounds. 🙁

    Good luck with your baby. Although it has been awhile, I remember those fun, hectic baby days. Now I have a grown daughter who is getting married.

    Have fun at the hotel. Hope it doesn’t rain much and the good thing is you never have to make the bed or cook!

    P.S. I love pink (as in a sarong), coffee and would especially enjoy an autographed copy of Easy on the Eyes! Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Jane,
    I have never actually read one of your books but your covers look very interesting and thats what I usually look for in a good book is a eye cathing cover.
    Anyway we are friends on facebook and thought I would enter and I hope to ready one of your books real soon!
    Hope you had excellent Labor day weekend.
    Best wishes,

  46. As Zach and Cody (and my son) would say re. staying in a hotel..”luckeeeee…”

    We are spending the last day of summer inside due to lots of rain down here in Olympia, and nursing an infected spider bite (my son) watching a Suite Life of Zach and Cody marathon…thank god for the Disney Channel..

  47. I can see what a struggle it would be juggling a dog who doesn’t want to go out in the rain and a baby who also agrees with the dog! I don’t like the rain much either and who can blame them? So-it confuses me when I realize that we moved from Tacoma Wa to San Diego CA back to Gig Harbor Wa!!!! When the rain gets really bad here-I start to daydream of my old life in Cali….
    As for our weekend, I went to dinner with a friend on friday and we both go food poisoning and was out of commission for most of saturday. Sunday-we took a 2 1/2 hr drive to Vancouver Wa to visit old friends for the day and made it back late sunday night. We got a last minute dinner invitation today so we will go hang out with friends for dinner but have we also have to run to the store to get all those last minute school items teachers like to throw at you during the first week of school!
    Enjoy your day today Jane-the rain IS suppose to disappear by the afternoon! Yah!

  48. Spent the weekend cleaning. Could not go outside much due to the ridiculously high ragweed count. Allergies have had me down, often having trouble to breathe. I really would have rather gone out and had some fun this weekend. But…oh well…maybe a new book (which I still can’t find here in my town) would cheer me up! 🙂
    Hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday weekend.

  49. Hi Jane,

    My plans for the weekend are to do as little as possible. I´m taking the time to be with friends and family and simply having a wonderful weekend.

  50. You’re my hero! Cannot imagine trying to juggle all of that and have 4 more weeks of it!!! Hope you are able to keep your sanity!!!

    As for me, the weekend plan was a trip out of town to head to the zoo in Asheboro, NC. Then work today which didn’t go quite so smoothly because my brain wasn’t functioning well! Oops. And a cookout at a friends’ house.
    The day was quite insane…looking forward to an early bedtime since the hubby is traveling out in the morning for work and I have to get up at 4 a.m. to get him to the airport on time!!

    Hope you had a great weekend!!


  51. hope you are enjoying the weekend. my end of summer plans were mainly to relax, catch up on some reading. the weather has been a little iffy here in Ky., but we will take it over some of the other weather that i see on t.v. i think the best way to end the summer would be to win your contest, so congrats to whoever wins!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Kids and pets, the best combination! My dog doesn’t like to go out in the rain either.

    Lazy weekend here, doing not much of anything!

  53. I love your blogs and your positive and funny points of view 🙂

    This weekend my husband and I took the kids to visit good friends in Pensacola, FL. It has become a tradition for us to visit them on Memorial Day to officially start the summer, and again on Labor day, to
    close the summer. Good friends, beautiful pool, awesome Gulf of Mexico beach and prettiest water this side of Hawaii!

  54. Hi Jane,

    Well my end of summer was full of taking care of my Autistic son, AJ, and my son with Seizures, Albert. My granddaughter, Lexie, may be visited. She is 8 and a handfull. lol They are all the light of my life though and I would not know what to do with out them. Well, it is never a dull moment and it keeps me young anyway. That was my end in a nut shell. I am looking forward to cooler weather. lol


  55. We just returned from the last camping trip of the summer (yea!). We went over Chinook Pass (beautiful pass) and camped near the Little Naches River (WA state). It rained the majority of the weekend and I am now on the second of many loads of laundry! Glad to be back home.

  56. I am all too familiar w/ Zack & Cody, as I have a 7 year old! Here’s a funny…we have 2 new employees at work, who started the same day….named Zac and Cody! No joking! I can’t seem to say one name without thinking the other & sometimes get them mixed up! I did absolutely nothing this weekend (which was fabulous) & my plans for the week…..try to distinguish Zac from Cody & not offend anyone by calling them by the wrong name! Happy Labor Day!

  57. My labor day plans are up in the air, but my daughter and I are going shopping for new clothes, and of course my favorite part is looking for a good book to read in the sun. Have a wonderful weekend with your family.

  58. wish I could help you with taking the doggie out! husband and kids went to see cousins in Indy, just got back we’re all exhausted (i didn’t sleep while they were gone). I stayed home…couldn’t find anyone to babysit 6 puppies and 2 Bichon doggies! Go figure! LOL Have a wonderful week, Jane!!

  59. Your “suite life” sounds far more interesting and fun with a one-eyed bulldog and baby Mac. I’m at proud Grandma Pat’s right now, so she has shared all her baby Mac pix with me. I’m helping her get prints of those on your Blog. Wish I would still be in CA for your Luguna Beach event. I leave one week earlier! I missed the signing at the Oceanside quilt shop a few years ago by just about two weeks. Sure would love to meet you sometime. I really love your work.

  60. Busy day…drove two hours to pick up my two nieces, ages 12 ad 5, their Mom just had major knee surgery pm Friday and they stayed with some family and I volunteered to pick them up. They were both sleeping on the drive back.

    Happy Labor Day!


  61. no big plans other than just chillin’ and finding a good book to read. Need to go to the bookstore soon!!!

  62. A great long weekend here in Spokane! Pig Out in the Park, shopping, decorating our new house…and now a little R&R before the work week begins…

  63. My weekend started out CRAZY!! Friday husands car was cut off on the road around the corner from home and rear-ended! The whole passenger back in is “gone”.. he is fine,,, Husbans x-box “fried” the same night!
    Sat had a fantastic time with my nieces and the beautiful Baby Bella (6months old)! Pure joy!!
    Sunday, son stopped by and his Golden Retriever swam in the pool for the first time!! Hysterical!!
    listend to “Jawaiian” music and floated in the pool and read!! Pure Heaven! Next best thing to being in Hawaii is the pool, waterfall and Fiji singing! Hmm… Kona coffee would top it!

  64. I had my in-laws at my house all weekend to celebrate my son’s 3rd birthday. It turned into a nightmare. My husband kept calling his parents idiots under his breath or when they were out of earshot. At least my son had fun with his grandparents and I tried hard to not let my stress leak out to him. Of course that just added more stress on me… looking forward to more time with books this week. 🙂

  65. Well, the weather forecast for the long weekend was spectacular, and it WAS a gorgeous weekend. I went to the barn and a horse show with my youngest daughter, played in my garden and quilted. I had a very nice long weekend. I also did some reading, walked the dog, played with the kitten. And it was sunny and about 70-75 all weekend… we were looking for this weather in July when we had record rainfall!!!

    Good luck in the Suite Life… it will be over soon and will be relegated to one of those “Do you remember when…” memories.

  66. I was reading through my Facebook page and found something from you and although its late and everything I thought I would send you a comment as a friend and someone who wants to win some of the neat things you said you were possibly giving away. Unfortunately, you already have 72 comments. So I’ll just say Hi!

  67. Hi Jane, Had a nice few days off from work and loved it. Wish the weather was a little better but we are in Seattle. Hoping I can make it to your next event in October.

    Heading to Hawaii in October for daughters wedding so could use that pink sarong!!!


  68. We did nothing all weekend except watched movies and spent time together. Love being with my family wherever we are 🙂

    I REALLY want to win your book!!!

  69. what a lovely prize package;

    I am organizing my papers, bills, receipts etc. this weekend and planning what to pack to go with me on Wed. as I head for the Cancer clinic to start Radiation.

  70. Jane,
    Hope your renevations get done quick. Maybe your contractor will be ahead of schedule.
    This weekend was all about volleyball. My daughter had a tournament all day Friday and Saturday.

  71. Oh, my gosh. i don’t know if I could live in a hotel for 4 weeks waiting on renovations to finish. You are a brave woman.

    I know I missed the contest. My daughter was home from college I spent the day getting her laundry caught up.

  72. Congratulations to #72, Kathryn in Montreal, you are the winner of the End of Summer prize!

    How did we get 72 as the winner? Well, my wonderful surfer guy is a 1972 baby and so that was the way we drew our winner. Kathryn, do send me your mail address ASAP so I can get the prize out in the next mail!


  73. Thanks so much, I’m thrilled to be your winner. I’ve sent you an e-mail with my contact information… I’m thinking 1972 was a very good year…

    Thanks again,

  74. Dear Jane,

    Finally got a copy of Easy On The Eyes, I feel so greedy as I read your books in literally several hours! I know how long it takes you to write,especially through your tough preggnancy, BUT I CAN’T EVER PUT YOUR BOOKS DOWN!!!!! I guess thats what you want to accomplish as a writer, but then as the reader, we can’t wait for your next great work !

    On a funny note…my young biz partner joined us for dinner this eve. She saw your book and started screaming… My daughter ,Lizzie, who has a pony/horses always names them with an E.Z. theme( it’s an equestrian thing) Elizabeth Zimmerman…so our pony who injured his remaining decent eye last night, who we did call Games E.Z. , was suddenly changed to a very prominent and fabulous show name of E.Z. On The EYES, in your HONOR. We were so excited, and I never even made that connection.
    So thankyou for yet another wonderful novel,and even better such a wonderful name for a dear little ,dapple gray pony, who is accident prone, and yet so deserving of such a prominent,well respected tribute! All in your honor of course!
    Susan and Lizzie E.Z.

  75. Just got back in town after a week long, business/best friend visit, trip to New York. Didn’t realize how addicted I was to your website ’til I couldn’t get internet on Long Island. Checking in on your blog is kinda like having a friend with me…fun and comforting. Plus I love that show on Disney.

  76. I just end Perfect Mom, I have never in my life had read a book so related to my life. I love it and I can not wait to read your new one.
    For the weekend I am planning to take my boys and do photography in the Everglades-Florida.
    Thank you for writing such wonderful books!!!!

  77. I am suffering from vertigo and so I am missing an amazing weekend of good weather. I tell myself I am lucky it goes away and it makes me humble and happy to have my health except for these infrequent episodes.

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