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Laguna Beach Book Signing

I’m back from my Southern California sojourn and now facing a move into my house… although we’re going to be relegated to the boys bedrooms for another week or two while the contractor and crew try to finish the downstairs, which is essential considering that’s where the kitchen and dining room and family room is. I still don’t have a master bedroom ready yet, either, so Mac and I will be camping in someone’s room somewhere. Possibly in big brother Jake’s room as I kick him into brother Ty’s room. I dread more chaos but need to get us home and out of the hotel. It’s been two months already!!

I had a great time in California, though. But then I always do. I’m so lucky to have family and wonderful readers and friends who turn out at my events to show me support. Book signings can be stressful but I was so delighted to greet my loyal readers who made a point to join me, despite their hectic Saturday. One of those wonderful readers, Shannon Schell, drove to Laguna from Tustin, and convinced her sister and friend to join her.   Another reader arrived with her mom and a bag full of my books, all in need of a signature. And yet another reader arrived who just wanted to say hello in person after emailing with me this past year.

However, Baby Mac wasn’t so sure about the book event. Even though Surfer Ty wore him in the Baby Bjorn, Mac could hear my voice and it frustrated him that he wasn’t with his mom and Mac’s tears made it impossible for me to focus on signing books when I just wanted to get that baby back into my arms. (Which I did, as you can see from the photo of Shannon and me below.)

I’m slow updating my blog as my camera disappeared at the end of the book signing with all my photos and I’ve been begging friends and readers to share their pics with me. So as I post pics and California stories in the next few days, know that I’ve got them because others were kind enough to share.

In the meantime, tell me  what you’ve been doing while I’ve been traveling. How’s life at your house? I’ll be drawing a winner’s name tomorrow night and announcing it Wednesday morning with the prize being a signed book from my backlist, a B&N gift card, and a Starbucks drink card, plus JP goodies, so come bring me up to speed and maybe you’ll win!

Jane Porter with Shannon Schell

53 Comments on “Laguna Beach Book Signing

  1. Oh my gosh, what a super sweet looking big boy! I know what you mean, Jane. I’ve got a 9 month old and it gets hard to walk away sometimes and not have him fuss and then I feel fussy too 🙂
    Since I do have a 9 month old who is crawling, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the floor. That and trying to get jazzed on my new writing project.

  2. Jane, you look great! And baby Mac is beautiful (although I suppose we should start calling him handsome, now that he’s older…).

    So sorry to hear you lost your camera, hope you didn’t lose too many photos.

    I am in the autumn swing of things, everyone is settled in school Halloween is coming (I cannot believe with kids aged 16, 18, 20 and 22 I am still making costumes!) and I am actually looking forward to blah November weather because I have a pile of books to read and quilts to piece.

    Hope you get your house settled soon…

  3. What a precious photo. Glad that your trip was such a success. It has been busy at home this fall with many preparations for visitors and outings.

  4. Great photo. You look fantastic and I can’t believe how fast your boy is growing – and all that hair! Beautiful.

    I am flying solo with hubby overseas. So far, so good. Gearing up for a hectic November.

  5. Sweet pic!! Mac is a cutie!!
    I have been busy working and doing fall housework. Enjoying some beautiful days outdoor before winter hits.
    Hope the move goes smoothly. I know you will be glad when it is over.

  6. I can’t believe how big Baby Mac is already. What a cutie. I’m now 8 weeks pregnant and feeling quite nauseous, yet so thrilled to have become pregnant at 42! I wish I could have gone to your book signings, but my son had a football game. Anyway, take care!1

  7. Hi Jane…Donna T. from Calgary passed on your “hello” and here I am saying it back! It’s great to see you and Mac looking so wonderful. I hope your house is all done soon. Who, but you, could cope with a baby, house renovations, and a buzzing career, all at the same time? You’re amazing!

  8. Glad to hear you had a good time in California. Little Mac just wants mom all to himself. He is such a cutie.
    I hope the contractors get you house finished sooner than you expect. I know that is a pipe dream but one can hope.

    As far as my life…
    My youngest daughter who is a freshman in college had a fender bender on Wednesday the 14, on the 16th I got a phone call at 5 am that she was very, very sick. Had to go pick her up from college and get her to doctor pronto. Found out she had nephritis (plus she also has Type 1 diabetes). Had to put her in hospital for 5 days (so I spent five days and nights in a hospital chair)because she couldn’t keep her medication or food down. When we thought she was getting better we found out she had caught pneumonia in the hospital, the kind only IV antibiotics can take care of. This would mean 7 more days in the hospital if we couldn’t get the IV at home.
    After another day in the hospital the doctor arranged for Home health to come and give the IV treatments, 2 hours in mornings and 2 hours at night. They taught me how to do the IV hook up so I am playing nurse until Thursday when she is finished with the course of medication.
    She still has a few more weeks of recuperation.
    I am now trying to medically withdraw her from college so she can start school over again in January.

    She is not happy at all about having to come home until January.
    I hope life gets better soon.

  9. Hi Jane! I went back to work this fall and am still adjusting to the busy schedule of 2 kids in school and a job…It’s a lot but I can’t say that I am not enjoying it 🙂 Hope the move goes smoothly for you!!


  10. Thanks for the photo and the update. I am happy to hear that you are moving back into your house, even though it is not finished. Do you have any idea how much longer it will be until everything is finished?

  11. You look fabulous!!

    I went to Southern California for my birthday over the weekend of October 10–now I am back in the office, back in Minneapolis. Getting ready for Halloween at our house.


  12. Mac is adorable! Good luck with your move and I hope your house will be all the way done soon so you can enjoy it! My son is in 6th grade and his team made it to the championship game, which will be played this Sunday. Then basketball is the next sport! I also have been enjoying the beautiful fall leaves – this is my favorite time of year.

  13. I cleaned up my living room yesterday… since it was filled with the stuff from our store room for weeks! I wanted to see the floor again!

  14. Baby Mac is looking adorable! 🙂 We will be moving from Texas back to Chicago in 2 weeks…… moving is stressful but we are super excited to be close to family/friends so we can start a family of our own. I’m going to FINALLY start and finish reading Easy on the Eyes on our 16 hour drive to Chicago. Just in time for the cold and Christmas!

  15. You and Mac look gorgeous! My dog ate my camera upon my return from a Rick Springfield concert (he’s not a fan) so I sympathize with not having your pictures! Been busy outlining, dealing with fall cleanup, kid’s school stuff, and trying to avoid the dreaded H1N1. So far so good…

  16. Hi Jane! You look wonderful as always! We’ve been busy gettin the house buttoned up for the cooler weather. No woodstove in this house so getting the gaps and drafts taken care of is a bit more important here. The fall colors are so inspiring and beautiful. I’m gearing up to start a new book which will be written during NaNo month. I’m excited about it and am staying busy taking notes and getting into a writing frame of mind.

    Anyway, I hope your house gets finished up quickly so you can get your home back in order. Big hugs to you and the boys.

  17. Baby Mac looks so big now- he’s just so cute!
    I’m almost done with school- I only have 2 more papers due and I hope to finish them in the next few weeks. In the meantime I’m looking for a job until I’ll go back to school in the next year or two. I really hope I’ll be able to find something soon because I can really use the money and also I’m getting bored at home.

  18. Wow – I do not know how you do it! Baby Mac, Jake and Ty and writing and all your events plus moving from a hotel back into your half renovated house. Such chaos – I have a knot in my stomach just thinking about it. But you will do it just as you have done it all before. God looks after you and your family – that is for sure.
    Not to much happening in my neck of the woods. It’s just hot, hot, hot! Got my stitches out and my forehead looks good – you can hardly see the
    scar. Now I am looking at surgery on my hand and more stitches. Oh well – what the heck! These skin things just keep popping up and grow at such a fast pace. So here we go again. Take care and what a beautiful family you have – what a handsome new son just as Jake and Ty are.

  19. Oh Jane! What a wonderful picture of you and baby Mac (and Shannon!!). I can’t believe how quickly he is growing – always love seeing pictures of him. So sorry to hear about your camera!

    I met you last year at a book signing at the Bellevue B&N. . . and lots had been happening lately. Logan started pre-school (local co-op pre-school that starts with kids aged 2 1/2) in late September, so we’ve all been REALLY busy with pre-school things. This has been a blessing as he loves to play with other kids, and the structure of the school has been a good change for him (after a few struggles).

    We are also expecting a second little boy, who should be joining us around Valentines day if all goes well (although Logan decided to show up one month early, so we are already starting to get things in order)…I’ve already had surgery, and get weekly shots, and dr. appts every other week, all in the hopes of helping this baby to stay in the oven a little longer than Logan did. LOL (at least we are still getting good news from the dr.s so far!)

    What else?? Lets see… trying to read and review lots of great books on Wendi’s Book Corner, trying to get Christmas gifts ready in case I end up on bedrest again, baking yummy cookies for those silly cravings that hit on occasion, we’ve had a house guest for the past month, and trying to clean out the loft/craft room to create a guest/play room for the upcoming holidays. LOL – at least we don’t have a construction crew working on our house!

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you guys that they finish the work on your house quickly…I know that hotels can be nice, but it is NOT the same as living in your own personal space.

    Take care (and I hope that someone finds your camera – I love seeing the pictures you post!) ~ Wendi

  20. What a great pic! I’m glad to hear that the book signing went well. You are an amazing woman to be dealing with everything that you do. House chaos, baby, boys, and books. Wow!
    Life has been crazy lately… looking forward to things maybe slowing down as we move into winter.

  21. Hey Jane! My friend got her signed book and she called and loved it, thank you so much again for that gift…. and for signing it to “Dude”.. hehe.. i bet that was weird. lol

    We have been super busy in my house getting geared up for halloween and then the rest of the holidays to follow. can’t believe it will be christmas again soon… geez. take care!

  22. Great picture!!

    My life…our daughter (only child) started pre-school this fall. HUGE adjustment for her and us. I’m use to having her with me all day. My wonderful husband is busy with harvest, working on the soybeans today and when those are finished he’ll start on the corn. I love autumn!!!

  23. I have read all your books and love them! I finally got around to watching “Flirting with Forty.” It was cute and I hope more of your books turn into movies.
    As for my home life: I rush around like mad getting the kids ready for school in the morning (I recently created a contest to get my older son motivated). Then I get errands done (or workout) and look for jobs. In the afternoon, I entertain my sons and then have dinner ready for everyone. At night, my husband and I enjoy chilling out with a TV show or movie. My weekends usually involve a lot of family and relaxation time, as we observe Shabbat.
    My husband and I started learning ASL to be able to communicate with our son’s friend’s parents when we meet them.
    Other than that, just getting excited about Halloween. 🙂

  24. That is a lovely picture. I have been baking and cooking and trying to keep up with the work around the house. Good luck with your house and I hope you get settled soon.

  25. Well, I do love your books, Jane. I saw your post on facebook about the contest and, oh how I would love to win this one.
    My life has been on the upswing, a bit. I met a really, super nice guy and am looking forward to seeing how the whole thing pans out.
    Only time will tell. Maybe it will turn out “novel-worthy.” 🙂

  26. Hi Jane,
    Baby Mac is getting so big!! Glad to hear that you are getting ready to get back into your house. 2 months in a hotel would get old — especially with a baby and a dog!

    Our fall has been busy with getting back into school mode with schedules, homework, sports etc. I miss our lazy, summer days! We are heading to Palm Springs in a couple of weeks to find some sunshine and get some R&R before the craziness of the holidays kick in. We are looking forward to it!

    Goodluck with the move!
    Lynn Bisset

  27. Hi Jane; That event was so fun! Worth all the planning and coordinating.

    We need to get my son Joey a costume! He wants to be a vampire and I’ll be darned if I can find anything!! My mother-in-law bought a cape so now I need to find dark pants and a white shirt for him to wear. Hoping I can convince him to wear a little face make-up so people can tell he’s a vampire.
    Yeah, it’ll be a busy one!! Great to see a post, been watching.
    Smile, hug,

  28. It was great meeting you in Laguna,Jane and I guess I have just been busy with school and I just re-read The Frog Prince because I haven’t in so long. I’m excited for halloween this Saturday so other then that nothing much has been going on. Have a great week. 🙂

  29. I’ve been busy trying to settle into a new home, new town, new job. It’s been absolutely crazy! But in the meantime, while waiting for new clients, I’ve been doing a LOT of reading! Can’t wait to read your NEXT book…

  30. First to Gigi, poster #8: Holy Crap. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I spent most of 2008 sleeping in hospital chairs when my mother was sick, so I greatly emphasize. May she be up and running and back to college before you know it.

    Jane – I’m so glad you had such a great California Swing. I’ll refrain from the obligatory gasp at the growing Mac as so many ladies have already done him justice (but really, just LOOK at him!)

    I did the great seasonal clothes swap about 2 weeks ago, only to have Jersey weather screw me again with 60s+ temps – when it isn’t raining, that is. The swap was in anticipation for the NJRWA PYHIAB conference this past weekend, which was amazing. I learned a lot, played a lot, and got to meet and briefly assist Jenny Crusie, a personal thrill for me. I also got a potential lead from another author, giving me something to prep for. Now I’m in recuperation phase this week and as my account at work is hitting its crazy stride, I see late and frustrating nights in my near future.

    My friend LOVED getting your package in the mail. Unfortunately our schedules haven’t been meshing, so I’ve yet to see the kit and kaboodle myself, but knowing you, I’m confident it’s truly grand. Thanks so much for such a generous gift!

    Good luck with the move!

  31. OK – that was supposed to be empathize above, not emphasize. I’m an editor; I can’t stand leaving that up there without a caveat and let anyone for a moment think I can’t bloody spell. It would keep me up at night, I promise you.

    Neuroses in Action 101! 🙂

  32. I love that baby Mac wanted his mommy! I hope the contractors work fast on your home, I know that that will be a huge relief to have your home back.
    As to what we have been doing, we got new neighbors in next to us about 3 weeks ago and we have been battling their tempers at each other and others, including having to call the cops last night because of a fight between four of them (2 girls, one pregnant and 2 guys), them stealing our dustbuster off the back patio and then inviting my hubby into their apartment and his seeing it. It has been a very hectic 3 weeks!

    My BFF adored your package and is buying another copy of Frog Prince so she doesn’t mess up the one you signed. It made her week!!! Thank you for that!!!! 😀

  33. Baby Mac is so adorable!

    We finally bit the bullet and purchased cars for our children. Both are in college and needed reliable transportation and additional independence that comes along with that. Seeing their faces on Saturday when we surprised them reminded me of when they received their favorite toys many years ago. A memory we will cherish.

    Personally, I have taken a break from working for American Express after 12 years to be here for my grown children and to explore personal business pursuits. I have enjoyed creating my first website and hope to go live in the next couple of weeks. I am really enjoying the process and this chapter in my families lives.

    BTW, couldn’t put your book down,’Easy on the Eyes’ on a recent trip to Las Vegas! The book was so good! I love being able to follow the characters! I am looking forward to your next book!

    Take care

  34. Great photo! I don’t know how you manage everything going on in your life – very impressive!
    I am trying to get closets cleaned out and getting things down to a more manageable level but it seems an impossible goal. Have no idea why we needed half the stuff in the first place.

  35. Hi Jane,

    I just finished reading your book “Easy on the Eyes” and I loved it. Now I am starting a book by Debbie Macomber to get me in the holiday spirit. Keep up the good work !!

  36. Jane,
    The picture of you and baby Mac is so nice! He is getting bigger by each day and I am sure keeping you busy. I so admire all that you do and take on. Hope you enjoy being back in your own place, there is no place like home!

    As for my life, just got back from a week of visiting family and so the process begins of trying to figure out what stuff that came back with us stays or goes into storage. This is all items that my mother-in-law gave us and so it is nice of her to do this but my policy is if one thing comes into our house then another thing has to go. We are getting rain here in NC and I’d really rather curl up with your book but maybe another day.

    Take care and be well!

  37. Oh Mac is so sweet looking and you can tell he loves his Mom. They are so sweet at that age. Baby Mac looks like him mom in the photo.

    I have been trying to get some major cleaning done, windows and such! My son is in college right now but doesn’t have his drivers license yet so therefor when he wants to come home I have to go and get him, and yes dirty laundry and all.

  38. You look super and Mac is just a doll baby. Am sure you had a wonderful time in CA…it is where I grew up but have lived in the Shenandoah Valley for the past 28 years. I understand ‘camping’…we raised our four kids in our house that we lived in and built at the same time…nice memories (very hard, but very nice). You’ve had a rough year but it’s getting better for you…and you are smiling. Better get yourself a new camera, you’ll need to document the family ‘camping’…way too fun 🙂

  39. I am recovering from the Radiation treatments; very dry, red burnt skin on my breast and under my arm(armpit). We also are now focusing on dh and his 2 surgeries coming up. I go for my first visit with the Chemo dr. on Nov. 10th.

  40. Hi there! I love your books. Lucky for me, reading your books while camping was something I got to do a few times this past summer. Lately, our 6 year old started first grade, and is becoming a great reader. Our 3 year old is becoming more and more her mother… bossy, organized, funny, smart… gotta love those little reflections of ourselves!
    Keep up the great work! 🙂

  41. Hi Jane – sounds like you have been busy. Mac is adorable. Our family has been keeping busy to with juggling soccer, Kindermusik for 2 kids, kindergarten (complete with homework) and work. Having a great time with all of it and even managing to find time to read a few books. Hope your house is done soon and you get a chance to relax and enjoy your family.

  42. Hi Jane-
    You and baby Mac look wonderful! He looks like such a sweet baby! I’m so glad to hear that your trip to California was good. I’m missing warm and sunny weather right now!

    I am getting ready for my daughter’s 11th birthday this weekend and my husband birthday next weekend. It’s been chaotic and I’m tired and it’s only tuesday! I’m so thankful for a late start at school tomorrow. Didn’t like it when the school first started up with this idea but now I’m pretty grateful!

  43. Having graduated from UC Irvine, just down the street from Laguna Beach, hearing your travels makes me miss home!

    Life at my house is so crazy! We just got back from a trip where we celebrated my daughters 16th birthday! Yikes! I am celebrating my bday today (10/27) and hanging out with my kids. My husband is away, again, for two more weeks. Big sad face. Not the way to spend my special day.

    We are expecting a huge snow storm tonight and hopefully we’ll get a “snow day” tomorrow for the kids and me. A snow day in October? Only in Colorado…cross your fingers for us!

  44. Jane, he is getting so BIG so fast!! I know what you mean about hearing the baby while you are trying to do something else. Bill and I would go to the store and he would try to occupy our daughter..I would hear her (you just KNOW their cry) and all my concentration would be gone. You look fantastic.

    We are gearing up for Halloween and hoping to have tons of kids. SOMEONE, not me, has to eat this candy!

  45. Hi Jane,
    I really admire you as it seems your life is getting busier by the day. The fact that you are still waiting for your house to be ready must drive you crazy. But I know that, in the end, we always find a way of getting over the tough times.
    Your house ordeal reminds me of when a few years ago, coming back from a vacation, we found the house flooded (the ceiling of the dining room was literally on the floor!!!) and after a few days in a hotel with a 3 years old and a 4 months old baby, we were back in a couple of rooms that were salvaged from the disaster. I still have nightmares about that, but we made it and I realize that with patience and love and supporting each other you can face almost everything.
    I hope you can go back to normalcy in your house soon and congratulations, Mac is getting bigger and cuter by the day.
    Take care,

  46. Hi Jane,
    We are in beautifulHawaii!! My daughter got married on the beach saturday and it was so much fun. We swam with the dolphins on Sunday and have been enjoying the beach and sun. Don’t really want to come back to rainy Seattle. Glad you get to get back in your home.

  47. My husband and I just came back from a great weekend in Pincher Creek, AB., where we attended the wedding of some close friends. The freezing wind and blowing snow didn’t stop us from enjoying the events and seeing parts of the province we’ve never been to before…it’s beautiful country!

  48. That picture is so cute! Baby Mac is adorable! 🙂

    Life at my house as been good! I recently got a dog a few months ago. A little puggle named Zeke! He is doing great and is a great addition to the family! The cat may not agree with me, but she will warm up to him someday! 🙂

  49. Hey Jane! Welcome back… and WOW! Mac has gotten so big – look at that head of hair! :0) Things have been busy here with school (3 classes), but they are going well. Met a new guy this past week through my downstairs neighbor. And of course he is getting out of the Army in a few weeks and leaving island in a month for greener pastures in South Dakota. It’s been a good thing though, and is showing me what parts of built walls in myself I need to work at knocking down. Way too many apparently from a huge dose of miscommunication! Ugh… But it’s all good – life is good! :0)

  50. Jane! I have been at home- laid up with an icky kidney infection. So between vicodin induced naps Ive been catching up on my TBR stack. Next up that I can’t wait to crawl into bed to start? “The Frog Prince!” I can’t wait! Welcome home!

  51. at my house, we are finishing up Christmas shopping so we can actually relax during the holidays. finding new recipes for baking for the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. trying to keep my health good and stress under control. have a great day!!! halloween is saturday, can’t wait to see the goblins’ costumes…

  52. Wrote a few more poems,worked at the school,and watched my boys grow up before my eyes!Last week I actually picked my classes at the comm. College and had to discuss the birds and the bees with my 14 yr old boy and his girlfriend( after catching them in a heavy petting session) all in the same week! I tried to impose upon her that if she didn’t watch it she would be a 36yr old with a zillion kids wondering what she going to do with her life. I hope she listens. I also talked to her mother it went pretty well. I was nervous has heck. I mean really how do you tell someone their princess may be sexually active. I did it though and go figure she had the same concerns. She made an appointment to see a doctor about BC. Whew!It would be nice to get through college before one of theses boys makes me a grandma! So enjoy those LITTLE boys hon they grow fast!


  53. Hi all, love the posts and so glad to hear from so many of you. I’m back to announce that #22 Rebecca, you are the winner of the contest!

    Rebecca, please email me with your preference of books, how you want it signed, and I’ll get the book and your gift cards and goodies out in the next mail!

    I’ll be posting a new blog today with a new contest so keep chatting and win. 🙂

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