Tuesday Before Turkey Day

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is only two days away.  It doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving week.  Maybe it’s because I still have no kitchen and no downstairs to speak of and so I’m not shopping or pouring over recipes or cooking.  Instead I’m crashing friends’ dinners and hoping to sneak home some extra pumpkin pie.

Who is in the Thanksgiving mood?  Who here is ready for the holidays to begin? 

Usually I have all my Christmas shopping done at this point, and my Christmas cards started.   But this year I’ve done nothing.  No shopping, no cards, no nothing.   Not sure if it’s the rain or the baby or the mess of the house but I’m definitely a little overwhelmed by the holidays this year, especially as I have to get all the shopping, wrapping and mailing completed before I fly to Hawaii on Dec 16th.

Is anyone else feeling unmotivated?  Is everyone in festive spirits?  Tell me about your mood, and if you feel like it, share your Thanksgiving plans.  I’ll be drawing one name from the comments below tonight at midnight, and announcing the winner’s name in the morning.  It’s a super short contest, but it’s a goodie.  I’m giving away a wonderful prize package of books, gift cards, and and lots lots more so chat with me and hopefully you’ll win!


  1. A few years ago I doled out some of the Holidays to my
    daughter and daughter-in-law.
    Thanksgiving being one of them.
    My daughter-in-law is a great
    cook. I also have amazing
    11 and 14 year old grandsons
    who carry up all my Christmas trees and decorations from the
    basement so I can turn the house into a wonderland.

  2. Hi Jane,
    Thanksgiving will be at my house this year, but I have my wonderful sister to help. Just a small gathering this year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Mom is making Thanksgiving dinner this year. My cousin and his son will also be visiting over the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  4. I’m ready for Thanksgiving, just taking a break from baking and saw your newsletter. We are having 9 friends over for dinner and some more will drift in later for pie. The years we don’t travel to my in-laws we do open table for our friends. I like leftovers! I am not so ready for Christmas! I did get three gifts so far and an evergreen scented Yankee Candle to help put me in the mood. AFTER Thanksgiving. Stores made me so mad with Christmas stuff out before Halloween! I couldn’t even find a Thanksgiving candle ring last weekend! Maybe that’s why I’m rebelling this year. lol

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I am hosting this year for my parents and my little sister for Thanksgiving. It will be a small gathering but I have no doubts it will be fun! I do not feel ready though, I agree with you, it does not feel like Thanksgiving week, I don’t know how this year has gone by so fast!

  6. I have to admit that this economy is dragging down my spirits as well as depleting my pocketbook. Seems harder to get into the spirit this year, although I know I should be taking this as a reminder that this season is NOT, in fact, about materialism. Ahem… it’s trickier than I’d like to admit. But I’m hoping that the big feast on Thursday followed by setting up the Christmas will get me going. Reading Christmas stories with my son always helps out!

  7. Being Canadian, we had our Thanksgiving in October… and it was kind of blah… didn’t see my parents or my sister because our kids’ schedules (why do they have sports events on long holiday weekends???) didn’t mesh. I did have all my kids and their boyfriend/girlfriend/one extra friend though, so it was a full house.

    I just cannot seem to get it together for Christmas though. I’ve started shopping, but we’ve had a lovely November… sunny and above freezing all month — usually we’ve had a snowstorm or two and it’s dull and gloomy. Maybe that’s why Christmas doesn’t seem only a month away.

  8. I don’t think Thanksgiving is as big in Canada as it is in the US. Our big event is Christmas.

    That being said, we had Thanksgiving on Oct 12 (obviously). Looking back at my date book (as I truly cannot remember back then), I worked all Thanksgiving weekend. I got in my daily walk in the morning, made the big meal for just the four of us, and played badminton in the evening. Pretty typical day.

    What I’m really getting hyped up for is Christmas. We just had our big family Christmas supper this past Sunday. (We have it mid-late November every year to help “guarantee” that more family members can attend.) I hosted 26 family members in my MIL’s apt basement common room. It took a lot out of me in prep time, as a niece cancelled at the last moment so I made her desserts (tarts, brownies, and 2 cookies) because my SIL was making 2 pies and fudge. I opted for ham so didn’t have to bother with gravy and dressing, plus I could cook it ahead of time and warm it up at the apt. I carried plates and cutlery for all of us, and then brought them home to pop into our dishwasher. Lots of lugging back and forth (20 minutes away). Still, I was exhausted. Sunday night I slept 9 hours and then I napped 3 hours in the afternoon. (I’ve been getting, at best, 5-6 hours of sleep every night since mid October, and it finally caught up with me.)

    As for festive spirits, I had to write my Christmas poem to print into Christmas cards for the big event, so I played The Chipmunks Christmas CD while doing that. It also helped set the tone while baking.

    My BFF is coming (1.5 hours away) to my place this Saturday to exchange Christmas presents and have girl talk, so I guess I’m furiously cleaning my house on Thursday and Friday this week. Eek!

    Next on the list is to put up the Christmas decorations, plus print up the remaining Christmas cards, wrap presents, etc. Most of the presents are purchased (on sale, of course!), but there’s always some I leave for December sales. We never used to have sales in December, but I’ve been getting used to them the last 10 years or so.

    I hope you and your loved ones have a great Thanksgiving and holiday season. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Jane,
    I host Thanksgiving every year for the last 13 yrs. I am not in the mood yet. I just don’t care much this year…that makes me sad. I went back to work this fall so I am still adjusting and don’t have time to do anything anymore. However, I shopped online at Amazon last week and got myself your Harlequin book!! It arrived this week 🙂 Can’t wait to read it…In terms of holiday shopping, though, nothing has been done yet. I am just tired and unmotivated and in complete denial that the holidays are upon us. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving and good luck stealing that pumpkin pie!!


  10. I am looking forward to celebrating thanksgiving this year. This is the first time I will be preparing everything and cooking which I love. My husband is helpful and his parents are going to be impressed. Enjoy your wonderful holiday and relax.

  11. After 3 years of being with family in Yakima for Thanksgiving we decided to stay home this year so I am cooking. Probably a good thing before I forget how. I’m also making pumpkin pie for the first time so hope its edible!

    Once Thanksgiving is over I plan to get Christmas shopping done as quickly as possible since the past few years December weather has made it a real challenge with power outages and snow. Hopefully we won’t be blasted with some horrid storm this year.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  12. Hi Jane,
    The holidays always seem to come so quickly and some years I am better at getting things done than others. This year I am not having either holiday celebration at my house and that is definitely taking some pressure off. I hope you and your lovely family have a great Thanksgiving.

  13. I know! When did November get here and how did it go by so fast? I’m not complaining, mind you. I’m looking forward to the upcoming four days sans work.

    For the big day, we’re going to my boss’ house as we have for the past few years. She usually has 10-12 people and up and it’s always a good time; I plan to school the high-school/college kids with my rockin’ drum playing on the Rock Band Beatles edition. Mwah Ha Ha. Her daughter is headed to London next semester, so we’re planning a gush fest on that subject.

    Then Friday it’s to Philadelphia and the respective g-rents. Also, my friend Judi Fennell is having a book signing right up the road from my grandfather’s Masonic retirement home, so I’m going to drag him to that and use the B&N WiFi to show him the videos of his new baby great-granddaughter in Idaho on my laptop. God Bless YouTube. Then Saturday after my mom spends 1/2 an hour in the cold looking for a happy tree, we’ll get it and then I’ll swear a lot and get sap everywhere putting it up before I drag out the big ole blue Christmas storage box and start decking the halls and walls.

    Somewhere in there I plan to sleep and please God get some writing done. Lots of great stuff percolating in my head but when I sit down at the laptop its to stare numbly at the blinking cursor. Just gotta get in the groove.

    Have a fabulous Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy not having the stress of cooking and cleaning and just relax and enjoy!

  14. Hey and how are you doing Jane and your boys of course. Handsome fellas all three of them. I will be going to my brother’s for Thanksgiving and excited about that. He’s not doing that well and he is my younger brother – 8 years younger! I’ll be bringing my sweet potato casserole which is a hit and I am not bragging but it really is and of course pies so I am prepared. I hope you are doing well and of the course all your fellas.
    So enjoy your Thanksgiving and God Bless you !!

  15. I feel the same way Jane. I just got back from the grocery store with my turkey and all the other goodies and now I am thinking I wish I would of just ordered dinner. I am having a Remicade infusion tomorrow morning for my Chron’s Disease and I will be wiped out for a couple of days. What was I thinking????
    I can’t even start to think about Christmas.
    Here’s hoping you enjoy your Thanksgiving day with friends!!

  16. Hang in there Jane, you are not the only one that hasn’t started on the cards and Christmas shopping. I am sure the baby plays a key roll in that, because babies take a lot of time but they are worth it. Having your house apart doesn’t help any either. I have a large dinner to cook next weekend and when I get past that I will worry about the cards and such. Look at it this way Jane if you don’t get to your cards I am sure everyone will understand. Take care of yourself and don’t stress!

  17. Hi Jane,
    I too am not at looking ready for the holidays. Just moved into an apartment 2 wks ago as we closed on our home last week and our new home is not finished yet. I am literally living out of boxes as I refuse to pack again.

    Typically I would have all my X mas decorations up by now and sadly will not put a single thing up this year. When my co-workers found out I was not putting anything up for my 7 yr old daughter they offered to get her a ‘Charlie Brown tree’. Still do not know if I will accept as that means I have to pack it up. I know, NO FUN. I just am not in the mood. I am sure I will figure something out.

    As far as Thanksgiving, we are heading out to the in-laws! The men will spend it hunting and the women shopping and going to the movies. Plan on watching New Moon and The Blind Side.

  18. Hey Jane!!
    I’m like you–not quiet in the holiday spirit. I haven’t started my Christmas shopping. Hopefully, this weekend I will do some online.
    I hope your family has a wonderful holiday season.
    God Bless your family!

  19. Oh Jane! Thanks for writing exactly what I’m feeling. Have only bought one or two (small)gifts and really no zest for buying more. Partially because things are tight financially and partially because everyone seems to have everything they want or need. That’s a huge blessing, make no mistake.

    I don’t know what to get the kids, though. Better focus on Thanksgiving first, I guess. We’re going to my brother’s house. He and his wife are having a potluck dinner. I brilliantly signed up to bring rolls! Yes, rolls! I cook Christmas dinner (myself) every year for the whole gang so this holiday I took the easy way out! (o:

    Are the big boys with your or their dad? Will Ty be able to come to WA or staying for the tourist holiday in HI? I hope it’s a peaceful time and you can fully enjoy everyone you’re with.

    I’m taking the kids to Sea World on Saturday; they love the holiday shows there–so fun. I always manage to get a good Christmas Card photo there too.

    Holiday Hugs to you!
    Shannon in Tustin
    ummm 80 degree Tustin, that is!

  20. Jane, take it one day at a time. I’m not cooking for Thanksgiving – just making desserts and a vegetable dish and it’s still irking me. I did manage to get the outside Christmas decorations out while I distracted myself from grocery shopping for the baking and cooking. It’s coming slowly but I’m getting things done. . .and seeing some of the decorations up is slowly bringing the holiday spirit in.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and let the Holiday Mood slowly sink in!

  21. I had seriously considered skipping Christmas this year.
    It has been such a stressful year that I thought it might be good to skip all the holiday madness.
    But I didn’t

    I did buy one of the newer slim trees this year from Target. It only took DH about ten minutes to put up. Very easy. My old tree was very pretty but it took about an hour to put together. Then forever to decorate. Decorating the tree has become my designated job.

    I might not be in the mood yet because we haven’t had any cold or even chilly weather. We are hoping for lows in the 30p’s Friday morning maybe that will get me into the Black Friday spirit.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving , Jane. you have so much to be thankful for.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jane. I always love getting your emails in my inbox. They always make me smile, laugh, or cry. It is a small gift that I treasure.

    Since we have a blended family, we celebrated our Thanksgiving on Sunday. It is always a little strange to celebrate holidays on a different day than the traditional day but it is what it is. My kids know nothing different but to me, it is strange. So I am stuffing my face with all the traditional Thanksgiving left overs. Yum!

    I dread the end of Thanksgiving though. It means my husband leaves again for three weeks. I am not ready for it or the tears that always seem to fall…again, it is what it is. I am thankful that at least I had a wonderful holiday with my complete family who are healthy, happy and after our feast, well fed!

    Have a great holiday and enjoy! Hawaii will be here before you know it!

  23. Happy Thanksgiving! That’s about as festive as I’ve gotten. I’ve been bahumbugish. Didn’t have any plans until my cohort at work invited our Dept over for turkey and football. Although, I don’t know if it’s a “come in your pj’s” kind of deal, because the first game starts at 0730!! It could work… cheerios and sweet potatoes. I had planned on putting my tree up though over the weekend, since it didn’t reach its full potential until New Years last year.

  24. I’m having a quiet Thanksgiving day. We’re going to a relatives later in the afternoon, so I’m going to spend some much needed time in my sewing room. I love to quilt and it keeps me going when stress starts getting to me. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  25. Oh the stress of the holidays. If it makes you feel any better, I am not on my “A” game this year either. The horse farm,builders,Twp. regs etc. too much to pull it together. God bless my Mom, for insisting on doing holidays. She even invites all of my posse( who have no where else to go). I am bringing 3 dishes,but as we all know …Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are NO easy task. So this year we are downsizing,trying to remind the kids the true meaning of all Thanksgiving, as well as Christmas. Lets face it, some years we are “ON” and some times you just have to wing it (no pun intended)!
    To you and your kitchen-less family,Jane, you are in my thoughts and good wishes for this holiday season. Where ever you dine ,you have your family and your kids , and I know you will make do. Wish you were closer ,would have you all over to my MOM’S house, as she is a saint. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your readers!

  26. I can’t seem to get into the holiday spirit. I keep thinking if the snow comes, maybe it will motivate me. Thanksgiving is at my parents this year. Mom is usually great at taking care of everything. This year she has asked all of us kids to bring a dish. So I am not exactly sure what to make. Plus we all go to the movies afterwards. Think we are going to see a Christmas Carol with Jim Carey.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  27. I’m excited to go to the aunt-in-law’s with husband and toddler in tow, but I’m tired just thinking of all the casserole-making and pie-baking in front of me. Then there’s the small talk with relatives I don’t know and don’t have much in common with.

    But going is definitely better than what we did two years ago–taking the baby in her carseat to a fancy restaurant to eat great food but having no one to talk to or laugh with.

    Happy Thanksgiving Jane!


  28. I love the holidays and am looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with my brother and his daughter who lives in the country about an hour and half away – over the freeway and through the valley. Tam has one husband, two sons, three dogs, laying chickens, goats, and other little critters. A special day with very special people and we are thankful to be invited and wanted. Maybe I will even get to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade this year instead of cooking and last minute cleaning the house. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, Jane!

  29. i am on vacation from work so that i can help prepare thanksgiving w.my mom for our large family. i can tell you one thing i wont be at kohl’s at 4:00 am on fri 🙂 happy turkey day all…….

  30. I am in the holiday mood for Christmas as our Thanksgiving is over in Canada. Soon starting to wrap some gifts and put out decos.

  31. Hey Jane,
    I just can’t believe Thanksgiving is here.
    Where does the time go?

    I haven’t posted in a while.
    I love hear what you have to say! just love your blog! Thank you for Writing!

    I’m so sorry you don’t have kitchen right now. SOON!!

    Well we usually have Thanksgiving at our house.
    My daughter (she is doing great) and her boyfriend are coming from the bay area.(we so excited she found a good guy!)
    My grandmother will be coming over dinner as well as a few friends. We usually have around 10- 12 people for dinner. I Love to spend quality time and enjoy friends and family.
    I am so thankful for the many blessings I have in my life.

    I am feeling little less motivated this year, I think because it upon us so fast.
    Luckily my husband and I enjoy sharing the cooking.

    We are getting there, my husband got some of the christmas lights up on the house, we will be finishing that up this weekend.

    What I am really excited about is cutting down our very own christmas tree. It’s our family tradition we all go together every year. It’s a blast! We always have the best time and kids look forward to it every year.

    We have birthdays on top of the holidays. My birthday was in October, Then my oldest daugther was born on my husband’s birthday which is today. Wow chocolate cake was great and really rich, it was too big of a piece.

    My son turns 11 years old tomorrow. Then the middle child, her birthday is in a couple weeks. We should have planned it out better. LOL

    My house can be very busy this time of year!

    Then the black friday shopping, everyone wants to go this year. They saved some money to spend on gifts and get in on the great deal themselves, now that they are much older.

    I use to be able to sneak out of the house when the children were little.
    I could get the majority of my christmas shopping done. Now it can be challenging to keeping those surprises for christmas morning.

    Wishing You a Joyful Holiday Season!

    And enjoy your pumpkin pie!

    And enjoy all your Boys!


    Love the cover of “She’s Gone Country” Just love it!!!

  32. I am beginning to feel the season. Can not wait to start baking and enjoying the company of friends. I have a friend coming from Texas and could not be more thrilled! I have not seen her in a few years and know it will feel like just yesterday.

    So I would say that I am in a delightful giddy mood! Just can’t wait her arrival! There is nothing like a good friend to spend time with!

    May you have a lovely holiday with your family.

  33. Hi Jane,

    First, I can’t wait for Gone Country. I love the story line. I love how you sometimes use the same characters. I hate it when one of you books end so it’s great you kind of continue but also so interesting that you make a different person the key character! I love that!
    Thanksgiving I’m just working which is great cause I make time and a half. I’m just bringing a pupu platter to work. My house is all in shambles too so all I want to do is work on it in my time off and get it done!!! I tore up all the carpet downstairs and on the stairs. Now I’m painting the walls. I’m using 2 subtle greens and a little splash of blue in the great room and in the fireplace room I’m using 3 different pinks/lavenders. When that’s done I’ll put this flooring in that is super easy to do- it is vinyl planks that look like wood. They have adhesive on them so you just lay them down right on the cement. The whole thing is relatively inexpensive and the house will look totally different. Well, enjoyed your news about your books! I’ll have to try one of your Harlequin romance books. I have never read any of those. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and don’t beat yourself up this year- make it an easy, low stress Christmas! Just sit back and relax and enjoy it!

  34. It’s almost midnight…got to get this out quickly.
    1st: Love the cover of “She’s Gone Country”; can hardly wait to read it this summer
    2nd: Looking forward to having Thanksgiving dinner with our son and pregnant vegetarian daughter-in-law!Everyone in her family is vegetarian…Brian will cook the turkey for the rest of us;)
    3rd: Not sure about decorating full out for Christmas this year…although I love seeing all the lights everywhere…will be going to the ocean with friends clam-digging for New Years!
    4th: When feeling overwhelmed, especially with your new son and his wonderful big brothers, decide to replace former traditions with new relaxed times…even if only for this year. Time spent relaxing and enjoying each other is the best gift of all.
    Ask if they would rather have a happy and relaxed Mom around them or a frazzled, grumpy frump for the holidays…My family always opted for the happy Mom;) Happy Thanksgiving!

  35. Hi Jane,

    I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving either. I am very thankful this year, this is the first year in a long time that I do not have to work and I can actually eat dinner with my family.

    I hope that you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving Day.


  36. Since I’m Canadian I spent our Thanksgiving at the ECWC in Seattle and completely missed it this year. And I didn’t seem to mind. As we are gearing up for the Christmas holidays I find myself struggling to stay positive. It’s been a rough year for us and so many others and I worry about everything. On the other hand, it is my favourite time of year, so I’m sure as soon as the Christmas music starts playing and the lights start showing up, I will turn it around.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  37. I cooked for Canadian Thanksgiving dinner but now other folks are cooking American Thanksgiving dinner. That will be a treat for sure. In lovely Casa Grande, Arizona.
    I’m sure you’ll enjoy your friends’ hospitality.
    Hang in there with the house renos.

  38. #26, Renae D you are the blog winner as this year Thanksgiving falls on November 26th. Congratulations!!

    Renae, please send me a private email with the name of the book you’d like signed–and is it for you or someone else?–along with your mail address and I’ll send out all the fun goodies, including some yummy See’s chocolates.

    Congrats, again, and happy early Thanksgiving!

  39. It’s okay that you’re having a different energy about the holidays this year.

    Consider doing different things–why not? Try giving up snail mail cards this year (hey, the environment will thank you).

    Give yourself permission to experience life as it is and enjoy it–rather than thinking you have adjust things a certain way before you can relax or feel everything is “right.” Your feelings at this moment are telling you what is right for you today and maybe at this season in your life. So go with it. In fact, go FOR it!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving~


  40. I hesitate to share my mood, as it stinks. Various things going on make life very stressful this season. On the upside, however, our holiday tradition IS to be low key, so that will be my refuge tomorrow and over the weekend – that and the gazillion things in life over which I am thankful.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing.

  41. I live in Arizona but am from Alaska. It never seems like the holidays because of no snow!! I would say I am never motivated for the holidays and really have to force myself. I can’t seem to get over the no snow thing!

  42. Just sooo not ready for the Holidays here in VA…nice weather but no spirit and I feel like I haven’t done anything at all in this truly fast year. Hope you have a wonderful time in Hawaii and a special Holiday with your precious family….Ruth

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