Party in my Hometown!

I love the holidays and I am celebrating… WITH YOU! Those of you in the greater Seattle area, please come to Downtown Bellevue tomorrow to have good drinks, good food and great conversation for my HOLIDAYS ARE HERE GIRL’S NIGHT OUT!

Oodles of beautiful holiday-red invitations were mailed, and sadly many of the envelopes seemingly failed (bad glue?) and I think that lots of people never received their invitation. Did you? I hope so. Are you coming? I would love to see you. Bring a friend!

Here is the info (also on my events page):

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 – TOMORROW!

5-7 pm Holiday Party at Ooba’s. 555 108th Avenue in Bellevue ~ 425-646-4500. Join us for festivities and fun!

Then at 7 pm, walk the 300 feet to the Bellevue Barnes & Noble for an Easy On The Eyes Reading & Signing. 626 106th Ave NE, Bellevue ~ 425-452-8463. All proceed from the booksigning will go to a local non-profit. Celebration and good deeds!

The invitation:

Click here for a printable page.

I hope to see you and your friends there! (Please share this with your friends on Facebook and the like!)

~ Jane


  1. I’m just going to keep wishing and wishing and wishing; hopefully I’ll wake up in Bellevue!

    Have fun, Jane.

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  2. I wish I could come, but I have extra kiddos tomorrow night!

    Hopefully there won’t be any parking issues with Snowflake Lane happening nightly at 7:00 also.

  3. Add me to the “I’m so jealous I wish I could be there” club. Sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I could be there.

  4. Hey Shannon,Kathryn and Stacy: I am with you girls, too. Did any of your wishes come true? Did anyone wake up in Bellevue?
    It happens you know!! Well, in the movies it does!
    Jane hope your party was all you wanted it to be.

  5. sure sounds fun. I love how you always make special things happen. You are like a fairy spreading sparkling moments all over! I don’t know how you do it with 3 kids- one a newborn!

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