Holiday Fun

We’ve had a fun first half of the month in Bellevue–shopping, ice skating, taking in the parade at Snowflake Lane in downtown Bellevue.    But now it’s time to pack up and head to Hawaii for Christmas.

By the time you read this we’ll be at our Hawaii home…

Wearing a heck of a lot less.  And Mac for one will be glad.

Happy happy holidays to all.  More soon from Hawaii!


  1. From wool caps to sun visors! You two are so darling! Hope you had a smooth flight and are enjoying the warm breezes. Have a wonderful
    White “Sands” Christmas!

  2. Oh he is so cute Jane! You are so lucky to get to go to Hawaii, where it is warm. I don’t care much for the cold and snow! Have a wonder warm Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Injoy your trip!

  3. You look fantastic and Mac is adorable…less is more! Enjoy your family and fun in Hawaii, the best of both worlds. Happy Holidays…Ruth

  4. Happy Holidays Jane!
    Mac is sooo adorable & you look great! Have fun in the sun and enjoy your time.
    Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and New Year blessed with everything good!


  5. Adorable! What a great picture of Mac. And I love that you get to experience the holiday type weather with the snow and bundling up and ice skating but now you get to enjoy the beach and sun and surf!

    Have a very Merry Christmas Jane!

    We are excited to have a huge winter storm heading our way. We don’t get much snow here in VA near DC so this should be a lot of fun!

  6. Christmas Blessings to you and your beautiful family, Jane. Thanks for the post and yummy photos of Mac!!

    Shannon in Tustin

  7. Merry Christmas, Jane! I will be thinking about you “suffering” with all that sun while I enjoy this “glorious” Washington winter weather!

  8. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Have a wonderful time in Hawaii! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and those you love.

  9. Aw Mac looks so cute!!!
    I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you soon hopefully! 🙂


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