Romance Reader Luncheon on Oahu

It’s a gorgeous Tuesday morning in Hawaii and Christmas is just days away.  I spent yesterday doing nothing but relaxing after the hectic weekend of preparing for the lunch I hosted on Sunday for Kellie Chang’s Romance Reader Group.

We were supposed to have our lunch outside on the deck but it poured all night, cleared up in the morning, and then started to come down again about an hour before the lunch was to begin.  Surfer Ty’s good friend Tucker had agreed to act as my bartender for the party so he and I frantically (well, I was frantic, he wasn’t.  He is a surfer after all…) moved the big sectional against the ‘living room’ wall, carried out all the extra furniture including the row of barstools at the counter even as the caterer arrived, florist delivered flowers and guests began making early appearances.

Jane, reader Janelle Wolf, and NYT bestselling author Cherry Adair
Jane, reader Janelle Wolf, and NYT bestselling author Cherry Adair

One of the biggest treats for me at the luncheon was having friend and fellow Seattle author, Cherry Adair, in attendance.  I adore Cherry, but then everyone does, and having her at my home made the lunch truly festive.

Jane, Auntie Peaches, and Janelle.
Jane, Auntie Peaches, and Janelle.
Janelle and Jane on the deck of Janes Hawaii house
Janelle and Jane on the deck of Jane’s Hawaii house

Kellie Chang’s romance reader group is an amazing group of women.  We had about 27 at the lunch and I really enjoyed everyone’s warmth and kindness and love of books.  During the lunch I got to sit next to Auntie Peaches and what a wonderful lady!  So full of life and energy and spunk.  And as she’s a sheikh fan, I made sure she got a signed copy of one of my Presents featuring my Desert Kings.

Another treat was finally being able to meet a reader from Hawaii, Navy Cryptologic Technician Petty Officer First Class Janelle Wolf.  Janelle discovered me following one of my Hawaii events on the base last summer.   Janelle and I didn’t actually meet the day of the event, but she found my signed books just after the signing ended, bought two, and then later returned to buy the rest.  Now Janelle is one of my blog friends and real life friends and it was really fun having her at my house for the party…especially as Christmas Eve’s her birthday and Kellie brought candles for the cheesecake (a treat from Cherr) and we were able to sing to her.

Now I’m off to finish my Christmas shopping as my big boys will be flying in on the 26th to celebrate New Years with me.  I can’t wait to have them here.  Hawaii isn’t Hawaii without all my boys around me.  Fighting, loving, and generally making life crazy.

Are you ready for Christmas?  Have everything done, or is there something on your to-do list still?  Fill me in and you’re entered to win my delicious Hawaii gift basket packed with chocolates, coffee, macadamia nuts and so much more.  Contest closes tomorrow midnight, PST, and I’ll announce the winner Christmas Eve morning, so tell me where things stand and you’re that much closer to winning this incredible but bad for the diet gift basket!


  1. Hey, I’m #1 this time. Cool.

    Ooooo. Pretty Hawaii pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all!

    Almost ready for Christmas. I picked my sister up at the airport this morning – 2 hours late! She took the Red eye out of Phoenix and when I set my clock to get up at oh- my-gosh-it’s-early-o’clock (commonly known as 5:30) my poor Polish brain set it for PM! Thankfully, my sister is patient and NJ morning traffic was uncommonly merciful.

    I’ve got bunches of stuff to do tonight, the tree still isn’t trimmed, and then there’s singing yet to be done (my favorite part), so the Big Day ain’t here yet.

    Thanks for the adorable card. Have a joyous and blessed Christmas day!

  2. Well I’m through shopping but we still don’t know where we are having Christmas dinner at. My sister had a total knee replacement a couple of weeks ago and may not be up for company. So we may be doing a last minute dinner at my daughter’s. Oh well, we will be together, that’s what is important. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card.

  3. Hi Jane,
    I have not started wrapping yet and today we celebrate my son’s birthday but all I have left to shop for is food, I think. Your pictures are lovely and I envy you the warmth. We got hit with a big snowstorm and there is ice and snow everywhere. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Jane, what a view from your deck; wow!!! I’ve never been to Hawaii.

    I just wrapped some more presents for 3 of the grandkids and have some ingredients out for my Cherry Chocolate Bars that I make every year. It is snowing here also and piling up.

    Have a Merry Christmas with all your boys and friends/family.
    Please enter me.

  5. Hi Jane!

    So great to see you in flip flops! We had 18 inches of snow here in Northern VA last week and still trying to make our way around as this area is not used to handling this much snow. The kids have enjoyed sledding, making a snowman and forts and in general playing outside. Now we pack up and head to my mom’s in Savannah. It’s 63 and sunny there today, ahhh. She lives 8 miles from the ocean and I can’t wait. Everything is pretty much done except for our packing and that road trip.

    Have a great Christmas!

  6. Already had the family dinner I had to host at my house..It went well everyone cames that said they would. i made candies for the first time ever and they are good. I got them all packaged up and half of them delivered. I have ( i believe ) all my shopping done. I am starting to wrap today.So I am ready!I love the pictures of Hawaii..feel free to post some of your water fun

  7. just a few more things on the important to do list. lots more on the non-important list- these will now wait till next year :O)

    love the hawaii background in those pics!

  8. Finally finished Christmas shopping. Now–time for baking. I enjoy that. I have a few days off for Christmas and plan to spend it enjoying my family.
    Thanks Jane for all you do. You are a sweetheart!!
    Merry Christmas to you all!!

  9. Love your Hawaii pics Jane, lovely weather there on the pics, its very snowy here (I am really a summer person..)
    Wish you happy holidays! I am going to spend the holidays at the house of my twin brother who lives far from me, so happy to spend time with him!
    and hopefully I will read a lot of great books in the holidays!

  10. I am so excited for Christmas. Both of my kids have had a nasty cold, but are on the mend and it looks as if they will be better by the Big Day.

    We are going to be spending the day at my sister’s, eating and watching football.

    Then, on the 28th my younger sister is coming home from her semester in Australia and is going to finish out her senior year of college living with me and my family! She is awesome, I can’t wait.

    Mahalo for the Christmas card!

    Only 3 more “sleeps” until Santa comes. (OK you cheeky monkeys, I meant that in the cute kid way, not the Romance Novel way!)

    Shannon-Nicole in Tucson, AZ but has been looking at property in Hawaii, just for fun, for the last few days. It’s AMAZING what 17 million will buy you.

  11. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all! I don’t know how you managed to host such a wonderful event this close to Christmas. I’m usually much closer to being ready, but this year the holidays seem to have snuck up on me…I’ve got 1 more present to buy, then some serious wrapping to accomplish!

    On the bright side, I have made spiced pecans for the whole office and bought everything I need for the kids & hubby.

    Have a wonderful holiday and a safe, healthy & prolific 2010!

  12. The pictures are fabulous! I can’t wait to go back to Hawaii – we went for our honeymoon.

    I’m knitting a scarf for my sister-in-law that I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish by noon tomorrow. I still need to block it, and give it time to dry. I should have picked an easier pattern. (Ugh!!) Luckily, DH’s family Christmas isn’t until Saturday, so I do have two full days left. I still have a pile of presents to wrap. And, I need to get the finishing touches for brunch on Saturday, since we’re hosting DH’s family.

    I know it will all get done. I work well under pressure! LOL

    Merry Christmas, Jane! Hope you have a fabulous holiday with your family.

  13. Hi Jane,

    I’m not done with anything. I have three days left, right? 😉

    I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine and fun there!


  14. I think I’m ready! My 8 year old is very excited! I have some wrapping to do but all is well. Here in WV we just had a massive snow storm and thousands were without electricity for days. I was fortunate to not be in that number and I’m glad to see the snow melting. Love those Hawaii photos! Merry Christmas! Enjoy that little guy!

  15. Beautiful pictures, Jane!

    Christmas is about wrapped up (hardy har har) at my house. All that’s left is awaiting those few Amazon packages that are promising to get here by 12/24!


  16. I am hoping that I am ready… I guess I am as ready as I can be 🙂 There always seems like there is more to be done. I am hoping to make sugar cookies with the kids tomorrow and go shopping for Christmas Eve and Christmas dinners…I have had to work this week, so I feel a bit overwhelmed. I know it will all come together 🙂

    Have a great time in Hawaii and Merry Christmas.

  17. Jane,
    Oh Hawaii sounds so wonderful right now. I miss it every time I leave there. Done with the shopping. We kept it to a minimum this year. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  18. I think I am just about done with Christmas shopping. Tomorrow just need to get some little gifts (gift cards) for my 3 hair stylists (yes, I have 3!) and mail out just a few more holiday cards & then I am done and ready to sit back and enjoy Christmas Eve with my husband, our pug and cats.
    Merry Christmas, Jane!

  19. Those are some beautiful pictures Jane! You are so lucky to have another place that you can go to “chill”. My Christmas present to me will be no more radiation treatments! I have a few more presents to get for my daughter and I will be through!

  20. Any day in Hawaii is a good day – even a day of rain. Sounds like it was a fun lunch!

    I did not make cards this year and did not dip toffee pretzels and have next to nothing wrapped. Seems like all the traditions are not happening this year, but I am also not stressing myself out!

    I am fully confident that Christmas will come and everything will be great regardless if I am ‘ready’ or not! My boys are happy and healthy, so I am truly blessed.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  21. Hola Jane,
    How fun to be in Hawaii, rain or no rain. I am finish with all my shopping. I have a few gifts to wrap but my final act for the holidays will be baking all the desserts to take to my sister in law’s home on Xmas eve. The baking part is what I enjoy, put on some back round music, taste as I go along and wash it down with a nice bottle of my favorite wine made by Sistercreek Wine. It is a Texas Hillcountry vineyard that is only 1 hr away!

    Feliz Navidad

  22. I have some baking, cleaning the house, and definitely some Santa Wrapping to do but that can’t be done until Christmas Eve night anyway…Kinda takes the fun out of making believe Santa was here!! My parents are coming to stay the night here Christmas Eve so hubby is out buying one of those Airbeds for them since the Montana Babes are coming here in August to travel to the Candle convention together! Can’t wait! I am sure they are not the only ones to be needing to sleep on this new Airbed but in my mind, it’s all for them.

    I have to work tomorrow until 12:30 and then I am rushing home to get my kids from their half day of school and starting the Christmas break with some heavy duty baking…there were about 15 people coming but most of them have cancelled since. Oh well…more cookies for me!!

    Merry Christmas, Jane! May 2010 bring you and your beautiful family only the best!! Love you!!

  23. Just got back from the Square having bought two last presents, put four cards in the mail (I needed addresses) and next I am baking one kind of cookie before dinner and then rolling out sugar cookies tonight. Still have two other cookies to make and have to finish wrapping, and then cleaning up the mess. We are having 18 over for Christmas dinner. I am more nervous than all the kids waiting for Santa but so excited and can’t wait to see everyone!
    Instead of resting the next day we drive to the in-laws for another Christmas dinner so the good times just keep coming.

  24. Jane, not totally ready, but mostly. Since my daughters (7 and 10 yrs) are home, I took them to the library today to get out without spending more money! So glad they love the library like me! I can almost feel the Hawaiian sun, looking at your pics while sitting in cold, snowy Indiana. Enjoy your warm and beautiful Christmas!

  25. I just finished the last of my shopping tonight – candy for my daughter’s stocking. One more present to wrap tonight and I am officially READY for Christmas. I have to work tomorrow, but after I get home we’re doing rolled sugar cookies and decorating them…and on Christmas Eve my church is doing its yearly Christmas Eve cookie delivery ministry – we deliver cookies to every fire station, police station, hospital, plus all of the convenience and big box stores that are open the night of Christmas Eve, in Knoxville and the surrounding four counties…as a thank you to those who work on Christmas Eve. We literally deliver thousands of cookies over the course of two hours. I can’t WAIT!

  26. Hey Jane!! Great pics :0) You made my Christmas the best this year, especially since I couldn’t make it stateside to be with family! Thankyou for being the hostess of Kellie’s wonderful event with a great group of ladies. And… it was so nice meeting Cherry and finally getting to see Surfer Ty and Mac in person.

    Everything on my ‘to do’ list is now on ‘ta-done’. Gifts were bought, wrapped, packed and shipped!

    I wish you the best Merry Little Christmas! Mele Kalikimaka ~

  27. I’m no where near ready for Christmas. I still have work to get finished and out of the office before Christmas and my mom’s gift hasn’t arrived yet and I”m worried it won’t be here before Christmas. At least I can give her a picture of the item but it’s just not the same thing. I think all the rest of my shopping is done but my baking is only about half done. I have soup to make and cake and cookies. and i dont’ think it will all be getting done.

    Christmas will still be a nice day just because I get to spend it with my family.
    Hope you have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  28. Still scrambling to get everything done. My son was up sick all night, which meant we didn’t get much sleep and it was a tough day all around. Tomorrow, I keep saying, tomorrow. Only, I’m going to run out of tomorrows!! No matter, we’ll still have fun (unless the rest of us get what my son had :{ ) Happy Holidays to all.

  29. I’m actually just about ready. I’ve been doing my favorite thing – wrapping presents. I’m serious, if you can’t tell. I save wrapping so I can do it all at once because I really do enjoy doing it. The tree is up and decorated and I’ve got a couple vacation days that I needed to use so I took them now so I’m just relaxing and taking my time finished up. It’s really, really nice. I may have to plan on doing this in the future.

  30. Getting ready to do the Spanaway Christmas lights with my little granddaughter! Finished baking and have one tray left to deliver.

    You look so happy in Hawaii and who wouldn’t be??

  31. Thanks for the adorable card! I have pretty much everything ready for Christmas. Boy is home from college, gifts are all wrapped! I have been making candy and pies all week. Tomorrow I will have to make a large califlower salaid and a carrot cake! Then I will be completely ready! It has been a very busy for the past two weeks. But I love it.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jane and Family and such a beautiful family at that.

  32. I am ahead of schedule this year! Oh how it feels good to be not worrying about anything. I even have some gifts wrapped. Just a few more cookies to bake for a Christmas eve get together is all.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year filled with love and loved ones. What more could you ask for?

    Here is to a wonderful New Year filled with excitement and joyous new memories!

  33. Sigh…I’m so jealous looking at that amazing Hawaiian backdrop!

    But, I am feeling like I’m finally ready for Christmas. Had a few setbacks last week, with my youngest son developing chicken pox! Poor baby has been in so much pain, and waking up hysterical in the night. Finally on the mend, and the sores are drying up.

    Now… the presents are wrapped, groceries are in the fridge, and can’t wait for my 2 older brothers and their families to arrive for supper tomorrow night. (Wish the younger brothers were here too, but they are too far away this year!).

    Wishing you the happiest Christmas Jane, and a very special Boxing Day — with all your boys!

  34. Oh when I look at your pictures in hawaii I cant help but feel a smidge of jealousy! I cant wait for nice weather! 🙂 Christmas? hmmm……. battled another round with the wrapping tonight. I’m finally ALMOST done with all the gifts. The cooking and baking are my moms chore, so I’m golden there. Now just 1 and 1/2 more days of work to go, and then the big event! This year my sister and her family wont be making it in from Oregon till Saturday the 26th, so unfortunately, (or is it fortunately) this year Christmas will be 3 days long here! Hope you have a Happy Holiday! 🙂


  35. Hi Jane! I loved the Hawaii pictures, looks like you are having fun!
    I am finally ready for Christmas! Just completed my shopping yesterday and tommorow I get to make some of the yummy treats for Christmas Eve. I am up so late because I just finished baking and “gluing” my daughters gingerbread houses together with icing. I made 3 of them tonight…so we can decorate them tommorow. I wouldn’t miss out on that fun! 🙂 I am so excited for Christmas and am counting all of my blessings. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas in the sun!

  36. Hi Jane,
    Looks like you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii.
    I have just about everything ready for Christmas all that is left is to buy a few gifts for the dogs in the family. They love squeaky toys and I plan on filling a stocking for them.

    Mele Kalikimaka!

  37. Have a merry Christmas, Jane & thank you for the card.
    I have only two things left to do. I need to plan meals/grocery shop which is not too bad. What is stressing me most is that I don’t know what Santa will do this year… My kids are nearly teens & it’s an awkward year. I’ve got to get it all figured out today!!
    We are also doing our baking today!

  38. well i have one more gift to buy! i am at a loss on what to buy my mother in law! other then that just helping out w.the food prep. merry christmas all!

  39. Merry Christmas, I’m not done with my baking, got a late start, but I’ll be ready for Christmas, and I need to get a few last minute gifts for my teenagers,for their stockings, rather christmas bags this year. I know what you mean about its not christmas without your boy’s thats how I feel about my kids, Kenny is 19 and Marian is 16, and they care about the holidays but they don’t like all the fuss, Kenny keeps telling me to chill… I quess I should take his advice, I made his faavorite banana bread and toffee bars. I need to make my biscotti for Marian and my hubby and for myself. Its not christmas without them. Anyways, have a wonderful hoilday and Happy New Year.

  40. Wow, Jane, you’re so organized! We just began shopping last night. Fortunately we knew what to get so it went well, but other than baking (and the first two sets of five types of cookies are already gone! aack!) I really haven’t done much at all this year. The Christmas cards are still sitting in their boxes; nothing is decorated or wrapped. And, we’re celebrating Christmas Eve, so I guess we better get going on everything!

    Have a great Christmas with all your boys. Mac sure is growing fast – loved that photo on the last blog entry with him in his little hat!

  41. Haven’t been to Hawaii in many years and it sure looks inviting. Even rain there isn’t like our Seattle winter rains!

    With the exception of grocery shopping which I’m doing this morning, I am totally ready this year. A definite first for me. More surprising is that my husband is done and he usually doesn’t even start until the 23rd or 24th. Kind of nice since we can now relax and enjoy.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  42. Great to hear about your luncheon, Jane. Sounds very fun, indeed. You look lovely in your dress and flip flops on the lanai!!

    There is still LOTS to do here in Tustin. Wrapping and still more straightening to do before we can call it Christmas at our house. It’ll all get done. My daughter is sewing a quilt for her grandma so I need to crack the whip on that so it makes it under the tree. I also have more grocery shopping to do.

    Fortunately I will get some Christmas Cheer today with friends at a lunch hosted by a dear friend.

    Aloha to you and Merry Christmas!!

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  43. Hi Jane! It looks like you’re having a ball in Hawaii. It looks so beautiful there.

    All of my Christmas shopping is done- has been for a couple of weeks- and I’m staying as far away from the stores as possible right now LOL! There’s too much chaos in retail at the moment.

    Anyway, we’re having my best friend and her family over for Christmas Eve dinner then going to her house for Christmas breakfast. The rest of the day will be spent at home, celebrating the holiday in our new home.

    God bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  44. My shopping is finished, my family is together, now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the magic and blessings of the season.

    Raise a glass everyone – here’s hoping you’re surrounded by people who love you, and that 2010 is the year your dream comes true!

  45. Nice view from your Hawaii deck Jane! I’m taking a break from baking…so far 15 dozen cookies but after this, my work is done. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Loved your Christmas card – thanks!

  46. Hi Jane!
    Loved your pics and descriptions! Many thanks. I know you and your family will have a great Christmas and New Year’s.
    As for my own wind-down activities, I still have to buy some stuffers. Just a few. Probably chocolate. One cannot have too much chocolate in life, right?

  47. Surprizingly with the economy at it’s worst I am grateful we got all our shopping done and for some reason I feel like this is going to be one of the Best Christmas’s ever. I think the tough times have drawn all of us closer together! Have a SWEET HOLIDAY!

  48. Great pictures and although I’ve never been to Hawaii, my son lived there while working at the Air Force Base in Oahu. Now he’s living in Ft. Walton, Florida and coming home to us tonight. Will have all three of my boys home this year and it’s all I need. Wishing you and everyone a Happy Holiday Season…Ruth

  49. I love the Hawaii pictures, Jane. I am ready for Christmas…good thing since we do our real celebration on Christmas Eve. I can’t wait to see the expressions and excitement on my grandaughters faces while opening gifts. I am just baking and preparing some food tonight for tommorow. All the presents are wrapped and ready to go! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas in the sunshine (jealous!) 🙂

  50. Done and ready to go! I can’t believe it. I’ve been fighting off a cold all day with a short nap and an entire carton of Antioxidant Oj. The kid has finally been hit by the Christmas crazies, but I shouldn’t complain because he’s been such an angel about being patient for the big day to come. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  51. Beautiful pictures! and it looks like you had lots of fun! I’m soo ready for Christmas; I feel like a little kid, again. I’m not sure why but I’m not going to question it. I am really looking forward to this Christmas. I hope everyone has a fun and wonderful, peaceful Christmas!

  52. Jane, So glad all went well for the luncheon. You all look like you had a great time. So not ready for Christmas. Must go and do the shopping for dinner in the morning. Here’s hoping I find all that I need. I hope you and your boys have a wonderful time in Hawaii.

  53. Hi Jane,

    I can’t believe there’s only 2 more sleeps until Christmas.

    My kids are all ready for it and so am I.

    This year I got my act together and started my shopping early and have all the gifts wrapped as well. Last year, I left everything practically at the last minute and was left scrambling so this year I vowed to do it right. That is a big accomplishment for me (smile).

    Merry Christmas Jane to you and your family.

    Thank you for your Christmas card as well.

  54. Just finished a holiday fund raiser for the children’s hospital. When we asked a little 6 year old girl what she wanted for Christmas, she told us that her cancer was gone and that was the only thing she ever wanted so she doesn’t need anything else. Gotta love that little girl. Sure makes you count your blessings and hug your kids. Wishing everyone holiday blessings.

  55. Good morning, everyone! I’m up early in Hawaii as Mac has decided he’s going to remain on West Coast time instead of Hawaii time so I decided to announce the winners now.

    I have drawn two names–AND–I’m going to ask my two winners to each pick a name from the comments to win goodies, too. So if everyone responds, that’s FOUR winners of amazing delicious and not health conscious treats.

    My first two winners are-

    #1 Kiersten


    #45 Danielle Peck

    I need Kiersten and Danielle to email me privately their address so I can get their goodies mailed, and I need them to either email me with their winners names, or to post them in a comment below and then hopefully those winners will see and respond by sending me their mail address and their box of chocolates and goodies will go out, too.

    Am I clear, or have I confused all? Either way, Merry Christmas and all!

  56. Just wanted to thank you for making Christmas so much “MORE”! this year! Your warm hospitality
    made Christmas start 5 days earlier. You are just a gem for sharing your home and family with our “Kellie” group. God bless you and all your “boys”! and have the best new year! HAUOLI MAKAHIKI HOU! Mekealoha, Aunty Peaches

  57. Gosh I wish I’d come back and seen this earlier so I could have made someone elses holiday nicer. Sorry about that. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas anyway. Thank you Jane 🙂

  58. Thanks a million and please carry on the rewarding work. Its like you read my mind! You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but instead of that, this is fantastic blog.

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