Christmas in Hawaii

It’s Christmas Eve morning and I’ve got Kona coffee brewing and Mac playing with toys on the couch next to me.  President Obama and his family are supposed to be arriving on Oahu today, staying at a beach house over in Kailua which isn’t all that far from here.  Hawaii is so excited about its president coming ‘home’ for Christmas.  Can’t say I blame them.    Hawaii is a small place and pretty isolated.  It’s wonderful to have a president that comes home to Hawaii.

This year I gave up on buying real Christmas trees for the beach house.  Real trees are so expensive in Hawaii and they’re usually small and dead before you even get them decorated.  Instead I ‘invested’ in a big white tree that looks really fun and fresh in our house.  All the ornaments on the tree have a water, Hawaii, or tropical theme—glass balls with painted scenes of the islands, Santa on a surfboard, Santa in a surf jeep, Santa scuba diving, glass aloha shirts, hula girls, fish, fish, and more fish, as well as strung shells.   It’s a perfect tree for Hawaii and makes me smile everytime I look at it.  

My boys, my sister Kathy, and her daughter Krystyna, don’t arrive until the 26th, which is when we’ll open packages and have a special meal.  In the meantime, Surfer  Ty is working today, doing a North Shore tour, and then plans to teach part day tomorrow, so it’s a low key holiday until the rest of my gang arrives but I like it.  I need it.  I’m slowly realizing Christmas isn’t about doing more, its about feeling more.  Feeling love.  Feeling peace.  Feeling gratitude.

So Merry Christmas to all.   And is anyone else looking forward to the new year?  I can’t wait.  But January means back to work as I’ve a novella due end of the month!


  1. Lovely tree, I just heard “Blue CHristmas” by Elvis and he sings “decorations of white on a blue Christmas tree” and you have the reverse. Our Northwest tree has bears and deer and stuff like that along with ornaments balls and we have an artificial one so we can put it up sooner and enjoy it longer.

    I am also excited about 2010 – out of the 00 and oooon to better things, like family time when my husband retires and hope that our son gets a job. President Obama has jobs as a priority and I hope companies start hiring again.

    Merry Christmas and enjoy the season wherever you are!

  2. Your tree is beautiful. It reminds me of the flocked trees we had when I was growing up.

    Say hi to Obama for me and have a great Christmas! I’ll be thinking about you when I scrape the ice off my windshield. 😉

  3. Beautiful tree, Jane. Have a great Christmas with the family. I’m looking forward to 2010 – that means only 2 more years at the day job then I can retire from it and write full time.

  4. Love your ornaments Jane! I had a white tree when I was in Guam as well. Enjoy your day relaxing to the fullest ~ :0)

  5. Love the white tree. You were able to have a White Christmas in some context.
    I am a big fan of the pretty artificial trees that look real.

    I am so looking forward to 2010. It has to be better than this year was.

    Wishing you, your family and the gals that visit the blog a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year.

  6. Hi Jane!

    What a gorgeous tree; I could curl up right in that corner with the tree over my shoulder and plow through a book while I glance out the window. Honestly the colors and decor look very soothing. Enjoy a much-deserved/needed restful time.

    I always look forward to the new year. While there’s loads to be thankful for; there’s always stuff I’d like to leave behind in the year as well.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all your boys!!

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  7. Merry Christmas Jane! I love the tree and your fun and special touches you add to everything in life. You are truly a wonderful person and I’m so happy to know you and call you friend!

  8. the house looks lovely just from the one picture and I love the tree.
    Today I received your Christmas card and letter Jane; thanks so much and the picture is adorable.

  9. Hi Jane,

    I love your tree! I never would have thought to buy a white tree. Great Idea.

    We had a little bit of sun in Vancouver today but of course, no warmth. Boy, do I envy you.

    Enjoy the rest of your holidays with your loved ones.

  10. Hi Jane

    Beautiful house and tree! I love the white on white with the tree and bookshelves. And it’s nice to have some quiet time before your house gets crazy.

    We are in the South for Christmas at my mom’s and my mother-in-law is here too. The kids can hardly contain themselves waiting for Christmas morning. It will be nice to enjoy mild temps and the historic district this weekend.

    New Year’s is great too. It’s a time to not be in the store all the time and not be eating all those sweets and get back on track! I look forward to the freshness of a new year.

    Merry Christmas.

  11. Jane,
    Looks like you are all settled in there for the holidays. I hope you have wonderful time and that you and the family enjoy your time together.

  12. I love the tree! Sense it is after Midnight here I guess its Christmas here! I have just spent the afternoon and all of Christmas Eve at my sister’s house with my family or whats left of the family! We had a great dinner opened gifts and had a lot of laughs. It was a good evening. Tomorrow we will go to my husbands parents house and have dinner! Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I have high hopes for the coming year!

  13. love the tree and description of ornaments. Mac is truely one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen! And that’s saying alot since I’ve worked in the nursery, peds, and OB! He is so cute! Have a fun Hawaii Christmas! Thanks for sharing!

  14. What a great tree!!! I love it! Many years ago we had a Christmas in July party – similar type of tree! Fun! Enjoy your boys and Merry Christmas!!

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