Naughty and Nice

Mac’s pretty excited about his first Christmas.  But it’s not the presents he loves.  It’s the wrapping paper. 

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful readers and friends.  Hope your day is full of laughter and love.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Mac is so darn cute and once again has made me smile with his cuteness!

    Love and peace to you XO

  2. That is freakin’ hilarious! What a cutie!! Give him big hugs for me!

    Merry Christmas to you and Ty and the boys. You are a big part of our lives here in Montana and we love you much!

  3. Oh how sweet he looks! Next Christmas will be a huge one for him! I have a two year old great niece and she was so excited last night! She was dancing around and taring off the paper on the gifts she had a wonderful time!

    Have a very happy Holiday Season Jane and family!

  4. Merry Christmas Jane! May it be a blessed one for you, Ty, Mac and the rest of your family when they arrive. (Diggin’ Mac’s wave of hair…) xoxo ~ Janelle

  5. LOL I love the look on his face! It screams all this paper just for me? So glad you are having a wonderful day. Hugs and kisses to you all.

  6. Mac looks so cute! Paper is always a big hit with the babies and next year he’ll move on to being fascinated with the boxes. Merry Christmas, Jane.

  7. What? what do you mean I can’t have the paper…but, but, mom, that’s the best part of the present!!

    He looks soooo adorable!!!

    I hope your Christmas holiday fun continues tomorrow when your big boys fly in!

  8. Merry Christmas Jane! Mac is so cute; that pic is hilarious.
    I am resting now after a busy, wonderful Christmas celebration with 18 at our house. Everything was great, starting with the sunny weather which meant no worries about folks getting here (last year was a nightmare).
    Have a wonderful time when Mac’s brothers arrive. We had a 14 month old walking and crawling around and his 12 year old cousin almost as tall as me, and ages in between, and they all have their appeal – love them all! Love all the kids and parents, one big happy family this Christmas Day.

  9. Hey Jane: I can’t even think of words that describe that beautiful baby – well, except heis the spitin’ image of his father. I am happy that you have all your chickens with you by now – Love to all and enjoy your holidays.

  10. Great picture! Enjoy the time. It goes by so fast. Mine are 20,18,and 16. Just not the same as it used to be. Still good, just different.

  11. Hi Jane:
    I know your family is arriving today. Have a wonderful celebration!! Mac’s picture is so cute. Thanks for posting!

    Shannon in Tustin

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