Our Hawaii Get-Away for Brenda’s Auction!

So very excited….Brenda Novak’s amazing annual auction to raise money for diabetes research is almost here!  The auction kicks off May 1st and is going to be spectacular.  I’ve been browsing the list of items available and have ear marked several things I want to bid on–and win!

As most of you know, I always donate something to the auction and I’ve put together a couple things for her auction again this year, including a week stay at the Ty Gurney Surf & Stay Beach House.  It’s a fun, fantastic package, perfect for a writer’s retreat, romance, or a girl friend getaway.

I’ll post links to all the items I’m donating next week just before the auction goes live, but in the meantime, check out the video and feel free to shoot me with any questions you might have about the Hawaii trip!   I’d love to see one of you enjoing the aloha!


  1. What a wonderful thing for you to do. Diabetes research is very important for this nation’s children as well as its adults. Our eating habits, lifestyles and lack of exercise has caused diabetes to balloon at a overwhelming rate. I will be bidding on your giveaway. My 25th anniversary is June 7th. My Husband promised three years ago for us to go to Hawaii this year. It’s not gonna happen. Economy has really hurt the place he works at. After bouncing back three times before I don’t think it will recovery this time. I think Mama G. needs a great vacation after 25 years, 5 kids, tons of dishes and billions of loads of LAUNDRY! I’m sure you can relate!
    Have a great weekend,

      1. PS. I forgot to say you are so right about the causes of diabetes. Thank you for posting it. c

  2. What a great prize you are offering, Jane. You are so generous with your time and gifts. I just want to say thank you for taking part in such a worthy cause.

  3. What a fantastic cause. My father died of complications with diabetes. With everyone pitching in and making a difference change can happen. I wish Brenda much success and would like to take the opportunity to thank every one who contributes.

  4. You do so many wonderful things for others, Jane! What a great cause you are supporting and how generous of you to do a getaway. Someone is going to be very lucky!!

  5. My dad is a diabetic and I am all for research. Hope the auction makes tons of money and they can find a cure soon. Your gift to the auction sounds like so much fun! I look forward to reading more about it.

  6. hope things with the auction go well. and i hope it raises alot of money for this cause. you are very generous with yourself and in everything you do. thanks so much!

  7. Thanks for doing this Jane…wow what a prize! The video made me think of my daughter’s friend who recently underwent chemotherapy for leukemia. Thank goodness for the research that allows people with illnesses to not only live, but to live a rich full life. Weird to think that only a generation ago so many of the people who are alive today would have lost their life to an illness that is now curable or controllable.

  8. I am going to try to bid and contribute..if not here…I will give to the different groups I donate to. Hope it is a sucess and hope everyone has fun. This is a good cause and the first poster is so right…
    Thanks to Brenda, Jane, and all for doing all of this. It really is needed. Has anyone watched Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution?
    Thanks. Take care. cat

  9. I believe i follow this on Facebook somewhere. Such a awesome thing for Brenda to do and jane you’re awesome to donate. I hope it raises buckets and buckets of money!


  10. Jane, Thanks for taking time out from your sniffles and baby being sick to blog for us. We always love hearing about you and your life and adventures. Can’t wait to follow or even be part of the next signing or MT visit!
    I am currently launching into “Easy On The Eyes”. Each time I finish one of your books, I feel like I have to feed an addiction! Ha,ha! I want you to know, YOU caused this. I wasn’t even a reader much until your books re-ignited that in me. Thanks you for that!

  11. Привет я вот мучаюсь в догадках вы на своём блоге что нибуть зарабатываете или просто для души у меня например ювелирный магазин магазин я на нём зарабатываю, или вы за деньги размещаете рекламу и баннеры то сколько стоит у вас поместить свой баннер? только без фанатизма.

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