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Mac’s 1st Birthday & Screening Fun

It’s been a very busy few days!  Sunday was the screening for Christine Fugate’s powerful, wonderful, uplifting film, grief becomes me:  a love story.  We had well over one hundred people attend the screening and absolutely wonderful food and drink with some of my favorite people in the world.  A truly special day, especially as we earned $600 for Hopelink for their summer programs.  The beautiful Vera Bradley store at the Bellevue Square mall donated the swag bags everyone got to take home, Christine donated her DVDs of her film, and I donated my books and through everyone’s generous purchases we ended up having fun and raising money for an important local charity.

And then if the screening wasn’t wonderful enough, Monday was Mac’s first birthday!  We celebrated with a small party of family and close friends.  I made 3 huge lasagnes, garlic bread and salad and since we’re still short on furniture, carried in the picnic table for seating in the empty family room.  Mac’s had a cold since last Thursday and was a tad miserable at moments with his runny nose, but definitely enjoyed being the center of attention.  I can’t believe he’s one already!

Mac's 1st Birthday

Tomorrow Mac, Surfer Ty and I head to Montana for three days where I’ll join Kari Andersen’s wonderful Mia Bella group before doing a 7 pm book signing Saturday night at the Bozeman Barnes & Noble.  Sunday we’ll fly from Bozeman to San Diego to have an early Mother’s Day with Ty’s mom in Oceanside. 

I have five special Vera Bradley guest gifts to give away from Sunday’s screening along with some of my JP reader goodies.  Want to win one?  Bring me up to speed on your life and your plans for the weekend in the comments below and you’re entered!  I’ll draw the five winner’s names Monday morning so please check back on Monday to see if you’ve won.  Have a great weekend everyone and now I better go pack!

112 Comments on “Mac’s 1st Birthday & Screening Fun

  1. Rock on, Mac!! He is adorable at one year old.
    I am hoping to hike both days this weekend, Saturday with two buddies and then Sunday with my husband (he needs a good workout and will sit and watch baseball on tv Saturday). It is supposed to be cold but I have fleece and as long as it doesn’t rain, I am out there!

  2. It’s hard to believe that Mac is a year old already! Sweet picture, by the way. 🙂

    Nothing much new here. Lots of work. Interviewing for another job (within the same company) today. I hate interviewing but I’m kind of excited about this one. Hopefully it will go well. 🙂

    Have a great weekend.

  3. happy belated birthday to mac! it really is hard to believe a year has passed already!

    we are cooking out at the in-laws house on saturday. rest of the weekend is up in the air.

  4. Happy Birthday to Mac! He is adorable.
    It is going to be a rainy weekend here so I plan to do some house cleaning and reading.

  5. Happy Birthday, Mac! Little Rock Star…too cute : )

    I am glad the screening went so well. Sounds like a very powerful film!

    Remembering all Moms…Happy Mother’s Day!

    I have been a very bad girl, indulging in my only out of control habit: book buying : ) New books, online and retail. Used books, thrift stores, yard sales, library sales, online. I live in a very small town, but we have three libraries, two Salvation Army stores, one Goodwill store, numerous thrift shops, and acres of yard sales.

    I’ll try to be good this weekend…but you never know…I could be tempted by a title or two : )

  6. This weekend I will be writing an English paper and enjoying my youngest son’s baseball tournament in Lees Summit Mo.I can’t believe I have almost completed my first semester.Happy Birthday Mac!

  7. Happy Birthday Mac. He is adorable and sweet. This weekend will be busy planting flowers, taking care of my son’s dogs and seeing family. Have a great trip.

  8. Happy FIRST Birthday Mac! Time flies when you are having fun. My youngest turned two a few months ago, hard to believe. This weekend will be filled with preparations for our oldest junior prom Saturday and early birthday celebrations for myself on Sunday. We are taking the kids to the circus on Sunday. Next weekend will be the big treat though and Mother’s Day celebrations as well. We are going to the Princess Diana exhibit in Atlanta, Cheesecake Factory for lunch and pedicures to finish off the day.
    Have safe travels!

  9. What an adorable picture! I’m planning on hosting my first Lia Sophia party on Sunday- my friend just became a consultant and I’m hoping to help her out while getting some cheap, beautiful jewelry!

  10. Happy belated birthday to Mac, he’s such a cutie. This weekend I’ll be going to my 4 year old granddaughter’s soccer game on Saturday and playing catch-up on my housework on Sunday as it’s been a super busy week. I’ve been working on baby shower decorations for my youngest daughter’s shower next month and it’s kept me pretty busy. I hope you have safe trips and big crowds for your signing.

  11. Happy birthday to cutie Mac! This weekend I’ll be cheering on my daughter at a volleyball game on Saturday. On Sunday I’ll be at church most of the day singing – it’s choir Sunday. Hope you have a great time in Bozeman and celebrating Mother’s Day.

  12. Happy Birthday, Mac!

    It’s been years since I was in Montana. Beautiful country..have fun!

    We are driving to Oregon Sunday for a 1st birthday party. Lots of family and friends. And then taking my mom out for dinner..early Mother’s day.

  13. Happy Birthday Mac!!! Looking good, kiddo!

    Hi to you to, Jane!

    This weekend, I’m heading into NYC for a NYRW luncheon with Suzanne Brockmann. Very excited to hear her speak for the first time.

    I love May Day, ever since my first one in Oxford when we woke up at 4am to go into center city with thousands of other people to hear the Magdalen College Boy’s Choir sing in Spring. Every year I think of them even if they are done and sleeping it off by the time I even wake up here on the East Coast.

    This year, we’ll be celebrating May Day and Maddy Loftus with a 5K race and picnic to raise money for the Madeline Loftus Memorial Scholarship Fund. Maddy was a young, beautiful, brilliant girl who worked in my office. Tragically, she died last year when the Continental subcontractor plane she was on crashed in upstate New York. Her friends and family have created this scholarship in her memory and the first big 5K is Saturday – the very first MADdash! I’m hoping to get back from the luncheon in time to pop by, but either way, it’s a wonderful tribute to her life and memory.

    Have a wonderful time in Montana. I’ve always wanted to see Big Sky country. You’ll have to post pictures so we can see how big it is!

  14. Do you ever just want to freeze time? They grow so very fast.

    Up this weekend is T-ball, Grace’s 2nd birthday party (early), my brother flies in from DC so a big family dinner here, dinner with the in-laws and approximately 8 loads of laundry.

  15. Happy Birthday to “guitar-man” with the hat on! And an early Happy Mother Day to you, too. I’ll be doing overtime in cubicle land this weekend, but grateful for the extra hours.

    Have fun on your working vacation!

  16. Happy Birthday Mac! Traveling Mercies…to you each one on your trip to Montana. We lived for six years in Wyoming, that part of the country is truly beautiful!

    This weekend, we are going to a college reunion. It has been 40 years since some of these folks have seen each other. Hope we all recognize one another! I am taking a Jane Porter book on the trip to enjoy!

    Hope you enjoy your travels and together time with Ty and Mac!

  17. Has it been a year already? Amazing. He is just adorable and growing up to be so cute. I am so excited this weekend I will have a girlfriend coming in from Texas. I can not wait to catch up and just enjoy her company. Old friends are just the best.

  18. Jane,
    Such a cute picture of Ty. It’s amazing how fast this last year has gone. I will be celebrating my youngest daughters birthday and she will be 26!! Talk about how fast time goes by. Sounds like you have some fun travels ahead. Be safe!

  19. Happy, Happy 1st B-day to Mac!!!!
    That went soooo quick! He is so adorable and I know he brings so much joy to all of you!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    This weekend: Friday night my daughter has her last high school dance team performance for the year at their “Go Pink” Soccer game. Saturday I hope we will get work done on our old house that we have been trying to get ready to put up for sale. We have outside painting and it has either rained or been too cold. Sunday the kids and I have rehersal for our dance studio’s recital openning number. The moms are in it too!
    I am sure there is something else that I am forgetting! LOL I also promised my 13 year old that I would take him to the Puma Outlet to buy shoes with b-day money from his Auntie.

    Everyone enjoy your weekend!

  20. Happy Birthday to Mac the cutie! We are working on our yard and will visit some friends on Saturday. The weather is supposed to be beautiful over the next few days so I am looking forward to going without a coat. How exciting!

  21. So cute! Happy Birthday, Mac!

    Me? Same old- working, blogging, reading. Going to an author event this afternoon & out to dinner w/hubby later. 🙂 Thanks for entering me!

  22. I can’t believe he’s one already! Time flies.

    This weekend, we are having a big garage sale. Then on Sunday, I have my on-line book club and then my mother-daughter book club. Lots of reading and talking!

  23. Aww. That is adorable. Mini Rockstar 🙂
    Happy Birthday, Mac!

    This weekend is mad packed, as usual of late. We are planning a relocation from Minnesota to North Carolina. It’s not that we’re not use to relocating, we’ve done it often enough (originally from Wales, but lived all over). But this time we are trying to buy a house before we get there, and sell the house we’re living in (yikes, selling in this economy – wish us luck!). So this weekend we have a few viewings (I’ll be cleaning and prepping, making the house sparkle), and we’ll be taking the kids to see Animal Vengeance. Plus. I think there is a ‘secret’ shopping trip the hubby is planning with the kids. Must have nothing to do with Mother’s Day! hehe

  24. Happy Belated Birthday to Mac! He looks so adorable.

    So this weekend we are having friends over tomorrow night who will be moving to Dallas soon. We will miss having them around but know they must go. Saturday/Sunday are up in the air, may do stuff around our yard if the weather is nice but as of right now they are calling for rain.

    Happy Day to you Jane!

  25. Happy Birthday, Mac! He is just the cutest little thing! I still love looking at your Christmas card of him. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with Kari and her team (I am VERY bummed that I can’t make it!) I am determined to meet you one of these days!!!

    I have a busy weekend ahead with my girls and we have a few birthday parties to attend, but it is supposed to be gorgeous out!

    Have a great time in Montana and give Mac a birthday hug from me!


  26. Happy Birthday Mac, I have two Taurus babies of my own. In fact, Sunday we are having a big birthday celebration. Enjoy Bozeman. Hopefully, there isn’t any snow.

  27. Happy Birthday, Mac! Wow, it hardly seems possible that he’s already one. It feels like it was just yesterday that you were announcing his birth. He’s such a cutie!

    Last weekend was spent out of town at honorary nephew’s First Communion and honorary granddaughters’ regional dance competition. A good time was had by all!

    This weekend will be spent catching up! lol!

  28. I was asked to illustrate for 2 book covers last week and I’ll be finishing those this weekend. I’m very excited as this is my first illustration work on books! I’m also looking forward to warmer weather! I am definetly solar-powered and I’m craving the sun.


  29. I hope to get out into the garden this weekend and plant some veggies! I also want to plant some bamboo plants in pots and turn my deck into my own private oasis — somewhere I can read a good book 🙂 without my neighbors staring at me!

  30. Well the first birthday is so exciting!! I’ll be spending the weekend celebrating my daughter’s 9th birthday. We’ll be having a small party with family, too. I’ll be cooking al lot and she’ll be showing off her new pet gerbil, Peanut. Should be lots of fun!

  31. Mac is just darling! I really admire you and the work you do. You are an inspiration to me! My weekend plans include an overnight getaway with my hubby to a bed and breakfast on the Chesapeake. We are celebrating my birthday, which is tomorrow; our anniversary, which is tomorrow; and my husband’s birthday on Monday! Can’t wait!

  32. Happy First Birthday to Mac!

    It sounds like you all had a great time on his birthday being with family and friends.

    First of all I’m just so happy my work week is finally over and the weekend is here (I live in Israel and we work Sunday until Thursday) because it was a very hard week at work- people just really got on my nerves and not seeing them for 2 all days is just great for me LOL
    My planes for the weekend are first of all to catch up on sleep. I also need to find a dress for my cousin’s wedding that is next month- I’ve been looking for a few weeks now and no luck so far 🙁
    On Saturday I have a family meeting- my cousin is going to the army for 2 years so we are all going to wish her luck.

  33. Happy Birthday, Mac!

    This weekend I’m on the hunt for birthday gifts for three friends of mine — the pressure is on to find the perfect gifts!

  34. Jane,

    Wow Mac is so adorable with his birthday hat on, it’s hard to believe he’s a year old already. Happy Birthday to him.

    As for me this weekend, I think I will spend it doing absolutely nothing. The past couple weekend have been crazy busy with kids activities, gardening, cleaning and all sorts of errands. I am going to relax and take it easy this weekend. Yeah!!!

    Have a safe and wonderful trip to Montana. Also, Happy Mother’s Day.


  35. Going to spend the weekend here in Florida @ Clearwater Beach with dear friends visiting from NY! Life is always so much better when shared with loved ones we don’t get to see often enough…

  36. Happy Birthday Mac! I’ve been busy with 4 toddlers in my home-daycare. School is almost out so I’ve studying for exams, I’m trying to get my teachers degree, its taken me awhile but finally am back at school at the age of 56. I’m hoping to spend sometime at the beach, and studying for my last exam.. its suppose to be hot and humid. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, with Sufer Ty and the boys.

  37. Happy birthday Baby Mac! This has been a week… my entire family was hit by a horrible flu last weekend and we’re still not 100%. I found out some very bad news about a friend of mine that was in remission and is now battling terminal abdominal/ ovarian cancer. I plan to count my blessings on Saturday at the spa, spend my evening screaming my guts out so the Sounders will win, wake up early on Sunday to be renewed at church and finally put the finishing touches on my 4-year-old Princess’ birthday party.

  38. Wow! One year already!?! We have a girls weekend planned since my husband and son will be going camping. Movie, dinner, and mostly likely shopping. And we can’t have a weekend without soccer~ 2 scrimmages and one practice plus SAT test. Whew- weekends are busier than weekdays.

  39. Your little guy is adorable! Love that shirt he has on! My life is a very full mixture of family that is young and old. I am 47 years old and now truly know what it is like to be part of the “sandwich generation” = dealing with elderly parents
    ( mom with alzheimer’s) and also young adult children that are grown but still need us. We need them too!! Keeps me busy. However, we have a great support system with our family.. we love getting together on the weekends. This weekend we are hoping to go to the free outdoor movies which held every Friday and Saturday in our neighborhood and, of course, we take our awesome dogs. Fun to crash on a blanket and watch all the little kids running around. Just hope this windy Vegas weather cooperates! Sometimes, simple and free plans are the most fun!


    Its been a good week for me! This weekend I will go over to my son’s college and move some of his things back home! He has one more week of classes and then he will be home! That mean we will have to move all of his things out next weekend and clean the room!

  41. First HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY MAC!!!! Gosh the years seems to fly by. My oldest is graduating from highschool this year. Seems like only yesterday we celebrated his first birthday. Sorry to hear Mac’s battling a cold though. Poor kid.

    As for me I’m working every day and then squeezing in reading wherever i can. This week 7 books I’ve been wanting to read came out in stores. I’ve picked up a couple and a few Amazon is sending next week and the other one i can’t find yet. Small rural town and i think some of the new books made a detour and didn’t make it to the store. Good thing is even i can’t read 6 books in one weekend so i’m not going crazy YET!!! lol

    Outside of the normal day to day things i’m trying to plan my oldest son ( i have 3) graduation party. This is the first one so the one you learn from lol. That’s pretty much all there is for right now which is enough i guess.

    Have a great weekend Jane!


  42. OH my goodness, Mac is soo adorable! Congrats on turning 1!!

    Last night I had a new butterfly tattoo put on my foot. It’s a Mother’s Day gift *smile*. I love butterflies and this is my 2nd butterfly tattoo. I’m not in to huge art, and this is my biggest.

    Anyhow, for the weekend, I’ll be supervising my husband and his friend while they work on the friend’s truck. Aka, I’ll be working on my graphic design while they get yucky dirty haha. Thank goodness graphic design is something I love!

    And maybe I can sweet talk my husband in to going to the movies.

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  43. Yay! Already one and such a cute little guy.

    Just waiting for the drywall to get done so I can paint, lay flooring and do the dance of yeah, it’s finally done.

    While waiting, I’m reading, baking, laundry, and watching the rain fall.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  44. Happy Birthday to Mac!!!

    This weekend will be spent studying for finals…so glad to be almost done!! Hopefully I’ll have time to slip in some novel reading as well!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  45. This weekend I’ll be maid of honor in a friends 2nd wedding. I’m so happy she found love again after losing her husband suddenly about 7 years ago.

    In the meantime, I’m just making sure I have everything I need for the wedding and the drive to Portland.

  46. Wow, you lead a busy life Jane!

    A weekend at home… following NHL hockey, especially great since our beloved Montreal Canadiens knocked off the Capitals last night and are taking on Sydney Crosby & Co. in Pittsburgh… Go Habs Go!

    I hope to get into my garden, walk the dog and spend time in the sun at the barn while my daughter rides.

    Have a great weekend!

  47. Happy (belated) Birthday to Mac! How time flies! I am working a dreaded 12 hour shift today…and I’m only half wat thru it right now. Tomorrow I am going out for lunch and drinks with some of my family for a little belated B Day get together for me. Saturday my daughter has a T Ball game and after that I plan on relaxing a little. Will see if that happens, most likely it wont! 🙂

  48. Catching Up on Life – Laundry, Laundry and More Laundry!! With 3 boys, were does it end…?
    Friday I have an important IEP meeting with the School District to determine Cameron’s status for mainstreaming into Kindergarten in August (fingers crossed and prayers). His progress I hope will speak for itself. Saturday as always in Baseball with the first game at 9:00 am (go Giants) and Sunday is family day!! Were are heading out bright and early for our 2 hour drive to Carlsbad to go to Legoland. Our passes are going to expire in July and the boys just don’t seem to have the love for the park like they use to. It will be a very full weekend with good times for all.
    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  49. Happy Birthday Baby Mac & Mom! Phew…first year over:). That was always a big sigh for me.

    May is crazy time around here…too many obligations! So, to kick it off, I’m heading to Sarasota tomorrow, with my daughter Audrey, to see my best friend (and Aud’s Godmother). Our first mother-daughter trip (she’s 5)! She’s so excited.

    After the school/sports/dance/b-day & end-of-year parties/blah, blah, I’m loading the 4 kids in the car, by myself, on June 1st and hitting the road for 30 days. I’ve been busy planning and making reservations. I am soooooo excited. I’m taking the kids to see family and friends as well as DC & Boston. Atlanta to the Mid Atlantic to the NE to the Steel Belt to Michigan to Kentucky & to Cumberland Gap.

    I’m excited because I’ll get to show the kids were I grew up, their dad grew up, and each set of our parents grew up. Revisiting my roots…guess that means I’m getting old? Also hoping to get my 9 year-old to appreciate the and understand the importance of history (we had a rough year with Social Studies).

    Probably won’t be a lot of time for reading, but looking forward to kicking back in July with your new book. I can’t’ wait.

  50. Happy Birthday to your little boy he is adorable. I am currently reading your book The Frog Prince and I am loving it can’t wait to see how it ends. As for the weekend I have a wedding to go to on sat. Then just getting everything ready for my Lia Sophia party on Mon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  51. Happy B-day to Mac!

    I am hoping to finish Liza Palmer’s Field Guide, in between the boys’ karate (testing for purple belts!) and kids’ birthday parties.

  52. Hi Jane,
    I am in full birthday party mode as well. Both my girls were born in April. My little one had hers April 8 and my oldest today (April 29). So Today I picked her up from school to have a nice lunch at home. Tonight I am cooking her favourite dinner and on the week-end she will have a sleepover party with her friends. And then….I hope to get a little rest. April in our family is a fun but very busy month.
    Happy belated birthday to Mac. He is adorable as always.
    Take care,

  53. Hi Jane! Love the birthday party photo. I just read three of your books in one week. It’s great reading stories set in my native Seattle area.

    This weekend I will be trying to catch up around the house since I have been out of town recently. I’m looking forward to spending quality family time with my two little girls and dinner with friends on Saturday night. Thanks!

  54. Not a whole lot new going on. My plans for the weekend are – not a lot; maybe go see the play, Beyond Therapy, and we have First Holy Communion at Church on Sunday!

  55. Was Uncle Robert able to make it for Mac’s birthday?I’m sure it was a fun day!

    My weekend will be filled with my son’s baseball games on Saturday and Sunday. Go Orioles! I will also be celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary (which is today!) by going to the Sugarland concert in Bakersfield on Saturday night! I just love them!

    Hope you have a great trip to Montana!

  56. happy 1st bday mac!!! have a great time in it there. i am going to be a homebody this weekend…yard and housework!

  57. Happy first birthday to Mac!

    I get to see a good friend of mine this Saturday. We are meeting for lunch and some shopping. I have known her since 1978, a lifelong friend. We met back in junior high school, and we try to get together every couple of months.

  58. Happy Birthday Mac!

    Saturday I am going to the book signing at RT. and then on Sunday I have a ribbon cutting/open house at the National Road/Zane Grey Museum. It’s going to be a long weekend with lots of traveling.

  59. Glad the screening was a success! Happy Birthday to Mac! That shirt is too cute!

    I just turned in my two largest projects of the semester and I am finishing my takeover week in the classroom where I’m student teaching. After that I am treating myself to the first true weekend of R&R I’ve had in awhile.

    I’m going to spend Saturday at the National Zoo with a friend and the twins we babysit for occasionally. Should be a fun day as I haven’t been to the zoo in close to two years.

    I’m just grateful graduation is so quickly approaching. I’m ready for summer!

    Hope all is well with you! Wish I could be in MT to see you. I usually end up out in Missoula at least once a year cause I have close friends living there.


  60. Happy 1st Birthday, Mac!!!!

    and congratulations on the screening. Weekend is spring cleaning (yeah..i procrastinated), babysitting granddaughter and on Sunday, having lunch with friend I haven’t seen six months.

  61. Happy Birthday Mac! He is adorable! It has been fun watching him grown through your picture postings!
    I am getting ready for the Relay For Life this weekend, we have a group through my work, our theme is from the movie “Up”. This will have even more meaning for me , as I recently lost my Aunt to Multiple Myeloma and will be celebrating my Mom being a 25 year Survivor of Breast Cancer, my Mother-In-Law a 1 year Survivor of Colon Cancer, and my Father In Law a 2 year Survivor of Cancer. Will be emotional, but very proud to do the walk.

  62. Happy Birthday Mac.

    On Friday I am going to a church clothing sale and have to go to SGI to renew my driver’s licence.
    Saturday we might be bringing my niece’s dog back to her; she loaned him to me for some ‘puppy love’ which I needed.
    Have had a craving for Lasagne for a while now so must get some.

  63. Hi Jane,

    Happy first birthday to Mac 🙂

    This weekend I want to relax by driving the Northern Cascade Loop. I’m very exited about that.

  64. Hi Jane! Adorable picture! It is such a fun age (my daughter is 15 months old) I am looking forward to a day off tomorrow and lunch with my brother. We have my son’s soccer game on Saturday and some housework and laundry to catch up on. Hopefully it will be a relaxing weekend. Enjoy your travels!

  65. Happy birthday, Mac! My eight year old daughter is having a friend sleep over Friday night, then I’ve got cleaning, lawn mowing and bed washing to do on Saturday. Church on Sunday morning, and dinner at my parents on Sunday evening. A jam-packed weekend ahead, apparently!

  66. Happy Birthday Mac!
    Jane it sounds like you have a busy week planned

    Not to much happening in my neck of the woods. I have just been doing some spring cleaning and catching up on my reading.

  67. Happy Birthday to the little guy!

    My weekend plans are to continue to build the deck in our back yard. I am the very willing and very inexperienced labor for the deck-guy-expert. Big discount for my “help” lugging lumber! And since we’re expecting big storms here in Tennessee, my hubby and son’s campout may be cancelled, so probably movies and popcorn as well.

  68. Happy Birthday to Mac!
    My weekend plans are not quite what I thought they would be. Tomorrow afternoon my son has to have outpatient surgery on both legs! So my weekend will be spent nursing him back to health. I may need my own pain medicine to make it through the weekend:)
    Thanks for the giveaway and I’m sure your weekend will be much better than mine:)
    email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

  69. happy first birthday to baby mac. sure hope the little guy is feeling better. this weekend, of course is derby weekend. louisville will be packed so we will go to hubers farm and winery in indiana to have our mint juleps, where the crowds won’t be nearly as big, and watch the big race on the t.v.’s. that way the kids can go with us and enjoy the derby race. i hope the filly wins this year. enjoy your trip.

  70. Wow, It’s so hard to believe Mac is already one! This weekend I am stuck working…not very exciting, but it’ll give me more money to do some retail therapy! 🙂

  71. Happy Birthday Mac!!! This weekend I am doing some spring cleaning. We are still trying to get organized since we moved a couple months ago. With small children, I wonder if we’ll ever be done. 🙂 I have also been taking care of my Grandmother, who’s health is declining. I plan on staying at her house all of Sunday and cooking/cleaning for her as I visit. Busy as always, but I love to help loved ones!

  72. Happy Birthday Mac! One is such a fun age. They learn so much, they are like a human sponge, absorbing everything they see, hear and eat. I love that age! He is so cute!
    We have a busy weekend here. Our annual Apple Blossom Parade is this weekend where they pick a theme and all the entrants design their floats around the theme. We have Queens, floats, Shriners, fire trucks, bands, horses and candy, candy and more candy! We also have sn Air Show with the Blue Angels flying high in the sky. The annual Cinco de Mayo festival is this weekend as well with mexican food, fun and Margaritas! Yummy!
    Most important of all, my neice gets baptisted this Sunday. Ziva Renee will be the center of our attention all day.

    You tell Mac when he grows up and is ready to meet one or two hot little girls I would like him to meet my Granddaughter TuesDae’ Rain who is 8 1/2 months old and a real cutie! Ziva is only 5 weeks old, she’s a little young for him. They could be great playmate. We grow some pretty girls here in Missouri!LOL!

  73. that is the cutest picture! he is so cute! sounds like alot of fun going on!
    I’m just working alot and on my days off I’m trying to finish up my downstairs renovations. Really close to finishing. It’s been a late winter here- lots of rain and cold. I’m planning to have the downstairs looking really nice by the time it’s summer here. The yard is starting to go wild though! Exploding with color! I love watching the birds in the evening-hummingbirds, seagulls, and lots of others I can’t name. Enjoy your trips to Montana and San Diego!

  74. that is the cutest picture! he is so cute! sounds like alot of fun going on!
    I’m just working alot and on my days off I’m trying to finish up my downstairs renovations. Really close to finishing. It’s been a late winter here- lots of rain and cold. I’m planning to have the downstairs looking really nice by the time it’s summer here. The yard is starting to go wild though! Exploding with color! I love watching the birds in the evening-hummingbirds, seagulls, and lots of others I can’t name. Enjoy your trips to Montana and San Diego!

  75. Happy Birthday again to Mac, Jane :0)

    My return trip was definitely of the ‘planes, trains and automobiles’ type, but got back in last night at 2300 – and OFF the plane at 2400… was it really necessary to unload the plane before the passengers??? (ugh). I swear that KC130 was 20 degrees below zero (thankyou KC130 for my new sore throat), lol seriously!! Time to play tourist here now until my leave ends and I turn into a pumpkin, ha ha.

    Hope your travels are going well!! Thank you again for a most AWESOME trip. <3 J

  76. One is a wonderful age! Happy Birthday Mac! Looking forward to the weekend. Plan to spend some girl time with my almost 12 year old tonight. Have some cleaning to do this weekend, but hope to get some reading in. Nothing too exciting but hopefully relaxing!

  77. What a beautiful child! I have 2 grand daughters, 1 grandson, 3 great grand daughters and 1 great grandson. Children are wonderful! Don’t really have any exciting plans for the weekend. I’ll just relax with a good book. I am an avid reader and am always on the look out for a new author or book.

  78. Sounds like you’ve had a very busy but fun week too!

    This weekend, I plan to go to the gym and take my body pump class and then a combat class. Then, I’m going to work out in the yard. Going to church too. Looking forward to it all.

    Had to work (job) the past couple of weekends so it will nice to enjoy a couple days off.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  79. That is one busy week, Jane! I can’t believe Mac is one already. He is so adorable!! This weekend I have a funeral to go to. A friend of mine has fought cancer for over 10 years and passed away last week. I have never met someone with as much courage and positivity, and I will miss her very much. I am also going to try and plant my garden, do some scrapbooking, and visit my grandkids’ softball games! It’s going to be an emotionally draining weekend for me, so I’m trying to fit some fun things in their to get me cheered back up. I hope you have a safe trip, Jane!

  80. Happy Birthday Baby Mac! I can’t believe it’s been one year either!!

    We’ve been working on getting the nursery ready for the baby who will be here in 4 weeks! We painted it a baby blue, I hated it…too toothpastey colored…and after a somewhat heated debate with hubby, he painted it again for me, another shade of blue and I am much happier!

    I told him I’m not the only one who changes their mind so frequently, especially with paint, right?

    So, we’ll be finishing that up and I’ll be trying to figure out where to move my office equipment, as it just doesn’t look that great with all of the cute baby stuff!

    Have fun in San Diego…weather should be perfect!

  81. Happy 1st Birthday Mac!!! What a cutie.

    I plan on spending the weekend catching up on housework. It is suppose to be a rainy weekend here. Hopefully, fit in some time to read.

    Hope you have a great one!!

  82. He’s already one?! Geez, time flies and all that. Jeremy turned 40 yesterday! While he tried to ignore the fact, the kids and I made him feel special anyhow.

    Mother’s Day is bittersweet for me since my mom died in May 5 years ago. She has missed out on so much with the kids. I like to think that she’d be proud of me as a mom. I learned all the good stuff from her.

    Hope you, Ty and Mac have a marvelous time together.

  83. Jane!! I love Mac’s picture–he’s just so delicious. How do you get anything done. I’d be kissing those cheeks every second of the day!!

    I just started the book “Same as me, only different”. I hope to get some reading time in. I also happen to need some serious S U N time; reading + sun = sweet!! That won’t happen ’til Sunday however. Friday and Saturday are jam packed. My mom is coming over and my son has baseball.

    Enjoy your trips. We will have glorious weather here in So Cal next week. Coming any further north than Oceanside??

    Enjoy your sweet family!
    Shannon in Tustin

  84. Jane!!! Happy Birthday to Mac!!! how sweet is he?? This weekend is the Spring Blossom Parade in Nashville Indiana and my boys are walking for their baseball teams. My daughter and i will be watching from the sidelines. Then the kick-off to the baseball season at Deer Run Park!! Go Orioles and Cardinals!!

    Hope your weekend turns out great and hope Mac gets over the sniffles 🙂

  85. Happy Belated Birthday Mac! This weekend I have a lot of pattern drafting homework and getting presents for my mom for mothers day and her birthday. Have great weekend.

  86. Happy Birthday, Mac!! What a cutie.

    Life goes on as usual. Husband having surgery next Fri. This summer the mother of triplets and I are going to create some picture books. Can’t wait to see them in print. I never thought I would take multiples so casually. What fun they are!!

  87. Well, Jane, aside from my usual household chores and work, I plan to squeeze in some quiet reading time for whatever escape I can get this weekend. Can’t wait to have a little time for myself and a coffee or chai and drift away!

  88. Happy Belated birthday to Mac !

    We’re going to a playground to play with my 3.8 yos son, and then A big lunch for 3 of us 🙂

  89. Happy belated Birthday to Mac! He is so adorable, Jane!
    I have been busy going thru our house, finding things for our garage sale this weekend. My kids’ toys had taken over our home, so we knew it was time to do something about it! 🙂 We also have 2 birthday parties to go to and several of our kids’ sporting events. Ugh, please…I need some motivation. Really, all I want to do is curl up in my pajamas with a great book and yummy white chocolate mocha. Maybe next weekend. lol
    Have a wonderful time in Montana, Jane!

  90. Mac is so adorable! Can’t believe he is a year old already.

    It feels great to be able to have time to read your posts! With my husband out of the country for work and my job demanding more hours, I have very little free time. Even the dog is more demanding when he’s gone!

    We are having a beautiful weekend here with sunny skies and temps in the upper 80’s. So we are going to buy some flowers to plant and then give the dog a bath outside. 🙂 Maybe even set up the sprinkler. I love this time of year.

    Have fun on your upcoming travels. Great to see how well you are doing.

  91. The birthday boy couldn’t be cuter…wow, Jane, time sure does fly. Going shopping this weekend to try and find a dress for my nephew’s wedding at the end of May. Supposed to rain here all weekend…maybe try to fit in a movie, too. Take care.

  92. I am coming to the Montana meeting & your book signing :-} Then I have to do my last undergrad take-home final. Next weekend – Graduation, Mother’s Day, my 5 year anniversary with Mia Bella & my puppy will be 1 year old! LIFE IS GOOD!!!

  93. Mac is so cute and you look wonderful as well. And I love Vera Bradley. My weekend is going to be spent doing the Humane Society Walk for Animals with my Pug, Noodles, and then Sunday breakfast with a girlfriend, along with some closet organizing.
    Happy Weekend!!

  94. Happy Birthday Mac! He’s so cute! My cousin is visiting this weekend. It’s rained all day today and couldn’t do anything but watch tv.

  95. Happy b-day Mac, wishing many more to come!!!

    What a weekend. Friday night we attended my daughter’s school yearly fund raiser. “Casino Night”, had a blast, did not except to place the winning bid for a 6 night stay @ Beaver Creek in Colorado. I don’t even know how to ski!!!!! And the site of me in a ski suit is just too scaryyyyyyyy.

    Then today we attened my husband’s annual picnic. My 7 yr old daughter took 2 of her friends. I returned them both with a tattoo, pink/purple/blue glittered hair and a painted face. Did I forget to mention they were dirty, sweaty and high on sugar… Oh well, what are picnics for. By the way we walked away with 2 door prizes. A large cooler on wheels and a 32″ HD TV!

    And finally tomorrow we have a softball game @ noon. I plan on bribing the girls with a pizza party if we win.

    I need another 2 days to just chill and not do a single thing but eat, watch tv and nap. Is that too much to ask for?

  96. Wow…I cant believe it has been one year. On the one hand it seems so long ago that I was trying to research ways to help Mac (and you) sleep better but to see him at his first birthday party its hard to believe that he’s one already. Time is weird that way. As for me…when I think about the past year…I’m not so sure I’ve done all the things that I could have. If you think about the life of a baby and how much they change and grow and accomplish in one year, I’d have to say that Mac beat me hands down…even with his hands are up ! Happy Birthday.

  97. Hey Jane,
    I was enjoying your Montana pictures and realized I have missed a couple of you posts.

    We just really had a busy weekend! With classes, birthday
    parties, appts, sleepovers! It was mainly a weekend filled with kids activities. I have homework that I will be working on it today. I will be taking a moment out to read.

    My husband went on his annual 3 day fishing trip and they only caught 1 fish between the 3 guys that went. oh well!

    I am getting ready to send out Mother’s Day cards to my Mother, Grandmother, and Aunt.

    Happy Be-lated Birthday to Mr. Mac! Sweet Boy!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! It’s beautiful here, close to 70 degrees.
    Thanks Jane!

  98. So happy that the screening was a success and that Hopelink did so well. Sorry I do not live on that side of the US anymore or I would have been there. And congrats on baby Mac’s first cool and so happy for you. Enjoy the early Mother’s Day and the time in Montana and happy that the three of you will have mommy/daddy/baby time with grandma!
    Me–I had a great weekend. Finally felt well enough to get out and about. Friday I went to a friend’s business that has lasted one year in this economy and we all had a fun and joyous potluck to celebrate. Her husband even ate fire…did I not mention they used to work in the circus? Well, we had live music and a good mixture of fun people. I even met some new friends that have decided I need to eat more and will be inviting me to their homes for dinner…they make homemade Italian food…cool! The next day I braved the town next over where I constantly get lost and hardly ever go to now. The movie I wanted to see made a surprise visit to a classic movie theatre there so I had to go. Armed with a trusty homemade map made by a friend of mine (who I always call when I get hopelessly lost in her home town) and with only..hmmm..few..more than a few…lost moments I made it to downtown. Still could not find the parking she marked out but I found my own and had a blast. I discovered all these hidden gems and took a lot of fantastic pictures of this historic town and it’s many beautiful architextural elements. Found some cool coffee places and got totally caffeinated…cool…enjoyed that and bookstore and places to eat and shop and etc…While taking photos I struck up a conversation with a woman who turned out to be the owner of a local hairsalon spa in an 100yr old mill and it’s offices. She had someone give me a grandtour and decided that she would love to give me a makeover and will teach me how to tame my hair. I am going back when she has time later in the month. I had such a fun weekend even managed to ignore the housework and the laundry. haha. Hope everyone else had a great weekend too. And the movie..was better than I hoped. And I managed to get home even though I (accidentially) went off the map. My best wishes to all. cat

  99. Hi everyone, Jane is enroute from Montana to California today and asked me to pop in and post the winners she picked for this contest —

    #21 – Maureen
    #41 – Mary Helmick
    #51 – Lisa Borchert
    #70 – Sarah
    #82 – Bluegrassnash

    Congratulations!! Please email me at with your full name and mailing address so we can get the prize in the mail to each of you. 🙂 Thanks!

  100. Hi Jane! Seems like its been awhile…… guess I missed the cutoff…….. monday morning? Still wanted to post whats going on in MY life. Helps to go over it! 🙂 May is going to be heeeeeeeeeeectic! We started out the month with my dad’s 68th Birthday party barbeque. House was full. Food was amazing! Just were constantly running. It was a good start. Next weekend its Reno…….. random but getting in some shopping and taking mom for Mothers day. Weekend after is dinner at my brothers fiance’s parents house. We are trying to merge these two families. and So far its going well! Then my soon to be sister in laws bachelorette party. Guess we are going to the Can can room in Seattle, watching the show. Then getting a hotel suite, jumping into our comfy’s and doing a scavenger hunt! Woohoo! A bunch of mid 20’s, early 30’s women running around a hotel like we’re 13! 🙂 The weekend after is Rehersal Dinner Friday, Wedding Saturday and Sunday its the 2nd day of celebration after wedding. (Poprawiny in Polish. Polish weddings usually last alllllll week!) so its hectic! Can’t wait for June to just relax some! Hope you’re having a blast travelling!


  101. This weekend we are going to our youngest nephew’s high school graduation party on Saturday. On Sunday we will babysit our only granddaughter (what a hardship!), one year old, so that Mom & Dad can have their first real alone time and date since her birth! Can’t wait, as we are the only one’s they have been comfortable enough to leave her with.

  102. I had the joy of meeting cute little Mac at the Montana Meeting. What a cutie in this picture.
    I just had a wonderful early Mother’s Day with my daughter Dani and Granddaughter Madelyn. I went for a walk with Madelyn yesterday on the way from school and she found a flower on the sidewalk. She said, “I am going to give this to my Mother for Mother’s Day”.I thought that was so precious. Tonight I went for a chilly walk with Dani and spent some Mother/Daughter special time talking. On my way home to Washington,in 2 days, I will spend the day with my Mother in Shelton.

  103. Happy birthday sweet Mac! I hope your cold is gone really fast. We started our Christmas shopping this weekend. Gotta beat those crowds. And, ended the day at Kona Grill for sushi. Italian does sound really good though. I can never get enough pasta.

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