Portland Romance Reader Luncheon

I had a fantastic time in Portland, OR on Saturday attending the Portland Rose Chapter’s fantastic 10th anniversary Romance Reader Luncheon where I gave this year’s keynote speech.  Two hundred readers and writers attended the lunch in the beautiful, historic Governor’s Hotel ballroom and I took gift bags for all with my JP reader goodies and a signed copy of Flirting with Forty.

Melanie and Jane at RCRW
Melanie and Jane at RCRW

Lots of Seattle and Portland writer friends were there on Saturday, as well as two fellow Harlequin Presents authors, Lucy Monroe, and new author, Maisey Yates, who will have her first book out in the US this November.  Lucy looked gorgeous in pink and has a brand new book out, and Maisey shared a little with me about her very busy publishing schedule. 

As soon as I have more photos I promise to get them added.  In the meantime, I’ve giving away a gift bag of romance novels, books marks, and other goodies for one die-hard romance reader.  If you’d like to win this bag of books and fun stuff, tell me what kind of romance you like to read and why, or tell me who your favorite romance writer is and you’re entered.  Romance Reader Luncheon blog contest will run through Wednesday night and I’ll announce the winner Thursday morning.  Good luck!


  1. Jane,

    I like to read anything with a
    happy ending. I love historical
    romace books, the old Jude Deveraux and Julie Garwood. I still really enjoy Julie Garwood’s
    books and am obsessed with Nora Robert’s Bride Quartet novels.
    Flirting with Forty is one of my
    favorite books of all time. My paperback copy is so used that I really need to buy it on my Kindle.

  2. Jane,

    I love modern romance novels especially the ones with Navy Seals in them. I think it’s the contrast between danger and sweet rugged men trained to kill but also falling in love with the woman…Lora Leigh writes some good ones. My favorite though as you know is Flirting though…So far nothing has topped it!

    See you soon!

  3. Hi Jane,

    I would have to say that I love contemporary romances best of all. I like them because it’s easy to put myself in the characters’ shoes. I think I enjoy reading romances the most when my own life is stressful or things aren’t going my way. They allow me to escape for a little while. Reading breaks help me refocus when I find myself getting frustrated with a task or allow me to clear my mind at the end of the day before trying to fall asleep. Aside from you, the romance authors I enjoy most are: Nicholas Sparks and Debbie Macomber. My favorite romance novel is The Notebook. It’s a classic. Hope your week is off to a good start!


  4. I was a huge Katherine Stone fan before she stopped producing novels. I love Kristin Hannah’s books now and am currently reading “True Colors.”

  5. I love comtemporary romance, authors like Sophie Kinsella, Jennifer Weiner, Adriana Trigiana, Meg Cabot and ofcourse Jane Porter! I have more favorites but they don’t come up to my mind right now. And I always love to discover authors I never heard of before!
    Lovely picture Jane!

  6. Love, love romance books with happy endings! I like writers like you and Susan Elizabeth Phillips who make the characters real people to those of us reading the books. I want to care about the people no matter if they are in England in the 1700’s or 1800’s or if they are in the contemporary northwest. Make me care about what happens to them and then write a happily ever after ending for them. I read to get away from the real world, sadness, sickness and everyday life. Thanks for writing Jane! Please don’t ever stop!

    1. I just have to share that tonight I checked out a new library book The Journal Keeper: A Memoir by Phyllis Theroux and it is, well…so good I ordered a copy for myself since I’ve used 7 stickies on pages and am only on page 33. She writes about writing saying, “There were times, in the beginning, when I used my journal as a wailing wall, but I learned not to immortalize the darkness….What I needed was a place in which to collect the light.” And, the book is also a love story. What a treat!

  7. My favorite type of romance would have to be anything that has an HEA and a lot of depth in the relationship between the male and female role. Right now I’m reading Sarah McCarty’s Jared and I absolutely love her writing and the relationships she develops between her characters. I can’t wait for She’s Gone Country. Thanks for the contest Jane and have a good week! 🙂

  8. Wish I could have been there since it was in my home town. I was stuck at work…wishing I was at the luncheon. Other than you, my other favorite romance authors are Nicholas Sparks and Debbie Macomber. Really not picky, as long as it’s a happy ending. 🙂

  9. I should have said: Really not picky about what type of Romance. I am picky about what authors I like! 😉

  10. I adore romance novels! It’s definitely hard to choose a favorite romance writer, though, because there are so many I really love. For modern romance/chick lit, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Jennifer Weiner, and Emily Giffin top my list. For Harlequin Presents, Kate Hewitt, Michelle Reid, Lynne Graham, Natalie Anderson, Abby Green, India Grey, Lynn Raye Harris, and you of course are all must-reads for me. And for Silhouette Desire, my favorite author is Olivia Gates.

    Lastly, a favorite-romance-authors list wouldn’t be complete without Jane Austen – an oldie but such a goodie!

  11. I’d have to say my favorite type of romance is romantic suspense. Not sure why since I’m usually a big ‘fraidy cat and don’t like horror movies. Maybe it’s just enough mystery along with a good romance.

  12. I like romance/suspense novels best. Of course you are a favorite author and so is Jennifer Weiner and Denise Skelton

  13. It is really, really tough to even pick my favorite type of romance books much less the authors. 🙂 I obviously love your books but I can’t pick a favorite there either. As much as I like Flirting, I also love connected stories so I’m completely hooked on Mrs. Perfect, Odd Mom Out, and Easy on the Eyes. In addition to contemporary romance, I like historicals and romantic suspense. My list of favorite authors is long but for historicals I love Julia Quinn, Kat Martin, and Julia London (both historicals and contemporary.) The romantic suspense list is especially long with Linda Howard, Karen Robards, Judith McNaught, Cindy Gerard, Suzanne Brockmann, etc. I really enjoy Brenda Novak, too, and am eagerly awaiting her auction this May. Lastly, I also like Robyn Carr and Sherryl Woods. I could go on and on. Romance is the best! Thanks for giving us such great stories, Jane!

  14. Jane, you were a “Rock Star speaker at the luncheon!

    Well as you know, I’m a Presents fan but thanks to you, you introduced me to women’s fiction with The Frog Prince, so I’m reading more of them as well.

    I decided this year to try new authors and I’m emjoying that as well.

  15. I love to read Romantic Suspense books, the combination of both is always makes me want to read the whole book ! i love HEA romance too 🙂

    My favorite authors : Karen Rose, Christy Reece, Kylie Brant, Anna Campbell.

  16. My romance authors and novels/books alternate with my moods. How I am feeling that particular day or week governs what I read or choose at the bookstore. I sometimes like romantic suspense, contemporary, historical and even paranormal.
    My favorite authors are You, Jane Porter, M.J. Rose, Kylie Brant, Lisa Jackson, Charlaine Harris, Robyn Carr, Karen Moning, Nora Roberts and so on and so on… My Favorite books are Flirting with Forty, Waking Evil, All the Sookie Stakehouse books, The Virgin River Series, The Reincarnationist, Carolina Moon. I could go on forever. I find my sanctuary is a bookstore. I find my inner piece rummaging through the shelves. I live for books and I am a true romantic!

  17. Romances must have a HEA for me (duh)! I read a book, years ago, that didn’t, so I threw it across the room in disgust. Hope I never run across another non-HEA again….
    I really enjoy witty conversations between the H/h (and also with others). Laughter can’t hurt. Heck, even a few tears are okay too.
    A quick pace is nice to whip through the book. If the book drags, I might be tempted to fast-forward to the end of the book.

  18. Hi Jane! It was really great meeting you this weekend! Thanks for the shout out. 🙂

    I loved your speech. You are truly (and I said this on my Facebook page) an arm waving, gospel singing, soul sister.

    Once I get all my pics together I’m going a post on the luncheon too.

  19. My favorite kind of romance books are modern romantic comedies. Since I’m still relatively new to the romance field, my favorite is still and always will be Flirting with Forty since that’s what got me started…or should i say addicted. Still hoping to see you in AZ one of these days.

  20. I received your Desert King Harlequin today. Thank you! It really brightened up my day to have something fun in my mailbox!

    I like all romances–just something with a happy ending.

    When I was younger I was very much into Harlequin Presents; these days I am into the more “chick lit” genre.

    But ALL romances are good.

  21. Well, I do love romance but, I will be honest…I am new at this. I was never into reading until I read some of your books, Jane! I couldn’t put them down! I really enjoyed Flirting With Forty and The Frog Prince. I need some suggestions on some other authors and books to put on my list!

  22. Portland…been a few years since I lived there. I miss it. But I have traveled all over the US with work and with a cat-who-does-want-to-be-a-traveling. I stopped reading for a few years but now I am back in with a mission. Am surrounded by books–again–many that have not been read…but they will be. I love romance in all of its forms. Well, in most of its forms…A little bit of mystery, humor, and some angst and I am there! I can do happy endings, sad tragic endings, nonmystery stories, comedy, noncomedy, angst, nonangst…etc. The connection between two people and the secondary connections between us and those in our orbit are so beautiful. Cool. Even if it is fiction or escapist fiction it serves a needed purpose and somehow mirrors ourselves hopefully in a good way. They seem to fill me with hope and sometimes a needed carthartic cry or a safe way to release my pent-up angst. Thursday–Earth Day–I am off to my local BAM to buy my own copy of Flirting with Forty…I scoped it out this weekend and have my coupons and all my potential books staked out for the Earth Day special. The way I am buying books right now begs for a strategy! Hope you enjoyed your time in Portland and had fun. I am glad that all your hard work has paid off and things are going well for you. Makes me happy to see others enjoying their lives and things going their way. I think that is way I always come back to your blod. I do not always leave a comment…sorry…but do enjoy you and your fans. My best to everyone. cat

    1. PS. Just got the mail and one of your books got delivered. So now I am now reading “Duty, Desire and the Desert King” by Jane Porter. Cool
      PPS. Received the Easter gift bag…love it all…thank you. cat

  23. Jane,
    Flirting With Forty is my favorite…but I love all of your books.

    Romance with a happy ending is the best. 🙂

    It was great seeing you in Hawaii!

    Aloha, Julie 🙂

  24. Let’s see i like all kinds of romance books From contemporary to Historicals and all in between. Authorwise i’d have to say Julie Garwood, Nora roberts and Susan Mallery.

    I like a romance that takes me away and puts me in a happy place at least by the end of the story lol.


  25. I love reading contemporary romance/chick lit. It’s a great way to escape into someone one elses world and put your stresses aside for a bit. I just finished True Colors by Kristin Hannah. I love reading your books (loved Flirting With Forty), Megan Crane, Liza Palmer, Kristin Harmel, Barbara Delinsky….oh so many! My TBR pile has turned into two large bookcases!

  26. I like all kinds of stories and romance novels depending on my mood at the time but a light, fun story that has a happy ending is always a safe bet. 🙂

  27. I read so many different genres but contemporary romance is my favorite. I love reading my HEA stories. Some of my favorite authors are of course you, Susan Mallery, Diana Palmer, Vicki Lewis Thompson, Nora Roberts, Karen Kelley and I’ve yet to read a Harlequin Presents author I didn’t like.

  28. I like to read several romance genres. Contemporary, historical, paranormal, urban fantasy. I am sucker for a happy ending. 🙂

  29. Pretty much have to agree with everyone else that romance is my favorite whether contemporary or historical. Have read all your books and think Mrs. Perfect & Odd Mom Out are my favorites. Also enjoy Susan Wiggs, Judith McNaught, Robyn Carr, Barbara Delinsky, Kristin Hannah & too many others to list.

    Have a great week.

  30. my favorite romance writer would be danielle steel! i have read all of her books…i guess i get lost in her fantasy style loves stories.

  31. Contemporary romance, romantic suspense and historical romance are all wonderful. Laura Caldwell and Kristin Hannah are great. Love your photo.The color is lovely.

  32. I started reading historical romances and have switched to contemporary. Some of my favorite authors that I have read for many years are Julie Garwood and Jude Deveraux. I have made it a point to find some new authors this past year. I have enjoyed many that you have recommended such as Liza Palmer, Mia King and Meagan Crane.
    You are a favorite. You never disappoint.
    Hope you have a great week!!

  33. I enjoy reading all kinds of romance books- I love Harlequin Presents books and some of my fav Presents authors are- you, Lucy Monroe, Lynne Graham, Miranda Lee and Sandra Marton.

    I also love reading contemporary romance- Susan Donovan is one of my fav author when it comes to romance with some funny moments.

    I like reading erotic romance- Lucy Monroe, Maya Banks, Lori Foster and Lorelei James are just some of the authors that are auto buy for me.

    It’s very rare that I read historical romance because since English is my second language it’s harder for me but one of my all time fav books is Gentle Warrior by Julie Garwood.

  34. HI Jane,
    Sound like you and everyone attending had a fantastic time.
    I don’t know how you have the energy after a flight from Hawaii and the Surf shops opening party.

    You are at the top on my list of favorite authors. I have loved your stories way back since The Secretary’s Seduction. Mrs. Perfect was a perfect story to me.
    I can’t wait for She’s Gone Country release this summer.
    Nora Roberts is a must read.
    Lisa Kleypas, Elizabeth Bolye,Julia Quinn, Carly Phillips, Vicki Lewis Thompson Lucy Monroe, Sandra HIll and Anna Campbell.
    I just finished reading Sandra Hill’s Viking In Love this morning. It had me laughing out loud.
    I don’t like mysteries or anything scary or bloody, just good old fashioned romace.

  35. I, of course,love your books..but as far as purely “romantic”, I don’t have a favorite mostly because I usually don’t read that genre. I just have never really gravitated toward that genre. BUT.. my friend just gave me this book, and I am completely zoning on the name, but it was good.. and HOT! I like those!!! 🙂

    33 weeks pregnant now and they are testing me for preeclampsia. I am praying I don’t have it as the thought of bedrest makes me crazy. I was really having a pretty good pregnancy, too, but not that I have such severe edema, well, I don’t really want to leave the house. Cankles and Fred Flinstone feet do not make one feel attractive! 🙂

  36. Nicholas Sparks is one my favorite romance authors. He’s easy to read and keeps you you wanting to read more. Sometimes a little too sappy though. Seems as though he can bring a tear to the eye everytime you read one. It’s awesome that he can move you to that point in a book but I’d rather have more smiles and chuckles.

    Flirting with Forty has been one of my all time favorites though. It was such an enjoyable book and made me smile so many times.
    Thank you.

  37. I just received “Duty, Desire and the Desert King” in the mail. I am looking forward to reading it once I finish my current book. I don’t think I have read another book that was classified as ‘romance’.

  38. I like reading almost (but not quite) all romances. I tend to read contemporaries, westerns and regencies but if I find a good story, I’m reading it.

  39. I love reading contemporary romances; they can be humor, western(cowboy), Seals/Navy/Army/Firefighters, etc. I love the HEA and the friends to lovers is a favorite.

    One becomes friends with the characters and gets to visit places one would otherwise never get to.

  40. That’s easy! Jane Porter, Flirting with Forty .
    I enjoy Contemporary romances, that show women empowering themselves, and never giving up.

  41. I would have to say anything that gives my hope that some day I will find my true love. I love conflict, relsoution and growth on a personal and spiritual level. Any book actually that makes me feel like I would be greatful for it to be my actual life story.

  42. Good afternoon! Sorry I’m so late posting the winners from the Romance Reader Luncheon Blog prize but I’ve just finished mailing out the boxes to the winners of the Grand Opening Surf Shop Blog prize. Whew! I’m busy running to that post office. 🙂

    But now…drumroll….the winners (yes, there are two winners now, PLUS an extra for a mystery prize that went unclaimed…):

    For the bags of romance novels and fun goodies:

    #1 Cathy F

    #26 Lisa B

    and the winner of the mystery prize is:

    #14 Kay Anderson

    Will all three winners email me ASAP so I can send out your books, treats and goodies!


  43. Sorry to be so late posting, Jane. I can’t believe I won! I just e-mailed you my address, so I’m super excited to see what the mystery prize is! Thanks, again!


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