Happy Friday, everyone!

I’ve been having fun bidding over at Brenda Novak’s wonderful auction and wanted to let you all know that there are so many killer deals if you wander over to Brenda’s auction site and check it out. Some of my favorite authors have books listed and I’m wanting those for sure… and there are a couple author promo things that look pretty good as well.

For those of you  dying to read She’s Gone Country before August, you have the chance to win a bound galley over at Brenda Novak’s auction as well. It’s part of my Women’s Fiction package, which includes signed copies of: Frog Prince, Flirting with Forty, Odd Mom Out, Mrs. Perfect and Easy On The Eyes.  You get a total of 6 books, and I can personalize them for anyone you want….could be a great birthday or graduation gift, or just something fun for yourself.  Check it out if interested!

And finally, if one of you, my readers, should bid on, and win, the Hawaii travel package Ty and I donated, Ty has said he’ll throw in 2 semi-private or private surf lessons, 2 T-shirts and your choice of a TGSS water bottle or a TGSS float from his shop. This is an extra bonus that’s not listed on Brenda’s site because it’s special for you guys, my readers. And if you don’t want to surf, you can still get the fun loot and  take a stand-up paddle board lesson instead. If you do go and surf, I guarantee you’ll have a blast. Ty’s awesome crew makes every lesson fun. So if you win, you’ve got to let me know so I can make sure I get a gift certificate to you for the lessons and shirts and stuff.  The link to the Week in Paradise Package is here!

Now I’m back to work.  (Well, okay, make that back to bidding….)


  1. Hey Jane,
    This is such a great thing you are doing! And for such a great cause!

    I hope to put in for your new book and your other fantastic reads, but not sure if we will be able to do the marvelous getaway you and Ty are offering, as much as we would love to.

    I wish everyone luck in putting in your bids. One lucky person will be very happy!

    Hope Brenda does very well this year and meets her goal.

    Jane, I just think you are so Great and what a great thing to do! You truely are a very kind person! Thank you!

    Have a Nice Weekend!

    Love to you and yours!

  2. Jane, I so hope that your entries in the auction make tons of money for the charity. What generous offers on your part and Ty’s.

    Wishing you all the best and great surfing for Ty!

    1. I sent the site about your Hawaii package to good friends who try to go to Hawaii every year or so. My friend is a librarian and had not heard of your books, but she said she loved your site and is going to look for your books now. I don’t know if she & her husband will bid or not. Worth a try and maybe she will tell others. Smile!

  3. It’s a wonderful thing you, Brenda and all the others who have volunteered their time, money and goodies for such a wonderful cause. I have been on Brenda’s site and have my eyes on a lot of items including your giveaways. I got my bids in!! Wish me luck!

  4. Jane i just want to say that you and Ty are so generous with your time and energy. Thre are not enough people like the both of you in this world.

    It would be great if one of your loyal readers could win that package. Totally out of my price range but i checked it out and it would be a awesome getaway for someone!


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