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Back home after my week in California! It’s been a very successful tour so far. Readers are loving She’s Gone Country and I really want to thank everyone who’s posted a review at Amazon and the other sites! Several of you have emailed to tell me it’s your all-time favorite book that I’ve written. I’m grateful and touched for the terrific feedback. Thank you so much!


I’ve got two big Washington events coming up. My big Bellevue launch with that always fun Ooba’s party and a book signing at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park. If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll come join me!

We’ve got three cute entries so far for the Cover Girl Contest and I want to see yours!!! Do send it in. Entering the contest is easy:

1) Grab a copy of She’s Gone Country

2) Stand next to or sit on a car (any type of car!!)

3) Use your camera or a camera phone and snap a photo

4) Email it to with a comment about the book and you’re done!

Everyone who enters the contest gets a gift from me! So hurry up and send in those entries. I can’t wait to see them! I’ve loved all the comments on the contest page and look forward to more. Just remember votes don’t count until October 1st when voting begins officially so do come back then to vote and bring your friends and family too!


  1. I hate to do this because normally I love your books. I can’t find myself finishing She’s Gone Country. I love your writing style and your plots but I couldn’t connect with the heroine. I find her weak, wishy-washy and not someone that I would enjoy getting to know better.

  2. Aida is certainly entitled to her opinion. There are books I don’t connect with, but I did connect with Shey. I think it’s hard being a mom. I think that no matter what you do something or someone is going to feel shafted (usually the mom). And I think that Shey spoke a lot about how there is so much internal back and forth as to what is the right move. What is instinctual (to protect) vs. what is right (to let your kids learn through experience). I thought Shey walked a line between self-preservation and family cohesiveness, and like all of us not-perfects, sometimes she wasn’t sure which side of the line she should be on.

    I thought the book was great. If it was hard to read, that was only because it was so raw and real. Thanks Jane!

  3. To Aida, I recommend finishing it. I am biased because the issues she faces in this novel hit painfully close to home for me. I found her weakness and her eventual subtle strength very appropriate to the story.

    But…to each her own. The best part is there are so very many books out there to read!

  4. So I just read the interview you posted the link to on Twitter.

    SUPER EXCITED for possible screen adaptations for Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect!!!

    Hope you’re enjoying your brief break from the book tour!

  5. Jane, I always am almost sad when I finish reading one of your books because I want more. I really enjoyed reading She’s Gone Country. I thought it was very good. I like the little updates on other past characters you sprinkle in. I’m very excited that Odd Mom Out and Mrs.Perfect might be on TV. Mrs. Perfect is my all time favorite book. I’m also happy to read you have another book on the horizon. Thanks Jane for all the great books! Please keep them coming.

  6. Hi Jane! Glad you’re home safe and sound. I sooo wish I could be joining you at Ooba’s- the book party for Mrs. Perfect was so much fun there.

    As for She’s Gone Country, I went to the local book store to finally get my copy and….THEY WERE SOLD OUT!!! Great for you but huge bummer for me. They’re supposed to have more in next week so hopefully I’ll get my copy soon.


    1. Danielle, I wish you were here, too, next week! I think it’s going to be a really fun event at the store and then super party at Ooba’s. I know my friend, Lisa, is testing killer margaritas and great appetizers for us now. I promise to think of you Thursday though and I still remember the Odd Mom Out launch when you joined us for dinner ahead of time and then celebrated with us at store and restaurant!

  7. Hey Jane, glad you are back home safely. I hope you had a blast at the big partay!!!

    I haven’t read She’s Gone Country yet. I am reading some of the older books first. On the search for Odd Mom Out, which was the only book I couldn’t get through Amazon.

    Congrats on the possible tv deal for Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect. Got my fingers crossed for you.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  8. Love Shey, love the fact that she was brave enough to move and that she was brave enough to not only deal with her son’s issues but brought them to the forefront with the school… think how she deals with the men in her life is so strong…GO JANE!

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