RWA 2010

Back in Honolulu after 6 days in Orlando for the RWA national conference.  I had an amazing week–its such an intense, wonderful, complex, mind numbing, exciting, overwhelming experience.  You see friends, you meet readers, you talk to your editors and publicists and agent and meet new industry executives.  There are book signings and lunches and teas and dinners and receptions and champagne parties.  You wake up early and go to sleep long after midnight.  You crave coffee and sleep, food and Tylenol and sometimes just an hour of peace and quiet.

I am so glad I went and very glad to be home as I missed all my boys so much.  But I did have a great time and loved rooming with CJ Carmichael and catching up with Barb Dunlop, too.  The three of us met in 1997 (1998?) at a writer’s weekend before any of us had published.  We were all very different but quickly became fast friends.   I also enjoyed all my visits and chats with the Harlequin Mills & Boon authors attending, particularly the Presents authors who always make a gathering a special occasion.  I felt like a proud Mama when pal Megan Crane, writing for Presents as Caitlin Crews, met the Presents crowd.

Before I head to bed, let me share a few photos from Orlando.  They were taken by a reader and friend, Paula, who attended the workshop I gave with Megan and Liza Palmer on Saturday morning and stopped by to chat with me at the big Literacy Signing on Wednesday night.  Paula, thanks for the pics.  I love them!

RWA2010 - 1

RWA2010 - 2

RWA2010 - 3

In honor of my Harlequin roots and my two Canadian writer buddies, CJ Carmichael and Barbara Dunlop, I’m giving away two Canadian prize packages–books by these talented writers, Canada Starbuck cards and more.  Want a chance to earn a little O Canada happiness?  Tell me what you’ve been doing while I’m been conferencing and you’re entered.  The contest runs through Thursday night and I’ll announce the winners Friday morning.  So if you have a moment, chat with me and help me settle in back home!


  1. I wanted to attend the conference and I had made plans but they flopped so I was so diappointed for i wanted to meet you and a few other authors, maybe next year. I’m up early for I’m back at work, full-time,daycare in my home but i have a few mins. to say hi! I’m looking forward to reading She’s gone country, I’m waiting to get it, one way or another I will get a copy while I get my daughter ready for school, that time year again. School starts on Aug.12th. Its been too hot to sun bathe but have been going to the beach anyways for its so peaceful and I can relax and have no worries. Its been a stressful summer and my life is upside down but I take things ond day at a time and reading gets me out of the real world, books are my santuary and I run to books for a real fast fix. I loved all your pitures and you looked great. Have a good week with your boys!

  2. Hi Jane,
    I have missed your updates; I was wondering what had happened to you. I am happy to see that you are doing well and having fun.

    Our family is doing a “stay-cation” this week, spending time doing activities around town. We have been boating, waterskiing, hanging out with friends, and playing a little golf. It has been peaceful and relaxing so far.

    I can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country! I am so looking forward to it. I have been wanting to read the excerpt you posted but I am refraining. I want to be able to read the whole enchilada.

    Glad to see you are doing well. Take care!

  3. Hi Jane. Love the photos. I have been packing my office to move to another office. It has been a lot of work.

  4. Your photos are delightful and I enjoyed this post which sounded like lots of fun. I have been working on creating a painting for my art class starting soon and getting ready for school.

  5. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for all the nice info about your last week. Seems like you have been so busy and productive.

    I’m just busy with work and more work and trying to find time to hit the gym and spend time with family and friends.

  6. It’s been so hot here I haven’t been doing much of anything other than staying inside where it’s air conditioned. I am getting out this morning to go to the book store.

  7. Hi Jane, summer is coming to a close for us here in CO, as we begin to get ready for the home-schooling year ahead 🙂 My oldest starts highschool this year and we are very excited and nervous about the change. I am so looking forward to your new book, the smell of new school supplies and fresh coffee in the cooler mornings that Fall will bring us. Have a great end of the summer…

  8. Glad you had a great time in Orlando. The pics are fabulous.
    It’s been all work here. Tomorrow is my 20th anniversary. I am looking forward to a little celebrating!!
    Enjoy Hawaii!! Summer is coming to an end quickly. My kids start school Monday. YUCK!!

  9. I think all us moms are waiting for school to start up again before we break out the “champagne party.” School starts next week here, so we are also craving Tylenol.

  10. I have a rare summer weekend off from horseshowing this weekend… I spent the last two weekends at the Bromont International horse show in Bromont… which was the site for the equestrian part of the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games. And next week we finish off our competitive season in Ottawa with two weekends at the National Capital Showjumping Tournaments.

    I find the summer has zipped by… and your much-anticipated release date for She’s Gone Country is coming up… can’t wait!

    I love hearing about the RWA national conference from the various authors I enjoy. Glad you had a nice trip.

  11. I missed you this passed week. It was a long, quiet week. This past weekend my family and I went to Columbia, Missouri to attend a wedding. My nephew Nick married the love of his life, Andi. This was a match made in heaven. We had so much fun, stayed out to late and drank a bit too much. It was a short weekend and I am so tired! That was my weekend!!!

  12. We have missed you this week! I have been pulling down wall paper border so I can paint my living room. Its kind of a rough job and I have been putting it off for while.

  13. Love the pics. Wish I could have been at the conference. I didn’t do anything exciting, just work and errands.

  14. Sounds like you had a great time in Orlando! I have been busy with throwing my kids’ birthday parties. Now I need to find more room for all of these toys…or better yet, have a garage sale for the old ones! 🙂 My oldest daughter (who has a heart condition) has been showing more symptoms and signs lately. So there has been a lot of stress and anxiety in my life this past week. Can’t wait for her to see her Cardiologist next week so we can get some answers!

  15. Jane,

    Thanks so much for sharing! Looks like you had a great time! You look great, as usual! I am busy keeping my kids occupied and getting ready for our convention in PA next week. Cheryl and Buffy fly in on Friday night and I can’t wait to see them!! Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer!


  16. Hi Jane,

    I’m so jealous. But I’m looking forward to National next year in NYC. While you were at conference this year I was working on my revisions.


  17. I went hiking in the North Cascades and to birthday parties for family, friends, and me, too. I love summer and having a summer birthday. It is fun to eat outside and I love all the fresh berries and other fruits and the long summer evenings with beautiful sunsets. Best of all I love to sit with my feet up in a chaise lounge and read novels like yours, and sometimes just daydream. Glad you had a good time in Florida with all those writers, who like you are busy writing books for me to enjoy!

  18. Welcome home, Jane. So glad you enjoyed yourself, but as you said, it’s good to be home with your boys. I am sure they missed you as well.

    I missed the conference this year, but I hope to hop the train inito the city when it comes to NYC next year. Hopefully, I’ll get to see you then.

  19. Great Photos. I’m glad you had a good time!
    I’ve been gardening, walking and swimming in between thunderstorms. Lots of storms this year. Getting some reading in too.

  20. I think we all missed you Jane, so glad you are home. Also, happy you had a wonderful time with author buddies, friends and readers.

    We just got finished dog-sitting our grand-dogs for 10 days while our son and his wife were in Paris for the end of the Tour de France (work for him, fun for her). Our house seems really quiet without the two puppies. Smile!


  21. Hi, Jane! Thank you for the wonderful post and pictures from the RWA conference : ) In the past week, I quietly turned 52, have read a bunch of books, laughed repeatedly at my cats and just about bathed in sweet iced tea with lemon to beat the heat. In honor of my birthday, I invented “Cheesecake S’Mores”. The experiments have continued on a daily basis : )

  22. Hi Jane,

    Fabulous pics! Looks like we all have missed your posts. Glad you’re back. Last week I helped out at Vacation Bible School and this week I’m getting ready for a garage sale. It’s super hot with high humidity here – not fun.

  23. Wow…a Jane fix. I was missing reading your blog. 🙂 Sounds like tons of fun and excitement. It would be wonderful to meet you some time.

    We are trying to get some health care, looking for work, getting a teenager ready for school. High stress levels in our house.

    Glad to see you back.

  24. I was wondering where you had disappeared to, I missed reading your blog! Glad to hear you had a good time in Orlando!
    I’ve been trying to enjoy the beautiful summer weather as much as I can on my days off from work. Reading good books outside, listening to my children giggle and play in the background. Life is good!

  25. Nothing much…just enjoying summer and getting excited for She’s Gone Country. I can’t wait and kinda bummed i couldn’t go to RWA but Orlando is quite far but it looked like you had fun. 🙂

  26. I’ve checked your blog daily the past week, anxiously awaiting a report from RWA and you did not disappoint. I felt like I was there. I’m glad you had a good time and were able to see your friends. I’ve been busy with work, reading and writing and waiting for the release of She’s Gone Country. I can’t wait to read it. I’m glad you’re back with your family.

  27. Your conference sounds so fun & you look great!

    I just got back from a fun weekend with girlfriends in my hometown of West Des Moines, Iowa.

    Now back in Minneapolis & back at work. Looking forward to my next trip which is Boston on August 26!

  28. Hey there, Jane!
    I’m impressed that you typed “O Canada” as opposed to “Oh Canada”, as many Canadians (!) misspell that.
    Thanks for sharing pics and stories from your time away. You look fantastic, but I imagine it has taken its toll on you and all the others. You all must be SOOOOOO tired!
    As for me, well … I have had my sis and her husband visiting since July 16. To look back at my notes since last Wednesday, we have found over 30 geocaches within 70 miles, eaten out twice, watched an outdoor musical performance, gone wine tasting, toured a “cooperage” where they make wine barrels, pulled weeds in my yard (with tons more to go), took a huge load of old siding (etc.) to the dump because we re-sided our garage and part of our house the previous week, attended a 60th birthday party, fixed the front door bottom, replaced the bathroom mirror, fixed the sticky garage-door opener, toured model homes, drove through my hometown checking out developments, played board/card games most evenings, and I’ve even managed to read a few books in the car (it’s great when sisters can simply sit in the back and read to their hearts’ content while their husbands chit-chat in the front seat)!
    I knew we had been busy, but I didn’t realize HOW busy till I typed this!

  29. Wish I could have been there with you! In the last three weeks we have been to Long Beach, Santa Monica and Pismo beach for some sun and fun. Kids have had a blast. Trying to get so much in before school starts is hard work! Looking forward to August 25th!

  30. HI Jane, we have all missed your updates.

    The pictures you shared from the RWA conference were really good. Looks likes everyone had a great time.

    Well over the past couple of weeks I have been shopping for my girls for some new clothes for school. Ordering books and supplies for college.
    Today my mother and I went and had our hair cut. I ate lunch with my husband.
    Then back home to do some laundry and catching up on the ironing.
    Glad to hear you made it back to your boys.

  31. Must have been a very loooong week of missing the boys, but sounds like you had a ball. Great pictures of you too and I really like Orlando. My Canadian husband (from Montreal) and I are at the beach for a week and enjoying the very hot sun because the water is close by. We love VA Beach, it’s so clean and we really enjoy watching the kids surf and just having fun. Hope you are able to rest up and enjoy the family until the next jet setter conference…glad you’re home…Ruth

  32. you look great Jane; glad you had a good time and know it’s nice to be home also.

    I have been cleaning for the arrival of my sister and niece this weekend. Dh is laying floor tile and painting so you can guess the dust/mess. I also baked yesterday.

  33. Hola Jane,

    So glad to hear from you. Sounds like alot going on at once but fun at the same time.

    My 8 yr. old starts school in 12 days and getting the final items needed. I had to wait till last minute as she is growing so fast and didn’t want to buy something that wasn’t going to fit in 3 mos!

    Still working on the house, it seems like every wk I am meeting with someone regarding something that still hasn’t been done.

    Enjoy the rest of summer..

  34. Hey Jane! Glad to hear you had such a great time at the RWA gathering. :0) So many exciting things have happened while you’ve been out (now enter the sarcasm, lol). My two classes ended – yeah!! And on the eve of the end while Final exams and papers were due, my laptop contracted a deadly virus-worm. It is officially toast! I really do not want to buy a new laptop, but it will cost the same to save everything on a that 5 yr old computer. Ugh… Thank goodness for technology, and internet access now on mobile devices. Other than that I have been resting at home the last 2 days after having had a back procedure done. All is good, no worries… and I head back to work manana!. Glad you are back with the Ty’s, Jake and lil’ Mac :0)

  35. Hi Jane! Love the pictures, you look great! Sounds like you had a good time in Orlando.
    I’m trying to get ahead of the game and get children ready for school. They don’t start until Sept. but I am bound and determined to not be shopping for school clothes the week before! Been there, done that and don’t want to do it again. 🙂 At the rate my kids are growing, I just hope the clothes still fit them in a month! Me, I am trying to make some positive changes in my life. This includes watching what I eat and more exercise. I need these changes so I can feel good about myself. Other than that, lots of reading and taking kids to activities and play dates. It’s been a fun summer!

  36. Hi Jane,
    Pretty pictures that you have here.

    it’s been my routine lately to accompany my 4 yos son to his school.

    start 7.30 am till 10 am, i will be at his school. Watching him ‘learning’ from A to Z, drawing, singing.

    and even it’s kindda hard for 6 months pregnant woman 😀 I’m still enjoying the time i spend with him !

  37. You look great and it looks like you had a lot of fun in Orlando – I would have been missing my boys too, glad you are back with them!

    I have been feeding and driving assorted boys (mine plus extras). When something comes up, I drop everything and we just go – it has been very busy around here lately. I am however looking forward to the weekend – my husband is taking the boys out of town for the first time ever, and I get the house to myself for a couple of days. When they get back, it will be all football all the time with my 10 year old.

  38. I’ve been checking your blog a lot lately, knew something was going on since you hadn’t made a post. Sounds like it was fun, but I bet you’re glad to be done so you can be with your boys! Sounds like you’ve had a crazy summer!
    I am getting ready to take my first train trip. We are going from Portland to Chicago. Trying to plan all of the details and figure out what we want to do. Never been to Chicago, but I hear there is a lot to do! I’m excited!!

  39. Hi Jane,
    The photos are great! The conference sounds like it really was amazing!

    I have been visiting my mother and brother in Boston. They’re getting ready to move overseas so I try to spend as much time with them as possible. We ate a little too well – with lobsters at $5/lb and perfect grilling weather. We caught up on movies, walked around, and just stayed up late talking. I head home to NYC now!

    Thanks for the contest entry.
    gaby317nyc at

  40. Hi Jane

    It was wonderful to meet you at my first conference. (I was the one at the water fountain who wants to write Presents as well and commiserated with you on missing your boys) Your kindness and willingness to help touched me. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer.

    I learned so much last week and hope to incorporate it in my current and future projects. I don’t know if I’ll ever get published, but I know one thing for sure, RWA members and writers are the most generous and encouraging folks I’ve ever met.

    Thanks for the memories.

  41. Summer’s been so incredibly busy! We went up to Canada to visit some family, and spent a weekend in Philadelphia with my son, sister, and aunt too! It was a blast, but things have been crazy! 🙂


  42. Hi Jane,

    I was lucky enough to visit the RWAs last Wednesday night and was delighted you were there signing books. I enjoyed meeting you and you truly made my night when you said you liked my new “accidental” haircut. My freshly signed copy of Flirting with Forty now has a prime spot on my bookshelf. I just wish I had brought more of your books along.

    Honestly, I haven’t read a true Harlequin style romance in years. I am more of a chick lit/modern lit girl at heart (and I can’t wait read She’s Gone Country when it comes out). But, since I love your work in that genre, I’m feeling inspired to pick up one of your classic romances for some summer reading fun.

    Happy writing–

  43. Hi Jane,

    It sounds like everybody had a great conference. Sure wish I could have been there since it combined two of my favorite things – reading & Disney! We’ve been gearing up for the upcoming school year and trying to enjoy our last few days of freedom. 🙂 Btw, did you get a chance to see the Canada area of Epcot. It is one of my favorites. And Le Cellier is the absolute best restaurant there – their Cheddar Cheese soup is amazing. One of my all-time favorite books is set in Canada. It is called MRS. MIKE. Okay, I’m starting to ramble. Glad you had a good time.

  44. Hi Jane! We’ve just been hanging out in Visalia, now that my son’s All Star season is over. School begins in two weeks, so we’ve been back-to-school shopping, etc. Headed to Bass Lake a week or so ago…nice to get away for a couple of days.

    Looking forward to meeting you in Fresno in a few weeks! Bring cool clothes, it’s still pretty warm here!

  45. Hi Jane! So glad to hear that you had such a fantastic time at the conference! You look great, and you look especially elegant in the picture Lynn Raye Harris posted of the high tea you hosted! Hope you’re not too jet lagged, and are having a wonderful time back in Hawaii!

  46. Been trying to not melt basically. lol Working, reading. My husband was home for 4 days and we spent some times at the beach with the kids and a family reunion. Wish i could’ve come out to orlando to see you.

    Lisa B

  47. for the past few weeks, we have been trying not to melt in the record high heat while trying to do a few more things for the summer and then getting the “boys” ready for their first day of school (which was yesterday). 1st and 2nd days went great for my 10th and 12th grader. can’t believe it is senior year for my middle son; and that in two more years, my youngest will be walking through the doors for his senior year of high school. so glad you have a great conference and the pics are beautiful…

  48. Hi Jane,

    Glad to hear you had such a good time at the conference. It sounds like it was worth the trip. I’m sure you’re happy to be back in Hawaii.

    The last few weeks have been a whirlwind here. I had my 2nd interview with the county school system and then left for the beach with friends. When I got back I had my first interview with a school and was offered a position. I am now officially a special educator for my county. Pretty exciting! Seems kind of strange that I’ll only have another week of summer and then I start my new teacher orientation.

    That’s what’s new with me. Hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your time in Hawaii. Soak up some sun for me. I miss the beach even though I was only there a few days ago. It’s hard to leave such a relaxing environment.


  49. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the RWA conference. I was unable to attend this year because I had hip replacement surgery two weeks ago, but we did meet briefly when you spoke at the New Jersey Romance Writers meeting a while back. Your advice that day has transformed my synopsis writing and I can’t thank you enough!

  50. Well my family & I came to Maui! I thought for sure when we were driving to Kihei that I saw someone that looked like you driving but then I thought neah! She lives on Oahu. Since you weren’t even on the islands good thing I didn’t follow that person thinking I would meet you!! That would have been aukward!! Thanks for sharing your life!

  51. Hi Jane!
    It sounds like you had a fabulous time at RWA! I enjoyed reading my author friends Face Book Updates & seeing their pics. Perhaps next year I will be a member and able to go.

    This week we changes Realtors & dropped the price on our old home that we decided to put up for sale instead of rent any longer. We don’t have the temperance to be landlords due to the bad experience we had with our past tenents.

    Other than that we have been trying to enjoy the last month of summer before school starts, by mostly spending time in our new swimming pool!

    Enjoy the remainder of your time in Paradise!

  52. Hi Jane,
    Sounds like a blast! Love the Pictures! Hope your able to take a little R & R time for yourself now!

    We are finishing up some of our “To Do List” for around the house. Busy busy…organizing too.

    Our son was in a swim meet and he has one more meet this weekend. Then we are looking foward to his swim camp next weekend. Our 17 year old daughter will be back from Disneyland and the beach area tomorrow.

    I have Monday off, so I am headed to the Lake with a good beach read. Plan to enjoy the kids and a day to ourselves. I would love to rent a paddle board, that would be a blast! Summer is going by so quickly.
    School will be starting soon.

    Hope your having a terrific summer with all your Boys!

    Just can’t wait for your New Book… looks like we are down to a couple weeks!

    Thanks for sharing!

  53. Hi Jane,

    For the past couple of days, our family had been vacationing in Portland, OR. We LOVED it…great shopping and NO SALES TAX! Yay!

    Can’t believe how fast the summer is going! Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.

    talk to you later,

  54. Ive been going to interviews trying to get a better paying job and yet one that will still allow me to attend my college courses. I have my physical agility test today. My big boys are driving me crazy, Jane. Things just get more difficult when they turn 18 not easier. I think they worry me more now with their choices. Oh well maybe its just a phase. Gotta go run the obsticle course now. Have fun in Hawaii!

  55. Hey guys, this is super fast because internet keeps going off but I picked two winners–

    #7 Teri


    #46 Amy Powell

    and a bonus winner of surprise goodies to #56 Gena.

    Will the 3 of you send me your addresses pronto and I’ll get your prizes out in the next mail? Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone for posting!!



  56. Hey Jane, sorry I missed the chance to chat with you here. It was really great chatting with you at Nationals. I love that pic of you, Liza and Megan.

    Congratulations to all the winners. Enjoy your prize, and happy reading.

    Gotta go, but I will pop back in again.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

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