Big Friends & Family Contest!

I had such a wonderful time visiting with 8 of my readers in Denver before the Mountains & Plains Author Reception that I thought it was time to revisit one of my favorite blog contests ever—a contest where you tell me which friend or member of your family deserves a small care package from me. The care package will include a signed mass market copy of Flirting with Forty, chocolates and sweet treats, and lots of Jane Porter reader goodies,  along with a little note from me.

Jane and Michelle French in Denver
Jane and Michelle French in Denver

I’ll be drawing 50 names–yes, fifty–and sending those 50 friends and family the signed book & treats. Nominate your friend or family member by posting her name in the comments section below and share just a few words about why she deserves a special surprise from me. Contest runs until Wednesday night midnight PST and I’ll announce the 50 winners Thursday. Once I announce the winners, it’ll be your job to get me all the key info within 5 days so I can get the prizes mailed before I leave on my Texas book tour!

So tell me who needs a little Fall pick me up and let’s get the contest going!


  1. What a great contest! I would love for you to send a care package to my friend Bebe, we have been friends since we where five years old. She has had a rough time lately because her father had a lawn mowing accident and cut his foot off. The man is in his eighties so he is giving his daughters a rough way to go right now.

  2. I would love for you to send a package to my daughter Erin. I have severe RA and don’t drive anymore and she takes me everywhere I need to go. She could use some cheering up. We lost my step-father a couple of weeks ago and he was the only grandfather she had, she’s been pretty down. She had a baby in June so taking care of him and her other two have kept her pretty occupied, but she loves to read so I would love her to get a package from you. Thank you so much.

  3. This is hard because I have two friends that come to mind. My friend Joyce and Jackie. Joyce is recovering from losing her fiance to brain cancer and Jackie love to read and I know she would love your books. Well, either way, both are deserving and both would appreciate you. So I have a little time to decide if my number gets picked. It’s just so hard when you have great friends.

  4. Well, last year I nominated my older sister, Ann, so this year it’s my younger sister, Debbie’s turn.

    Why? Well, she is the glue in our family. We all mean well, but she is always the one to act or to organize things. She always gets birthday cards out to everyone on time ( I think about it, start out great, then fizzle out mid-year). She organizes our family get togethers months in advance…which is good because the rest of us are procrastinators.. and she is the one to call everyone, regularly, just because.

    I’m very lucky to have such a loving, caring sister.

  5. Hi Jane, I would like to put my friend, Colleen in the hat. She has been a great source of support for me at all times. I can call on her at whatever time, whenever I need her. She doesn’t often lean on others, and a surprise package from you will definitely boost her up and brighten her day. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. You are such a sweetie. I am glad you consider me friend. Have fun in Texas. Oh, I wish I could go there with you. Sleep well tonight. Sending you cyber hugs and kisses. Thanks for all that you do.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  6. 50 winners?! Doesn’t get much better than that! I nominate my bestie, Rachelle. I have a fond spot in my heart for Denver as I lived there for 5 years and it is where I met Rachelle. We’ve since both moved back to our respective home states and it’s been 2 1/2 years since we last saw each other in person – too long! I actually sent her a copy of Flirting with Forty for her birthday two years ago as she was preparing for a trip to the Florida coast and I knew that it would make the perfect beach-read for her trip. I’d love for her to receive a care package of goodies from you! She definitely deserves it. She’s a wonderful Mama to two little girls and she works in the public school system with autistic children.

  7. My “big” sister Mayna has always been there for me. She is really my half-sister, as her father died when she was 3 and our mom married my dad when she was 8. Mom had eight kids and Mayna was her oldest daughter and she became momma’s little helper. I remember her combing the snarls out of my long, curly hair and putting it into a pony tail for school. Mayna married at 18 when I was 7 and then had 4 kids of her own, one a girl who was my flower girl, now grown-up with 5 kids. Mayna and I share memories of mom (and a love of reading) and though we don’t see each other a lot, when we do it is the best time ever. The love of her life has Alzheimer’s and she quit her job to stay home and watch over him. She is all about love, and I love her so much. She buys lots of books 2nd hand, so it would be neat for her to get a clean, new book, and even better a signed Jane Porter book!

  8. Hey Jane! This is always a great contest, thank you for holding it again!

    I am going to nominate my good friend Lucy. She is my adoptive mom, and has been ever since I invited myself over to her house for dinner at the ripe age of 4 or 5 (after having only met that same day)… and then proceeded to break one of her plates swinging back and forth in the chair at the dinner table, lol :0) We’ve been great friends ever since! She has had quite a lot of health issues over the years, so I would like to toss her name into the hat to have a little package sent along to her, to let her know I am thinking of her!

  9. What a fun contest! 50 winners?! You are the most generous and amazing person, Jane! Without a doubt, I am saying my daughter deserves this!! She’s been through a rough couple of months lately and this would cheer her up for sure!

  10. Sherri has been my best friend for 13 yrs this fall. She never fails to be there for me. Whether I need to vent about something or just laugh at something I did…She is the true example of what a friend should be.

  11. I love this contest! Last year I entered my only sister who was thrilled and completely surprised to receive an autographed copy of The Frog Prince. This year I would love to enter my long time, best friend of 37 years, Suzanne. She was the one who introduced me to Flirting With Forty when it was first released. She called me immediately after finishing it and said “You’ve GOT to read this book. You will love it.” Boy was she right! She created the Jane Porter fan that I am today and deserves a signed copy of one of her favorite books. She is a hard working mother of three, not to mention a chocoholic!

  12. Hi Jane! I’d like to nominate my older sister Nicole. She’s such a sweet person and tries so hard to stay positive even though things in her life are so hard right now. She’s trying to finish school, raise two kids, take care of an ailing husband and father-in-law…but she keeps going with a smile. She is a true inspiration to me.

  13. My friend Lori could use something special in her life. She’s had brain surgery, and many legs operations. She had been wheel chair bound for two years and is now out of that and onto riding her stationary bike. A really great gal.
    Thank you so much for reaching out to so many people and giving the opportunity for them to know you and love you as we all do. You are one very special lady.

  14. Please pick my friend Kristi. There are so many reasons why she is worthy. She selected “Mrs Perfect” for our book club to read. Some of us were skeptical of her selection but your book got the highest rating ever received by our group and she turned all of us into your fans! I think that you will notice a spike in your readers all due to Kristi’s promotion. She adores you and now all of our group (Readers and Breeders) adore you too!

    Please pick my wonderful friend who is an amazing person. She is kind and generous, intelligent and caring. Really she almost has it all! All she needs is for your contest to be won in her name!
    Thanks! Michelle

  15. what a wonderful idea Jane and thanks so much.

    Send my sister Patty a ‘cheer up’ package. She lives 6 hrs. away from me but we stay in touch via phone and e-mail. She works two days a week, is taxi Mom every day to her 2 kids for school/sports, keeps her hubby happy and her house clean. Their dog has mega allergies and she takes such good care of him. Last week she even took time to make her friend’s family a supper and delivered it b/c the Mom had surgery the day before. She is amazing!!

  16. I would like to nominate my friend, Diane. We have been friends since 9th grade and she always makes me laugh. We enjoy reading and discussing the same kinds of books. Her mom recently passed away and I know this surprise would add a smile to her face.

  17. My mother. It has been an incredibly tough year for her. Actually a few tough years. Skin cancer, desertion of her husband (my evil stepfather), loss of a home and moving to a trailer park. Through it all she has just shown how tough she is. And she always has her books and friends. I send her as many as I can which she reads and then passes on to others.

    You are wonderful to do this, Jane.

  18. Hey Jane,
    This is so kind and generous of you! What a wonderful contest! You are so sweet!

    Please pick my friend, she has been such a good friend to me. She is such a wonderful person! I have know her since high school. She is my very best friend, my three children call her Auntie. She is a very strong person, funny, grounded, and always loved hiking. She has hiked the grand canyon three times.

    She moved back to southern CA a few years ago, feeling like her family needed her close, her baby sister was starting her family.

    Then her older sister going completely deaf and she tries to help her family when she can.

    My friend does not have any children of her own, but very giving of her time to her family… nieces and nephews. That’s including my children.

    The past couple of years have been very hard for my friend.

    My friend’s Dad had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. And it was a year ago on September 22, that he passed away.

    Just right after that, her older sister’s husband passed away. Then she lost two co – workers to cancer. The sadness was over whelming at times. Grieving can be a long process.

    My friend’s mother had open heart surgery this summer. Her Mom is doing very well now but recovery is slow.

    My friend, she has come a long way, and is actually just starting to feel like herself again just the last few weeks, planning events and trips, and do more day to day things that she enjoys.

    She just starting working out again and hiking. She is reading, she finally read Flirting with Forty (that I sent her almost two years ago, when I finished it )and she loved it!

    She does so much for other people always! She cares so deeply!

    She is trying to help take care of her older sister(that is completely deaf, she is not a hearing aid candidate any longer) and her sister’s daughter now, now that her husband died.

    It would be really a great surprise for her.

    Thank you Jane for running a contest like this one. I hope my friend will be one of the lucky winners.


  19. The first person who comes to mind is my neighbour and good friend of 25 years, Judy. Judy’s inlaws are in their early nineties now and JUST moved to a retirement home. Dealing with “Mom’s” dementia and “Dad’s” failing health (they’re in their early nineties) is taking its toll on my buddy. Between all the trips to the parents’ house, cottage, and farm, and trying to get them all sell-worthy is difficult when she and her husband must travel 1.5 hours each way to do so.
    Then there’s the trips 10 hours away to take their son and his belongings to university every fall and spring … taking care of international students and all the language-barrier difficulties that entails … helping her neighbours in need (including being the first to canvass the neighbourhood for donations when a neighbour’s family member is sick or has passed) … and hosting a neighbourhood summer barbecue annually….
    I’m sure you get the drift that this is a busy time of year for her and she has a hard time finding time for herself.
    Thanks so much for your generosity, Jane.

  20. My mom, Suzanne. First, she is a fan- loves your books. Second, she is always the one taking care of everyone in my family and has been very stressed lately and could use being the one taken care of for a change! Although she will probably kill me if I’m responsible for her getting a package with sweets since she is trying to avoid them right now! 😉

  21. Hi, Jane: This sounds like a great contest and I’m sure your readers are having fun thinking of friends and family to nominate for the contest. I would like to nominate my mother, Shirley Ellerington. Mom lives about 45 minutes away from me and I don’t get down to visit as often as I should, since I work fulltime. She does not drive – never had a license – and gets around by bicycle, walking or through the good nature of her neighbors and my two sisters who live closer to her. She has very little money, never complains and would give people her last nickel if she felt they needed it. She is always thinking of others and rarely does anything nice for herself. She loves to get mail and a gift package from you would be the highlight of her month. Just picked up my copy of She’s Gone Country from our local Harleysville Books. Just need to find the time to read it. On my calendar for next weekend. Been a busy Summer and my schedule is finally winding down a little.

  22. I would like to nominate my younger sister. She’s been going through a rough divorce. It would be a cool thing to help cheer her up and remind her that there are still kind and caring people out there. A fun care package by one of her favotite authors would do the trick!

    Thanks for a wonderful contest!

  23. I nominate my little sister, Kathy. She is the one who introduced me to your books! That in itself is worthy of a surprise from you! We both think that you are fabulous! Hope to meet you in Georgetown,TX!

  24. I would have to nominate my daughter, Stephanie, who is studying abroad in Sydney, Australia, and hasn’t seen any of us in over six months. She loves to read romance, but they’re so expensive over there, especially on a student budget, that she re-reads whatever I’ve sent. She would love a surprise like this.

  25. Jane,
    Just read She’s Gone Country and loved it. So hard to wait for your next book.

    I want to nominate my daughter Sarah. She is pregnant and due to have my first grandchild around Christmas. We can’t wait for the little guy to arrive. She deserves a little goody. She is six plus months pregnant and cleaning houses to get through the pregnancy since she lost her job not too long before she found out she was pregnant.

    I would love for her to get a little goody from you to make her day.

    Have a good week.

  26. My friend Tammie definitely needs a care package. She went through a tough divorce that it’s taking her a lot to get past, and just had a very bad week related to a new relationship and the career she’s chosen to go with in getting back on her feet. I actually told her on Friday night that she needed to read your books, the next time she needed an escape and a pick-me-up.

  27. I would love for my friend Kerrie to get a prize! Kerrie has had her share of bad relationships and guys turning out to be not what they seemed to be at first. Kerrie recently thought she found the man of her dreams, good job, traveled a lot so he could come visit her easily, had $, and a new house. It seemed like it was too good to be true. Turns out, it was. Kerrie had sold all of her things, furniture, dishes, everything. She rented her house out for a year, moved in with her mom and was going to move from Indiana to Georgia to be with him. She was going to go to Georgia for a weekend for the first time and he changed plans and said he would come visit her again. He never showed. We all stood by her even if we didn’t agree and now we have to be here for her because he has turned the tables and is saying he doesn’t have money and asking her for money. Kerrie doesn’t have money to give. She works 2 jobs and never tells anyone no. She has 2 grown kids and she’s on her own now. All she is looking for is someone to be the love of her life. She’s just not having any luck and she totally deserves it.

  28. I nominate my cousin Amanda because she is a remarkable young lady. Not only is she an aspiring new teacher but has loving taken care of our ill grandmother who passed away last Friday. She deserves something special

    1. Sister, that is so nice of you to choose Mana. I however, would have chosen mom! It is time that she get introduced to Jane Porter. She is in need of some serious quality time, especilly after what she has gone thru this past week with Abula Pachita’s passing.

  29. I want to writee about my cousin Joanne, she’s a cancer surivior,not just one time but 2 times and she is like a sister to me. We were really close until she moved to New Mexico and I stayed in Illinois, then to Fla. I haven’t seen her in about 19yrs. We talk on the phone, she gives me the strenght to keep on going thru with my dream, it should be me ceering her on. I’m so proud of her, she has 2 children books publish and she did all her illustrations. She is very talented. she gave me a pep talk just this saturday when I talked to her. i know she’d enjoy your book and care package. Thanks, and have a good week!

  30. I am nominating my daughter, Sarah, to be picked. She is working on her Masters degree & working full time. We don’t get to see each other very often. She knows I love your books & have all of them, starting with The Frog Prince, and when (if) she has a spare moment, wants to read them all. So if she had her own copy, maybe she could read it bit by bit! She is a hard worker & excellent student & deserves a nice little surprise. Thanks, Jane, for the great contests you run! : )

  31. I nominate my friend, Nicole, because she is currently going through a divorce and deserves a pick-me-up Jane Porter style. In fact, I was just telling her to try your books yesterday. Figured it would help her see there is life after divorce. And when I told her you write in the present tense, and how that pulls me into the story all the more, she was dying to buy Flirting with Forty. Alas, she has to wait–divorce and having kids means wallet is tight. I hope she is one of the lucky ones to win. She really deserves it.

  32. Hi, Jane! You are so generous! I would love for you to send a care package to new friend of mine. We met because we were both reading a book by Jennifer Weiner. I’ve told her about you, but she has not yet read any of your books! I know she’ll love you, too!


  33. I’d pick my sister, Kim Taylor, because we both love your books and she let me borrow shirts this weekend for my trip to Catalina!!!

    1. Thank you, Jane! I’m so sorry I didn’t see this before! I didn’t mean to make you sad! Kim will be so excited for her care package! Have a great trip to Texas!

  34. Does this competition include friends from across the pond?
    If so, I would like to recommend my life long friend Shelly.
    I was there to keep her from drowning when we were having swim lessons at infant school many years ago and despite the distance; I am here for her now, trying to keep her sane while she is going through a horrible divorce just as she was there for me when I went through the same 10 years ago!
    We both married men who believed one’s not enough and
    I think she would love a care package from across the waters, especially right now while she is finding it all too much!

  35. I nominate my daugher-in-law who works hard, is a loving and devoted wife and is always helpful and good hearted. She had a rough time all herlife and deserves a treat. thanks for this lovely and generous gesture.

  36. i nominate my daughter, sarah. she is trying so hard to get things in her life in order, and a little pick me up from you would certainly bring a smile to her face. she just turned 24, and is working two jobs to make ends meet. she and her older brother share a townhouse to cut down on their expenses. she doesn’t have any “extra” money @ this time, and she loved your book, “the frog prince”….thanks for having such a generous heart…

  37. I nominate my little sister Jenny. First, because she’s ‘Flirting With Forty’ (next March, don’t tell her I said, she’ll kill me!), but mostly because she’s so busy raising my two wonderful nieces on a crappy school admin’s pay, and her husband’s job is always just ‘that’ close to being over, at the whim of his boss, and things have just never come easy to her. She deserves just a little bit of enjoyment, and I live too far away to help out in any concrete way on a regular basis.

  38. I nominate my daughter Joy. She is a junior in college working very hard on a double major, biology and chemistry. I think she deserves a special treat sent to her and today is her birhtday!

  39. Love your contests, Jane! I would love for my friend Theresa to win a care package from you. She was so excited to win the bid on an auction item/care package you provided and I outbid her. I already had all your books, but I wanted the package to give away to someone else. Theresa was SO disappointed. She is a great friend and really deserves a great surprise!

  40. i would chose two of my girlfriends- michelle and christine. they are always looking out for me, would do anything for me and is always there for me even though we don’t talk everyday we just know that we can always pick up where we left off. its great just having some great friends like these two!

  41. I would love for my sister to received that care package since she’s expecting anytime and on a bedrest which makes her bored to the death most of the time and can’t do so much.
    And if I can give another care package I would love my mom to have it for all her tireless efforts and loving us unconditionally through the years even if we have our own families now.

  42. Thanks Jane! My friend Lisa, has been such a staunch supporter and has really the biggest heart of anyone I know! She helps motivate me and keep me on track and is so willing to give of herself whether its an email, a IM, a phone chat or even a mini vacation! She’s one in a million!

  43. I have a great friend that I think is well deserving of a pick me up! Rachelle has been a great friend to me for the past 10 years. She would do anything for anyone, and is very sincere when she does things for someone. She works hard and takes in all her childrens sports, plus is a wonderful, dear friend. I think a book and goodies would be great for her. She enjoys reading, and I would love to introduce your books to her this way!

  44. I would like to nominate my sister. She’s a big fan of yours and loves reading your books. She’s one of the kindest people I know. She’s all the time doing for everyone but I never see them doing for her and she never complains. She’s been going back and forth to St. Louis with back problems and she’s only 19.

  45. You are amazing !!

    I would love to surprise my sister. She’s been so down for this couple months, since she just lost her jobs. yes, she tried to work with her friend but her friend had fired her without proper reason. then she worked with other friend, the salary is so low (feel very sorry for her).

    she loves to read, and i would really like to introduce her with your books.

  46. Great contest. I nominate my mom, Su. She wasn’t getting enough work hours at her old job, so she took some courses and started a new job. She’s working hard and right now she’s paying for her own health insurance(it’ll be a few more months before the company starts picking up some of the tab.) I think she’ll appreciate a nice surprise.

  47. Wow! What an awesome contest Jane! You are so generous to offer 50 prizes!

    I would like to nominate my friend Micheline. She is a very dedicated daughter and hard worker. Her mom is in a nursing home and Micheline has single handedly taken care of all the details for her mom’s personal care and comfort there. It was hard for Micheline to come to terms that her mom needs 24 hour care but she has persevered.

    Plus she works full-time, 5 days a week and is a teacher. I know a surprise like this would really brighten her day!

    Thanks again for such an amazing contest that honors all the wonderful loving people who give of themselves to others.

  48. I nominate my friend Cathy. She has two young children and her husband has been working many, many hours a week so she has some time at night to read. And I think she would love your books!

  49. I nominate my sister EWA. She not only is a LPN but she also is putting herself through school for her RN. Raising 2 TWIN boys keeps her busy at home, and yet she never complains or fails to make a DELICIOUS home cooked meal for her family. She’s funny, kind and caring. She LOVES to read and every time I escape and go visit her she loads me up on books that she’s enjoyed and wants me to now read. She’s a great sister…….. The BEST! and deserves a perk to feel as special as she makes everyone around her feel.

  50. Very cool idea jane!

    I nominate my friend in reading at work Lauri. We discuss books and share them back and forth as well. She is a mom to 6 kids, takes care of her elderly parents and works as well. She could use a pick me up surprise like this.

    Lisa B

    It would be so much fun to telll her she won!

  51. Hi Jane

    Last time I nominated my friend Ann in Uzbekistan ~ who had the pleasure of surfing with Ty in Hawaii with her family when they were on R&R! This time I nominate my friend Lisa. She and I walk/run one day a week and share our lives with one another. I recently found out my mother’s tumor/cancer has reached terminal stages and so I left for a week to help her pack up her condo in Georgia and stay with us for a few weeks before moving her up to Ohio with the rest of our family. Lisa has been wonderful. She listens with the patience of Job and always has helpful suggestions and good advice. She shares suggestions for our kids as she has one older than me and we in general support each other. I don’t know what I would do without her!

  52. I would love to have my wonderful sister in law, Deb, get to know your books, Jane. She is the best of the best in our family! Everyone loves her. She needs to take some much deserved time to relax and savor your book. It is the right time of her life and her kids are about to leave the nest all at once – twins in their last yr. of HS. The diversion and memories of the 40ish years would be good right now. Thanks for the opportunity to do this.

    1. Oh,my gosh! I’ve been so distracted with work I forgot to look and see who won.
      Thank you so much! Deb is a dear and I know she will be thrilled! YOU are a dear to treat all these people!!!

  53. Hi Jane
    Well, it has to be my mum. Purely because I love her so much, and she’s been feeling a little low lately.
    We lost my dear dad 5 years ago now, but it still feels like last week. She also lost her dear sister of 92 years last September and her niece 3 weeks earlier. It was all a little of a shock to the emotions to be honest. The really hard part was that her sister had Altzheimer and didn’t know that her own daughter had died. It just about killed us all to be honest. But we’re all working throught it, and mum is so brave and such a huge support to me.
    So I would really like to nominate her today for a little pampering.
    xx Karen

  54. I nominate my friend Maria who was diagnosed with breast cancer in the spring. Her best friend was killed in a motorcycle accident this summer. She has been a pillar of strength to her friend’s husband (who was injured and hospitalized) thus continuing to be a best friend. She hopes to be an honor attendant for a WWII vet with the Honors Flight program that sends those vets to Washington, DC for a day. Despite her situation, she gives and gives and gives. Time for her to receive as well!

  55. I would love to enter Miss Jen, the children’s librarian at the local county library branch. Jen not only does a great job with the children’s programs, but gets to know the adult patrons and is always ready to step in to volunteer in the community.

    Jen remembers the names of the kids that have come through the library over the years. She loves to catch up with them when she sees them and keeps them reading long after they have outgrown her programs.

    Jen has become a huge fan of yours and is such a generous and giving person. Receiving a package from you would be a well-timed surprise for her!

  56. I nominate my little sister Nofit- she is starting her second year at University next month so she won’t be home for most of the week- her school is about an hour away from home so she is renting an apartment close to school.
    I think she will really love to get a care package- I really think it will make studying a little more fun with a good book, some chocolates and sweet treats- I’m trying to make her read books in English so maybe a book by you will do the trick.

  57. I would like to nominate my friend Lisa, she has had a rough time healthwise and financially lately, and loves to read like I do. She is always doing things for her family and other people, and I think she would really appreciate a nice surprise package!!

  58. My only sister-in-law just retired from a career as an oncology nurse with time spent working for Hospice. She has not had time to read in the past, but now she is catching up. Her name is Cindy!

  59. Hi Jane,
    My mom deserves a care package. She is retired now but is worked to death taking care of my 96 year old grandmother, my daddy and anyone that comes over to her house.

  60. I would like to nominate my Mom to receive the care package because she is such an awesome mother and she recently told me she would love to try reading some of your books 🙂

  61. Hi Jane,

    What a fun contest. I know that my Mother would love to win and you already know that she loves your books, all of them. I actually shared my goodie bag from Hawaii with her and she loved the macadamia chocolate and Kona Coffee.
    Other than my Mother my friend Lotte loves to read your books as much as I do and as she lives in the States she would probably be an easier choice.
    So I would like to nominate either one for a little pampering.
    Thanks for great books and contests 🙂

  62. Lovely idea! I nominate my sister, Valerie, who has faced tremendous adversity in the past 2 years, yet remains the go-to-gal in our family. She is a fabulous sister, mother, daughter, friend, cousin & especially granddaughter. During the past 3 weeks she has nursed our 90 year-old grandfather who is quite ill with congestive heart failure. She has spent many sleepless nights on his sofa to ensure he is well cared for. We all rely on her as she has a perpetually cheery outlook & can-do attitude in spite of the hand she was dealt.(Since she is a fairly private individual I will not air dirty laundry, only to say she was betrayed in a very difficult way.) Most importantly, she is not resentful or a score keeper. She would be thrilled to receive a “pick me up package” from you!

  63. Wow, how generous of you to do this amazing contest, Jane! I would love for my Mom to get a surprise package in the mail. She always does so much for everyone else, but never really treats herself. She’s an amazing person and it would really brighten her day!

  64. Hi Jane,
    It was so great meeting you last week. I was totally shocked to see our photo on your blog! I have been showing it off to everyone I know!

    I would like to nominate my best friend, Sharee. She is the one person in the world I can be completely honest with even with the not so pretty things about me and my behaviors. She keeps me completely grounded. Since she lives in the sticks of Nebraska and is always bummed that her local library and book store are so paltry with their selection, I would love to send her some JP goodies and surprises! She would love it! She is a stay at home mom to three kids including a baby. She needs some extra pampering!!!!

    Thanks again for being so generous with your readers, Jane. This reader really appreciates all you do for us!


  65. Jane, I was so bummed to have missed the visit you made to Denver since I’ll be there next weekend! But I was also happy (and a little jealous!) to see my best friend, Michelle, in the picture with you! I would love to nominate two people. The first of course, is Michelle, who turned me onto you in the first place. She’s an amazing woman! She works full time for a major fire department, raises three children (almost single handedly since her husband is often out of the country). Two of her kids are step-children and Michelle loves them and treats them as if they were her very own. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know and she’s easily one of the very best parts of my life! The second is my sister, Sheila, who has just endured her 3rd back surgery this year. She’s faced the loss of her job during this year and the possibility of permanent damage to her arms and hands from the back injury. It’s been a hard, long road and as she recovers, I know a good Jane Porter novel will be just what the doctor ordered!

  66. Would like to nominate my 90 year old mom, she is not in as good of health as she used to be, and is stressed out with her 92 old sister’s decline in heatlth – they were best friends.

    A cheer me up package would be a nice treat.

  67. What a great contest! I’d like to nominate my sister, Laurie. She’s a mom of 3 boys – 3,2, and 6. She also works part time at night and on weekends. She is super hard working but always manages time for everyone in the family, especially me. We live across the country from each other which is so hard but she gives me the support and love I need every day! Thanks and good luck to everyone!!

  68. I’d nominate my friend who is always going through a rough time, but she already has my copy of FWF, so I want to nominate my sister instead. She’s incredibly cool and has everything going for her, but no guy seems to appreciate that and they usually disappear after a few dates. She deserves *so* much better than that! A guy just bailed on her the other night, right after she got home from a trip overseas. Great “welcome back” greeting, huh? 😛

  69. My mom needs a pick me up. She works so hard taking care of my step-father who is handicapped. She never takes time for herself and is always worrying and stressing about something. She has had so many set backs in her life and I would love for her to have a special little something to cheer her up.

  70. Hi Jane,
    I’d like to nominate my “Mom”
    She loves to read and is really having a hard time coping with some health issues. She is such a caring and thoughtful mom and a care package from Jane Porter would be such a nice pick me up!

  71. After reading some of the above post I’d feel horrible to nominate anyone I know. So many people have it worse than others and never complain. Please know that your care packages will put a smile on someones face and also will give them a much needed boost. Thanks for all your kindness Jane as I and others greatly appreciatee all of the wonderful things you do for your loyal readers. See ya in Texas. Remember “Save a horse, ride a cowboy” lol Sorry just had to put that one in.

  72. I would like to nominate my girlfriend Leigh. She started her life over by getting herself out a bad relationship, moved to Texas… I miss her badly.I am proud of her for putting herself thru nursing school. I would also like to get her started reading these books because they mirror our lifes in varying degrees. Good luck choosing 50 winners Jane!!!

  73. I would nominate my best friend. She and I have been friends since before kindergarten. We both have gone through ups and downn and been there for each other through everything. She is a single Mom to two beautiful girls, and is “Super Mom” in my eyes. Anyone that can have the strength to get through some of the battles she has, deserves a special little boost to her day. Thanks for your consideration!

  74. Hi Jane!
    My girlfriend, Sandy, just finished She’s Gone Country and now she’s hooked. She plans on reading Flirting w/Forty next (as soon as we can find it…sold out everywhere we look) because I just got my own copy of the DVD & she won’t watch it until she reads it! She’s about to start studying for her nursing board exam, so she could definitely use a fun package from you!
    PS–I just finished “The Italian’s Virgin Princess” & all I can say is OMG! Just when I think I have my favorite couple…I know I keep repeating myself, but you truly are gifted. I completely lose myself in your stories. Keep up the wonderful work! Please come to New Jersey!!!

    1. thank you so much Jane!!! You are an amazing woman for doing this & I apologize my life has been so busy that I did not see this sooner. I’m emailing the info now!

  75. Linda Johnson…how do I introduce her? As my friend? As my cousin-in-law? Sister I had wished for? Advocate? Confessor? Playmate? Fashion adviser? Cheerleader? Keeper of confidences? Sweetest person in the world? Strongest woman in the world when it comes to helping others and protecting her family and friends? To know her is to love her. Linda has enriched my life and that of my family for the past 40 years…oops, she doesn’t even look that old;)Anyway, my dear Friend Linda could use a treat/reward/lift from you and it would make us all smile for her to receive it from you. Thank you so much for your consideration. Sincerely,MaryJ.

  76. My sister Shavonne is one of my closest friends as well as an educator. She has four boys and works full time with children with special needs. She puts everyone before herself and doesn’t get to indulge in one of her favorite pastimes–reading–often enough. I’d love for her to receive this package and know that I’m thinking of her and would love her to take a few hours to herself to read a great book.

  77. Please enter my mom, Laura Butler, in this amazing contest. My mom goes through about three novels a week and would be absolutely surprised and enchanted with a gift from one of her favorite authors. She’s an amazing woman who is always ready to drop everything and come to the aid of her two daughters. I can count on her for anything.

  78. I have 2 friends Robin and Kim we have been friends since grammar school and have become very close and we all turned 40 this year. I told thme how the book and the movie is US!

  79. I would love to surprise my Mom, she is turning 70 Oct.9th…she divorced within the last 4 years, and has rebuilt her life. After retiring (Teacher/Staff for Headstart)she went back to work full time, again with Headstart…she is amazing! She was raised on a ranch, and still embodies the “True West Pioneer Spirit”!!

  80. I’d like to nominate my eldest daughter,Jessica…she is going thru a divorce, and EVERYTHING is bigger than life right now. She is working on her Masters, teaching 31 1st graders,and raising 2 beautiful children. She teaches dance, and plays softball…her stress level has been over-the-top…she’s lost quite a bit of weight…I KNOW she could use the chocolates and a good read about now!!!

  81. This is amazing!

    Almost three years ago, my daughter Tristan moved to Texas with the man of her dreams, James, who is in the Air Force. They got married last year on my birthday. James left in July for the third time in three years for a 8 month stint in Qatar leaving Tristan totally alone with no family there. I know it has to be so hard for her. Military life is a hard life to live especially if you weren’t born into it; she has done well. She has a great job where she works as a supervisor at a adult mentally handicap facilitary yet eight months without her husband really does take a toll on her mentally and physically. She has alot on her plate to deal with. I wasn’t able to go this year to see her because money is tight. I miss her terribly and would love to have something special sent to her. She takes after her momma being one of the most avid readers I know. Please let Tristan be one of your special ladies to receive a wonderful gift from you. Thanks, Lisa

  82. This is wonderful.

    If given the opportunity, I would like to surprise my good friend Nina, she is such a strong and supportive friend despite the challenges she is experiencing in her life. One time, I spoke to her about life and marriage and before we said goodbye, she told me that instead of taking out my frustration on my husband, she said for me to just call her and she will always be available for me. Her son is currently recoving from pneumonia right now.

  83. Just realized I was supposed to announce the winners yesterday! So sorry I didn’t. For some reason I *thought* I was supposed to do it today! 🙂

    So okay–here goes.

    The winners are….everyone that got nominated by you. I will send books and care packages to all #89 people
    here (including those of you who couldn’t decide between one of two people…I will send to both) but now is the hard job. Now is your job.

    Email lee at janeporter dot come and cc me, jane at janeporter dot come with the name and address of your friend or family member that you’d like to receive the book, along with your blog comment number so we can create a spreadsheet and get info down and books signed and out.

    So congrats to all of you for thinking of someone you wanted to treat.

    Get those names, addresses and info to us and I’ll start shipping book packages Monday!

    1. Jane,
      You are so awesome in giving everyone the opportunity to win.
      Can’t wait to see you in Georgetown, TX in a couple of weeks.

    2. Thanks Jane!!! I will take care of that right now. Colleen is going to be sooooo psyched.

      Peace and love,
      Paula R.

  84. Thank you, Jane. My Mom will be so excited. This will give her something to share with her friends and neighbors for weeks to come. You made a 78 year old lady who is only 5’1″ tall VERY HAPPY!!! May the happiness you share with others come back to you ten-fold.

  85. Jane, thank you so much for your generosity!! I can’t believe everyone wins! You are the greatest! It would have been hard to choose, I bet…I read thru everyone’s posts & EVERYONE seemed deserving. Apparently you thought that too! Keep up the great books, and take care.

  86. Jane, thank you so much for your kind and gracious generosity. This is very much like what my friend Linda would do;)…and another reason that I’m so happy she will receive the goody package from you. Sincerely, Mary J (#79)

  87. Oh Jane you are so sweet for doing this for our friends, I am sure they will enjoy it so much! You really have a big heart!

  88. nullThank you so much Jane. YOu just made my sister’s day or at least when she gets this. Thank you so much!!!!!

  89. Jane, firstly (like many) I want to thank you for your generous offer for offering these prizes. That is so awesome!
    Secondly, I would like my mom to have a chance at this amazing prize because during my childhood, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mom just sit and read a book while me and my sister were growing up. She was always too busy – she was always either at her full time job, doing housework, or taking care of us to really enjoy a good book. I’ve read all your books now and I want to introduce my mom to your books as well. I am sure she will totally love this surprise. Thanks again for this chance to win.

    Take good care and wishing you a happy and safe trip!

  90. Thanks Jane ! i’m sure my sister will be so surprised about the gift !

    (i had sent the email couple days ago, hoping you have received it !)

  91. Thank you so much for doing this contest for everyone. My mom will be excited to find out she will be getting something from you. I’ll email her info right now. Thanks again!

  92. My mom called me this afternoon. She was surprised and so very happy. She had walked up to her mailbox with a friend and found a box from “Jane?” “Candy, a book!!, pens, a notepad! Why?” Because you deserve it, Mom. Thank you for brightening her day, Jane.

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