Reader Dinners

My reader dinners have been the best thing I’ve done in terms of career in years. I LOVE meeting with my readers and having a chance to sit down and just relax and talk over a good meal.

Why host my own dinners? For one, I love treating my loyal readers to a girls night out. And for another, it’s so hard to talk in a bookstore setting, and as more and more bookstores cut back on signings and formal events I find that I end up stressing quite a bit about the success of a store event. In stores there is definitely pressure to perform–how many people will come? How many books will be sold? Does the bookstore like commercial fiction authors? And most worrying, how will the bookseller feel if the numbers aren’t what they hope them to be?

It’s a totally different ballgame with my dinners. When I host my dinners, I know ahead of time how many are coming and where they’re coming from. I pick a good restaurant and make reservations and as people arrive we order cocktails and drinks and there are fun goodie bags at everyone’s place. Basically, I’m throwing a party in your area and I love these laid back fun girl events and I always leave sooooo grateful to have my readers who have become my friends.

Allie Smith's bookclub in Cumming, GA
Allie Smith's bookclub in Cumming, GA


In the next week I’ll be sharing more photos from my trip to the East and Southeast and here are two to get us started. Both of the pictures are from the book club I attended in Cumming, Georgia last Friday night. Allie Smith invited me ages ago and once I knew I’d be heading to Kentucky I shot her an email and voila! We were able to put together a great girls night out at Buckhead Pizza. As you can see from the group shot above, it was a fantastic turnout of fantastic women and my only regret is that I couldn’t have spent another couple hours with them instead of rushing to the airport to fly to Lexington.

While I was playing in Georgia, Kentucky and New Jersey, what were you doing? Have you begun your Christmas shopping? Are your plans for Thanksgiving all set? Fill me in and you could win one of my 2 mystery packages packed full of really cool stuff like books, a gift card and lots, lots more. The contest is a shortie–it runs through Thursday night and I’ll announce the 2 winners Friday morning.

And while I’m really glad to be home with all my boys (Surfer Ty is here right now, too) I do miss those amazing women I spent the last four days with. I can’t mention everyone here (after all, I had dinners with 79 of you!) I am so grateful you took time to join me, chat books and life, and meet each other. There’s a reason I’m successful… it’s called YOU.


  1. What a fun time, Jane! The pics look great and are getting me excited for our get-together in January!

    This week is my husband’s birthday. I’ve been cooking this week and planning a special meal. Haven’t started holiday shopping. Money is tight…not looking forward to it.

    Enjoy a little relaxing this week and getting into your mommy-groove.

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  2. Always the ever so busy girl you are truly. We’re going to drive from VA to see our son for Thanksgiving in FL (hope nobody feels sorry for us). After he found out we were going there, he and his girlfriend decided they are getting married. We are so honored to be there for the occasion and be there to meet our new daughter in law…it’s gonna be grand.

  3. Thanks for the Shout OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We ALL had sooooooo much fun! Thank you AGAIN (broken record, I know!).

  4. Jane, we had such a great time — it was really such a special treat. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Next time your in town, we’ll treat YOU!


  5. Because of a tight budget this year, I’ve actually been doing my shopping all year. I’m almost done and will finish up the day after Thanksgiving. Can I just say that Groupon has been a great thing for me to help save money and stuff that would be great for the people in my life. As for Thanksgiving, it’s going to be quiet as my married siblings will be with the other side of the family, but that just means we’ll all be together for Christmas with all the kids – ages 8, 7, 6, and two 5 year olds. It’ll be fabulous!

  6. It looks like you had a great time. Yes, my family is all ready for Thanksgiving. I’m almost done with my Christmas shopping, thank goodness. I’m on a fixed income so I have to stretch my buying out over the year. We’ve got new babies this year so Christmas will be a lot of fun.

  7. We are last minute Christmas shoppers, sad but true. My daughter changes her mind every five minutes about what she is into these days, and my son tells me he wants to buy everything he sees (he is six lol). We had an emergency with our dog last week which unfortunately set us back and now we are no longer hosting Thanksgiving as planned. Thankfully, my sister has taken over and so we will all be going over to her house. It will be her first time hosting. We are looking forward to a great time!

  8. Being in Canada we have had our Thanksgiving.
    But I have been wrapping gifts and gathering gifts into piles so I can see what has been bought for whom(who).
    We are in a snow storm so am staying inside and blogging.
    Would love to be at one of your gatherings.

  9. Jane! I am so glad that the reader dinners turned out so great! I’ll never forget when you came to Montana 3 years ago and had dinner with me and my friends. It was so special and I’ll never forget it! We are heading for a week on the Oregon Coast for Thanksgiving. I can’t wait.

  10. Tonight I went to BelSquare mall to get some birthday cards and ended up buying a couple of Christmas things that were my first purchases of the season, to add to some things I bought through the year that are tucked away and I need to check on them because it is so easy to forget (or forget where I hid stuff) and end up having to buy again.
    Love the holiday season, starting with Thanksgiving next week, although my 89 year old mother-in-law’s heart is getting weaker and the whole family has been told she won’t make it to Christmas. That means we are taking each day as it comes and no big plans can be made; however, she has been better these past 2 weeks so we are hopeful she will prove the docs wrong and we can all be together for another Christmas.

  11. Hey Jane! :0) So glad you had a blast back East and that your events were a great success!

    No major plans this year for Thanksgiving… heading to my friend’s house. Although I don’t know what I’m going to do on a Thanksgiving without football – apparently her husband doesn’t like the sport. But we’re gonna have a blast with board games and what not (I’m bringing Pass-the-Pigs and my Espana Euro Monopoly board game {all in Spanish}). Thinkin’ I may want to bring the translation book, lol.

    I think for Christmas across the board, my family decided to tone it down and do maybe one gift each. I’ve been trying to talk my mom into coming out here this year, but I don’t think that’s in the cards this time. It’s all good though! :0)

    Hope you and your’s enjoy your time together now & the soon-to-arrive holidays ~

  12. It looks like everyone had fun! You do so many amazing things for your readers!
    This Thanksgiving, I am not cooking, I will be working. 12 full hours that day, but it’s fine with me. My husband and girls will go to relatives house and hopefully I’ll get a left over plate. :0)
    I have started Christmas shopping! It is a goal of mine to have it done by the end of Nov. That way I know I can focus on baking and crafting in Dec. and not be so stinkin’ stressed out! I’m usually a procrastinator, so we’ll see if I can accomplish this goal. I think I’m going to put my tree up this weekend. I know it sounds crazy, but I love Christmas and I think it is over way too fast! (Especially when you consider what a pain it is to get all of the decorations out!) lol
    Have a great week, Jane!

  13. Jane,

    It has been a rough week. My grandpa gotten ill and on Saturday joined my grandma in heaven. It was rather quick with not much warning.

    Now a little good news, my sister’s box from England arrived this week and I read your christmas story in a night. I totally loved it and it was a nice escape. Have a Nice Thanksgiving!!


    1. Renae, so so sorry to hear about your grandfather. It’s very difficult to have family members sick. 🙁 However, I am so happy you enjoyed my Christmas story. I had a lot of fun writing about Venice in December…a very magical place with the feeling that anything is possible there…especially at Christmas.

  14. What a great group photo Jane! Look at all of the happy faces, thanks to you! Although I haven’t started my Christmas shopping, I did put all of the decorations up last weekend. Phew, it’s a big job. Glad you’re home with your boys and your man! 🙂

  15. Jane, thanks so much for the night out in Georgia Friday night. It was so great to meet you! I am shopping now to get ready for our annual Christmas camping/RVing trip to the Florida Keys. We have 3 boys and storing the gifts until Christmas is getting easier since the packages are getting smaller and more expensive :-). Also, only one child left that believes in Santa. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

  16. Jane,

    Sunday here in NJ was a dream come true for me. That day will live forever in my memory! You are so real and your writing comes alive in your books but you are also a friend that I treasure. It is so easy to talk to you.

    Last night we took a family trip to the mall (not something we ever do) but when we walked in, Santa was already there. So we put the kids on his lap and had their pics taken. Then we visited Apple to ask some questions. They are so helpful. Have to really appreciate a company who truly understands customer service. Not many do anymore.

    Glad you are enjoying your boys!

  17. Actually, as of yesterday, my Thanksgiving plans were finally set. My boy and I are spending it with a co-worker and her family since my husband’s 2000 miles away in Florida.

    As for Christmas shopping, other than getting a few things for said boy, all the money we might have spent on Christmas is going into getting a ticket for my husband to come home for the holiday. It will have been almost two months since I saw him last when he comes home, and it will be at least 2-4 months before I see him again after Christmas, when he comes home to see the babies after they’re born (I’m pregnant).

  18. What a great time! I’m so thrilled to have been able to meet you, Jane. It has been a very cool story to tell all of my friends and family…how many times do you actually get to meet the author of the book you just read?! A very cool experience that I won’t soon forget. Thank you for the dinner and the goodies as well. Oh yes, and by the way…my husband says your hot 🙂

  19. That is…he says YOU’RE hot! Can’t believe I misspelled on a blog with an author…and English teacher no less!

    1. You made me laugh!! I was never the mean grammar enforcer when I was a teacher and the other English teachers didn’t like it! I loved to read my students’ essays for theme and content while some loved to read for spelling and grammar. 🙂

  20. Hi Jane!

    The other reason you are successful is that you work hard at treating your readers so well… and you write wonderful books!

    Being Canadian, Thanksgiving was a month ago, but we are preparing for Christmas… just made a couple of book orders at Chapters/Indigo and have rec’d wish lists from my kids. I’m going to put up my exterior Christmas lights this weekend and slowly start getting out the interior Christmas stuff… no tree until December though.

  21. Hi Jane! Thanks so much for making the trip to Cumming. It was a true joy meeting you last Friday. Allie and I were talking later about how real and accessible you are. This experience will make reading your next book that much more enjoyable. I can’t wait!

    What I’m doing…we moved into a new house (well, it’s new to us) a month ago. I’ve been spackling and painting and painting some more. I’m currently “antiquing” an office armoire. I haven’t a clue what I’m doing even though the Sherwin Williams guy has become my new best friend. Also, we’re going out of town on Saturday to South Florida for Thanksgiving week, so I’m packing for that. I’m also going to decorate for the holidays before we leave (I know it’s early, but the holidays go by so fast…) so that it’s all pretty when we get home. And I plan to help out Allie with her big move tomorrow by taking her kids for her in the afternoon. Quid pro quo!

    Take care, Jane.

    Marcy T.

  22. Your dinner events sound like fun. If I were still living in NJ, I would have joined you when you were there.
    My MIL is coming in for Thanksgiving. It’s usually a low key dinner with her and her husband. I’m hoping we’ll get to see “Eat, Pray, Love.” I’m also planning to take the kids to see “Tangled” sometime that weekend. I want to see it too. 🙂
    I did my Hanukkah shopping for my kids. I need to get stuff for my nieces and nephews soon. Hanukkah starts almost a week after Thanksgiving this year. I’m looking forward to some quality family time and my husband’s delicious latkes. 🙂

  23. Great pics. Looks like a fun time. I have started Christmas shopping and I am doing my planning for Thanksgiving. Love the holiday season.

  24. Ohhhhh, a dinner with you would be soooo much fun Jane! I’m totally jealous 🙂

    I have just joined a non-profit group in my community that promotes literacy…and mostly we talk about children’s books because we are all teachers, librarians or writers, and I am a little intimidated by the group because they are such amazing women, but I love it!

    I’m in Canada so Thanksgiving is behind us, and I’m now busy preparing for Christmas parties, and planning a 40th b-day party for my husband. I just wrapped my first 3 Christmas presents last night after the kids went to bed, and I think I’m mostly done with the shopping except for a couple hard-to-find but must-have items…wish me luck.

    Glad to hear you have all boys and Surfer Ty home right now, enjoy the chaos!

    Have a great week!

  25. What delightful photos and you are special. I have my sons brithdays coming up so have big preparations for this celebration.

  26. The dinners look like so much fun! I would love if you could come to Minneapolis.
    I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet and I am not sure about Thanksgiving either but my husband & I usually go to a nice restaurant. Our families are too far away!

  27. Jane,

    Thank you so much for going out of your way to come to our book club in Cumming, and treating us to a wonderful dinner! We all truely enjoyed meeting you. My mom was there with me, and said her book club is never as much fun.

    We’re heading to Ohio for Thanksgiving. My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months ago, so we’re looking forward to spending time with him.

  28. HI Jane,
    I hate that I missed the get together in Georgia you had on the 11th. I live on the other end of the state and it was a bit to far for me to go by myself. I am so glad to see the pictures you are putting on your blog of the readers.

    I haven’t started my shopping. I don’t think there will too much to do the family is getting smaller with deaths this year and my girls are older so that mean just small more expensive gifts. I miss the days of large boxes that the kids toys came in. The Christmas tree just looks happier with more gifts under it.

    1. Gigi–
      I have been known to wrap empty boxes and put under the tree just to make it prettier and more substantial. Just a thought…

  29. Loved the pics. I’ve done a little shopping, but I’m still holding out until I see what the Black Friday sales are going to be like.

  30. Hi!I’m glad your dinners with your readers went so well, couldn’t get to Altanta on Nov.11 for it was Veterans day and had to go to a memorial service for a friend of my son who died in Iran. Anyway, not sure of my plans for thanksgiving for my soon to-be-ex is having surgery and my kids want me to be at the hospital with them(Gainesville-Shands) its a very serious operation,even though we won’t be married for much longer, God will take care of him, and for my kids sake all goes well. Plans are up in the air.I haven’t started my Christmas shopping either, I like to do it after Thanksgiving and not sure what to buy my son or daughter. I’d love to get my daughter a laptop, even myslef for I’m back in college but will see. I love books, or a gift card at a bookstore. I’m easy..Glad that your back home with your family, my son’s friends Joey and his new wife honeymooned in Hawaii and went to Ty’s shop bought home lots of neat T-shirts and shorts. they had loads of fun. Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. It looks like everyone had a great time at your dinner. We have been dealing with leaves, tons of leaves which are flying everywhere today in a wicked wind. Tomorrow I have to start planning what pies I’ll be baking for Thanksgiving.

  32. hi jane…what a great ‘reading dinner’ you plan…sounds like a lot of fun!!

    this week i celebrate my birthday…looking forward to it 🙂

  33. Hi Jane!
    I’m still on cloud nine after spending Sunday with you! And, as others have mentioned, it is truly an amazing experience to be able to tell people I met my favorite author! Thank you again for your kindness & generosity. I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet, since this year I’m having Thanksgiving too. So, I’ll start baking this weekend and hopefully do a little decorating for the boys. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with “all” of your boys! ~Stephanie

  34. Hi Jane,

    My husband and I are going to Henderson, Nevada to be with my parents for Thanksgiving. I have not started my Christmas shopping yet, but I plan on putting up my Christmas Tree this weekend!!

  35. Hi Jane!

    I love that you host these dinners for your readers! It’s such a great idea. 🙂

    It seems like I have spent a lot of my time shopping these days! It’s that time of year I guess. We all are starting to need winter clothes, need to get ready for the holidays, and then there is the the everyday kind of shopping too!

    Have a great Thanksgiving, Jane!

  36. Right now, I’m just working and working. I’m really looking forward to next week. I’m going to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family. Then, I’m planning to go shopping on Black Friday with my Mom and then visit with friends over the weekend.

  37. What a beautiful group of ladies. I have hair envy after seeing how pretty they all are. I’m glad your dinners are more fulfilling to you. That’s what it’s all about after all. I think it would be more relaxing doing the dinners. I have finished my Christmas shopping already except for one gift card and that can wait until closer to Christmas since I don’t have to go to the mall for it. The crowds make me nervous. For Thanksgiving, we are going to my mother-in-law’s house. Then, that Saturday one of my sisters is coming to town from Kentucky. I saw her last year for the first time in probably 15 years but she wasn’t here long enough to do anything with. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her this time.

  38. HI Jane,
    Your dinners sound really fun!
    I am having my whole family at my house for Thanksgiving this year – about 16 people. No, I haven’t started X-mas shopping yet but I am looking forward to it. Have a great Thanksgiving with your family 🙂

  39. I was probably sewing while you were off traveling but it looks like you had a bunch of fun. We’re just going to my Aunt’s house and then Disneyland on black friday. We haven’t even started our Christmas shopping yet. Have a great rest of your week. 🙂

  40. I have about 3/4 of my shopping done for Christmas. Gearing up for Thanksgiving and my biggest news!!!!!! My grandson was born on November 5. I love having a baby around forget how little they are. I was in the delivery room and watched him being born..

  41. I want to thank you so much for inspiring my daughter to read… after we met you in Sacramento and talked to you, she started to read books for pleasure 🙂

    As far as Xmas shopping, I have started and hope to finish by Dec 1. This will be a first for me. Aside for this, I have been working really long hours due to another reorg at work 🙁

    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving next week.

  42. Hi Jane! I have spent most of the week volunteering at a local Nursing home. Painting the residents fingernails and visiting with them. It is an amazing feeling to talk with these elderly people and hear all of their stories. Looking forward to the holidays; I have so much to be thankful for!
    Great picture of all of you ladies; looks like it was a blast! Have a great weekend everyone!

  43. I am a Georgia girl who is so sorry that she wasn’t able to attend the reader dinner. 🙁
    I do appreciate the invitation!

    Thanksgiving is always the same- everyone brings a dish or two to my mother-in-law’s house. As for Christmas shopping, I have started, but I have a long way to go.

  44. Hi Jane,
    For the past week what I have been actually doing, to be honest with you, is playing on Facebook. I finally am a member and have been having so much fun surfing the site. I even added your website as one of my favorite pages.

  45. Hi Jane,
    It was such a pleasure meeting you a few months ago at the Denver Reader Dinner and it is great to see you out with your readers on the other side of the country! I know how much I enjoyed that evening and it looks like everyone had a great time in the photos!

    I have been doing a little Christmas shopping. I am doing some baking now that the weather has started to cool down. My kids are getting excited about the impending holidays which, of course, gets me excited too.

    Have a great trip and be safe!

  46. Hi, Jane! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and your wonderful group of blog commenters : ) I will have a quiet Thanksgiving dinner at home, enjoying my favorite meal of all time. I will watch my copy of “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”, one of my very favorite movies and an extremely funny and poignant holiday film! I’ll touch base with a few family members and friends, and then my cats and I will settle down with our quilt on the couch for a nice nap. Later on, we’ll raid the kitchen for leftovers! >^,,^<

  47. You look like you are having a great time!
    Thanksgiving will be quiet. It will be a great day to get in a long walk. Must get ready for the Avon breast cancer walk in September. Maybe you could join our team???

  48. Spending Thanksgiving with my siblings, since my daughter and her family will be working. We’ll get together for a dinner with them a couple days after. I have not started my Christmas shopping yet and for that reason, I’m scared. 🙂 I need to start soon or I have a feeling I’ll resort to the boring gift cards again!

  49. Thanks for such a fantastic time together in Jersey!! I had a blast spending time with you and those fabulous women – all of us connected through you. It was a marvelous night out and I’m so very grateful.

    I highly recommend a Night with Jane! Not that this is a crowd that has to be convinced.

    Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming too quickly for me to process. I think Christmas will be low key this year as my sister is holding off her visit from AZ till the new year due to the outrageous cost of airline tickets. I’ll likely be spending every last second I can grab writing to finish up and meet my deadlines. Fingers croseed! Well, not crossed actually b/c then I can’t type, but you get the idea.

  50. Hi Jane

    Those ladies are lucky! I still remember meeting you in person in Orlando and can’t get over how nice you were to me, a little newbie writer.

    I just completed my finals week for my masters program so I’m behind on Thanksgiving preparations. I have plans to catch up on various winter sewing projects for my girls though! Looking forward to spending lots of time cooking and laughing and having fun!

    Take care now.

  51. Thank you, Merci, Grazie, Danke!!! Thank you so much for Sunday. It was great to see you again and hang out with so many wonderful ladies. I had a blast.

    Thanksgiving is at Ivette’s — I get to make veggie side dishes and the sweet potatoes. Yum. Christmas shopping? huh? Christmas already. Yikes — I better get going then. And, oh, I found out that school mate is a fan of yours, too. She saw my pics and was, IS, jealous. I gave her one of the signed copies of She’s Gone Country and my goodies. Thanks again!

    Take care and enjoy your family time

    1. hi marelou,
      sandy & were glad to meet you & ivette on sunday too! and, we’ve put the writer’s conference on our calendars. hope to see you again!

      1. Stephanie, wasn’t that a great evening! It was really wonderful meeting you and sharing good times, good food and good books with you. Yes, let’s do meet up at the conference. Take care and give my best to Sandy 🙂

  52. Hi Jane,

    Love the picture on your blog, whish I could join someday (but ..ehm I’m a bit too much overseas to join!)
    The last few weeks where busy with a few hospital visits, zumba classes which I love to do and getting back on the work track, and lots of reading and book blogging! My holiday preparations are not started yet, but will soon.
    All te best,

  53. I will be in Glastonbury, CT for 5 days meeting my mother’s family for the very first time! This will be an emotional Thanksgiving for me. It’s my first one away from my husband and children, and meeting my mom’s family without her will be hard. I know I will be blessed.

  54. Hi Jane!

    This week I bought my first Liza Palmer book, and look forward to starting it this weekend! I also finished my Christmas shopping for my boys. I hope they don’t change their minds too much before Christmas!

    I hope you and everyone here has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m glad you will be with all of your boys!

  55. Just drove from OR to Vegas. Enjoying my stay here for a few more days. We don’t have any big plans for Thanksgiving, yet. Christmas shopping–well I usually don’t get that done until the week before Christmas! 😉 My tree will be going up soon. At least I don’t procrastinate with everything.

  56. I think your reader dinners are the coolest thing. I am hoping to attend one when you come to Ann Arbor this coming spring if all works out. This week i’ve just been busy with my job. I’m a usps rural carrier and work is definately been busier lately so lots of people have been Christmas shopping the internet. For myself i’ve only purchased two gifts so far. The older my kids get the harder it is to come up with great gifts! Oh and of course i’ve been reading!


  57. Hi Jane! I’m so glad you had a great trip to the east coast! I wish I’d been able to go to your reader dinner, but hopefully I’ll be able to attend next time!

    Hope you’re having a wonderful time with all your boys! =)

  58. Jane, I love seeing these pictures from your readers dinner. I know I will see myself in one of these pictures soon:-)

    I have been busy getting ready for my husband’s 40th birthday next week as well as our Thanksgiving plans. I am in total denial for Christmas this year!!! Usually I have quite a few gifts by now…looks like I will be rushing around last minutes:-)

    Enjoy your boys!

  59. I’m in Canada so already had my Thanksgiving. (My kids were away all weekend, and my husband and I had to work.)

    Christmas shopping is done all year round. Probably have 80% left this time, as I haven’t been out and about as much this year. In previous years, I’d be 80% done instead by now!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Jane, as well as to my fellow bloggers. One can never be too thankful.

  60. I can hear the laughter right through the photo of your dinner party! Actually, I can hear many things better now that I’ve been to the ear doctor…and now my family can be in the same room as I when watching tv…gone from a fifty to a 23 in volume, yippee! I’ve also found out that book clubs can be dangerous: my car will be going into the shop Monday to replace the driver’s side door and dent in front near light…both “hits” happened while parked in legal spots for two different book clubs…one at our local library and one where our church group meets…fortunately, just the car was crumbled, no one was hurt, both book discussions were interesting and lively, and the fellowship delightful as always! Thanksgiving will be at the home of our new daughter-in-law’s parents and we’ll have homemade salsa before dinner;)Life is good and I’m thankful to have good people, good books, and good adventures in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, Jane and Family

  61. me again…it is really only 11:41 but the blog seems to be on Daylight Savings Time…that much closer to the holidays!

  62. Good Morning All!

    I’m getting ready to take crew to Salm, OR this morning so my 15 year old can participate in an ODP training for water polo. I’ve never been to Salem so should be fun!

    I have 3 winners for the contest–all kinds of fun mystery prizes I hope you’ll enjoy.

    The 4 winners are:

    #5 Bernadette

    #23 Marcy T

    #62 Lisa B

    Winners, could you please send me your mail address via a private email so I can get your prizes out?

  63. hi jane…just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful dinner we had at sarafini’s in frankfort! it was such a pleasure meeting you and being able to have a chance to talk to you and hang out with you. i am all done with my Christmas shopping, and we will be spending Thanksgiving some very dear friends…all the best.

  64. Hi Jane,
    My husband and kids and I are getting a Thanksgiving feast for 34 people ready. We are busy.

    Sounds like a great time was had by all at your last events.

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