My Favorite Writer’s Cottage

The Pacific Northwest Writers Association is a fantastic writers organization headed up the even more wonderful Pam Binder as president. The PNWA puts on one of the best annual writers conferences around and I’m thrilled to be one of their keynote speakers this summer for the August conference.

The PNWA is always looking for ways to promote authors, writing, and the craft of writing and has recently opened a Writer’s Cottage in Issaquah’s Gilman Village. The Writer’s Cottage has offices for the association as well as books for readers and space for writers to work. When my pals Megan Crane and Liza Palmer were here in October for the Emerald City Conference (hosted by the Greater Seattle Romance Writers of America) we visited Pam at the new space and pulled out our laptops to work for awhile.





If you’re interested in a place to write, host a book signing, or meet with readers and writers, this could be a fantastic space for you. I just like popping by to talk to Pam and her awesome staff. For more info on PNWA visit their website, or contact the organization to ask about checking out the cool cottage yourself!

And speaking of writers… I’ve just read a terrific novel by the very fun, very charming Kieran Kramer. I met Kieran this summer in Orlando at the Romance Writers of America’s national conference and she was witty and interesting and really, really nice. I told Kieran I loved historical novels, particularly Regencies and was so excited when her debut novel, When Harry Met Molly hit the store shelves last week. I want to share this great book with my readers and have 3 signed copies to give away along with boxes of See’s chocolates, a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card and JP reader goodies. Contest runs through Thursday night and I’ll announce the 3 winners Friday morning. How to enter? Tell me in the comment section 5 things you like about yourself and you’re entered!

I’ll kick off the comments with 5 things that I like about me:

1.  I have a great sense of humor

2.  Absolutely adore my kids & love being a mom

3.  I’m a really good reader.  🙂

4.  I enjoy family & friends but also like my alone time.

5.  I love lifting heavy weights and have better form than a lot of guys out there. (My favorites are bench press, lat pull downs and seated row!)


  1. I love you list of 5 contests. They’re a lot of fun.

    The five things I like about me are:

    1. I’m a really loyal friend.
    2. Since it’s getting to be Christmas time, I spend a lot of time finding the “perfect” gifts.
    3. I’m an avid traveler and love exploring new places.
    4. I’m good at cheering people up. Especially the kids I babysit.
    5. I’m an awesome big sister (kind of easy when I have an awesome little brother).

    1. Oops that was supposed to be “your list of 5 contests”

      I also think the writer’s cottage is an awesome idea!

  2. Five things I like about me…

    1. My four great kids; I love being their Mum and they make me happy every day
    2. My sense of humour… I love a good laugh (even at my own expense)
    3. The fact that I can be alone — I enjoy my own company(maybe that’s because with four kids and a full time job I am not alone very often)
    4. I love the quilting projects I have lined up for this fall/winter… I just wish I had more time to devote to them
    5. My relationship with my Mum… we have so much fun together

    This is an interesting post Jane… love the PNWA cottage and the philosophy behind it.

  3. 1.Have raised two great young adults.
    2.Continuing to contribute to a great marriage of 29+ years.
    3.Able to identify others’ needs and act upon them (like figuring out appropriate presents).
    4.Able to cheer people up with my wicked sense of humour.
    5.Able to write goofy little poems, again cheering people up.

  4. love that cottage…so beautiful!

    1. I am a quick learner.
    2. I love to read.
    3. I love to cook and enjoy making healthy food for my family.
    4. I work hard at a great marriage.
    5. Love being a mom, and love that my kids let me “shoo” them away sometimes so I can have 20 minutes of peace!!

    6. Love Jane and her blog…(o:

    Shannon in Tustin

  5. Five things I like about myself.

    1. I’ve raised two wonderful daughters.
    2. I love spending time with my grandkids.
    3. I try my best to be a good person.
    4. I’m loyal to my friends.
    5. Before I was forced to retire from bad health, I was a good employee. I always did my best.

  6. Oh what fun and I have read reviews of When Harry Met Molly and it sounds like a good book.

    1. I am tenacious
    2. Loyal
    3. A good storyteller
    4. Supportive of my family, friends and other’s dreams
    5. And, enjoy walking a mile a day

    Thanks Jane!

  7. My five are:

    1. I have an awesome sense of humor that I have passed down to my kids. There is never a dull moment around our house.
    2. I am a book addict. There aren’t enough hours in the day to snuggle up with my books.
    3. I am too nice for my own good. I am always willing to go out of my way to help out my friends and family.
    4. After dropping out of high school, getting married, and having two kids, I went back to school and earned a degree. The first in my family.
    5. I love my children more than anything and am always trying new, fun things for us to do to make their childhood a memorable one.

  8. Fun! I’ll play.

    1. My commitment to honesty
    2. My ability to laugh at myself and most anything else.
    3. My desire to love others fully while still giving them lots of room to breath.
    4. My ability to connect with the people in my life.
    5. My crazy, uncontrollable mind.

  9. what an awesome prize package

    1) I am a good listener
    2) I love doing things for people
    who need help
    3) I love entering contests
    4) I enjoy baking and sharing
    5) I love dogs and they help me

  10. Hi, Jane! “The Cottage” sounds like a wonderful for both writers and readers.

    1) I am funny–even when maybe I shouldn’t be : )
    2) I am loyal–even when maybe I shouldn’t be : (
    3) I am good to animals, and I am a voice for animal rights.
    4) I am empathetic to others.
    5) I am a lot braver than I ever thought I’d be!

  11. 1. I like that I wake up happy and always look forward to having a positive day.
    2. I like that I put others before myself.
    3. I like that I can forgive and forget.
    4. I like that with the help of my husband, I was able to raise 3 sons who turned out to be very fine men.
    5. I like that I am reliable, a good listener and I can be counted on.

  12. Fun contest!!

    5 things I like about me:

    1) That I worked my tail off at an early age to assure I could be a stay at home mom once I had my kids. That has always been so important to me.
    2) I’m super creative and crafty.
    3) That I would do almost anything to help someone out…even a stranger.
    4) I’m a loyal and trustworthy and know that you can always make your dreams come true!!!
    5) The most important of them all~ I have the best and most caring family I could ever imagine. They are truly amazing and mean the WORLD to me!

  13. It’s so much fun reading everyones lists! What a bunch of amazing women!
    Here’s my list:

    1. I am a great listener (and talker too!) hehe
    2. I stand up for what I believe in, no matter what.
    3. I don’t like to shop. Now trust me- this is a great thing- it saves me tons of $!!!
    4. I am caring and considerate of others.
    5. I love everyone. It’s not my job to judge and label others.

  14. 5 things about me.

    1. I’m a veteran. People are always surprised by that

    2. Found my love of reading again about 2 yrs ago when the Twilight books wer out. got curious and haven’t stopped reading since. It had been 20 yrs since i last picked up a book for enjoyment

    3 I am a hobby photographer. On my blog is one of my fav pics as my header.

    4 I’ve been married to my best friend for almost 19 years. met in Saudi Arabia during the 1st gulf War when i got attached to his unit. People are always surprised by that too. lol

    5 i am a mom to 3 boys ages 18, 14 and next month the youngest is 8. People are always surprised i have a 18 yr old. I was 21 when i had him too.

    Jane i just read about your friend Kieran somewhere lately. Love historicals myself. What a lovely place to write etc. I’m not sure i could concentrate with other people at the table. I’d probably want to chat instead lol

    Lisa B

  15. The cottage looks very relaxing and an inviting place as well. Listing 5 things I like about me is hard because I’m always so critical about myself. So, here goes:

    1. I am a good cat mom because I was never fortunate enough to have children.

    2. It took me 45 years, but I have finally become comfortable with my natural curly hair and brave enough to wear it that way instead of fighting it every morning to try to straighten it.

    3. It also took me 45 to come into my own sense of style instead of following what everyone else wears.

    4. I am a perfectionist even though it annoys some people. Being that way makes my life easier.

    5. I make jewelry as my hobby and rarely keep any of it for myself.

  16. 5 things I like about me:

    1. I have raised 2 beautiful happy, successful kids.

    2. I am simple. It doesn’t take much to make me happy.

    3. I am kind and caring.

    4. I am giving and love to help others. Whether it’s to charities or something else. It feels so nice to give to those who don’t have much. The feeling you get in return is like no other.

    5. I am perfectly content spending a quiet weekend at home. It’s nice to just relax and take time to yourself!

  17. 5 things I like about me:
    1. I’m very intuitive.
    2. I need balance.
    3. I am a happy and positive person.
    4. I’m patient with kids.
    5. I love my son.

  18. Hiya Jane 🙂

    Five things I like about myself:

    I love being a Mom.
    I enjoy laughing.
    I love reading a good book.
    I am a teacher.
    I am learning to enjoy all the ups and downs of life.

  19. Lets see.
    5 things I like about me:
    1. good mom, sister, daughter and wife
    2. layed back and don’t let the little things bother me
    3. enjoy reading more now as an adult
    4. can hang out and watch sports with my husband and know what is going on
    5. I enjoy life.

  20. 1. I enjoy spending time alone.
    2. I am proud of my sons
    3. I love to read
    4. I enjoy travel
    5. I enjoy giving and am considerate.

  21. 1) I have a great sense of humor.
    2) I am humble.
    3) I have an amazing family.
    4) I am always smiling.
    5) I always try to find the positive in everything.

  22. Five things I like about me! Great topic, as we each need reminders some times not to be so harsh on ourselves.

    1) I am raising two wonderful children.
    2) I am creative and enjoy almost any craft.
    3) I always willing to help another.
    4) I can be pretty witty and come up with things that just make me laugh.
    5) I am never afraid of a challenge, and feel wonderful when I succeed.

    Wow, what wonderful individuals we have collected here in this blog. I feel like I am in great company!

  23. 1. I’m loyal to my family and friends.
    2. Am witty and have a great sense of humor.
    3. My interest in history and reading.
    4. Willingness to help out if you’re in need.
    5. Not a mean and unreasonable person.

  24. 1. I am a very empathetic and am always looking at things through another persons shoes.
    2. I love my blue eyes
    3. My work ethic (ok, ok, I’m a perfectionist. But, work ethic sounds so much better!)
    4. I love, love, love to read
    5. I’m like a big kid! I love to be goofy! 🙂

    Hope you’re having a great week, Jane!

  25. I am a good listener.
    I share and like to help family and friends any way I can.
    I love to bake and am known for my yummy sugar cookies.
    I like having green eyes.
    I am young in spirit.

  26. I love these types of contests Jane. Thanks for the pictures of the writer’s cottage. It looks like heaven! 🙂

    1. I’m extremely empathetic.
    2. A loyal friend.
    3. I listen before I speak.
    4. Very patient.
    5. I laugh at everything.

  27. Five things about me!

    1 I am a great friend!
    2 I will do anything to help someone out.
    3 I really love reading
    4 I enjoy being alone sometimes, my me time.
    5 I can be very witty

  28. Another fun 5 blog to make us think…a good idea.
    1. I can speed read (it comes in handy)
    2. I am a more-than-decent baker.
    3. And although I hate to actually cook, my family is well-fed, so I’m responsible and somewhat organized.
    4. I’m a morning person.
    5. I’m a happy person.

  29. 1. I am a Survivor
    2. Kind heart
    3. Willingness to help others
    4. Great Baker and Cook (love to share the goods 🙂 )
    5. Love to read and share books

  30. I like Regencies and what a fun title it has.
    Here are my five things:
    1. I like to make people laugh.
    2. I have always tried to put my kids first.
    3. I love animals.
    4. I enjoy cooking and baking for my family.
    5. I try to exercise even though I’d rather not.

  31. 1. I like that I have good hair
    2. I like my nose
    3. I like that I can always entertain & make my friends laugh
    4. I like that I am compassionate towards animals
    5. I like that I have a really good brain despite being somewhat of a ditz sometimes!

  32. 1. I’m quick-witted.
    2. I say what’s on my mind.
    3. I don’t care too much what other people think.
    4. I can keep a secret.
    5. I have a great work ethic.

  33. Jane, thanks so much for introducing me to your readers, who are an AMAZING group of women! I love how you encourage people to love themselves, so I’m going to name 5 things I love about me, too, just for fun. We need to remember those things and hold them close!

    1) I love that I like to laugh a lot!
    2) I love that I have great relationships with my kids and husband.
    3) I love that I love animals.
    4) I love the way my body has worked for me all these years–thank you, Body!!
    5) I love that I know what’s more important than anything else–LOVE is! Woohoo! And that’s a very sincere woohoo. (grin)

    Thanks for being such a generous spirit, Jane! You totally, to-the-highest-mountain-tops ROCK!!!!

    Love to ALL who come to this special place,

    Kieran :>)

  34. 1. I am a very loyal friend.

    2. I’m very funny. Not bragging but have been told it many times.

    3. I’m a very good speller. It comes in super handy.

    4. I’m very caring, sometimes to a fault.

    5. I am good with kids. I have an overabundance of patience.

  35. 1. I love my children with all my heart and it is my desire to raise them to be strong, loving and giving to model that for them.
    2. I am stronger than I think I am.
    3. I have my own sense of style and I think it is a good one.
    4. I love to make people smile and brighten their day.
    5. I read anything I can get my hands on- I love that I set aside two times a day for reading and quiet reflection- when I first wake up with a book and coffee and when I go to bed with a book and a glass of wine…both in my jammies.

  36. 5 things I like about me:

    1. I love to laugh.
    2. I enjoy my life.
    3. I am very empathetic with the people in my life.
    4. I’m a great mom and grandma.
    5. I’m known for my baking, and for my devilled eggs, lol.

    Also Jane, thank you so much for sending my mom a surprise gift pack, she was absolutely delighted, and surprised!

  37. 1. I love being a mom to my kids and doggies so much I am a “Professional Mom” for my job.

    2.I love my family and friends but being an almost only child I love my alone time.

    3.I have a great sense of humor and am witty.

    4. I love my creative side — reading writing, crafting, sewing, decorating.

    5. I think I am a great friend and I am lucky to have so many friends that are so different.

  38. 1.) I am a loyal friend.

    2.) I can cartoon really well.

    3.) I can do a dead on Sharon Osborne impression.

    4.) I make people laugh in awkward situations.

    5.) When I dance, I remind people how good they are at dancing.

  39. 5 things I like about me are:

    1 – I am a life long learner
    2 – I love animals
    3 – I love with all my heart
    4 – I am passionate about reading, language, and words
    5 – I have wanderlust

  40. First, just want to say that I love this contest! Okay:
    1. I love that I can entertain myself so easily by reading and finding new books to read next. I am like a kid in a candy store when in a bookstore!
    2. I am a great mother and wife.
    3. I am able to find something good in just about everyone.
    4. I am a great listener for my friends (and often strangers).
    5. I love my sarcastic humor!

  41. Jane, this is great! I love the picture and this is a great place I would love to hang out! Maybe I can sit at the table with you, Liza and Megan…what a great day that would be!

    Here is my list of 5:

    1. I love being a stay at home mom and watching my girls grow daily (not matter how stressful it can be at times).
    2. I love my candle company and all it has brought into my life.
    3. I love being a good friend and enjoy a good chat with the girls.
    4. I love my Starbucks coffee…can’t get enough.
    5. I love my “me” time!

  42. 5 things I like about myself:

    1. I am a loving, supportive mother.
    2. In my years as a teacher, I taught a lot of kids how to read.
    3. I have a good sense of humor.
    4. I try to look for the silver lining in bad situations.
    5. I am a good cook.

  43. Wow – 5 things I like about myself? That’s not meant to be a hard question, is it? 🙂

    1. I am a good daughter, wife, and mom.
    2. I am good at cooking/baking.
    3. I like that I’ve lost weight and am exercising more.
    4. I like that I have started running.
    5. I like that I am a reader & have instilled a love of books in my kids too.

  44. 5 things I like about myself.
    1. I am a good cook.
    2. I am a good wife and daughter.
    3. I am a loyal friend.
    4. I am a good bargain shopper.
    5. I am frugal with my money.

  45. What a lovely writer’s cottage. It looks like a great place to write.

    5 things I like about me:

    1. I like that I love animals.
    2. I like that I take risks.
    3. I like that I enjoy being alone.
    4. I like that I’ve worked a variety of jobs and have learned something from them all.
    5. I like that I have finally learned to cook after many years of just microwaving everything.

  46. This is cool. The cottage looks like an amazing creative space to work in.

    1. I love and adore my two sons.
    2. I care about other people and like to see them smile.
    3. I spend time each day being creative.
    4. I live near to beaches and enjoy walking them every day.
    5. I share my life with a man who supports me in every endeavour I undertake.

  47. I love this contest…such a great and positive idea!

    1. I love being able to stay home to take care of my kids, house, and everything else.
    2. I love that I can be very social but also curl up with a book every day and zone out.
    3. I love my candle company and my team.
    4. I love that I can put my mind to working out and actually do it. I have dropped 4 sizes!!
    5. I love the people I have chosen to surround myself with!


  48. 1. I love that I’m artistic and can capture special moments on canvas.
    2. I love that my kids still want to be around me and I hope that never changes.
    3. I love that my students want me to teach more classes so they can have me again.
    4. I love my ability to sew my kids costumes and clothes for their special events ( not perfectly mind you, but they love them and are so happy with them)
    5. I love the fact that no matter what happens to me, I diligently try to maintain a positive attitude.

    Thanks for reminding me of all the great things in my life. Have a great day!


  49. 1. I love both my daughters and husband.
    2. I love my dog.
    3. I love that I can walk for an hour on my treadmill at 4 miles an hour on an incline and not get winded (finally).
    4. I love the color of my hair.
    5. I love working in my yard.

    The writers cottage looks like a lovely place to go and hang out.

  50. Boy I needed this list of five for personal reflection today thanks Jane.

    Five things I like about me:

    1. I am raising 5 beautiful boys from preteen to adult

    2. I love to exercise.

    3. I have a great personallity.

    4. I care about everyone (to a fault even).

    5. I am proud of going back to school.


  51. 5 things I like about myself:

    1. I’m a pretty damn good cook.
    2. I always get the job done.
    3. My nose.
    4. I’m always willing to help.
    5. I have awesome taste in books. 🙂

  52. Hi Jane,

    1. I like my smile with my one dimple on my cheek.

    2. I like my body and my shape.

    3. I like that I am a nice person.

    4. I like that I am a good listener.

    5. I like that I am a considerate person.

  53. Hi Jane,
    This is a great idea, I think we all need to look at the positives in ourselves more often!
    1. I am open minded.
    2. I love adventure.
    3. I am caring and loving.
    4. I have a great group of friends.
    5. I don’t talk behind others backs or gossip.

  54. I love this idea! I just told my niece last night to write down 10 amazing things about herself (she had just broken up with her first boyfriend). Mine are:
    1. I am always there for my daughter and my nieces.
    2. I love my family.
    3. I am a great reader and book buyer!!
    4. I am non judgmental (well almost always!)
    5. I am a great listener.

  55. 1. I am the director of a library. LOVE MY JOB!!!

    2. Love my husband, he’s my best friend.

    3. I cannot get enough time to accomplish all the reading I want to do but I sure do try to.

    4. I have great friends who give me authors to try and who let me know when they have great blogs also!

    5. I try to make someone’s day a little better by being nice to them. There are too many rude people out there and if I can smile and listen to someone share their thoughts on something, I feel that’s a no brainer.

  56. Hi Jane,

    I can totally relate to your number 5. That´s on my list as well 🙂
    Other than that I´m a great little sister and a very good friend.
    I´m very good at singing and playing music, especially the flute.
    I love adventures of all kind and I´m not afraid of big new adventures like moving across the Pacific Ocean.
    And other than that I´m a great cook and love being in a kitchen.

  57. 5 things that I like about me:
    – I’m a hard worker
    – I’m a good cook
    – I like to exercise, and love lifting weights too 🙂
    – I’m a good shoppet
    – I’m a good, ole southern country gal

  58. Wow, that writer’s cottage sounds so wonderful!

    And let me see, 5 things I love about me:

    1. I’m very devoted to my husband and children and love being a wife and mother.
    2. I’m a good gardener and love to get my hands in the dirt
    3. I’m a great listener
    4. I’m a pretty good cook
    5. I’m a good reader and do it as often as possible.

  59. 1. I remain optomistic and witty even during hardship. 2. I’m quicker to compliment people than to criticize. 3. I love reading and sharing good books and movies. 4. I began a family tradition that honors my family’s ancestry. 5. I truly appreciate my friends and I let them know it.

  60. I like myself because:

    1. I home school my kids and I enjoy it.

    2. I’m 43, and I am in great shape.

    3. I am a great reader.

    4. My kids are happy and healthy.

    5. I am generous.

  61. My sisters and I have started doing a “goal check” each night to keep each other motivated. One of my goals was to stop the negative self talk. Boy is it hard. So, this will be good…

    Five Things I Like About Me..

    1. I feel I am a good mom. I show my kids lots of affection and love.

    2. I’m a happy person.

    3. I respect all living things.

    4. I have a good sense of humor.

    5. I love my family.

  62. 1) I am someone that everyone can count on… even when I have to inconvenience myself, I don’t let other people down.
    2) I’m a single parent, not by choice, but I make the best of it and do the best job I can (warts and all).
    3) I have long hair and long legs and love both.
    4) I have a relationship with Jesus that gets me through every day, every problem and every praise.
    5) I raise an autistic child on my own and can find the nuggets of beauty amongst the unending struggles.
    Bonus answer: Books are my escape, please write more in the Odd Mom Out trilogy vein, a good book helps me have something to look forward to at the end of a stressful day. You’ve brought an enjoyable conclusion to my days and I was sorry to finish Easy on the Eyes last night!

  63. I am a good wife & mom.
    I am a good friend.
    I am even tempered.
    I love to read.
    I am a hard worker.

    Love the writer’s cottage. Will visit next time I get to Gilman Village.

    Thanks for a fun post – it’s nice to reflect and see what others have to say.

    Happy Veteran’s Day

  64. 1. I’ve got a great family.
    2. I’m a future best-selling author.
    3. I love my creativity.
    4. I’m an incredible wife and mother.
    5. I have helped save lives (former pediatric trauma nurse).

    Thanks Jane! Loved meeting and talking to you last month. You’re welcome anytime when you’re back in Texas.

  65. Hmm…5 things I like about me

    1. I have raised two really nice little boys (so far)
    2. I am very friendly
    3. I know a lot about pop culture
    4. I’m good at giving driving directions to people
    5. I’m pretty computer savvy for not being a tech geek

  66. Jane, that cottage looks amazing! I wish either I lived closer or there was a cottage here like that.
    5 things I like about me:

    1. My thick dark long naturally curly hair
    2. My 3 daughters
    3. I can still play soccer pretty darn good for a Mom of almost 39
    4. My ability to organize events/schedules
    5. My singing voice

  67. what I like about me (not necessarily what others like about me)

    1, I have a warped sense of humor.
    2, I work hard
    3, I love hard and true
    4, I don’t take nonsense from people.
    5, I know how to be thankful and when to ask for help and

  68. hi jane, that place looks fantastic!!!
    five things i like about me:
    1. i can make some really good desserts.
    2. i love my kids unconditionally.
    3. i love to volunteer.
    4. i have my mom’s face!
    5. i love to laugh, even @ myself.

  69. Neat cottage. Now my 5 things I like about me:
    1. I do small favors for people whenever I can.
    2. Can see the humor in almost any situation.
    3. Love my family.
    4. enjoy all the little things that come my way.
    5. Love contests, especially yours.

  70. 1. I care about people, animals, the environment.

    2. I have a great sense of humor.

    3. I love to bake and am good at it.

    4. I’m a good person.

    5. I’m a good wife, mother, daughter and friend.

  71. Five things I like about me are:

    1. I am a good listener;
    2. I am a loyal friend;
    3. I love my kids (they are awesome);

    4. I have a good sense of humour;
    5. I work hard.

  72. oooh! One all about me! (well my comment at least!) 😀

    1. I’m hilarious……. really.
    2. I make the best care packages.
    3. I’m a great driver.
    4. I’m super organized.
    5. I’m having a hard time with 5…..

  73. Hi Jane!

    I can totally relate to Kristen (number 67). Nice to know I’m not alone!

    Jane, your books are so well written and provide such a great escape at the end of the day.

    5 things I like about myself are:

    1. I am a strong person.
    2. I love the people in my life whole-heartedly and unconditionally.
    3. I love to laugh.
    4. I have an unending supply of patience.
    5. I always try to find solutions to problems, rather than wallow in self-pity.

  74. Hi everyone!!

    Im posting late as I’m in Atlanta between events waiting for my driver to show up to whisk me to Cumming where I’m joining Allie’s book club. But I’ve drawn the 3 winners and they are:

    #1 Emily
    #29 Karla
    #59 Stephanie

    Congrats to the three winers and those that one please shoot me your mail address so I can get you your great prize!!

  75. I got the “goodies” in the mail yesterday. That makes 2 Mondays that had you have made lovely for me. Thank you Jane!

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