Events & Super Cool Contest

I’ve got so much happening it’s hard to keep it all straight. On the good news side, the Flirting with Forty movie will air for the first time in Australia on Christmas Day! Hurray! If you’re one of my Aussie readers, Foxtel’s Universal channel will be playing it at 8:30 pm. Very, very cool!!

My not so good news is that I’m having to cancel a couple of my events next week to deal with family stuff and I hate canceling anything, much less opportunities to meet with my readers so huge apologies.  🙁

To make it up to you for not being able to do next week’s appearances, I’m hosting an incredibly cool contest—I’m giving away here on my JaneBlog one of Ty’s custom skateboards. Ty’s been shaping the board in the garage for the past day and he’s getting ready to put his art on it, and then wheels. If you have a skateboard fan in the family, this contest is for you.  These are longboard skateboards meant for cruising. Ty used to get to work at the beach by riding through Waikiki on his longboard and now he’s made one for my readers and I promise to mail it to you in time for Christmas, too!  This is the ultimate gift for the skate fan.

Ty's boards

Ty's Surfer Style Skate Boards
Ty's Surfer Style Skate Boards

Here’s how to enter:

1)  Go to Ty’s site ( and read the latest Beach Girl blog on Ty’s skateboards and then post a comment about Ty’s boards there.

2) Then return to my blog and tell me that you’ve been to Ty’s site, who you’d give the board to, and why this person would love a custom made longboard.

The contest will run through Sunday night, I’ll announce the winner Monday morning and the winner has exactly 12 hours–not a lot of hours, only 12– to get back to me so Ty can personalize the board for the winner before he flies back to Honolulu on Tuesday. If I don’t hear from the winner pronto, then I will pick someone else uber pronto.

But here’s the other cool thing– if you don’t win a board, but you love the laid back beach cruiser style and want to give one as a gift, you can buy a board for 20% off cost, with free shipping AND get a free Ty Gurney Surf School t-shirt if you mention me when ordering the board from Hollie, Ty’s Shop manager.

This contest isn’t going to be for everyone–we don’t all have crazy skateboarders in the family (unlike me, who now has many,many)–but if you do, this is the Christmas present for you! Enter today if you can!!


  1. Sorry to hear you have to cancel a couple appearances. I’m sure everyone understands things come up. It’s hard to do it all especially this time of year. That is a really cool skateboard. My husband used to ride many years ago and loved it. But, with his bad knees and back, he can’t do it anymore. I wish I had someone to give it to, but I don’t. Good luck to everyone entering this contest. Im sure someone will be thrilled with a new this board for Christmas.

  2. Russ said he would love to have one and it just may encourage him to start riding again. So, enter us in the contest.

  3. I just commented at Ty’s site. Those skateboards are cool. My nephew would love to have one. I actually got him one for Christmas, but it is nothing compared to Ty’s skateboards. My nephew loves skateboarding, riding bikes, and listening to his ipod. They are really neat and a cute pic of Mac.

  4. Browsed the Ty’s website, made me miss Hawaii!
    The boards are really a work of art, beautiful wood. The little guy on it is just adorable! Mac would be great for advertising!
    My Nephew Mike who will be 15 Dec 20th, loves skatboarding, drums (taught himself)and xbox.
    I would love to give it to him because he is such a great kid, and really had a challanging first year in High School here in San Diego. He never complains having a birthday so close to Christmas, and not having a party, is always helping others, and still lets his Auntie hug him in public!

  5. I’ve been to Ty’s site and commented on the great boards.

    My nephew or niece’s son would love one.

    Either one would love a board b/c both have long walking paths that they could go on.

  6. Love this contest Jane! And I always enjoy checking out Ty’s site. Makes me wish for another trip to Hawaii that’s for sure. He is so talented and my son would love one of these boards. He is almost 11 and just getting into skateboarding. Thanks for thinking of the boys 🙂

  7. I just commented on Ty’s blog. He is so talented and the boards look awesome! I would love to get one for my 11 year old stepson. He loves to skateboard and do tricks and Ty’s boards are very different than anything around here.

    By the way, love the pic of Mac riding:-)

  8. Hi Jane,
    I’ve been to Ty’s site, checked out the skateboard designs and commented on the Beach Girl Blog. I would love to surprise my 13 year old son, Zack, with a custom Ty Gurney Skateboard. Talk about bragging rights for my son! A cool, custom skateboard direct from Hawaii? Not sure how his friends would top that! My son would be blown away! What an amazing gift….

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a very special gift,

  9. I was just at Ty’s blog, love the boards and little Mac look so cute riding. You could tell he really enjoys it. I would love to have a board for my ten year old nephew. I think it would be great exercise for him. I will have to say skate boards have come along way since I was young. We had one growing up but it wasn’t much more then a board with roller skate wheels attached.

  10. Ty is a very talented guy! Those boards on his site are simply beautiful. I’d give one of them to my nephew. He’s been in a little bit of trouble lately, hanging out with the wrong people. He needs something to get him going in another direction, to meet new friends and get back on track. Maybe with a board like this it would be the incentive he needs to start off in that new direction. Of course, that’s the aunt talking. He’d love it because he’s a guy and he’d be able to do really cool things with that skateboard! LOL

  11. Visited Ty’s site, his boards are beautiful and my son would absolutely love one. He is a skateboard enthusiast and having a handmade Ty Gurney skateboard would sure make his Christmas complete. A couple months ago he gave his old skateboard to one of his friends at school who had to walk almost 3 miles each way, to school every day. Now Tyler rides his bike and his friend no longer has to walk. What a great Christmas surprise this would be 😀
    Thank you Jane,
    with love from Visalia

  12. Just visited Surfer Ty’s blog, and his skateboards are AMAZING. What beautiful work!

    If I won I’d give it to my youngest brother. He’s such an amazing guy, but had a rough year being out of work, and had loads of interviews, but always seems to be #2. He loves surfing, rock-climbing, cycling, and he could really use a new adventure to pick up his spirits 🙂

  13. Posted a note on Ty’s site! I would donate the board to a charity auction. Unique items like this skateboard are very hard to come by and would really fetch some cash at a charity auction!

  14. I just went to comment at Ty’s website. He is so talented & creative and cute too! LOL
    My son is very into skate boarding and would love one of these. They are amazing!

    Take care! Hope all is well.

  15. Hi Jane, I just posted on Ty’s website. Wow, you two are so gifted, Mac lucked out in the genes department. My son would love love love a board, I may have to order one if I don’t win!

  16. I visited Ty’s site… The boards look really amazing! If I were to be chosen I would give the long board to my son. We were in a sporting good store one time and he saw a skateboard, having never been on one and attempted to ride it throughout the store! It was hilarious watching the guys who work there duck and dodge as my then 5 year old reached havoc on their shop. This year we will both be learning to snowboard and the long board would be an awesome dry land compliment to the learning process. 🙂

  17. Ok jane, I would love to enter this contest for my husband JD who has just rocked lately… cooking Thanksgiving dinner while I rushed to Oregon to be with my parents after their rollover accident… then dealing with older daughter while younger daughter ends up with a fractured shoulder… BUT I will settle for getting Ty to donate one of these for our next Clare Beckett auction for Seattle Children’s!!! I know, I’m shameless! Let me know! 🙂

  18. What beautiful pieces of art!
    I can feel their smoothness. Great lines. Thanks so much for posting the photos.
    (Not in the contest, but just had to comment to show my appreciation for Ty’s craftsmanship.) We have one of our sons’ boogie boards, that they had enjoyed riding in their teen years in Hawaii, hanging up in our downstairs living area…another beautiful piece of art.

  19. Beautiful boards! I also enjoyed Ty’s website. It totally made me homesick for Hawaii. My daughter has a friend from Oahu who is spending the semester here, but will be going back in December. Hopefully, she can visit and we can go with her! Thanks for such a fun contest!

  20. Those boards are works of art but they shouldn’t be hanging on a wall, they should be used to hang 10 (do you do that on a skateboard or just a surf board?). What I mean to say is they are for riding, and I have the perfect kid to give one to.

    I have a great-nephew who would be thrilled to go to the skateboard park and do some tricks and really impress his friends on such a fabulous board. He is into football, martial arts and skateboarding, too, and at almost 13 he would cherish and take good care of such a priceless treasure.

    His birthday is Christmas Eve, which means his big day is always overshadowed by Christmas. Getting a gift like this would truly make his 13th birthday one he would always remember!

  21. went to ty’s site and left a comment. i usually go as a silent stalker. btw, nice photo of him in bali
    ; )

    what an awesome giveaway! i would love to give this to my 17 year old son, hamilton. not for christmas but for his birthday. its january 3. he would love it because its just awesome, it would be JUST for him and for me, he’s hard to buy for!

  22. Went over to Ty’s site. Very neat! My son would love this board. Honestly, I’m not familiar with this type of board, but I know that he would flip over it. The boards are really unusual and quite beautiful. The baby pic is absolutely adorable! Wish someone would have taught me at that age & then I might be a little more graceful! 🙂

  23. hi, jane. we have all had to cancel plans at one time or another because of things going on with the family. so even though i know you feel bad, i am sure everyone understands. i went over to ty’s website and looked at it, commented, and admired all the things about boarding. i would love for my son, michael to win the board. he has been wanting to skateboard for the longest time, and being on disability, i haven’t been able to afford him the pleasure. he is a very understanding teenager, but i could only imagine him being chosen as the winner and what his face would look like! lol
    thanks for a cool contest!!!

  24. Love the pic of Ty with Mac in diapers – so sweet.

    This may not be in the holiday spirit, but I want that board for ME!

    There is, however, the son of a friend who often entertains my kids with his skateboard tricks. His long board is nice, but nothing like these Ty has pictured. So really, I’d give it to him.

  25. Hi Jane, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had to cancel appearances due to family issues. I hope everything is OK with your lovely family.

    I went to Ty’s site and posted a comment on his blog. His boards truly are works of art. (And that photo of baby Mac skateboarding! Aw!). Please enter me in the contest. I would love, love, love to give one of Ty’s boards to my son Cameron for Christmas. He is a college student and has wanted a long board for some time. Until last week, he rode his bike to school every day from his apartment. His bike was stolen, so a long board would really be the perfect gift. I know he would love it.

    Thank you for the opportunity! I hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas.

    Teri Wilson

  26. I’ve been to Ty’s site. Very cool. I would give the board to my 9 yr old, who wants one SO bad. I actually have twin boys, it would be cool to get one for each, but I’d be happy with just one. And what can I say, they are my boys and I love them 😉

  27. Jane,
    Posted on Ty’s blog. Great pictures of boards and Mac. I recognize the street he’s on. Heading that way in March and can’t wait to check out Ty’s new shop. I know exactly where it is.

    Probably don’t have much chance of winning this contest but I would love a board for my new baby grandson that will be here any day now. Would love to put it on the wall until he can get started on riding it.

    Happy Holidays to you and your boys!

  28. Hi Jane! Thank you for the push to check out Ty’s site. What a great thing he has going on. Boy, if we lived closer I know exactly where my son would be spending his extra time! This is such a wonderful give away and I just know my son would love and appreciate such a great board. My son has an old board which he has been trying to restore to ride again. This blog made me think, I wonder what ever happened with that? When I went into the garage I found the board, still apart. I think he is at a loss on how to proceed. He is 12 and loves riding. I know this would be an amazing surprise for him. So please, count me in! Santa has amazing powers…yes he still believes.

  29. My sons, Eric (15) and Kegan (14), love skateboarding and have bought their own boards in the past…nothing as sharp as Ty’s! I showed them Ty’s website and about the only word they could get out was “WHOA!” Awesome boards. They would flip out to win one 🙂 Thanks for the chance.

  30. On Ty’s website I posted that my 11 year old son would love this
    skateboard. Two of his favorite
    activities are skateboarding and
    boogie boarding(no surf lessons yet). He loves going down to Huntington Beach and watching the
    surfers. This would be perfect for him. Thanks for the great contest.

  31. Jane—I visited Ty’s site and posted a comment about how my ten year old would LOVE one of Ty’s beautiful new skateboards! He is my little special needs kiddo and has decided skateboarding is his love! He has asked for one for Christmas and I think this longboard style would be perfect for him as he perfects his sweet skills! He has all these little tricks he works on with his Yo-Baby but I think he is ready to transition to a real live big-kid board as he works out his Pop-SHove-It or whatever it is called ! 🙂 His older brothers would be soooo jealous if he got one of Ty’s boards! And you know even though we live in WA state, he is outside every day so I know he would use it all the time!
    Thanks for offering this neat contest and Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

  32. Such beautiful boards! One of my good friends owns a beach house on the docks of Virginia Beach, VA, and I think he would love them! He surfs much better than I do 🙂

  33. Hi Jane:

    Ty’s website gets better and better. The pic of Mac in his diaper is hilarious…love it! You can tell he’s just glowing at being with his daddy balancing on that skateboard.

    I would give that kind of awesome board to my Joey. He loves to skateboard and tries his darndest to learn new tricks and such. We don’t have a lot of skateboarders on our street, but sometimes he takes his current skateboard to a friend of my daughter’s and they do stuff together.

    The winner will be a lucky one, indeed.

    have a great weekend, my friend…
    Shannon in Tustin

  34. Hi Jane! I just posted on Ty’s Blog. His boards are amazing and I’m sure there is a lot of time put into one! If I won, I would give it to my husband for Christmas. We have decided not buy gifts for eachother this year, but this wouldn’t count if I won it!! 🙂 He’s been off of work the past 2 months, so financially, it’s what works. We’re cutting down on everything, as I’m sure a lot of people are. He would LOVE these boards though and I’m sure he’d be drooling like a little kid!! 🙂 Sorry you had to cancel some events, but I’m sure your readers understand. Have a great weekend!

  35. What a cool contest. Please don’t enter me because I don’t have a skateboarder. I just wanted to compliment your Ty’s lovely artisanship. If I ever do have a skateboarder, I’ll know where to go for awesome boards.

  36. Hey there, Jane!
    Just returned from Ty’s blog. Just love the picture of Mac on the skateboard with Ty. Simple adorable.
    If I won this, I would want my daughter to have the board. She plays indoor and outdoor soccer, rollerblades, plays competitive badminton, loves to play “21” basketball with her friends, plays hockey with the neighbours, and has started running marathons recently, to name but a few of her activities. I think she’d love to have a cool (and gorgeous) longboard so she could skateboard with some of her other friends.

  37. Jane,

    Just finished leaving a reply on Ty’s site for the Surfer Girl blog.

    I went there just to leave a comment and yet when I seen the boards that he created and how he was sharing the experience and joy of riding with little Mac it was wonderful and brought on a smile.

    I believe there is absolutely nothing more sexier in the world than a man who is enjoying the time and the company of his children. I’m sure all the ladies here on your blog will agree.

    My son who turned 11 on 11/11 (Veterans Day) has a major problem. He is having a major identity crisis. You see my husband and I became grandparents on Nov. 24th for the first time. Even though I’m 45 and my husband is 52 we are more than excited for our daughter having a beautiful little girl Avery. Not only did we become grandparents but our son at the age of 11 has become an uncle. He said he’s feeling his age, says he feels old and he needs a walker to get around. He is a clown, makes me laugh 24/7. He is such a sweet loving son. I’d love to surprise him on Christmas morning with such a cool item as one of Ty’s own special creations.

    You and Ty make such a cute couple, you know one of those couples who just fit together. It’s nice to know you put family matters first. It makes you more human. Yes, you’re still super woman, but you are mom first. That’s cool!

    Take care and keep those books coming. My TBR pile is looking real sad and scary they are getting way to thin for my comfort. No, not me( I wish) I’m speaking about my TBR pile.. Better put my newly acquired grandma skills to work and knit those little TBR books a sweater to help keep them warm.

  38. Wow! Those longboards are amazing! Mac is so adorable and it totally shows how proud of a daddy Ty is! I have a Grandson that would be in heaven if he could get his hands on one of these longboards! I also know a few others that would be really interested, so I’ll pass Ty’s website along to them.
    Have a great weekend, Jane!

  39. Love these boards. Went to Ty’s site and commented. I would love to give one of these to my 16 year old. His 2 brothers have longboards and he s always borrowing one. It would be great for all three to have one at our family vacation to Hawaii this year. Hs would be local. It’s hard to impress teenage boys, but these boards? Amazing.

  40. My sister adopted three Russian orphans six years ago. The only boy, my nephew, is thirteen years old and loves all things American, like skate boarding with his buds. He lost his adopted father this last year and so we try to make him realize he still has a family that loves him very much. He’s really been through a lot in life and especially this last year. If he won this, I’m sure he’d even let his sisters borrow it now and then. He lives in a community with great paths that are perfect for cruising around on skate boards to everywhere they want to go. He reminds me of your boys, all guy. If someone else deserves this or needs it more, I understand but he would certainly love this cool board. Love your books and website and Ty’s cool website too. I went there again to check out the boards.

  41. Wow, i saw this and instantly thought of my brother. He would just LOVE it. Ty’s site is way cool. Just added it to my favorites.

  42. Hi Jane,
    I just visited Ty’s site. Baby Mac is growing up so fast. He looks like a natural on that board. It won’t be long before he’s making his first solo run.
    I would love to win one of Ty’s boards but my only problem is which one of my boys do I give it to??? Who is the most daring??? Who wouldn’t get hurt??? LoL
    1) My son Kane~ My personal Police Officer. He would love it! He’s young, fast on his feet and has great balance.
    2) My son-in-law Boog~ My Harley Rider. Young at heart, rowdy, and he’s game for anything.
    3) My future son-in-law Tyler~ My Former All American Athlete. He’s the baby of the bunch, multi-talented and a natural.
    4) My son-in-law James~ My Soldier Boy. One of the Air Force’s finest, away again overseas, health nut and gutsy.
    5) My Hubby Randy~ The love of my life. Love to hang with his guys, loves his sports and his balance has never been good… Naaaaahhhh We’d better leave him out!

    Let’s just say I have four whoops five, sorry honey, wonderful choices. They are all terrific. If I win, Jane, you can choose one for me. When you look at my boys, whether I win or lose, I feel like I have all ready won.

    XOXO, Lisa

  43. Hey there

    I’ve been over to Ty’s site, great graphics btw and left a comment.

    Mac is a cutie pie in his diapers on a board.

    Hopefully I’ll be able to get a board for my little girl Gracie. I’m clumsy as all get so I thought I’d name my little girl Grace in hopes she’d be…you know, graceful. No such luck. It’s a misnomer. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Good thing she’s super athletic like her daddy. She’s been begging for a board for the past 2 years.

    Take care.

  44. Hey Jane, sorry to hear that you have to cancel due to family stuff. I hope all turns out well. Thinking of you.

    Don’t enter me in the contest.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  45. Hi Jane,
    A PS- forgot to say that I posted on Ty’s site- if I win this great contest since I’m thinking that the ideal person for this is one of my twins, what with them being twins, I’ll probably need to get another one 🙂

  46. Hi everyone!!

    Wow. I think this was the most amazing contest. There was no way to pick a winner by content–everyone is so deserving and everyone has someone so special in their lives that I really wish I could make one for everyone.

    The winner of the custom TGSS skateboard is:

    #44 Ann

    Ann, please get in contact with me ASAP. You have 12 hours or I’ve got to pick someone else!

    But everyone else, because it killed Ty and me to only draw one name–and that’s how we got our winner–we’re going to send everyone that entered a Ty Gurney Surf School t-shirt and water bottle!!

    But here’s the catch: the water bottles and t-shirts probably won’t arrive until after Christmas. 🙁 If you really want to make this a gift, put an IOU in a box, wrap it up, and then in early January you can present the gift once the shirt and water bottle arrive.

    To get the water bottle and t-shirt, send me a private email with this info:

    Your name
    Your comment #
    The size t-shirt you’d like (Men’s or Women’s s, M, L or XL)
    Brown or Black
    (OR if there is one special t-shirt on TY’s site–check out the Shop page–that you’d LOVE to have, let me know that)
    and your mail address

    I will get the shirt and bottle out to you as soon as I can.

    Thanks to everyone for participating. You guys rock.

    Much love,


    1. Jane and Surfer Ty, how generous you are! Santa is sure to be great to you for being so good to us all. Congrats to Ann #44. Merry Christmas to all.

    2. Thank you! The package from you arrived this afternoon; I couldn’t wait until Christmas to give the beautiful soft surfing shirt to my honey…had to have him try it on right away.
      With all you and your assistant have to do in your own lives and holidays, you made a point to get out these presents to us! Thank you. Sincerely, Mary J.#20

  47. That’s awsome. I’ld love to have a shirt and water bottle. I’ll email you. and, congratulations to Ann for winning the board. Her bet nephew will be so excited to get that board.

  48. Jane and Ty, once again your kindness and generosity shine through. Thank you so much for this. I’m over -whelmed.

  49. This is very cool! I was actually thinking about ordering one of the shirts because I just fell in love with it! How did you know?

  50. I responded to Jane privately when she notified me that my nephew is the winner. I just wanted to say publicly how sweet and generous this was of Jane and Ty and how happy my nephew will be with his cool board. Feeling a little guilty for everyone else but glad then when Jane is sending everyone something. Thanks again Ty and Jane.

  51. Congrats to Ann! That’s pretty awesome. Equally awesome is Jane and Ty’s generosity to the rest of us. Thank you!!!!!

  52. Jane and Ty,
    your generosity and BIG hearts are so incredible!! Thank you both!
    Merry Christmas to you both and have an Incredible New Year

  53. Congrats to you Ann! Your nephew is going to love his new board:-)

    Jane you are always so generous with your contests. A BIG thank you to both you and Ty!!!

    Happy Holidays to everyone!

  54. Thanks Jane and Ty!! How awesome of you both to do this! I am so happy for Ann…her nephew sounds very deserving of the big prize!

  55. Just went to Ty’s site…..those boards are beautiful! Mac and Daddy look like they are having fun. We had a long board when I was a kid – about 4 feet long and I had so much fun on that thing. Wish I still had it!

    Anyhow, I would love to give this board to Marcus (he’s 10 now) for Christmas. Of course, I’d have to get Ariana (now 7) something equally as fabulous for Christmas too! Although, Marcus is such a good big brother, I know he’d share with his little sister.

  56. I visited Ty’s website, and saw all those fabulous boards – they are truly works of beautiful art!

    My 13, soon to be 14 year old, son would freak out if I won one for him!

    Thank you! I always enjoy your blog.

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