The Harlequin Presents Hero

Having just finished a month and a half of nonstop thinking about a book, and those three crazed weeks of writing, I’ve had the Presents hero very much on my mind. He’s a tricky beast–but definitely intriguing.

I’ve just written a post on this very yummy but demanding hero over  at the Harlequin Presents Blog and thought I’d invite you to stop in and read about this male  in his prime.

captive_na_350After reading, if you comment on the blog there, you’ll have a chance to win one of my Presents plus a Hawaii Starbucks drink card and some other delicious Hawaii treats that always include chocolate.

But that’s not all! Read some of the amazing blogs by my amazing Harlequin Presents author friends and report back to me HERE, in the comment section on this blog, something fun you read or learned and you’ll have a double chance of winning something wonderful.

duty_na_350I will be drawing 2 names here on this blog as well for Hawaii Starbucks drink cards and treats, AND you can choose one of my books–any of my 32 books– to have signed either to you or a friend–should you win.  Both contests run through Saturday night and I’ll announce the winners this coming Sunday morning, here and there. 🙂

So get cracking, and reading, and enjoy your week!!

PS  Just finished such an awesome Kresley Cole novel last night that I don’t even want to start a new book yet. Still savoring her yummy hero Cade… and if any of you know her, tell her I’m a fan!!!!!!!


  1. I am trying to post at the Harlequin Presents Blog, but cannot seem to set up an account to post with… am trying Google, but the verification process is not working.

  2. Hi! I’m going to be quite honest at times I’ve had a hard-time reading Harlequin Present have found yours very good and more intense then some. I’m not into like like sheik’s but Italian men are ok. I’m more into a a tough marine or a cowboy for they are loyal and will give their shirt off their back and also very honest and loyal. I’m trying new things even reading material…gotta try something new.I’m even liking history and reading more historical books..what a shocker, must be my old age or just finding new reading material. I like your books and new authors,too.

    1. HaHAH, my computer fat fingers strike again. I don’t know what I hit, but I wasn’t ready to post yet 🙂 … anywhooo as I was saying – I enjoyed the post from Christina Hollis on “Master of Bella Terra”. I know the book setting takes place in Italy, which is one of the places I have yet to visit (it’s in the plan)… but it really reminds me of my tour in Spain. Same types cultures. I also like that the book ends up taking you to the Caribbean, another locale I plan on visiting (it’s why I renewed my passport!). Thinkin’ I may go to the B&N tonight and check it out .

  3. Well, I enjoyed going through the blogs on the Harlequin Presents Blog… I cut my romance novel teeth on Harlequin Romances back in the ’70s, but haven’t read many lately… I seem to prefer contemporary women’s fiction (huge fan of your other works).

    But Presents books have the ability to whisk you away to another time and place where alpha males and romance rule. I love the exotic settings,the dashing (often rich) heroes and the happily ever after offered by a Harlequin Romance. I especially enjoyed the blog about royal weddings… what is more magical than a royal wedding? My favourite Disney story is Cinderella and I was born the same year as Diana, Princess of Wales and followed her royal romance and fairy tale wedding. I am looking forward to William and Kate’s April 29 wedding. We can all be princesses in our dreams…

      1. Then it’s gonna be a must read…has it got a title yet? When is the release date?

  4. I just read the post “Time Travel to the Sixties…. by Susan Stephens” & found it very interesting. I imagine that there are some funny things that can happen when modern day characters are transported back to the 60’s.

  5. I grew up reading Harlequins and Gothic romances. No wonder the high school boys seemes so…well, lame… LOL

    I loved reading Time Travel to the Sixties…. by Susan Stephens! It is one of my favorite decades and who doesn’t love Steve McQueen? I like a book with a twist and have put Gray Quinn’s Baby on my list of books to read.

  6. I love the stories from Harlequin and I love being able to sample other writers who write differently from their other published books. I never thought I would be into the Sheiks but I seem to like them

    Enjoy your week, Jane!!


  7. i love the blog jenny gardiner wrote about looking for jobs on it was so funny. the take she had on the job recommendations that they had emailed to her, esp the last one: driver of a porta-john truck. it was a funny way of looking at being un-employed, even though it is one of the hardest things that you can go through.

  8. I read Kresley Cole when she first started out Captain of All PLEASURES and PRINCE OF PLEASURES. i really enjoyed those books. I think I still have them tucked away in a keeper box. I checked out her site and saw she has been writing paranormals lately. I will have to give that a try.

    Hopping over to the Presents Blog to see if I can get it to work for me. 🙂

  9. Hi Jane. I found Susan Stephen’s sixties post interesting and I enjoyed Annie West’s post about royal weddings.

  10. I love reading Harlequin Presents books and I have a few authors that are auto buy for me.

    I really enjoyed reading the posts at the Harlequin Presents Blog- my fav post was from Trish Morey, I just loved the pictures from her vacation- it really looks like a vacation in paradise!

  11. I’m unable to post over at the other site because I don’t have one of the preferred accounts. So, I can only post here.
    I like Susan Stephens’ idea of traveling back to the 60s. That seems like such a fun and carefree time.
    Lately, I cowboys are my heroes. There’s just something about a man who works with his hands and loves what he does. I can’t get enough of them. I’ve never seen any of your Harlequin romances but would love to read one some day. I guess I was never there at the right time for one when it was out. I am curious about the sheik series. But, now they are closing down Border’s in my town. It’s the only book store we have except a used book store and I don’t really like to buy used books. I don’t know where I will go look for books from now on. I enjoy looking at the covers and reading the backs to make my choice.

  12. I really enjoyed reading your article on the other site. My hero favorites include Rupert Carsington in Loretta Chase’s book Mr. Impossible. I like his sense of humor as well as his brawn. And, Michael O’ Sullivan in your book Easy On The Eyes is my idea of a hero in the world, doing great things for those in need as well as loving and supporting his love, Tiana. What a guy!!!

    1. Mr. Impossible is one of my all time favorite reads!!! I love Loretta Chase and think she absolutely nailed the hero in this one…the entire book is fantastic from start to finish!!

  13. I don’t know any of the other authors listen on Harlequin presents blog except you but this makes it kind of interesting to check them out. I checked out Sandra Marton’s blog and she has a awesome picture and story about Manatees on it. I’d love to see them she said she got to see at least 30 at one time.

    Nice blog they have over there Jane. Love your new book too!

    Lisa B

  14. My favorite post was Susan Stephens traveling back to ths sixties which is my favorite time. Unforgettable and special.

  15. Wow, I was looking at Trish Morey’s blog and pics. I must say I NEED to visit Queensland now. It is absoloutely gorgeous!!!

  16. I was reading Sarah Morgan’s blog on Valentines Day and totally agree. One should express love and appreciation all the time and not just on 1 day and the expense for that day is hiked way up. BUT she must have been talking from her personal side(which she was) because as a romance writer she would think different and be all for the day. Interesting.

  17. Hi Jane I would love to read Susan Stephens book where you time travel back to the sixty’s. I was a child at that time and don’t remember a lot about the sixty’s. I was going through a lot at that time as a child, my mother was seriously hurt at that time and was left crippled so for some reason a lot was blacked out of my memory at that time. So I would love to travel back to that time and just see what I am forgetting.

  18. Thank you all for the great comments about my time travel to the sixties book!

    I also wanted to take this opportunity to say that when I first started writing for Harlequin Presents Jane Porter was not only an author who inspired me with her compelling stories, but who turned out to be a wonderfully warm and welcoming person when we first got to meet- love you, Jane xxx

  19. Jane,
    I enjoy Sarah Morgan’s books and had read her post for Valentine’s Day. Very sweet.

    I read Susan Stephen’s post- her plot sounds so creative.

  20. Hi Jane! Something fun I learned from Annie West’s blog about Royal Weddings is that she’s friends with another HP writer, Abby Green. I think it’s so great that you HP authors live all over the world, yet so many of you are friends and you’re so supportive of one another!

  21. hi Jane,
    Dropping by before making my family dinner 🙂

    i just came back from Harlequin presents blog, and The post From Trish Morey about Queensland. Really make me want to go by myself. such gorgeous pictures !

  22. Wow! That’s a lot of reading, contesting and blogging….(: These books sound wonderful. We’ve got a rainy weekend in the forecast here and I need to start my bookclub book. We’re reading “The Debutante” by Katherine Tessori (sp?). I just finished “Certain Girls” by Jennifer Weiner; made me cry at the end.

    Enjoy your weekend Jane!
    Hugs from Tustin,

  23. Hi Jane! I read Trish Morey’s blog on Queensland. Sounds amazing – wishing I could book a flight now. I also read Susan Stephens Time travel to the 60’s. Had a great time reading some of these blogs and I know I’ll be visiting them again in the future!

  24. Hi Jane,
    I just finished posting over at Harlequin. That was a great post. I always love to take about my heroes in books and movies. It’s hard for me to read right now when the thought of my Borders store is closing soon and it makes me sad. I just picked up To Kill a Mockingbird to reread. It is one of my all times favorites, I also purchased The Discovery of Witches, I am so anxious to start it. I have heard so naby great things about it. But really I am in the mood for something light and fun… anyone have any ideas??? As always, Hugs and Thanks to you Jane, Surfer Ty and Your Three Sons!!! ( I see a book coming with that line: My/Your Three Sons. Lol!! Thx, Lisa G.

  25. Hi everyone,

    I understand lots of you had trouble posting comments on the Harlequin Presents blog….well, you’re not alone. I did, too!!

    I tried to announce the winners there and it wouldn’t let me so I’ve emailed the web mistress for help. In the mean time, the two winners from this blog are:

    1) Kathryn in Montreal
    21 Quilt Lady

    Will you two send me your address and let me know what book you’d like and I’ll get it out to you ASAP? 🙂

    I’m flying back to Seattle tomorrow afternoon so this is last day in Hawaii for a couple months!


  26. Hi! Have a safe trip home! Abit sad not ot have won a book but thats the way the cookie crumbles…went to the boostore and bought a few that I haven’t read of yours and a few others…love your writing…

  27. I had a little trouble. You have to pick a profile which is use google but i’ve had trouble with that on other blogs before. I had to keep clicking back from preview to post before it finally went thru. It’s frustrating.

  28. What a fabulous post you had on the Presents site. One of my favorite quotes:
    “there is no endless laundry or dishes or grocery shopping trips with screaming toddlers or moody teenagers”
    I was just today thinking, “Again? Really?” as I shoved another load into the machine. Your post made me smile and clued me in on why I love your Presents so much. For three or four hours I can be that strong, smart, gorgeous, ambitious woman who has caught the eye of the prince/shiek/tycoon and has enough sense of self to walk away. (And then of course he comes rushing back to sweep me up when he realizes what he’s lost!)
    For those three or four hours I’m not mommy in ketchup stained yoga pants, I’m an extrodinary woman living an extrodinary life.
    Thank you Jane!

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