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Heading into Spring Break

Ty flew with us back to Seattle on Monday, and now tomorrow he returns to Hawaii to get back to work. We won’t see him until late March as he’s got to be in Waikiki for Spring Break and it’s going to be a tough month without him. Mac and I have kind of gotten used to the guy.  🙂


I’m busy wrapping up revisions on my Harlequin and then back to polishing my proposal for my next three single titles. I guess the good thing about Ty working hard in the water this month is that I’ll also be working hard at my desk. I’m really enjoying writing right now and I love that we are both so passionate about what we do.

Unfortunately, I do have to postpone my trip to the Midwest this late April/May. My boys need me with them right now but I am very much looking forward to getting to Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota very soon!

So how are you? What will you be doing this weekend? Bring me up to speed! I’ve got a fun Mystery Prize in need of a good home, and I’ll draw the winner from those who comment by Sunday morning. Enjoy your weekend and if you have some time, talk to me!

PS  I’ve a guest blog up over at historical romance author Kate Noble’s site. Check it out if you can here, and if you comment, you’ve got a chance to win one of my books–any title–your choice! So get over there, read, and post when you’ve time!

92 Comments on “Heading into Spring Break

  1. Hi Jane,
    My weekend is going to be 2 parts work and 1 part fun: the fun part – we are going to a formal gala Sat night so I get to dress up and go dancing with my husband. For work parts, I had a request for a partial so I am polishing those 1st 3 chapters and I have a non-fiction deadline Monday for a 750 word review.

    And I think this is the 1st time I got to be 1st to post at your blog 🙂

  2. Jane,
    Spring seems far away with the cold, stormy weather we have been having but the lengthening daylight gives encouragement that it IS getting closer, just hang in.
    This weekend I hope to recover from a cruddy cold and am looking forward to a family party for my brother’s birthday on Sunday. He went to Hawaii in January and will have some photos to show us, but no surfing ones like that great pic of Ty with Diamond Head behind him – love it!

  3. I hope you’ll make your way out east soon. 🙂 Sorry you have to postpone your midwest trip though.
    Things are fine here other than lack of sleep! Getting to know my new baby girl and spending time with my in-laws are on the schedule for this weekend.

  4. Jane, it fells good when you are happy with what you are doing.
    Spring has sprung where I live and the pollen is in abundance.
    One of my daughters will be home on spring break from college.
    I need to wash the dog and I have a bunch of new books to read.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. A friend of mine is a first-time homebuyer, so this weekend I will be laying shelf paper and hot gluing carpet seams together.

  6. i have been sick all week, so i am hoping that i will be getting better soon. i am in need a great book to read…any suggestions?

  7. So sorry you will be missing your guy. Our guys can be nice to snuggle with after a long day of working wether it is at the office or in the home it doesn’t matter. Work is work. I have a good friend that I am starting to miss when he is away. I am going to be pretty busy myself this weekend though. After work and college I still have work at home. I have to get my house spotless and van as well. Next Friday me, my boys, my sister, her three kids, my mom and her friend all take off to Branson Mo for a three night vacation. I am sure it will be the last time we ALL get together for a trip as the kids range in ages from 22 to 11. Four of the kids are already young adults so it was pretty amazing we got this set up. So I will be taking seats out of the van and giving it the royal treatment for our adventure. Have a nice relaxing weekend Jane!

  8. I’m jealous. I noticed how your post is from Hawaii. I live in Nebraska where the weather has been teasing us snow & ice then two weeks of weather in the 60’s & 70’s and now I just came in from taking the garbage out to overcast skies and weather in the 30’s holding in the rain & snow that is due this afternoon. This year we have not had decent weekends that is when all our bad weather hits and I burrow in to escape it and use it to catch up on my reading and watching old classics on TCM.

  9. I wish I was in Hawii!

    This weekend we’re hanging out with friends we haven’t seen in a year. We finally get to meet their baby! I’m looking forward to catching up.

    I hope I get to see what the mystery prize is! 🙂

  10. HI Jane,
    I am going to see The Adjustment Bureau this weekend. Love Matt Damon! Then doing laundry and cleaning house. I have to work on Sunday. Have a great weekend!!

  11. Hi Jane!

    I’ve missed your last few blogs so I am glad to be able to chat with you. We are doing well here and looking forward to a fun weekend. My son turns 11 this weekend and he has his last basketball game and party tomorrow morning as well as his birthday party which is laser tag this year. He is very excited about it. I can’t believe I will now have an 11 year old and a 13 year old. Where does the time go?

    We are enjoying a few bursts of spring here and there between the cold days. My tulips and daffodils are almost up and am excited just thinking that spring is near!

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. I know how hard it is for you to give up visiting your readers. You would do anything for them! But this transition for your boys will probably be the biggest one yet for them and they need their rock… YOU! For me, I am getting ready to send my guy to Hawaii to hang out with your guy! ha! His birthday surf trip was the best gift I’ve ever given him. He and his brother are going to have a blast!

  13. We’re doing a whole lot of NOTHING this weekend! My kids are on mid-winter break (we’re in NorthWest WA) and we want to take advantage of the down time for everyone to rest up & get ready for a busy Spring! I see a lot of couch time & movies in our future. 🙂

  14. Jane,
    Got to HI for a vacation yesterday and surprised by a big storm. I was hoping for some sunshine not flooding. Oh well guess I will get in a lot of reading and hope that the sun comes out before I have to leave. Have a great weekend.

  15. hi jane! this weekend, i will be having a few of my friends and their friends over for a little get together. it should be fun. on monday, we have our monthly meeting for the crohn’s and colitis cc take steps walk. i will be able to take the walk leader the items i have gotten donated since our last meeting, (and get the big box outta my place), so it will be good. take care, and have a happy weekend. thanks for all you do and all you are!

    1. Thanks for supporting the Crohns & Colitis Foundation. I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease 22 years ago, so thanks!

  16. Hi Jane!

    Wish we were going to Hawaii for Spring Break! Instead, Visalia is enjoying a gorgeous day today!

    This weekend will be busy! Basketball Championship game for my 11 year old, then baseball scrimmage game, then basketball team pizza party! Sunday will be spent recuperating!

    Have a great weekend!

  17. It’s always the best when you love what you do. I’m glad you’ve had some wonderful and relaxing time in Hawaii. I’m hoping the Hawaii ad I cut out of a magazine and left out for my husband, will spark some interest! LOL
    This weekend is all about the kids. My son has two play performances – he’s thrilled to be doing sound and lights, the technology part interests him more than memorizing lines. There is also baseball practice and a softball game (weather, please behave!). And a good friend is opening in a play this weekend, too, so we will try to catch her show.

    I’ll rest on Monday. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!

  18. It is our weekend break, before we go to Cheer Nationals in Portland and State in Tacoma. So I am hoping for a nice quiet weekend as it is nice to be home. 🙂 Plus I just finished mid-terms. Hopefully for the last time in a long time.

    Addy’s team won grand champs in Missoula for her Level and 1st place in their division. She is flying pretty high.

    Good Luck on your proposal on your new books. I really enjoyed the ideas you shared with us in Spokane.


  19. Supercool gift Kari!

    I’m going to a three year old’s birthday party on Sat. Family dinner on sunday.

    Here’s some Jane effect examples:
    Jackie in FWF inspired one of my book club members to sign up for dance lessons with her husband.
    Shey inspired me not to bother shaving my legs last week when I really didn’t feel like it.
    people are still buzzing about Jane’s visit to Tucson last month. I posted the link to Janeblog on my RWA loop and got a lot of lovely comments (and a few why wasn’t I invited! 🙂
    Some people that were in Tucson RWA 5 years ago remembered Jane’s workshop she gave here and what a fabulous speaker she is.
    Jane’s recent visit inspired one of our book club/RWA members to start writing again!

    And the biggest for me…I had been mulling over a comment Jane made on the way to the restaurant. This week, after years of just putting up with a not so nice relative, I stood up for
    myself! It was absolutely terrifying and absolutely liberating. I feel freer and more adult than I have in years!

    Thank you Jane.

  20. We’ve just had a couple of nights where it’s been -25, Mother Nature doesn’t seem to get that it is the first week of March…. however, it is warmer and sunny today and looks like a mixture of rain and snow for the weekend… ugh.

    I am reading and quilting this weekend, just being quiet. It’s been hectic at work and just general running around, so I’m looking forward to not doing much this weekend.

    I was a lucky winner last week and while your Mystery Prizes are awesome, please take my name out of the draw for this one.

  21. Hi Jane-I don’t think that you got to read my comment back in Feb.after your Valentine’s post with all that you have had going on so I just want to be sure that you know how much the flowers for Erin were appreciated. I have to say that they really brightened some really hard days.Erin’s recovery has been so hard but she is coming along after a few setbacks.I knew that watching my child go thru brain surgery would be tough but there is no describing how really awful it was.But I am thankful that it is behind her and she can take as long as she needs to recover.She still has some pain and gets tired easily but all the symptoms of her chiari that she had before surgery are gone so we can say that her surgery was a success!My hubby got a job 3 weeks ago and is loving it!Kelli’s husband started a job yesterday and she had a new baby boy Feb. 17,your birthday I believe as well as my sisters!He is precious!I am very thankful of all the blessings my family has received these past few weeks!The beginning of spring has been very good to us!

  22. Today’s my birthday so we will have a party tonight. Already have the cake, it’s a twilight cake. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  23. This week-end will find me spending time with and helping a friend who recently broke her ankle . . . She’s struggling to figure out just how to manage LIFE and work as she lives alone in an upstairs apartment. Can’t put any weight on the ankle for three weeks – week one is almost over – PHEW! On Sunday I will be learning about Native American culture with a group of Sponsored Program AFS students at a Winter Pow- Wow. Looking forward to trying some interesting food . . . Indian tacos, anyone?!

  24. Price of gas being what it is i am doing nothing. Just hanging at home adn thinking of doing some spring cleaning and reading. That’s it! lol

    Lisa B

  25. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with Ty. It is hard to be without someone you love so much. As a reader I am thrilled to hear you are working on new books.

    How did showing your house go? Just remember it won’t be long before you two can be closer and spend more time together.
    As for myself, I have been looking for a job and realize that I want to find something that I really want to do. My last one seemed to just fit my need of the time and I have come to realize that was awful. I need to find something that I want to do, look forward to doing and feel like I am making a difference doing. After doing some soul searching this last week, I have realized that I deserve and owe it to myself to be happy. Keep me in your prayers that this happens. I look to the strength of my passion and hope it leads me to a job I will truly enjoy.

    This weekend will consist of a swim meet and more house tasks. It always amazed me how much work the yard needs every spring. I also can not wait to plant a garden this year. I just love fresh veggies from the garden.

  26. Chained to my sewing machine all weekend making doll clothes for an upcoming craft fair. Been working hard for the last 6 weeks getting ready. Not easy working from home….it looks like a tornado went thru a fabric store and dumped it throughout my house! Thankfully I have an understanding husband.Not that he cleans up…he just overlooks.LOL

  27. Hey there, Jane.
    It’s great that while you’ll miss Ty, you recognize that you are both very fortunate to be doing what you love when you are apart.
    Weekend plans? Groceries, laundry, dusting/vacuuming thoroughly, and scrapbooking. Just another weekend with my other family members working.

  28. Hi Jane! Sounds like you’re busy as ever. Where in Illinois will you be? Maybe I can come see you as I’m only 5 minutes from the southern Illinois border.

    This weekend will be a busy one for us. We’re gearing up to start construction on the new shop- building starts Monday morning- so we have a few things to finish with ground work and such before then. I got my greenhouse set up and seeds planted so this weekend will also be busy with getting the garden area prepped and ready for transplanting the new plants when they’re big enough to go out.

    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂 Hugs to you and the boys!

  29. HI Jane,

    Good to hear from you. Sounds like you’re in a great place right now, despite missing ST for the busy spring break season. I can’t wait to hear about the new 3-book “deal”; hope it goes very well for you.

    I know how hard it is for you to cancel a trip at the possibility of disappoint readers. You are really making the right move. The boys need their mom and when you spread yourself too thin, you can’t be present where you’re needed. No one can be the mom but you…how special is that??!! 🙂

    This weekend I want to finish “The Debutante” by Tessaro. It’s our book club selection and I want to finish so I can pass it along to my friend Carolyn before book club on the 14th. I’m really enjoying spending time at home right now. This is my last sleep-in morning before Little League begins. Going to drink in every minute!! Hope you have a fun weekend up there.

    Lots of love to you from Tustin, Shannon

  30. Jane, I am so excited that my 4 year old has started reading! I am SO proud of him and that he shows such an interest in reading. My 5 year old is starting to show a little interest as well. I’m anxious to someday pass my books (ahem, YOUR books) down to her. 🙂
    What fun when your kids start such a fun adventure and can read to you!

  31. oh how i wish i was one of those lucky ones that was on spring break in hawaii taking surfing lessons from ty! instead i’m in indiana waiting for spring to happen.

  32. Here is wishing you a productive and fruitfull March. Our weekend is going to be together – first in while. The kids have swimming and a party on Saturday, BUT Sunday we are going on a family date to our first comicon ever. We are beside ourselves and will have our picture taken with…I think some storm troopers perhaps. Mostly just let our inner geeks OUT and proudly too 🙂

  33. This weekend will be busy with studying for me and ice hockey for my boys 🙂 Good luck with all the writing.

  34. Today I am going to an assembly to see my 6 year old get and award. So excited…she doesn’t know anything about it. I am very proud of her!
    Tomorrow we will be going to my daughter’s basketball game. After that, I’m afraid it’s a day of chores, taxes and cleaning house. Sunday I will be working a 12 hr. shift. Not a very fun weekend, other than the kids’ events. I’m excited for the weekend to be over so I can enjoy my 5 days off. 🙂

  35. Having a small dinner party tomorrow and it’s a nice diversion from this hectic week. The weather will be nice at 60 degrees so am finally looking forward to a great weekend. Spring is in the air…hope everyone has a grand weekend!

  36. No plans yet but staying home, relaxing, and reading. Hopefully there will be nice sunny weather. We got spoiled with some nice higher temps in northern NJ now we had some colder days. But I guess we can’t complain as long as it doesn’t snow again. I so have spring fever. I’m ready for winter to be over.

  37. Beginning tonight at 6:30, I will be at our Parish to attend a Women’s Lenten Retreat which will end tomorrow at around 4. I do hope that there will be some breaks in between because I have several project that I need to complete and in addition I also intend to finish reading this facisnating novel I started this morning. To summarize my weekend, I will be blessedly swampped with fun-filled projects. =)

  38. You need to come to Indiana!! My weekend is finally going to consist of nothing! These last few weeks have been so busy, I’m looking forward to not having plans this weekend. These next couple of weeks will be busy because I’m closing on my first home Monday!

  39. Hi Jane,

    This weekend I’m going to the movies twice. Hubby wants to se Hallpass and I just have to see the new Matt Damon flick, The Adjustment Bury. It looks sooo good!

    Have a great weekend!

  40. Hopefully time passes quick while y’all aren’t together. But, it is a good time for catching up on work. i can’t wait to hear what your next books will be. I always get excited when I see anew one out. Sorry to hear you’ll miss out on the midwest tour though. I’m sure everyone understands. No big plans for me this weekend. We’re going to the country to visit some friends tomorrow. I always enjoy the farms in the area and all the cats she has at her place. I just hope we don’t bring fleas home again. last time it sure was a chore getting them off my cats and out of the house. i don’t think I’ve cleaned that much in my life. have a good weekend too.

  41. I have had a really rough work week. So I am looking forward to this weekend and pajama days and relaxing! It might sound boring, but I can’t wait!

  42. Will be helping out at a Johnny Cash impersonator (he’s really good!) concert that benefits our local United Way, then heading to my parents to help them with my aunt. Hopefully I can also find some time to curl up with a book as we await spring in PA!

  43. Great answers to Kate’s questions. Hope you get to see Ty in person again soon. It is hard being away from those we love. Thank goodness for phone and computer chats.

    We are spending our weekend working in the garden if the weather holds. I will work in some reading time, too. Smile! I realized that The Frog Prince is the only one of your contemporary books that I have not read. Sounds like a good one and it is interesting to know what you were going through when writing it. Best wishes for smooth writing days when the words come easy and the plot takes all the right turns!

  44. I have been painting the house but today I went and picked up my son from college because he is on spring break this next week so I will spend the week visiting with him and try to cook some meal to feel him up, he is aways hungry when he comes home.

  45. Great picture of your Surfer Ty! I read your story about you and Surfer Ty in Fall In Love Like A Romance Writer. It’s a wonderful story!

  46. Hey Jane! Cool pic of Ty on the board. I still have to take him up on that one hour lesson from the Big Opening last April (does it ever expire??).

    I will be tied to the apt this weekend… my Mini’s rear control arm (which kind of holds the tire to the vehicle) decided to snap last week Thursday… while I was driving no less. So I have been without a car for a week now and hitching a ride to work with my friend. Watch out for them curbs! Apparently I cut one too short and it bent the arm & punched in the back side of my muffler. My car is not too happy with me right now lol! Guess this will force me to do my Trigonometry homework (…maybe). 🙂 It is amazing how many things you are motivated to go out and do when you do not have a car to do them with! Oh the irony ~

  47. Hi Jane, I hope you have a great night with Ty before he leaves. This weekend I just have class and lots of homework. Have a great weekend.

  48. Hi Jane!
    This weekend we are having my husband’s niece’s son over for a sleepover. He is the same age as my son, so I am really excited for him. They both have some special needs and I am really hoping they are able to bond and be good friends. Other than that, we are just going to hang around the house and enjoy the weekend. I hope you have a great weekend 🙂

  49. Hi Jane,
    Not a lot planned for the weekend. I have to get new tires on my car. I hate paying good money for tires….(grumble, grumble, grumble). Otherwise, I am just glad the weekend is here to relax a bit. It’s been a long week. I had a four day weekend over President’s Day weekend and only had to come back to work one day because of all the snow we got, so I got another four day weekend. So it was hard to go back to a full 5 day week.

  50. Tomorrow we are watching two of my college kids jump in a frozen pond for the Jackalope Jump to raise money for the Special Olympics, the U of Wyo Girls basketball game and off for tea with my friend for a long chat and to share my writing project for my leadership institute I’m attending next weekend in Memphis. Sunday will be hanging out and waiting for snow. Oh boy…

  51. Hi Jane,
    I am doing great – just extremely busy. I am driving 3 hrs to a high school baseball tournament and am also doing an activity to raise $ for Project Graduation.


  52. this weekend…something near and dear to your heart-water polo and spending time with some great sets of parents that have the same values as i do, although missing my hubby as he is working to defend our country. selections for oylimpic development program for 10-11th grade water polo players from up and down california/hawaii and spending time with their parents. we alls trive to have the boys enjoy the time together and learn a few new skills. tell ty to keep his head up and can’t wait to see him play against colton once you guys move to southern california.

  53. I’m not doing a thing this weekend. I’ve got a wretched head cold and feel lousy so I’m staying away from people because I don’t want to pass it on. Yesterday was my daughter’s birthday and I didn’t even get to go out to dinner with them last night, I’m bummed.

  54. It’s a shame and of course a disappointment when you have to cancel your visits but if your boys need you, then it’s unavoidable. You are an amazing mom. This weekend is one of our slower weekends and I plan to enjoy being lazy and read 🙂

    Miss you and hope you and the boys are well!!


  55. Cool pic!! Long-distance relationships are tough. The month will fly.
    Rainy day here. Good day to catch up on some housework. YUCK!

  56. We are taking my granddaughter to the library. My husband and I love encouraging her to read and she enjoys books so much that it is pure joy taking her to book stores and libraries.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.

  57. Having lunch together with my sisters and her family that’s what Me and my family are gonna do tomorrow 😉

  58. I’m going to schedule a week in Maui…reading about Ty heading back to Hawaii reminded me we haven’t been back to our Aloha state in a while!

  59. Great action pix of “Surfer Ty”!
    Busy weekend…started Friday morning with book club “Still Alice”,followed by lunch for Colon Cancer Survivors in Seattle, then to dinner with Hubster! This morning I began in a new volunteer role as a “church lady” helping to set up for services Sundays in March. Going through photos…boxes and boxes of photos…organizing them to send to those to whom they would mean the most. Meeting a group of young friends Sunday night for a get together then Monday going to a movie with a sweet friend after work. Yes, and making sure I get in my reading time;)

  60. Great interview at Kate’s site, Jane! Sorry to hear your man has left town, but I’m happy to hear you are busy writing because I can hardly wait for your next book. 🙂 Today we celebrated my mom’s 72 birthday. It was a fabulous day!

  61. Went in this morning for some over time. Spending tomorrow enjoying my family and recuperating from a long week of work. All I have in mind is reading, catching up on some tv and playing some games with the kids. Hoping for some nice weather so we can get outside and play! Have a good weekend, everyone!

  62. Jane,

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your guys in Hawaii. I hope all goes well with the edits and polishing of the new proposals.

    I’ll be working this weekend. Seems like the story of my life. I did enjoy some bonding time today with my 3 week old nephew.

    Have a great week!

  63. Oh, no, I am sad to hear you have to postpone your Midwest visit! Insert sad face. But I understand!! Family first. Keep all us Midwest readers posted!


  64. Hi, I have had a great weekend. Today is kind of a lazy day catching up on email and such. Yesterday was super busy, went to a brunch with some wonderful people to send off a couple of remarkable women to a week long mission trip to Rwanda. Then I had a great friend visiting from AZ, so we had a girls night in with other friends. It was great food, great company and great catching up with everyone!

    Hope that you have an awesome week!

  65. #32 Heather – you are my winner! Send me your mail address via private email to me as soon as you can and I’ll pop your fun mystery prize in the mail.

    I have another blog coming tonight with a very fun New Orleans prize just. It’s a shortie contest, too, so don’t miss it!

    Have a fantastic Sunday, all!

  66. N’awlins!!! It is on my “to do” list. One of my favorite history profs was from there and he always talked about “N’awlins”…took us awhile to figure out he was talking about New Orleans!

  67. Jane,
    I am a member of the Glen Ellyn-Wheaton Alumane Club of Pi Beta Phi. This year our book group – Pi Phi Book Babes – decided our theme would be Pi Phi authors. We read your books in March, and everyone was delighted with them! We meet at a local Hoolihan’s restuarant, and they practically had to evict us as our discussion went on for hours!

    Thanks for providing such enjoyment for your “sisters” of all ages!

    Yours in Pi Phi,

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