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Cover Girl Rebecca Jones

I am so excited about this blog.  It’s a really special one for me as this Cover Girl blog is all about my cover model for She’s Gone Country!  That’s right. I’m featuring an interview with Rebecca Jones, the model featured on the cover of She’s Gone Country.

I “met” Rebecca when she emailed me while I was in Hawaii and I was delighted to hear from her. We began emailing back and forth and I loved hearing what she had to say and thought all my readers and friends would enjoy meeting her, too. So without further delay, meet the beautiful Rebecca–model, wife, and mom–and get an inside scoop on the cover story!


Rebecca, how did you get started in modeling?  What was your first assignment?

I started modeling at the age of 3 doing print work for major department stores. At the age of 7, I was in my first mother/daughter fashion show and knew it was what I wanted to do. My only problem was that I was timid and shy off the runway, which is something that does not present well in the modeling industry. Throughout growing up I continued to work off and on with different local agencies to help me with my self-confidence. I grew to 6’1 in my teen years, which made me stand out even more. I did not become “me” until the age of 20, when I married my wonderful and outgoing husband and we had our first child. Only then did I become a proud, self-confident individual.

Do you only model for book covers or can we find you in other print sources as well?

I model in newspapers, magazines, clothing websites and fashion shows. I am most comfortable on the runway, and wish it were a part of my daily life a long with cooking, cleaning and taking care of my two wonderful children.

Do you read the books you’re the cover model for?

This is my first book cover, and I am so proud it’s “She’s Gone Country”. I have read the book and I love it! I can relate to Shey in so many ways; and what woman doesn’t like a little spicy romance.

What do you love most about being a model?

I love the way I feel when I walk out onto the runway or get in front of the camera. The excitement before, during and after, it is amazing! I also love to travel and meet new people.

scan0008Is there a downside to this profession?

In my experience as a model, the area in which I live is a factor. There is not enough modeling work to keep me busy in the industry full time. I married a third generation potato farmer, which will keep my hometown, St. Augustine our permanent residence forever.  Family is very important and I respect that for our children. However, I do have the opportunity to travel to find international work. As of now, the past seven years have been pretty occupied with family, and occasional modeling when I receive the work. I have been enjoying every moment of raising my children; the time is so precious and goes by so quickly.

Do you follow a strict diet or exercise regime?

Running after my children ages 7 and 2 is pretty much exercise in itself. I am lucky enough to be tall and slender and I try to work out in order to stay fit. I also try to eat healthy in my daily routine, not only for myself, but to be a good influence for my children.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

There have been a lot of highlights in my career in which I have thoroughly enjoyed. With every new assignment, I feel it opens another door and I continue to exceed my personal goals. I believe that I am known locally in my career and I feel that I have built and exceeded the expectations of clients and agents with whom I have worked. I am so pleased and I feel so fortunate to be on the cover of “She’s Gone Country.” This is definitely the top highlight in my career!

What are your career goals for next few years?

I hope to continue receiving work, not only throughout my community but with other agencies as well, local or international, to have more modeling opportunities. As my children are growing, I am finding that I have more time to concentrate on my career and will continue to focus on my bright future in the modeling industry.

Thank you Jane and your publishing company for placing my photo on the cover of “She’s Gone Country”. It has been an honor and part of my life I will never forget.

Xoxo, Rebecca*


sgcThank you, Rebecca! I’m thrilled you’re here and love that you’re the model on my book cover.

And to celebrate Rebecca my cover girl, I’m doing a really awesome giveaway. There will be three prize winners total, with three fun She’s Gone Country prizes consisting of a signed copy of the book, a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card, a $10 Starbucks card, chocolate, and lots more fun treats. Want to a chance to win one of these Gone Country prizes? Then comment below! You can ask Rebecca a question, comment on the book, talk about the modeling world, or whatever interests you. The Cover Girl contest runs through Sunday night and I’ll announce the winner Monday morning. Good luck and have fun!

78 Comments on “Cover Girl Rebecca Jones

  1. Rebecca, Your intriguing comment– ‘I love the way I feel when I walk out onto the runway or get in front of the camera. The excitement before, during and after, it is amazing!’ makes me wonder what does it feel like? Are you in the flow of the moment? Or do you watch yourself as you walk? Can you tell us any more about enjoying getting in front of a camera? I’m wondering what you think about.

    You look great.

    Neat interview, Jane.

    1. Well, it is hard to explain the feeling of both ventures, but let me try; It’s kind of like when you are about to do something that you have been dreaming about and waiting for, and the time has finally come and you just want to cherish that moment forever. That is the way I feel when I model.
      I wait, it feels like forever to get called on an assignment and when it comes I just want it to last forever because there is a long time between jobs sometimes, especially for me.

      When I am walking on the runway, it is sort of a challenge: I have to get everyone’s eyes focused on me, and on what I am wearing for the designer. It doesn’t matter how many models are on the stage, I want to be the one they are looking at and that is the outfit I want them to remember.

      Being in front of the camera is sort of the same way; I want that photographer to get “that photo” that he has been envisioning for the shoot. Just like in the country shoot on the cover of “She’s gone country”, the stock photographer wanted the carefree life of a country girl. I thought about how much I love to relax and be outdoors, hear the sounds of nature and just be “me” for that moment, with no worries.

      1. …and your idea prevailed and works so well! I love that you are responding to comments and questions. (Not in contest)

  2. Hello, Rebecca! What a treat to read an interview with a female cover model–especially one as lovely and personable as you : ) Let’s hear it for the tall girls! “She’s Gone Country” is a terrific cover! Since you started modeling at such a young age, have you thought about a modeling career for your children?

    1. Thank you Virgina,
      I still cannot believe that Jane asked me to do this. I am so excited and feel like my hard work in modeling pays off when something so amazing happens to me.
      It is so funny you ask this. Yes, when you are so passionate about something you do want your kids to know and feel the same way about it as you do. Of course I thought about entering my first-born son in the cutest baby contest when he was born, but then I remembered whom I was married to. A strong willed man’s man, who would probably not be as excited as me to see his clone on the cover of pottery barn kids 😉 So I held off and waited for my daughter. Ha! I have done modeling shoots with both kids and it was not for my son. He would rather be on the farm with his dad checking the potatoes and getting dirty. My daughter is totally different. Right now she loves everything I do and is so happy when we do “mommy and me” shoots together. I am so proud of my children and their differences and will support them in whatever they want to do. I will never push them to do anything, but if they start something, I will make them finish it. 😉

  3. Thanks for the interview, Jane and Rebecca! It was quite an eye opener. I really appreciated how well grounded you both are, and that you both don’t take your families for granted. I wish you both all the best.

  4. Hi Jane,
    Interesting interview. She really is a beautiful woman.
    However, since I have heard about the earthquake and tsunami threat, I hope Surfer Ty and you are safe on the West coast.
    Thinking about you,
    Take care.

    1. Sabrina, I talked to Ty in Hawaii about an hour after the first wave hit around 3 am their time. Our house is on the water and is part of the evacuated area so he doesn’t know if waves reached the house itself, but he and the dogs are hanging with one of his friends. It’s been a long night for them!

      1. Happy to hear everybody is safe. I hope your beautiful house did not suffer any damage.
        What happened is a real tragedy and hard as a lot of people are travelling for spring break.

        Take care Jane.

  5. Hi Rebecca! The cover is gorgeous and you look great! At 5’3″, I envy your height! How long did the shoot take? (Okay, I have more than one question, lol.) Was this the only outfit you modeled in, or did they do various shoots with different angles and clothing? I find the whole process really fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Karen,

      This shoot took about 4 hours. This was not the only outfit. I wore three different outfits to complete the 3 different looks the photographer was trying to capture. In that one day, I was a southern country girl, Country singer and songwriter and in a Country Band CD Cover shoot. It was so fun portraying all those characters and with each outfit I became that person the photographer was looking for. We did the shoot on an old ranch about 30 minutes from where I live. There were so many neat and unique props all around, and we had so much fun doing the shoot. All the pictures turned out amazing thanks to my photographer and stylist.

  6. I LOVED She’s Gone Country and the character of Shey! This cover was so perfect for the book and it was really interesting getting to know the model behind the character.

  7. Hi Jane and Rebecca,
    What a lovely interview. I think it’s great that Rebecca is working to balance family and career.

  8. Hi Rebecca and Jane. What a fun interview. Thanks for sharing about your job as a cover model. Sounds like a great job.

  9. I am so impressed that you could have a mother of 2 on your book that features a working mother. Usually the models are just eye candy to catch the buyers’ attention. Thank you for this inspiring interview. Any chance we could see the “outtakes” or what the book cover could have looked like? I remember when you did such a post about Mrs. Perfect.

  10. I think it is interesting that Rebecca is a country girl herself. No wonder the cover looks so genuine!

    I agree with karla, I’d love to see the “outtakes” of the cover shoot.

  11. Love this interview! I’d always wondered about the model for this cover as it’s different from your other book covers. How lovely to see her whole face; she’s gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing, Jane. Thank you, Rebecca for being so lovely and grounded; not to mention a great role model!!

    Hugs from Tustin,

  12. Rebecca is not only beautiful but interesting, fun and nice. Great combination and one that Jane shares as well. Great interview. I look at book covers and often wonder who the person is and what THEIR story is. One mystery solved.

    1. I wonder the same thing, Kirsten… I am always interested in what the real story behind the model is.

  13. Rebecca is the most wonderful person and a mother. I am her almost sister-in-law, however, ever since we met we have been like true sisters. Everyting that she portrays is really true!!! Great book and great model 🙂

  14. Rebecca – did you wear your own clothes for the photo shoot or did they have something ready for you? I loved how comfortable you looked and loved the setting on the old truck as well.

    Jane – glad to hear the your man is okay. ♥

    1. Hey Kris,

      These were my own clothes. The stylist is actually a really great friend and she came to my house and found the outfits they were looking for. Being, I am a potato farmer’s wife, the jeans, tank and belt buckle are a necessity in my closet. 😉

      Best wishes, Rebecca*

  15. Great write up here, Jane. Rebecca it is nice to meet you. I must say that She’s Gone Country is my fave cover of all Jane’s books. Kudos to you for sticking with it. I hope more modeling jobs are on the horizon for you.

    Jane, I’m glad to hear that Ty and the dogs are doing okay. All I could think about this morning was you and your family in HI. I know you’re back in the States, but I worried nonetheless. I hope nothing but good news continues for you and yours. Love you.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  16. I think it’s so great that Rebecca gets to have a fun career she loves and be a full time mom. You don’t get to hear about the cover models for books very often so it was nice to see inside that a bit. Well done interview Jane.

    Lisa B

  17. Count me as another who would like to see outtakes or other covers considered but not used.

    It’s so refreshing to read about glamorous careers and see how grounded people really are. Great interview and I loved the cover.

  18. Love this interview! I would ask Rebecca- When looking back, did you feel a lot of pressure modeling at age 3, or was it more fun for you?

    You are a very beautiful person inside and out Rebecca! It’s great that you have such a fun career!! Congrats on your success!

    Jane, I heard what happened this morning in Hawaii. I am hoping Ty is safe and hopefully your home wasn’t damaged. Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family!

    1. Hello Kari,

      When I started modeling at the age of three, it was because my older sister was modeling and the agency asked my mother if she would start me in modeling too. My mother brought me to a couple of shoots and realized that my shyness was not right for modeling and did not press me to do it any further. I am the one who chose to model when I was seven and that’s when it all began.

      I appreciate your kindness and great question!

  19. Rebecca, I love your exercise routine. That worked for me for a while, but now that my baby is 7 I am forced to go to the gym. Boo.

    Great photo cover for a wonderful book!

    Jane, I hope your Hawaiian family and friends are safe and sound.

  20. really enjoyed the interview….loved the book and its cover…glad to see who the person is behind the beautiful cover art…a good role model on the cover as well as the author!
    good luck in the future rebecca.
    (jane, i hope you are all doing ok out on the west coast and with ty and others in hawaii)…prayers for all those affected…

  21. I love the cover of She’s Gone Country. It is nice to finally see the face that goes with the beautiful pic.
    Hope to see you on more covers.

  22. The cover of She’s Gone Country was so perfect for the book, it’s great to find out who the real person is behind the picture! Rebecca, you mentioned that you sometimes have the chance to travel internationally–what place was your favorite? Do you get the chance to see the sites when you go somewhere, or is it strictly work?

    1. Thanks for your question Erin,

      Actually, I meant I have the opportunity to travel from my hometown to look for work with an agency that represents international based clients. In other words, many local agencies only have clients that provide work in your area. An international agency provides models with the opportunity to travel all around the world.
      I have only been with one international agency and that was while I was pregnant with my second child. I loved maternity modeling, but as all of you mommies know, no traveling after you get far enough a long. There was only a short amount of time from when I was showing till my daughter was born to model, so I stayed close to home, traveling as far as Miami.

  23. Great interview! I think the “She’s Gone Country” cover is awesome, though it is nice to now see your face Rebecca! I admire anyone who can walk down a runway in front of a bunch of people. To me, that would be terrifying.

  24. Awesome interview! I’ve always wondered how you can become a model for book covers. It’s something that you see everyday but never think about. Nice meeting you, Rebecca!

  25. Just beautiful & I’m in awe of how you wear so many hats & still keep your cool!


  26. Fabulous interview. I admire models although I could never be one two short. I am reading She’s Gone Country right now and really enjoying the book. Shey must be one heck of a model and mother. I don’t think I could keep up with it all myself. Thanks for sharing your career with us. Do your children want to be models too?

  27. I really enjoyed about reading about your modeling career Rebecca. Seems like you have the best of both the mommy world and the career world.

  28. Hi Jane & Rebecca,
    R – What was the most fun part of doing your She’s Gone Country shoot?
    J – Think I just might reread this weekend.


  29. I discovered your books because of that front cover! Thank you Rebecca! I am now a huge Jane Porter friends and am getting each of the books u wrote one by one!

  30. What a delightful person to have as the person on the cover of your book! Do author’s have any say in what their book covers look like these days. I know some children’s authors who in the past got to have close friendships with the illustrators of their books.

    Hope all your friends, family, readers etc. are OK today after the disaster in Japan. All those affected are in our prayers.

  31. What a great interview. And nice knowing you, Rebecca.

    I’ve been wondering whose the person in that cover 🙂

  32. I really enjoyed the interview. Not many authors would go this far to actually introduce us to the cover model that we so much relate to when we read books. We never know who they are or anything about them. Thank you so much Jane and Rebecca for doing this interview.

  33. This was a fun interview! Rebecca, I would love to know, what is the funniest or weirdest thing that ever happened to you when you were on one of your modeling jobs?
    You are gorgeous, congrats on the cover!

  34. Hello Jane and Rebecca. It was interesting to read and get to “meet” someone on the cover of book I so enjoyed reading. You don’t think of those people on covers as really real, so it was interesting to read about Rebecca. Great idea.

  35. Hi Jane and Rebecca!
    What a fun blog to read this evening and perfect timing. Jane as you know I was going to read Odd Mom Out next but since my fav store in the world didn’t have it, I headed to a book store and the only book of yours they had left was She’s Gone County. So this is just too wonderful!

    Rebecca, you are just beautiful! And I think what struck me the most is that you have had the best of both worlds. The crazy busy times of being a mom, when we feel like we are always last on the list of taking care of, but also the fun glamorous modeling times of feeling all eyes on you. And then add to it some good old country fun! Thanks so much Jane for introducing Rebecca to us.

    Jane, prayers and more prayers are with you and your family. Please keep us posted.

    Hugs and love!!

    Pam from Minnesota

  36. Great interview, ladies! It’s funny, but I never thought of the girl sitting on the truck as a “real” person. 🙂 What a great idea, introducing Rebecca to all of your fans. Jane, I hope Ty and your home are safe.

  37. What a fun interview and real treat! The cover has always been my favorite and I also love the old truck. I would love to have that truck restored. Keep safe everybody on the West Coast.

  38. My heart, body, and soul goes out to those that were and still are touched by the horrible current events in Japan and elsewhere.

    Ok, now I feel like an old senile old lady. Jane I honestly thought that was you on the cover of the book. Guess I better go get the eyes checked out.

    Rebecca, It’s cool how even though you were shy and so forth, that you went out and was able to do something that took you out of your comfort zone. Can you tell any of us how you were able to put your fears or shyness behind you.

    Thank Jane for such a cool blog.

  39. Hi Jane and Rebecca! Great interview- so much fun reading the responses. Jane, I’m praying all is well with your guy and home in HI.

    Rebecca, I’m always so interested in how people met their signifigant other. With you being a model and your husband being a farmer, how did the two of you meet and what does your husband think of being married to a model? (that being a dream for many men 😉 )

  40. The cover of She’s Gone Country looks beautiful and enticing. I haven’t read it yet but looking to soon. The interview was very nice, it’s refreshing to hear from someone so down to earth!

  41. This has been a fun blog! I’ve enjoyed reading the questions and answers! I agree with Danielle, I would love to know how Rebecca met her husband! Rebecca, the cover of SGC is absoloutely beautiful! I hope to see you on more Jane Porter covers in the future! 🙂

  42. Enjoyed the interview, et al. It is interesting to find out about the “real” person on a book cover.

  43. Hi Jane and Rebecca,

    What a nice interview and fun to know a little bit more about the cover for She’s Gone Country.
    It’s defently a book that I totaly devoured in less than two days.
    While reading the book I was wondering who was on the cover and this was such a treat to have this interview on Jane’s Blog.
    Thanks 🙂

  44. Wow, this was a great interview! It’s been great getting to know the woman behind the cover of She’s Gone Country! Rebecca – Congrats on this accomplishment and I hope we continue to see you on book covers! You sound like a very sweet, down to earth woman!

  45. Love your book, Jane- BUT I love my daughter-in-law more-Rebecca is as pretty and she is sweet. I am so happy that she has had the opportunity to be on the cover of your book. In my opinion,Rebecca should continue her modeling career. As she matures, she is getting prettier!

  46. I love how Rebecca is answering everyone’s questions!! She is wonderful. I think all of the good questions have already been asked so I will just say hello and Happy Sunday to everyone, including Rebecca!

  47. That was a cool idea getting to “meet” the lovely Rebecca. Jane makes everything just a little more fun! 🙂

  48. How on earth do you keep from falling off those crazy tall shoes models wear on the runway?

    I read that models are often cramming their feet into shoes that are too small or too big.

    I have enough trouble walking in heels that fit me–so I’ve always wondered, how do you keep from falling off or out of those shoes!

  49. Good morning everyone!

    I am about to jump into another book–I am so serious that this spring is focused on writing–but I wanted to announce the winners, but of course its hard for me to limit the winners to even 3, so I’ve drawn the 3 winners…and then drawn 5 runner up prize winners.

    The 5 runner up prize winners get everything the main winners do, except for the B&N card. So they’ll also receive a signed copy of SHE’S GONE COUNTRY, a $10 Starbucks card, some Texas goodies, and Jane Porter goodies.
    (If you won, and you already have GONE COUNTRY, let me know which of my books you’d like, ok? Or I can send you GONE COUNTRY but made out to a friend or family member.)

    The 3 main winners:

    #15 Kristy L
    #28 Erin G
    #58 Kaylee

    The 5 runner up prize winners are:

    #11 Teresa
    #33 Nicole
    #36 Melinda
    #44 Janie C
    #51 Kelly

    Will my 8 prize winners send me a private email with you name, address, and how you want your book signed (or if you want a different book). Please put “Cover Girl Blog Winner” in the subject line to help me stay organized.

    Thanks to all for participating. I appreciate you making Rebecca feel so welcome.


    1. You’re awesome, Jane!!! What a giver…
      Have a great week and all the best with the writing week ahead.

    2. As always Jane, you’re great!

      I loved my prize package from a couple of weeks ago, you always make it special!

  50. Thank you everyone for the wonderful questions! I had so much fun!!!

    Thank you Jane, You are amazing and I am a forever fan!

    Best wishes and let the reading begin!

    Rebecca Jones* and family..

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