Hello from Positano!

Just a few lines as I have a line behind me waiting to use the computer at the internet cafe (should have brought my laptop!) but its been gorgeous here in Italy–perfect weather, 70 degrees, blue sky, lots of sun.  We flew from Sicily this morning to Naples, toured Pompeii for several hours and then drove to Positano to check into our hotel overlooking the sea.

I feel like I’ve stepped from a Harlequin Presents novel…absolute glamour and seduction! 

I will be returning to Naples tomorrow or the next day to try to begin replacing son Ty’s lost passport and its not how I would have spent my few days on the Amalfi Coast, but it is giving me story ideas!

Computer is about to kick me off so hello to all and more when I return!


  1. It sounds like it’s a great vacation so far and very interesting and beautiful. I can’t wait to read about some of the places in your books. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I hope we get to see some pictures from the places you visit. What happened to Ty’s passport? Hopefully it’s not too hard to replace it.

  2. Molto Bene! Sounds magnifique! (I exhausted my Italian w/the molto, but French always works, right? Like the time I asked the Italian waitress in the cafe next to the Pantheon for a serviette and she gave me a look, clearly thinking, “why do I always get the idiot American?”)

    So glad to hear your having sun skies and sunnier times. Can’t wait to see the pics! Good luck with the passport!

  3. Sounds like you are having fun. Sorry to hear that Ty’s passport went missing. Hope you can get it worked out and not miss out on too much sightseeing. How positive of you to turn a “lemon” situation into “lemonade” for writing ideas. Smart thing to do!

  4. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Sorry to here about the missing passport, hopefully it want be to much hassel to replace. Glad its giving you story ideas.

  5. Hi Jane! I’m so glad you’re having fun on your trip (minus Ty’s lost passport)! I was just at Pompei about a month ago, and it was still pretty cold and slightly rainy then, but it was incredible. And I really wanted to go to the Amalfi coast but just didn’t have the time, since I was only in Italy for a long weekend (we also went to Rome and Florence). Enjoy the rest of your trip!!

  6. Hi! Glad that your having a grand time, I wouldn’t be on the computer but your a writer and have fans that love to hear your adventures. Love Italy, Naples is very beauitful but my one of many ciities i loved was Venice and Florence but that where my family was from and Rome-small town south of Rome. Anyways, glad your having fun…enjoy!

  7. Thank you so much for posting from the road! It’s so sweet of you to take time to do that for us. I’m glad you didn’t bring your laptop as it’s just one more piece of heavy luggage to keep track of.
    So sorry about the lost passport. You are awesome for turning lemons into lemonade…or since you’re in Italy, Lemoncello.

    My girlfriend’s now-husband proposed to her in Positano They were drinking Lemoncello at the time so when she sips it now it snaps her right back to that magical moment.

    Meg Cabot wrote a very funny book set in Italy about two people trying to get married with all the paperwork and craziness. I think it was called Every Boys Got One.

    If the rest of you haven’t seen it already the movie Only You with Robert Downey Jr is set in Italy and the scenery is gorgeous. Part of it is set along the Amalfi Coast.

    Jane thank you again for posting. We have book group tonight but maybe tomorrow the family will go out for Italian and try and capture the atmosphere.


  8. Great to hear from you, Jane! Good move on not bringing your computer…too tempting. The days will fly and you’ll be glad you’re not drawn away by that evil little screen! 😛

    Your trip sounds amazing (save the passport debaucle). Hope the passport issue is solved quickly. Enjoy the rest of your trip in sunshine and safety!

    Hugs from Tustin,

  9. Sounds like a marvelous trip (except for the lost passport). Thanks so much for checking in with us. Enjoy the rest of the trip!

  10. Yeah, a new story line means a new book! Enjoy your time, hope it all works out over Ty’s passport. Safe travels!

  11. WOW on the absolute glamour and seduction! I look forward to vicariously experiencing that in your next novels:)

  12. Ahh, Positano! That’s is pretty funny that I was just getting ready to pop in “Under the Tuscan Sun”, which is what Positano always makes me think of… and then I read your post. 🙂 That’s awesome you all are seeing some great sites Jane. Sorry to hear about Ty’s passport. I am sure that things will work out. Enjoy the rest of your travels there!

  13. So glad you are all enjoying yourselves in Italy. The warm temperatures sound divine.

    Yikes on the lost passport. I hope that it turns up. Good luck with getting a new one.

  14. Hi Jane,
    My husband and I got married in Positano in 2000. How I want to go back and bring my kids! It’s a very beautiful and very special place for us.


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