I was interviewed for over 30 minutes yesterday by a local radio personality about writing romance for her radio talk show. The focus was on my Harlequin romances and while I didn’t hear the edited interview live, you can listen to it here:
Or you can read an article (a little different!) here:
There’s always a lot of ha-ha about writing romance, and love scenes and questions about how people react to what I do, and as you all know, I love what I do and am so proud of writing for Harlequin. Romance rocks. It’s positive, emotional, sensual, escapist. It can be uplifting and empowering. It can be grounded and real. It can be bittersweet or edgy, dark and passionate, hopeful and light. Romance encompasses everything and my Harlequin romances vary from sweeter to brooding with the whole range in between.
To celebrate my Harlequin career, I will be giving away 25 Harlequin romances plus reader goodies on Monday. Want a chance to win one of my smokin’ hot romances? Tell me which of my Harlequins is your favorite, or if you don’t read Harlequins, why would you want to win one? Contest runs through Sunday night and I’ll announce the 25 winners on Monday.
Have a great weekend! I’m in Victoria, BC with Ty and Mac and loving it!
Hope you are having a Wonderful time in BC with your guys Ty and Mac. I love to read all your books. Have to say today I think Easy On The Eyes is my favorite, oh but I really like Flirting With Forty and She’s Gone Country a lot, too. I have not read as many of your Harlequins, but I bet they are good, too. Take care and have fun!
The Italian Groom is my favorite. A book that takes place in Italy is a winner for me. Enjoy your lovely time in B.C.
I have only read your other books which I love! Now it is time to read your Harlequins.
Have a wonderful time in B.C.
Aloha! 🙂
I’ve only read your other books. She’s Gone Country is my favorite. I’d love to dive into your Harlequin books! Safe travels!
Hi Jane,
I admit it, I haven’t read your Harlequins yet. One year for Mother’s Day, my son, who was about 5 years old, picked out 4 Harlequins, some candles and some bubble bath as his gift for me. While my husband certainly had a hand in this, my son did tell me why he chose particular books – such as the author’s name, a place in the title, he had it all figured out. 🙂 I love a book that lets me escape, takes me to another time or place, and something I can lose myself in for a little while.
Enjoy Victoria, one of my favorite cities!
I really enjoyed your Desert King series that I won at the RCRW readers luncheon. But since I do read Harlequin books, (and have a tall TBR pile) enter your other readers to win because they’ll become converts. 😀
I love Victoria, BC. Wish I was there, too!
Hi Jane,
I had trouble choosing a favourite! She’s Gone Country wins out.
Hi Jane! I have never read a Harlequin!!! But, I would love to change that by winning this contest! 🙂
Have a fabulous time in B.C. I would love to read one of your Harlequin novels. I have loved all of your other books so far and know they would be great too.
I forgot to add, the interview was really good too.
I love your books, I have yet to read one of your harlequins. Before I got married I loved romances and then I got married, had kids and less time for romances but now with my kids a bit older and more time by myself to read what I love to read I can start getting back to reading romances. They are fun and enjoyable… and frankly can help heat up the romance with my hunny and I 😉
I liked your Novella, One Christmas Night in Venice because a masked ball is so glam:) I also like characters that refuse to be defined by flaws—real or imagined. Cute interview!
i really enjoyed reading duty, desire and the desert king! it was my first jane porter harlequin; so i guess that’s what makes it extra special to me. enjoy your trip and time with your men!
I have to confess I have not read any of your Harlequins BUT I would love to do so. I actually do like reading romances, especially in the summer–good, old-fashioned romantic escape with my iced tea!
I was excited when I heard the interview yesterday, driving home from work. Thanks for letting people know feminists love romance, too! A big stack of romances sound perfect to take along on our vacation trip to read, then leave in the “library” of where we stay for someone to pick up and discover Jane Porter’s books.
Hi Jane,
I finally got hold of some of your Harlequins.
The first one I read was “King of the Desert,Captive Bride” and I really wanted to read the whole series so I needed to shop at Amazon.
So now I´m ready to read the whole series of “The Desert Kings” and I have timed it perfectly.
Because now I´m in the end of my third trimester and counting weeks and I give my self a lot of time on the couch to read your Harlequins.
Enjoy Victoria B.C 🙂
I have not read any of your Harlequins. I remember a time when I read a zillion of them..ah, those Greek millionaires. 🙂
Would love to read one of yours because I like reading what you write.
While I have not had the pleasure of reading any of your Harlequins yet I would LOVE to!!! I read lots of different types of books and my favorite guilty pleasures are romances…I love having the ability to “escape” into the pages and lives of the characters and leave my worries and troubles behind even if it is just for a couple of hours. It is one of the best relaxations I know of! So I would LOVE to win this contest!!!
Hi Jane!
Wish I could name my favorite, but I haven’t read any. I would love to win one, though, because I love romance books and I love your writing…a great combination!
I liked Flirting with Fourty. It came out shortly before I turned the big 40, so I could kind of relate.
I have only read your latest Harlequins since they are so hard to find and buy!! But I love them!! Enjoy your weekend with Ty and Mac!
I haven’t read your harlequins but so love Flirting with Forty that I’m sure I’d love your other books. So if I’m a winner I’d be honored. If not I will look for them anyhow. Love, Jean Maurie
I would love to win because I’ve always wanted to read a Harlequin novel but never picked one up. Great contest! Thanks!
Do I have to choose a favorite book? Not fair! 99% of Harlequin books are nice. You publish for Harlequin, ergo your books are nice. My daughter is laughing at me…she’s taking “Argument” at her college (we called it debate)and she is laughing at me..sigh. I want to win a book from you, please, and I’ll still like you even if I don’t.
I love Harlequins. I prefer the full length to the category, but there are plenty of good books out there in both styles. It would be hard for me to name a favorite!
OOOHHH!! Yes! You’re Harlequin’s will be next on my list! Would love to win one and then buy some more! I would love to read your Harlequins for my summer reads!!
Have a fun time with your boys in BC~and snuggle your little Mac between you guiltlessly~every moment with your little one is precious and a ittle extra snugglng won’t harm them. : )
I have never read a Harlequin, so good reason to win one and change all that especially with beach vacation approaching. Also love romance. Enjoy your weekend…I imagine Mac is in his glory sleeping with you while traveling 🙂 Bless his little heart…Ruth
I’ve looked for your Harlequin books but never see them and would love to read one.
Enjoy Vancouver – hope the sun shines.
Good morning! I really liked your interview for it got me to know you just alittle better as a writer and you as a person. I read Harlequin all the time. I love the Desire but just started reading Blaze about a year, and I like Intrigue alot. I have to be honest just started reading Present because i found out you wrote in that series. I’d would love to be a winner for I like your writing alot and love to win anything from you,too! Have fun with Ty and Mac in B.C.
Who didn’t love the Desert Kings? I love Harlequins because they are consistant…and much of the world is not. Enjoy the cool breeze of B.C.!
I just started reading the Harlequin. I have ready 5. <My fave so far is In Dante's Debt
I’ve recently purchased two of your books from “5-spot” [Warner] but haven’t had a chance to start reading either yet. I haven’t gotten my hands on a Harlequin title yet. But, based on the covers & titles, the one I’d pick up first would be the Secretary’s Seduction.
Hi, Jane : ) Congratulations on your long-standing productive partnership with Harlequin! I wish you many more years of continued success! I really enjoyed “The Sultan’s Bought Bride” and “The Sheikh’s Virgin”–ooh, those Naughty Nuris ; )
I love category romance! It’s just what you want–just when you need it. The authors who do it best have refined it to an art form. There is an amazing range of diverse talent, story lines, and heat levels to be found in “categories”. This has always been true, and I should know since I still collect and read category romance from as far back as the 60’s. “Powerhouse read in a small package” is a good way to describe many of the category romances that I have read. They can be quite intense, but also funny, insightful, suspenseful, touching, memorable and interesting. Harlequin Presents is my favorite category romance line. I call them “the white covers”. I purchase recent releases and also still regularly haunt thrift shops, used book sales, yard sales & etc for book treasures. Harlequin “Romance”, “Presents”, and “American Romance”, are “heart with heat”. I also read “Blaze” and “Desire”, which are both “heat with heart”.
Pick me pick me! Must admit I’m a Harliquin virgin….yep! Need you to introduce me to your world Jane!! Your books will be very happy in Texas and as I travel they will make the trip with me!! 🙂
Hi Jane,
I really enjoyed listening to the interview. you are really turning into the pro at those things.
Gosh, so many books to choose from…In Dante’s Debt (involves horse farm) and the The Secretary’s Seduction (that book is my Cinderella story)have to two of my all time favorites.
I couldn’t pick just one.
Flirting With Forty has always been my favorite read of your but also love She’s Gone Country. I have not read a lot of your Harlequins but will have to look into them.
Wissh you were here in Dallas for the Boas and Tiera’s tea Jane. Hpe you are doing well.
I have never read a Harlequin book, but I love your other books so I am assuming they would be good. I would love an opportunity to read some.
Hi Jane!
The only Harlequin books I’ve read so far have been in the romantic suspense line. But, I’d like to branch out into other lines. Since I love your women’s fiction books, I would wager that I will enjoy your HQ Presents books too!
Congratulations on such a prolific career! I love Harlequin Presents. Lately I haven’t had much time for reading. I love that I can finish a HQ Presents in one evening and get a fantastic story.
I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming US anthology featuring One Christmas Night in Venice. I went to Venice last year and loved it. I would love to revisit it through your story.
Hi Jane,
I have read all of your other books but never any harlequins. I would like to read the Italian Groom or The Secret if I win! Have a great time in Victoria! That is one of the places we always wanted to go but never made it to when we lived in DuPont.
I haven’t read any of your Harlequins yet, but I do enjoy several of their lines.
I really liked The Frog Prince, it was given to me as a gift!
I’d love to read She’s Gone Country and Mr. Perfect!
Have a great time in Victoria!
I would have to say Duty, Desire and the Desert King is my fav because it is the first one I read. It led me to many more! I’ve enjoyed them all.
My favorite is “Duty, Desire and the Desert King”.
I think my favorites are In Dante’s Debt and Lazaro’s Revenge. Love those brothers 😀
Have fun on Vancouver Island. I love that place but haven’t been since I was a teenager. Have high tea at the Empress Hotel if you get the chance, super fun. I stayed there for ten days when I was 14 and had a ball.
The Frog Prince was a good read. Is Odd Mom Out by Harlequin? If so, then that too =)
Have fun in B.C.! My hubby and I live a couple of hours away but have never been there. We often joke that we are well traveled, Redmond – Bellevue, Bellevue – Redmond, oh and next week we are off to Kirkland! Well traveled indeed =)…
Jane, oh Jane, oh Jane.
I wish I could remember! Before I blogged, I just read the books, not keeping track of titles (or authors). I recognized your name because of the Harlequin Presents books, and that is how I came to find you online, but I don’t know which books of yours I have read!
This is terrible to admit, but I thought you must have been in your sixties when I first found you online, because I recognized your name from the Presents covers and thought to myself, “I’ve been reading her books for YEARS! She must have been around since Violet Winspear!” Apparently not, as you are MUCH younger than I … and Violet presumably.
DO enjoy Vancouver Island. I also haven’t been there since I was a teenager, but I loved it at the time!
Hi Jane,
I have read quite of bit of your Harlequins, most of them in the Italian translation, but I have to say my favourite is Duty, Desire and the Desert King. It really takes you into the story. I believe I read it in one sitting, into the wee hours of the morning. I have also read all your other books, but sometime you really need to escape with a nice, breezy and quick story, and an Harlequin romance is perfect.
Have fun in Victoria. I love that town.
Great interview, Jane! I hope you are having a great time. I am ashamed to say that I have never read one of your romance novels (it’s about time). I love all your other book!!!
For a long time I refused to read a Harlequin because of the cheesy romance stereotype attached to them. Then my aunt suggested that because I love reading so much, that I should join there opinion panel and try reading some and giving my input on them. My first box came and I was hesitant to read the books inside. And then came a weekend I actually wanted a short romance to read to pass a little bit of time. The first book broke all the misgivings I had had about Harlequins and now from time to time I will actually pick one up to read. So I’m a Harlequin newbie. I would love the opportunity to read the ones you’ve written! I always love discovering new authors to add to my favorites list!
Jane, you are my #1 favorite author, and the fact that you write Harlequins is a total bonus!The Sheikh’s Disobedient Bride was one of my favorites.
Harlequins hold a special place in my heart. When I was young, my Grandmother let me read her Harlequins and I became hooked.I felt like I was taking a trip to a far away land! I know she would have loved yours!!
Enjoy your trip, I love B.C., Victoria is great in the summer!
Congratulations on reaching this milestone, and best wishes for your continued success! I haven’t read your Harlequins, but I’m quite fond of the Presents line.
Congratulations Jane!
For the Harlequins I’m going to echo so may here and say that the Desert Kings. DDD is my favorite. I also liked Taken by the Highest Bidder and the characters from the Sheikh’s Virgin have stayed with me. I loved Keira’s independence and her and Kalen’s story. The Greek Boss’s Bidding was great too.
For the women’s fiction, I loved them all. Flirting with Forty is my favorite and every time I read it I find some new layer. Frog Prince will always hold a special place in my heart. It came out right when I moved across the country, 6 months pregnant with twins, away from all of my family and friends, desperately missing my hometown of San Francisco…and there was your book. A little slice of home right when I needed it. I’ve gobbled up all of your books that I could get ever since.
And now we can get all of your backlist as ebooks on Amazon!
Much Love,
(no contest. I have and/or have read all of your books (except I missed Hollywood/Contract! Off to Amazon.)
Hi Jane!
I cut my romance teeth as a teenager back in the 70’s on a bunch of Harlequin Romance novels that belonged to my great aunt(who received books monthly). Shanna, by Kathleen Woodiwiss, was the first sweeping romance I read that turned up the heat. I’ve always enjoyed all genres of books, especially mystery (Agatha Christie, early Patricia Cornwell, Dick Francis), but got back into romance when I started doing a little writing for my own pleasure. Visiting author boards/blogs and entering contests I won some romance books and now I really enjoy what I call women’s relationship novels… and your books star in that category. Presently I am anxiously awaiting your next book, I love Barbara Delinsky, Susan Wiggs, Janet Evanovich and Sue Grafton. I did win some Harlequins on various blogs, including your Duty, Desire and the Desert King and still like to re-visit my Harlequin romance roots.
Jane, I have scoured the racks in our local stores for your Harlequin romance novels and haven’t scored any. Can’t find them, so I would love to read any one of them! You weave such beautiful, real situational, believable stories, that I know I’d love anything you wrote.
p.s. – So glad you guys are having a wonderful week-end in Victoria, BC!
I loved Taken by the Highest Bidder and I also love to win contest!! Enjoy your vaca and continued writng successes to you!!
My bestfriend has got me into reading romances and I would love to have the chance to read more of them. lol Beside her loaning me hers all the time. lol Also I would like to find more authors i can add to my to read list. 😀
First off, Congratulations on holding your own in the interview! You did us romance people proud! I liked King of the Desert, Captive Bride. Part of it was the appeal of ‘visiting’ Egypt and ‘going on a Nile cruise.’ Mainly, I liked the hero in this book. I don’t read much in the Presents line because I don’t care for the alpha who’s so alpha he’s borderline cruel. But I enjoyed that book very much.
Congratulations!Have a marvelous time in BC w/the boys.
The Secretary’s Seduction is my favorite of your Harlequins. I have a Harlequin addiction!
My favorite is “Duty, Desire & the Desert King”. Hope you had a great weekend!
I too have not read any of your Harlequins, Jane. Love all of your other books. Got my friends hooked on your books too. 🙂
HI Jane,
You certainly are a jetsetter.
I haven’t read any Harlequin. I would love to read one of yours for my first Harlequin experience. I would want to start out with the best!!
Hope you’re enjoying all your traveling!
I love all your books but The Sheiks Chosen Queen is one of my many favorites.
Definitely Easy on the Eyes!
Hi Jane,
Harlequin M&B books are my favourites. I must have read your books before I started connecting with authors as I can’t seem to remember any of your titles.
Before I started blogging and promoting authors and their new release books I didn’t remember the authors name, just devour the books in one sitting!
I love your books, but still i haven’t read any Harlequins by you 🙂 Would love to try !
The Secretary’s Seduction is my favorite of your Harlequin books.
Okay….here we go for the winners of my Smokin Hot Harlequin Romance Giveaway!
Congratulations winners. There are 69 of you who just won a b ook!!
Yes, I have decided that all 69 of you who posted above will win a book—yeah!!–but to do this I need your help and this is how it’s going to work:
If you haven’t read an actual Harlequin (different from my women’s fiction books like Flirting or Easy on the Eyes) I will pick you one and send it to you. It’ll be random from my backlist.
If you are a Harlequin reader, send me 5 titles you haven’t read, or that you’re interested in, and I’ll send you one of those if I can. I don’t have any stock of some of my hard to find Presents, and have quite a bit of stock of others. If you don’t get the book you wanted, please understand that I’m doing my best.
Now, to get your prize this is what I need from you:
Please send me a private email ( jane at janeporter dot com ) with your comment #, your name, and whether you’ve read my Harlequins in the past. If you have, send me your 5 top requested books and I’ll see what I can do. If you haven’t, I will send you a book I choose for you.
I will be sending all books via media mail so it will take time to receive them. And I will take your names and addresses for 1 week and then contest is closed.
Does this make sense? If you have questions, ask them now because I leave for Hawaii for the summer in days and want to get these books out to you pronto!
I will send you my info via email.
Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to reading your Harlequin books.
Hugs, Julie 🙂
As always, you are amazingly generous, thanks so much!
Jane, you are always so generous with your contests. Thank you so much a I look fowward to reading my first trashy romance novel! lol
PS- Have a great time in Hawaii:-)
Thanks for your generosity! I love reading your books!
Thanks so much, Jane! Can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Thank you so very much. I can’t wait to read one of your Harlequin books.
Oh Jane how sweet of you to do this. I am really looking forward to reading one of your Harlequin books. Thanks so much! I will be sending my info.
WOW, Thank you Jane for brightening Monday morning! I will send my information. Summer in Hawaii sounds great! Bon Voyage!
Thank you so much Jane.
You are just the best.
Thank you, Thank you Jane. You are so generous and so good to the fans who love you.
Wow Jane! Thanks so much. I’ll go look and see which ones I have then look up your back list and tell you which one(s) I’d like to have 😀
Thank you Jane!
Oh, my! Jane, you are truly amazing! Your heart is as great as your storytelling ability : ) Thank you very much! Congrats, everyone : )
thanks so much again JanE!!!
I’m thrilled! I’m appreciative! Thankyou…thankyou.
I met you years ago in Seattle at the ECRWC, and I have always enjoyed your books.
Flirting With Forty, especially.
I haven’t read many HQ books, perhaps three or four, because they are so much shorter than full length novels and I love to read.
But, I’d like to give them a try.
Hope I win, and good luck on the upcoming nuptials in Vegas.
Thank you for your generosity! I just emailed you my info. Have a wonderful day!
How fun! Thank you!!! And on your other post – CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! 🙂
Thanks so much just got my comouter working so sorry for being so late- thanks your the greatest needed alittle joy in my life!
Thank you 🙂
Thank you, Jane! Rec’d my box and goodies. Can’t wait to read it. 🙂
Thanks, Jane! I got my book and goodies. I can’t wait to dive into the book!
Once again you’ve made my Monday! I received my coy of “The Italian Groom” yesterday, and I’ve brought it to work to flaunt. Thanks again.
oops that should be “copy”.
ye ye ye!
just do it as must be but be carefull while doing. just a shame by the homester way like http://www.destroyodors.net/ but you should not be deppressed. It shouldnt be just a copy like a homy way. Just a humwy kisses a duck hunter :)))
great information, thanks. hope you write some more posts soon.