Viva Las Vegas

It’s been eight years since Ty and I met, and we’ve been bouncing back and forth between Hawaii and Seattle as if we own stock in the airlines, but after a couple houses, and a baby, and some nervous laughter, Ty and I have decided to make if officially official.

We’re getting married in September in Las Vegas with Elvis.

That’s right.   Surfer Ty and I are getting married at A Elvis Chapel with Elvis conducting the ceremony.   (Love it.)

Love that it’s going to be a small wedding and super relaxed, and really fun.    I love that Ty’s a great dad.  And I love that even after eight years I think he’s seriously sexy, and he still makes me laugh so much.

So tomorrow we head to Hawaii for the summer and then in September it’s Viva Las Vegas with my kids, family and close friends.  Can’t wait!  Las Vegas will never be the same!


  1. Wow : ) Congratulations! What a terrific, positive, reaffirming move to make! I wish you much happiness : )


    “Hawaiian Wedding Song”
    words & music by King – Hoffman – Manning

    This is the moment
    I’ve waited for
    I can hear my heart singing
    Soon bells will be ringing

    This is the moment
    Of sweet Aloha
    I will love you longer than forever
    Promise me that you will leave me never

    Here and now dear,
    All my love,
    I vow dear
    Promise me that you will leave me never
    I will love you longer than forever

    U-a, si-la
    Pa-a ia me o-e
    Ko a-lo-ha ma-ka-mea e i-po
    Ka-‘u ia e le-i a-e ne-i la

    Now that we are one
    Clouds won’t hide the sun
    Blue skies of Hawaii smile
    On this, our wedding day
    I do love you with all my heart

  2. Love it Jane! I can’t believe it’s been 8 years. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Congratulations!!

  3. I love hearing wonderful news – congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life together.

  4. Viva la wonderful!!! Do I see a sequel “Flirting with Forty-eight”? I would love for you to continue that story in the real sense. I am so excited for you and your family, what a wonderful love story. September is just around the corner too…how totally exciting!!

  5. congrats to you and your family! this is wonderful news first thing in the morning….i wish you all the more happiness in the world.

  6. I am so very happy for you and Ty!
    My dear friend Nancy was married in Las Vegas!
    Please pass on to Ty our good wishes!
    You two are GREAT!

  7. Hurrah and congratulations! We’d love to see a few pics of the happy day….but if you’re too busy having a wonderful day, that’s ok. Smiles and good luck.

  8. Oh, Jane, I’m so happy for you! This is such lovely, happy news! I’m sitting here tearing up and grinning! I just yelled HOOROO YES! and dh came running to see what the fuss was all about–he said to tell you CONGRATS, too!
    I wish you and Ty every happiness and joy!


  9. Oh Jane! JANE!! I am absolutely delighted for you and Ty. What phenomenal news. Of course it would be Vegas. A perfect epilogue.

    Big internet hug and kiss till I can give you a real one in NYC!

  10. Congrats to you and Ty and the rest of your family! What fun news to share with us. A Sept wedding in Vegas after time spent in Hawaii sounds beautiful.

  11. Hi Jane,

    Congrats on the big decision. It sounds so very “grown up” and I know how big a step it is.
    I think you´ll both love it and I still love calling my husband “husband” and not just “boyfriend” 🙂

    Have a fun summer in Hawaii and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I´m so happy for both of you.

  12. Wondeful and exciting news, Jane! Very happy for you two and also for your boys! Ahhh…leaving for Hawaii to spend the summer sounds SO wonderful to me! I was in Maui in Nov and then again in April and I definitely have the Hawaii Bug…can’t go enough! Enjoy your summer and keep the updated pics coming!

  13. Congratulations. Nice to hear some wonderful happy news. Have a great summer. At least you know it will be sunny in HI..Here in Seattle I’m wondering if it will ever get sunny.
    Safe travels,

  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very exciting news for both of you and your entire family! A fun and special wedding, exactly as it should be.

    Have a fabulous summer in Hawaii, I’m so jealous you are escaping to the sun!


  15. AAAAHHHHH! Jane I’m soooo happy for you guys! I would so love to be there to celebrate with you! What amazing news! I’m jumping up and down with joy right now. Huge cyber hugs to you girl!

  16. Aww! You made me cry!! After all these years, you guys deserve all the happiness in the world! Love ya and may you live happily ever after!

  17. Congrats! This whole time I thought you guys were married! So happy to hear your tying the knot!In Vegas and with Elvis to boot, the best part is with family and friends! Have fun in Hawaii, surprized your not getting married on the beach in Hawaii! Doesn’t matter where just so you and Ty are happy! You guys are so cute together!

  18. Big, big congratulations! I am so happy for you both. It’s been a long time coming and I know it’ll be the best marriage ever.

  19. OMGOSH!! how exciting!! If you need a photographer for some fun shots, i would love to come out there for your big day! So happy for you!! 🙂

  20. Congratulations!!! My husband and I got married in Las Vegas too! Feb. 16, 2002! We got married at the Little White Wedding Chapel and Elvis walked me down the isle and sang Love Me Tender afterwards! My husband wore a Hawaiian shirt and I had a simple, but beautiful floral dress.

    We had a blast and I would do it all over again!

    Wishing you both the best!

  21. Wow, what wonderful news. Congratulations to you both, can’t wait to see photos (please post some)!

  22. Congratulations Jane.
    You are going to make a beautiful bride.
    If I had to do it all over again I would elope and marry at one of those chapel. Lots less stress and better stories for my old age.

  23. Congrats! I am so happy for the two of you! That sounds like a very fabulous way to get married! I love Vegas and I know it will be a blast.
    Best wishes for a beautiful forever!

  24. Arhh that is just awsome and way too cool – wohoo and many congratulations and wishes for total happiness and a wondeful trip to Vegas. If I werent already married to my favorite man that would be the way to do it. Viva Las Vegas and Ty and Jane 🙂

  25. Congrats, Jane!!! I am so happy for you and Ty! You always know how to party in style and I’m sure your wedding is going to be unique and glorious, like you! Love you!

  26. At first when I read the brief post on FB I thought perhaps you were already in Vegas getting married as we speak. My sister is down there for a conference and I was about to pick up the phone and call her. Then I calmed myself down and read the full post and see that the “Big Event” will take place in September.

    If I didn’t already have a trip to Disney and Antigua planned, I just might have come down to Vegas to watch you get married and/or party with you afterwards. Congratulations to you both. Can’t wait to see pictures. My husband and I are celebrating our 35th while in Antigua and since we had a very small wedding, I am surprising him with a vow renewal on the beach at sunset. Hopefully he will still say yes 🙂

  27. Jane,

    Congrats! This the best news I heard in quite awhile. I am so happy for you. You deserve so much happiness and joy just as you give all your readers! May you continue to be Blessed and have many Happy years together!

  28. OMG OMG That is freaking awesome! See why I am not a writer? I am so damned poetic..that is wonderful news. I am so very pleased and wish you both the best. I got all teary-eyed reading this. Serious congratulations, Jane and Ty…and your lovely boys.

  29. And P.S. Jane – how could you NOT think he was seriously sexy. I have only seen pictures and I show them to lots of my friends and they agree that he is an incredibly handsome guy. Can’t imagine what he is like in person. I wish you many years of love and happiness together as you make what’s already a great relationship into something even more special.

  30. Jane,
    That sounds like fun!!! Married in Vegas. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law got married in Vegas to. They loved it. Congrats on the September wedding. I was also a September bride. It’s a beautiful month. Make sure to take lots of pictures to post!!! Take care and have fun in Hawaii!!!!!

  31. OMG!!!!! i am so happy for all of you! i wish and hope for nothing but the best for you as you start a new chapter in your life! (you need to post pics of the ring!!!) congratulations to you, ty, your boys, and your families…thanks for sharing this with the rest of us!

  32. You are all so awesome. Thank you for the love and support. I’ll definitely post photos and apparently there’s a link to a web cam or video feed so those who can’t attend the service with Elvis serenading us and gyrating his hips, can watch it online. Not sure that’s a good idea but the wedding chapel is sure pushing it….!


  33. After 11 years I tied the knot in Vegas to a younger man also. Mostly amongst family and friends
    (fantasy football and wives). Have a wonderful time. We did Paris, Enjoy Elvis!! The only thing we were missing was the dog?!!

  34. Girl, as I write this…I am in Memphis..2 miles from Graceland! Took the kids today. We loved it…love that you’re doing it. Too Fun…so happy for you. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Holy toledo Batman… or Elvis in this case!! CONGRATS to both you and Ty, Jane! 🙂 That is totally awesome. That’s the only way to do it too, is with Elvis. Soooo happy for you both!! ~

  36. Wow,great news Jane. Congratulations to the two of you. And fabulous plans for the wedding itself. Laughter at the wedding; laughter in the marriage.

  37. Sounds like another fabulous book!!! Congratulations to you and Ty! May we all be so happy. Mac is a lucky little guy to have such great parents.

  38. What a lovely surprise! Congratulations from Victoria.
    May you have lots of joy in the years to come and good surfing!

  39. Congratulations!!!

    I’m so happy for you that you are getting married in Vegas!!!

    Enjoy your summer and I can’t wait to see pictures from the wedding!

  40. OMG! I’ve been waiting for this annoucement. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and Ty. Las Vegas is a great place to make it official!

  41. Best Wishes and Congratulations to two fabulous people!
    What a great memory and story to have.
    And absolutely…Link us up girlfriend! That is going to be SOOOOOOO much fun to be able to share your day with you via the ‘net.
    Big hugs and much aloha,
    Shannon 🙂

  42. awww…how cute! I’m excited for your wedding, just the thought of it sounds great. I hope you have a great time in Hawaii this summer. Congratulations!!!


  44. Wonderful news, Jane. My anniversary is the end of September and we have always enjoyed celebrating then, it is such a special time of year. Viva Las Vegas and many happy returns!

  45. Congratulations Jane!!!

    I am so happy for you guys!!!
    Hope you’ll have a wonderful day!
    You deserve it!!

    I just ordered The Frog Prince via and it arrived yesterday, it was the only of your books I did not have. Now I’ll read it (all at once as always).

    I haven’t been able to follow all your blogs lately, so no idea if you have announced when are we getting a new book????
    **Tell me please**

    My friends are now reading your books too and seem to like em a lot (no surprise!!!).

    Anyways, hope to hear what is going on book wise…

    All the best!!

  46. Congratulations + Best Wishes!!!

    [i was at ty’s store last week and the person working there said he just got off the phone with you. i wanted to be one of those “fans” that screams but kept my cool : )

  47. Hello there! Every word I want to say has been said. But have you been sung to? This is what I do to my friends and family year after year after year. O. K. to the tune of the birthday song –
    Happy Wedding to you
    Happy Wedding to you
    Happy Wedding dear Ty and Jane
    Happy Wedding to you!!!!!!!!!

    Love to your ever growing family –


  48. Oh yay! Congratulations Jane!
    Just catching up on your blogs and sorry I didn’t see this one sooner.

    A Vegas wedding sounds fantastic! Couldn’t be happier for you 🙂

  49. Congratulations! I just watched Flirting with Forty on dvd last night and was wondering if you’d ever tie the knot with your surfer. Great news 🙂

  50. Jane-

    I can’t tell you (a complete stranger) how happy I am for you. Your story is beyond amazing and it makes my heart swell to enormous proportions when I think about the happiness that people can have when they allow it and follow their hearts. Many years of happiness, life and love to you and your family.

  51. Congrats! You two are such a cute couple. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, love, laughter & a never ending adventure.

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