NYC Reader Get-Together

I haven’t been blogging much since I’m writing hard (hard, hard, hard!) on my Harlequin trying to get it in.  It was due June 1st so you can see why I’m frantic and I leave Sunday for the massive but amazing annual RWA conference, which takes place this year in NY’s fantastic Times Square.

I heard from a couple readers in the NY area that they want to see me so I’ve thrown a fun, quick reader get together for NY.  I have to limit the headcount due to hotel seating caps, so it is first come, first serve if you want to join in the fun!

And now the details for the get-together…

What:  Join Jane Porter & Friends

When:  Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Where:  At the Marriott Marquis Hotel In NYC Times Square

Why:  For the RWA Literacy Signing 5:30-7 pm and then a Special Reader Dinner after from 7- 9 pm in Marriott Marquis’ Atrium Lounge – 8th Floor

Misc: We’ll be having Drinks & Appetizers and the hotel is located at 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036

I love seeing my readers as you can tell by these two pics of readers who are now dear friends–Shannon from California (pic above) and Cindy from NJ (pic below)–so do join me if it sounds like something you’d enjoy.  If you can attend, I need you to  let me know ASAP (and by 6/26/11 at the latest) by letting me know in the comments below and then I’ll get back to you to confirm.  The hotel requires a fixed headcount so if you say yes, please come as they’ll still charge for no-shows!

Now its back to writing, and then packing, and then New York, New York!!


  1. Have a wonderful time at the conference. I am not able to go this year, but I will be at the conference next year in Anaheim since that is very close to home. Yay!!!

  2. Hi Jane!
    Hope you have a great conference.
    I just wanted to say how much I really love your books. I just finished She’s Gone Country (Got an IPAD and your book for a gift) and it was fantastic. I have loved every second of it. I even cried at the end. My 21 year old son asked me if it was a sad ending and I said” NO…I finished it and I didn’t want it to end”. Thank you for starting summer reading off with a bang!!

  3. Hi! I wish i could meet you but i have been job hunting for i have no kids in my home daycare so I’m hoping i get a job soon! I’m upset but something willcome my way soon! I hope-i’m also hoping i get more infants or toddlers in my daycare for i love working with thwm and at my house. Have fun! I want to meet you so bad but not at this time!!!

  4. Sending best wishes and prayers for your book to be finished soon. May the words flow and you and your editors be happy with the results!

    Have a GREAT time in NYC!!
    Your fans there are in for a treat being with you!!

  5. Hope you are getting lots of writing done, Jane. I’ve already RSVP’d. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

  6. drat! you’re going to be in NY and I’m out here in CO. Sending you good vibes and enjoy your conference and I’m sure what will be a great time with your reader friends and fans!

      1. Cindy, I’m doing well. See, this is more reason for me to be bummed. I”m going to miss getting together with my kindred booklovers and “Jane” friends. And I hope you all are having greata fun right now!

        <3 marelou

      1. Hi Latesha, I was hoping to be in NY to join you ladies but I’m but schedules messed up. I am sure I am missing another lovely time. Take care; I’m sure we will get a chance to get together again.


  7. Hi Jane, I’ll be in NYC and Teresa W, also from the Spokane chapter, is my roomie. If you have room for two, we’d love to join your dinner.

    We’re going to the RWA conference though, so if you need the seats for people not attending the conference, we understand.

  8. Hi Jane,

    I had the opportunity to meet you at Dos Salsas in Georgetown, Texas. I’ll be attending the RWA conference for the first time next week, so I’ll be sure to stop by your table and say hello.

    Have fun in NYC and I hope you get your book done soon.

  9. I know this is very after the fact, but I have been busy with our church’s girls camp all month and have only been able to stop by maybe twice all month. It was alot to catch up on. Your blogs always make me smile. Hope you had fun at the RWA Conference and had time to enjoy NY and your Reader Get Together.
    I’ve often wondered when you and surfer Ty were going to officially make it official, or if that mattered alot,(to some it doesn’t) but I am beyond happy for you. “Cool baby, very cool.”

    peace out

  10. Jane,

    I just wanted to thank you, Kari and Cindy for the fun time after the Literacy signing. It’s always a pleasure to chat with you and to meet new faces in Kari. Looking forward to seeing you ladies again in the futre.

  11. I am so bummed, I was there in NYC and left on the 21st, back to Seattle. I so wish I could have seen you there!!!

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