Join me for a Chat!

I just arrived back in Hawaii earlier today after an amazing week in Melbourne, Australia with the Mills & Boon team and my fabulous Aussie and Kiwi friends!  It was hectic and exhausting and I had a great time catching up with everyone…  but it’s really good to be home with my boys.

I’ve missed hearing from all of you too and wanted to share that I’ll be chatting at Romance Reviews Today on Wednesday night, 9:00 pm Eastern, about A Dark Sicilian Secret and I’d love it if you’d drop in for a while to say hello.  Here’s how to get there:

Visit and click on the link for RRT Chat.  Once the login screen loads, just type your name and choose Mo’s Room from the chat room menu.  There will be door prizes so I hope I’ll see you there!

Now I’m off to cuddle with Mac and spend some quality time with my older guys.  Hope you’re all enjoying your evening too! 


  1. So glad everything went well. I will try and catch your chat, that just sounds like a lot of fun. Now go enjoy your boys! X

  2. Welcome home, Jane! So glad you had a wonderful time in Australia. Hope you enjoy your time with your guys even more.

  3. Welcome back worldtraveler! Whew…I’m tired for you, send some of that energy my way. Enjoy the family, am sure you were totally missed.

  4. Jane, welcome home!

    I wish I could be on for the chat, but I have a planning meeting for this spa day we are doing my church for single women at the church, it will be fun.

    I wanted to let you know that I bought another copy of “A Dark Sicilian Secret” so now I have the UK release and the USA release of it! Loved it! Also had to pick your pal Megan Crane’s Caitlin Crews’ book ” The Disgraced Playboy.” It will be my weekend reading for sure.

    Enjoy your time with your family!

  5. Welcome home, Jane. There’s nowhere-like-home.
    I’ll be sure to try to join you and the others at Mo’s room for the chat, however, ahem, I think I need to catch up on reading a few of your books, lol.
    Enjoy home.

  6. “A Dark Sicilian Secret” – awesome piece of work, I’m eagerly waiting for your next novel. btw I’m reading this uh “Dominique Adair” and being honest its not something tantamount to Dark Sicilian Secret,

  7. Hi! Welcome home! Glad your spending time with your fella’s! Have fun! Tomorrow school starts for my daughter so were gonna spend time making dinner and enjoy the evening! Have a good one!

  8. Sorry I missed the chat. I tried to get in for almost an hour, but the page wouldn’t load for me to access the room. Maybe next time.

  9. Hi Jane, I scheduled your chat for the wrong night. I showed up for it last night and Mo told me you were last week. I was so bummed. Sorry I missed you.

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