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Last Beach Tote Giveaway!

I’m getting married in less than a month now, and summer is beginning to wrap up, and the writing is just starting to heat up! I’ve so much work on my plate that I can’t really think about it and just have to jump in with both feet.

To celebrate the last few weeks of summer I’m doing one last beach tote giveaway packed full of Hawaiian goodies!  Sarong, chocolates, macadamia nuts PLUS one of my brand new Jane Porter Loves Her Readers t-shirts and other reader goodies.  The t-shirts come in women’s S, M, L and XL and there will be 5 bonus prize winners who will also get the t-shirt and a Ty Gurney Surf School water bottle.

Want a chance to win?  Talk to me!  Tell me something…anything…and I’ll be happy.  I hope you are all having a great August and know that if I’m a little quiet on my end its because I’m writing, writing, writing to get you another book!

The last beach tote giveaway runs through Monday night and I’ll announce the winner(s) on Tuesday morning.

Have a fantastic weekend!

148 Comments on “Last Beach Tote Giveaway!

  1. How exciting! Can it really be less than a month away from the big day??? Where has the time gone?

    Great shirts BTW! School begins on Monday and I can not wait. I really love the activities and seeing my friends.

    Back at ya’ We LOVE Jane Porter <3

  2. Jane, I am so excited for you and Ty and your fellas to begin the next chapter of your lives. Hope all the new book chapters that you write fall into place and your life continues to be the best ever!

    Still really HOT here. We are sitting around in the AC watching the grass die, but getting to watch our grandchild grow. Who needs grass anyway and maybe someday it will rain again. We can hope!

  3. How exciting for you! less than a month to go!
    Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds like just the thing for the last few weeks of summer!
    Love your books!

  4. You must be so excited that your wedding is just about here. I can’t wait to see pics of you, Ty and Elvis 🙂 What a special day that will be!!! I was hoping to say hi last night when you were on chat, but I had to go before you came on 🙁 I hope you’re having a wonderful summer and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I win this package. It’s chock full of so much fun things and I LOVE the shirt!!!

    Have a great day and I will talk to you soon.

  5. Jane — congratulations our your upcoming wedding. I’m so happy for you. Would love to see you and catch up one of these days.


  6. woo hoo! I didn’t know you and Ty were getting married, Congratulations!I know Kari will be surfing with him again when she hits the beach in a few days. I would love to go there but with a baby due soon it might be a few years before we get to Hawaii. LOL Thanks for always writing such amazing novels, keep it up!!

  7. Congrats on getting married. That is so exciting for you and your family.

    Thanks for the giveaway perfect thing to cheer up a not so fun August.


  8. yes the summer is flying or shall I say has flown by! Congratulations you must have so much planning to do! We would all I’m sure love to see pics! I would luv to win this giveaway! What more can a girl ask for? Chocolates, a Jane Porter tee shirt and a Jane Porter book! This past weekend hubby and I went to Valley Forge Park in PA. It was quite educational. I started a short temp work assignment yesterday which goes through end of day on Monday. But even better, I am starting a long term temp assignment with the same company, ZAGAT, on Wednesday September 7! As they say right time right place!

  9. Can’t believe school is about to start! Still some school shopping to do, and kids to get back on a school schedule. I’m not looking forward to the early mornings for my son, he is not a morning person and the middle school times are going to be rough for a while.

    Enjoy the end of summer and I hope the writing is going well. I’ll be diving into my copy of ‘A Dark Sicilian Secret’ later this afternoon. 🙂


  10. I just wanted to tell you I kicked off my summer reading with She’s gone Country and it was a great! I love reading Janeblog and hearing about all the things you are doing! Enjoy your next few weeks and Congratulations!

  11. Was that the blur I saw buzz by earlier? Summer? Congrats on your wedding…wishing you many years of bliss together.

  12. Jane, I’m so excited for your wedding. What a wonderful life you and Ty and Mac are building.

    xxo –


  13. Yay! Congrats on the upcoming wedding. I’m so tickled for you.

    I’m cleaning an old desk off and making a mess in my new creative room while pondering a snack and read for a bit. It’s a lazy kind of day.

  14. Congrats Jane! I’ve been married for 33 years now…Where had the time gone? lol…I wish you all the best, lots of love and tons of laughs as you start your chapter w your honey. 🙂

  15. Congratulations on your wedding! I wish you all the best to come. Hopefully I will get to go back to work on Monday. It has been a long 4 weeks since the surgery but I am doing great. I love the shirt.

  16. Hi Jane – I can’t believe the Jane & Ty Gurney Royal Wedding is only a month away!!! So excited for you both. I didn’t forget about sending you the singing Elvis Hound Dog for Mac. Have been so busy the past few weeks. Unfortunately my mother-in-law was diagnosed with a secondary occurrence of her cancer just before July 4th and we lost her on July 25th. Had family staying with us for a week, then the funeral and I am finally getting back to normal again – whatever that is. Will get the package off to Mac in a day or two. In the meantime, try not to go too crazy with the final wedding plans. And don’t over commit yourself. Follow the “Hell Yeah” rule. If someone asks you to do something and it doesn’t make you say “Hell Yeah!!”, then politely decline the task. Ty is a lucky guy and I’m sure you will be thrilled once you and Mac and your boys are officially a family. You will make an absolutely beautiful bride.

  17. A month ’til the BIG day?! AND, you’re writing a new novel?!?! You are superwoman to me, Jane!! I have nothing major going on in my life … just the day-to-day, and I can’t seem to manage to stay on top of it. Please share your secret for being a great mom, an amazing novelist, a fiancee, a super-blogger – and SO much more, I’m sure – AND for keeping it all together, and looking so fabulous! You rock! : )

  18. Dear Jane-
    Awesome! You have had one busy summer and to end it with a wedding is perfect. There is nothing like love, peace and joy! I too have had a busy summer moving from one state to another. And now, I am at a place I can finally call home! There is much peach! Much love! And much joy! Be blessed!

  19. I am so sad that summer is almost over. It is my favorite time of year- I love the sun, my garden, going to the beach. I always get this way at the end of August.

    Congratulations on getting married!

  20. Oh Congratulations!!!
    I wouldnt mind getting married again…if I could ever get rid of the husband I already have! hahahahaha!!!! Just Kidding(just a little)
    We just started back to school yesterday…its so hard to believe that the summer is over…sigh….
    Thanks for the cool giveaway!!!

  21. Hi! You have a full plate and what an exciting time,getting married so happy for you! I’m still looking for a job but doing odd jobs to make ends meet.My daughter started school today and she had a good day, its her senior year,anyways,I went to talk to my lawyer again and the judge, for Mike didn’t show-up again-so he needs to pay for all legal fees. I hate all the games he’s playing-I live on the property so I only use the stove if i want to cook but I very seldom use it. I grill alot. I’m hanging in there! My 2 kids keep me going and my church family! I know God loves me and he is with me all the time. Enough about me! I loved reading about the hunky Scilian..maybe will go to Italy for her graducation present but first i need to get a job! Praying..keep writing and yu’ll get everything done for your wedding! Wish i could help, what fun!

  22. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Love the new t-shirt and would be proud to wear it. Read ‘She’s Gone Country’ this summer…thoroughly enjoyed it. Excited for your future writings. All the best to you and your guys

  23. Dear Jane,
    I wish you many blessings on your upcoming wedding!
    We just had a big thunder/hailstorm this afternoon in the White Mountains of Arizona. It cooled the temp. down to a lovely 60 degrees which is quite a contrast to the rest of the state!

  24. Hi Jane,
    I love reading your posts! Lady you are one busy woman!! I hope you’ll share some of your wedding photographs when that time comes. Have a grand wedding celebration…all the best to you and your family. Hugs, Julie


  25. Jane,
    Congratulations to all of you. That is so exciting. Hope you’re having a great summer. Sounds like you’ve been really busy. Can’t wait for the next book. Hope you have a beautiful wedding.

  26. Congratuations Jane and Ty! I can’t wait to see pics from the wedding! I’ve been seeing your latest HQ presents book everywhere. It makes me smile every time. Jane, your readers <3 you back!!

  27. Congratulations! I’m sure you have a lot to do before the big day, but just enjoy it! Are you getting married in Hawaii – I don’t know if I saw the location on previous blog postings.
    We’re on the 4th day of the new school year – 2nd day for my kindergartener. The summer flew right by. Have a great rest of your week!

  28. Congratulations on getting closer to your wedding. I know it will be fabulous. I can’t wait to see pictures. We will celebrate out 2 years married in October. I thought the day would never come. But, as I was planning, time went by much too fast. I’m sure you are seeing this too. Enjoy your big day when it gets here.

  29. Such exciting times for you!! It’ll be here before you know it!

    I can’t believe the summer is over! Not ready for my little girl to start kindergarten. 🙁

    I had my 41st birthday last wknd and had a great day with family. Still weird to think of myself in my 40’s! But I have to say, I’ve learned so much in the past 2 years! It can only get better, right? 🙂

  30. I’m hear in Seattle and enjoying the fake summer, no school moderate temps and scattered sunshine 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading she’s gone country. I kind of lost all interesting reading after a few kids and then ordered Mrs. Perfect out of the blue that kick started my reading fest and since then I’ve read probably 10X the amount of books I have my whole life before 🙂 thanks Jane!

  31. Love your books! I retired last year and have been catching up. My first read was flirting with 40. I am becoming a grandmother in September. Life is good. Sounds like yours is pretty wonderful too! Thanks for the wonderful stories.

  32. Hard to believe summer is wrapping up! My kids have about 3 weeks til school starts yet. My oldest in college has a month yet. His college is the last to start in Michigan. It’s seems like a short summer this year but i’m ready for fall i think.

    You must be getting exciting for your wedding Jane!! Congrats!

    Lisa B

  33. Hi Jane~
    My eldest babysat for you when you were preggers with your second…long time ago..
    Congrats on your wedding/marriage!

  34. Congrats o. The upcoming wedding. Summer has been a good one for me. I am ready for the predictability of school. Lol

  35. Wow!! A month, and you don’t sound like a bridezilla. My august has nit been as exciting but nice. Bella started the third grade and her reading, which she was struggling with, has improved greatly over the summer. I excited to see if school is easier now.

  36. Oh my! Only a month, boy does time fly.

    I know what you mean about being busy. We are in our second week back at school and work and trying to get back in the groove of things.

    Good luck with the wedding!

  37. Today my baby girl turns 2. I have 8 year old twin girls that are such a joy but the first year was very rough and I experienced severe PPD, so I never got to fully enjoy motherhood the first time around. Six 6 years later we added out 3rd little girl to our family and we have labeled her our repair baby. All the things I never got to do with 2 at once I got to do with her. She makes me smile all day everyday. He older sisters adore her and she runs around yelling sissies sissies as she adores them right back. We are having one last baby, due January, but my little Sophia Tortilla will always hold this very special place in my heart for healing me. It just makes me so happy. Congrats on your wedding Jane, enjoy the ride each and everyday. All my love.

  38. He he – I would wear that t-shirt loud and proud in good ol’ London. We are heading that way for a wedding in September. Friends that are sending their last kid off to college this summer decided to finally (after 20 some years and 2 kiddos) to tie the knot. We are just so happy to be there with them on the big day.

  39. Busy time is right. Our 10-week-old Golden Retriever is keeping us busy and our daughter made the B-squad for ninth grade volleyball.

  40. Hi Jane,
    Today my son turns 19! Boy how time flies.
    Aren’t you getting super excited for your upcoming wedding in less than a month? I’m a scrapper if you need someone to scrapbook your wedding photos.


  41. Jane – I’m loving keeping up on you and your family. At least once a week I think about your up coming wedding (not in the stalkish way) and am looking forward to seeing pictures (okay, that may be a little stalkish!).

  42. Well, You are getting married, Congratulations!! and I am now the mother of a kindergarten student! Today was the first day and I am overwhelmed with all the thoughts and feelings I am having. I didn’t cry this time around, pre-school prepared me. I am also in the midst of a career change so my life is hetic and stressful at points. All I know is that sitting down with a great book lifts my worries and cares. You are one of the authors I can thank for that. Thank you. ( : Hope the wedding is everything you’ve ever dreamed of! Thanks for all the giveaway chances.

  43. Wow, oh Wow! Can’t wait to see those pictures. You will be absolutely beautiful. Where are you getting married?

    Love the new shirt. Great conversation starter to tell others about you! Hope I get one!

    As summer winds down it is time to get back into the school routine. Football has started and can’t wait for the first game. My son is a tight end this year which means he will get a chance to carry the ball. How exciting!

    Wishing you all the best, don’t get overwhelmed. Remember to breathe and enjoy every minute! X

  44. Yay!! Im so excited that you are getting married soon and im really excited for the next book. I got my sister into reading them and she gave them to her mother in law and her friends too all are loving your books.
    Its funny I just saw the flirting with forty movie the other day and I just kept thinking about you and Ty..haha.
    Im sad that summer is ending but glad for school to start back up…im working on getting my BA and I just love learning 🙂

  45. Jane,
    Can’t believe your wedding is less than a month away! Good luck finishing all those little wedding details. My son is heading back to school next week and in two weeks I am headed to Key West with 4 friends for a girls weekend! I am very excited, it is the first time I am taking a trip without my husband or kids that is not work related. I am a little nervous too. Can’t believe how quickly summer has flown by!

  46. Must have my head in the sand (or somewhere else) – didn’t know you were getting married. How exciting for you and all your men folk. So, where does this mean you will be living? Don’t guess it will be Dallas (lol). With all that is going on, don’t forget to take some time for yourself. If you were here, we could have some tea and scones.

  47. Well my grandkids have been in school for two days now. I’m so proud of our school district for managing to get all the temporary schools ready after we lost so many in the EF5 tornado May 22. The businesses are starting to rebuild and new houses are going up, it’s a very welcome sight. The contractor is working on my room now so soon I’ll have a bed to sleep in, the couch is getting kind of old. My grandson has a school project about things he likes and one of the questions they asked was to name something that had happened lately to make him happy and he said having me move in with them was what really made him happy, he’s such a sweet boy. Things are gradually getting back to whatever passes for normal now. I’m just really glad to be alive.

  48. Jane,

    I cannot wait to hear all about your wedding and see all the photos. One more time congratulations!!!

    By the way, I love the new t-shirt. Looks great.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!


  49. Congrats on your up coming wedding. You are one busy lady.

    I have been trying to get things packed up this week to move my son back onto the college campus. Will move him in on Saturday. I hope this will be his last year. Right now my house is a mess and will stay that way until I get him moved, then I can get things back together.

    Love the t-shirts.

  50. Congrats on the upcoming wedding. So happy for you! As for me, I’m trying to find a new washing machine that will fit in the place where it goes….my kitchen. Not having luck so far, but I will continue my search! Otherwise, I’ve been enjoying the summer.

  51. We are almost through our 1st week of (home)school, and my 3 kids have been so amazing! One day next week, we are going to pack up our books and do school at the beach.

  52. Jane,
    Well, I certainly won’t complain about you writing!! Yay another book coming!! Can’t wait!

    Football has started and have 2 weddings, vacation, and school starting in less than a month.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of summer!

  53. How exciting! Congratulations!

    August is always a big month in our house. Both of my son’s birthdays are in August, as well as my grandmother, cousin and SIL. Not to mention the start of school!

    This past weekend, we celebrated my grandmother’s 88th birthday and my son’s 21st. They share the same birthday. Funny story–my grandmother always thought her birthday was the 14th and we always celebrated it that day. However, after my grandfather passed and she had to fill out social security forms, she found out her birthday was actually the 15th. (She was 73 at the time.) We’ve had great fun teasing her about it.

    Kids are now finishing their second week of school and I’m still not adjusted to this alarm clock thing. I’m a night owl and I don’t do mornings. 😉

    Enjoy the rest of your summer and thanks for the opportunity to win!! 😉


  54. HI Jane,
    Wow!! Getting married in less then a month. Congratulations!! I wish you much happiness.
    I just bought some great fabric and am starting a sewing project.
    It’s 111* in Phoenix today. Can’t wait for the cooler fall weather.

  55. Wow! I didn’t realize you were getting married!! My brother just got married this summer and I got to be a bridesmaid. It was a lot of stress beforehand but everything went perfectly and 10 of us went on a “wedding celebration” trip to Cancun for a week. Our family and 4 of my brother’s groomsmen all went and had an AWESOME time! We all hung out in the pool together all day, went to play down at the beach and then all met up for dinner each night. My brother is in dental school and won’t be able to go on any vacations for a few years so he wanted to have a fun vacation with all of his friends and family instead of a honeymoon! It was wonderful!!

  56. Hi Jane! I love your Harlequin Presents books . . . have been going to UBS looking for your backlist. Congrats on your upcoming wedding.

  57. We’re getting ready for that move to Texas! We leave next Wednesday. So happy that everything has been going well over here.

    Hope all your wedding planning and writing goes just as well for you!

  58. Wow! A wedding! How wonderful! I met my wonderful husband 20 years ago and we have been married for 18 years. I can’t believe it has been that long! We’ve been thru good times and bad, but the strength of our love keeps us together. I am blessed to have such an amazing man and 2 great kids!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  59. Jane,
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You & Ty deserve the very best.

    I’m getting ready to celebrate my birthday on August 29th…I can hardly wait.

    Lots of hugs, Julie 🙂

  60. Congratulations!!
    Well, school starts here next week, so we have spent the day at the State Fair. Great day. Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.

  61. Just read Flirting with Forty and I will definitely look for your other books. Your book has given me new spirit and hope. Just turned 44 this summer and I have been told I look in my thirties. Divorce was final last year. Two kids 18 & 20. I was down on men but I think I might try stepping out of my comfort zone and start doing things I want to do instead of always doing what I should do. You have given me some much needed courage. Thanks Jane for your inspiration. You are a beautiful writer and woman.

  62. You are going to be a gorgeous bride. I can’t wait to see pictures from the wedding.

    I know summer is almost over for most people, but for me it’s just about to start. My whole family, mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, are all coming over from Sweden for an extended visit.

    It’s all part of my 40th birthday present. My birthday is in May, but this year has been a long celebration. Going to nationals in NYC was also part of the present.

  63. Jane,

    Hi, how exciting, can not wait to see the pics from your fun Wedding!

    Of course excited to get another great read from you, too.

    I can NOT believe that Summer is almost over, I am not ready for it to end! Even though I live in SO CA, I will miss the Summer weather.

    Today, I went back to school shopping with a girl from work to buy school supplies for Foster kids and at risk kids. I loved buying all the cute stuff, since I don’t have kids, I don’t ususally get to this.

    Enjoy the rest of Summer!

  64. Hi Jane!

    You must be getting excited for the wedding! I’m really happy for you and Ty!

    My mom and I got to go see Wicked! tonight! It was amazing! I have a job interview in the morning so hopefully that will go well! It’s been a busy last week of summer! Hopefully by this time next week I’ll be working!

    Hope you have a great weekend! Good luck with the writing!

  65. Looking forward to a sunny summer weekend with my husband, who just returned from spending a few days with his mother. I have been working for the weekend, and Friday will be here in the morning. When I was alone I did a lot of reading in the evenings. Thanks, Jane, for doing your thing and coming up with the words that create magic on the pages of your next book.

  66. Love your books! Just discovered them this summer….I’ve been doing a lot of reading since I’m unemployed. I love to read and it gives me an escape since I can’t travel right now. Happy wedding and have a great summer!

  67. Jane, I’m so happy for you and Ty and I can’t wait for the big day to arrive for you all. Here’s wishing you much love and happiness always.

  68. Less than a month ? wow, i know the feeling inside 🙂 I’m so happy for you and Ty ! now, we’re gonna counting down the days. lol

    And i love the t-shirt because i love Jane Porter too ^.^

    We’re going to my DH hometown this End of the Month. so excited about it. And gonna ‘introduce’ our 9.5 mos baby boy to In-Laws there !

  69. Congratulations to you and Ty! Yay and much cheers!! Wishing you both all the love and happiness in the world. I would also like to express my gratitude for the care package you sent to my sister months back, she did appreciate it very much and personally I love all your works.It’s not summer here in my part of the world anymore, rainy season now but still is hot though. Wish you could come to Manila sometime and have a book tour. Would love to meet and see you in the flesh! 🙂

  70. Summer has gone by in such a blur for us too! Though I have to admit I’m looking forward to fall in PA and sweatshirt weather. Just keep motoring along and you’ll get everything done! 🙂

  71. That is so exciting that your wedding day is so close. I can’t believe summer is slipping away already. For me, that means that my son goes back to college next week. I don’t know how we’re going to fit all the stuff I have piling up in two cars.

  72. My week wasn’t too great (work problems) but my work problems seems less important after yesterday- 8 people were killed in terror attacks in the south part of Israel.
    Today we had rockets hitting a big city and I just have a really bad feeling that another war is just a matter of time and it makes me really sad and afraid.
    I hope I’m wrong and things will be back to normal soon.

  73. Hi Jane, just finished reading A Dark Sicilian Secret,loved it! I’ve been doing a bunch of yard work and now need to focus on the inside. Can’t believe school is just around the corner-my daughter will be a sophomore this year! Enjoy your special day with your special man. Enjoy the rest of your summer and looking forward to seeing the pics!

  74. Just savoring the last few days before my kids go back to school. Overall, I will miss them, though they are bickering a lot! Love the t-shirts, I don’t know of any other author who gives back to the fans like you do, and we really appreciate it!

  75. Love the Tshirt. Just returned from a week at the beach and getting ready to go back again in September….about the time you and Ty will be off the market (take that). I am so happy for you two and your whole family. I would love to see you write about all your adventures since you flirted with forty, what a fun read that would be!

  76. A Jane t-shirt would be the envy of the office and would take casual Friday to a whole new level. School has already started…and so has the homework.

  77. What a fun way to end the summer! I love the other tote so much that I have to put my name in for this one too! 🙂 Good luck on your upcoming wedding!

  78. Hi Jane,

    Congrats on the big Wedding!!!! How fun, that is going to be so nice for your whole family. I’ve been doing the back to school shopping and trying to get ready for that. I have a cute story that I wanted to share. My oldest daughter is 8 and a few days ago she asked what Labor Day was. My husband answered her and said “It’s a holiday where we celebrate people who work.” and she said “Oh, so were celebrating you Dad, you work. It’s kind of like Father’s Day.” He laughed and I said “Apparently I need to talk to my daughter about what Mother’s do!!!!!

    Have a great week.

  79. Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful life together! Granddaughter had a beautiful backyard wedding last Sunday. It was perfect.

  80. I enjoyed the book chat on RRT. I wish I could have stayed later, but work called.
    I hope you do more of those in the future.

  81. Jane,
    So happy for you and TY. We are
    getting back into our school time
    routine. Kids went back on the 15th. Hard to get up early again,
    but we are doing pretty well.

  82. Hi Jane

    Love the t-shirt. We are in the final two weeks of summer break here and excited about our plans. The kids are looking forward to camping at Hershey Park in PA next week and to family coming after that for Labor Day weekend. I am off of work now for 11 days and very excited for that.

    Hope to squeeze in a few more pool days (there were not enough this summer!) and a couple amusement parks before our annual Labor Day block party and back to school begins.

    Have a great weekend Jane. Looking forward to reading what you write as always. 🙂

  83. Hi, Jane!
    Thanks for the great blog and giveaway. You always make us feel so good.
    Best of luck with all your final preparations. Be happy; everything will be fine.

  84. best wishes to you & Ty.

    Back to teaching on Monday for me. And next Friday is my 22nd wedding anniversary,

    so again wishing you many more happy years together.

  85. congratulations for the wedding, will get my bridemaids dress on ready in case you need an extra one xxx

  86. I love the t-shirt. Good luck with the writing. Congrats on your upcoming wedding. I’m like many who are sad that summer is coming to an end, but I’ll be looking forward to some end of summer sales.

  87. I am so excited for you Jane.
    I can’t wait to hear about the Vegas wedding.

    I have been a fan for so many years, I would love to win a T-shirt.

    This morning I was outside just wasting time before I took my mother shopping. I was pulling the dead flower hears off a bush and I had a major back spasm. I am still down in my back I am hoping that after all the ice packs and Alieve I will be feeling better. Like you I have too much to do and not enough hours in the day.

  88. a big congrats from me to you and Ty on your upcoming wedding.

    I’d love a tee and all the goodies(mouth watering).

    Just finished with a yard sale this morning and am ready for a rest.

  89. Hi Jane
    CONGRATULATIONS, a month until the big day, I remember the month before my wedding, busy, busy, busy, lol that’s without writing a book too, my hubby and I have been married for 17 years last May and still going strong, I met my man as penpal to the armed forces, but then who doesn’t love a man in uniform, Hope your wedding is the perfect day that you deserve x x

  90. Hiya Jane 🙂

    Can’t believe it is back to school already – time really does fly by. I think September would be a beautiful month to get married in – hope yours is all that you want it to be! Here’s to Fall!…

  91. Hello from Kansas! I may be landlocked here in middle America, but I’ve been lucky enough to visit Hawaii a few times. What I miss the most about the islands is the warm inviting ocean. You described it perfectly in “Flirting with 40″… Thank you SO much for writing that book. I think I’ve read it at least five times. And congrats on your upcoming wedding!

  92. so excited for you about your upcoming wedding to your honey!! thanks for thinking of your readers all the time and for celebrating your successes in life with us! today my middle son got his driver’s license!!!:& he got a good check-up from his neurologist!! so we are celebrating his successes with a dinner of his choosing. be blessed jane!

  93. Your t-shirts look awesome! Please don’t enter me in the contest as I’ve been a lucky reader winner before and felt the love, lol. Your prizes are cool. I’m reading a collection of short stories called The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted by Elizabeth Berg.

    I’m looking forward to reading the books you’re writing now!

  94. Feel happy for you and your wedding coming up and we’ve never met! I guess since your books have been such a great stress reliever for me, I feel like I know you. Thanks for that! I’ve loved every one of your books although “Odd Mom Out” may be my favorite. Close second is Gone Country.
    I’m getting my oldest ready for college in 10 days and my second one got his learners permit today. Four kids and a home day care keep me busy. I’ve loved the summer, though and hate to see it end. None of my kids will enjoy getting up early for school! All the best Jane! Love the T-shirt:)

  95. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding – how exciting!
    I have been able to read a lot more lately. Right now I am reading Dean Koontz’s “Velocity.” It’s a great book so far. Looking forward to seeing some new books from you!!
    I am on vacation in a few days. Going to the beach for some rest and relaxation (and good books in hand!)

  96. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I wish for you happiness and patience with each other. 🙂 I would love to win.

  97. Jane,
    I met you last fall when you came to Fort Worth,Texas for a casual “meet and greet” event at Winslow’s. I loved getting to know you and bought all of your books. I have been reading them in order of when they were written and just finished “Mrs. Perfect”. I have thoroughly enjoyed your characters and can not put the books down. I always look forward to the “list of 5” at the end of the books. You are now one of my favorite writers. Please keep doing what you’re doing. Hope to see you again in Texas!

  98. “Hello! I’m way down here! one-hundred-and-seventeenth comment! Can you see me???”
    (Giggles here..).
    I suspect you’ll get married in Hawaii? Least you’ll be able to rely on the weather? Although I think its finally summer here,well your side of the border and mine:)Mornings however are laced with September dew, which reminds me of a seasons end and a new one ahead.
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding.I imagine it’ll be very special coming full circle on this enlightened journey of…honest-to-goodness-love~

    Yes, reading in BC~
    Pssst? I’m a small tshirt (coughs.)

  99. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I’m so thrilled for you! I’m actually catching up on reading this weekend. I just started the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich & they are SO hard to put down. My computer’s in the shop & I just borrowed my kid’s netbook to do a quick surf of my favorite blogs (that’s how I ended up here) and check email. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  100. Jane,
    Wishing you much happiness and love in your upcoming wedding!
    What an exciting time in your life, and your family’s.
    Enjoy all the planning and each day leading to the big day, each one will leave you with wonderful memories .

  101. Yea, Jane! Can’t wait to see those wedding photos. What a fun time for you. Enjoy.
    A lot of people are complaining that the PNW hasn’t really had a summer this year, but I think this August has been perfect! Every day sunny and 75 – perfect for me! 🙂 Hey, we could be in Texas…. NO THANKS!
    My son’s football team had a jamboree in Tacoma last night and they are looking so good! I love this time of year.
    Oh, thank you so much for the tote bag and all the fun things included with it. I received it in the mail yesterday – so fun to find treasures in the mailbox!!!

  102. Hi Jane,

    My Mother finally got her for the first time after my twins where born, so now I have a baby sitter 🙂
    I do have a lot of time on my hands sitting still so I read and read your harlequin books.
    Looking forward to your next book.
    Have a great Summer.

  103. oooh. that is a cool shirt. Jane, you must be so thrilled with your upcoming wedding. I am so happy for you. Love, happiness and good health to both of you!

  104. Congrats again, Jane. I know you must be getting very excited 🙂

    There’s nothing nearly as exciting going on around here lol. Kids are back to school on the 30th and I am counting down the days until I have the days all to myself again. Such a rare treat in this house.

  105. I love reading your blogs. You live such a fun, exciting life. What I wouldn’t do to be in Hawaii right now.

  106. Hi Jane,

    My sister (Marlene) won’t stop raving about all of your books. I’ve read one so far and can’t wait to read the rest. She’s wanting me to go with her to Anaheim next year for the RWA. I think we may just have to make it a girls week and go 🙂

  107. So hard to beleive that another summer is coming to an end the kids will be back into their school routine. I look forward to fall as I love this season of change here in Canada. Good Luck with your writing, looking forward to your next book!

  108. Oh, I am so excited for you Jane!I don’t know if I will ever be so lucky and brave to do it all over again.Going back to school is enough for me right now.At the rate my big boys are going you never know I may be a grandma in a couple of years. Here is to hoping I get my Bachelor’s first! I would love to relax with your tote prize but even more than that one day I would love to visit with you and some ladies over drinks. If I ever get the courage to jump on a plane I will send you an email. For now, Happy writing, wedding planning, mommying, and all the wonderful things you do!

  109. We just finished horseshowing and as I work at a university, things are ramping up at work. Kids are all going back to school… my youngest goes Wednesday to start her second year of junior college. We drive my middle daughter to Prince Edward Island this weekend where she will start her course as a pastry chef at the Culinary Institute of Canada and my oldest two are back in university right after Labour Day weekend.

    And somewhere in there I have a milestone birthday!!! Time flies… I will only have one child (she’s 18) at home this year… it’s weird. Can’t wait to see your wedding photos!

  110. We did ours at Paris so “We’ll always have Paris?!” You’ll always have the King, literally and figuratively?! All the best.

  111. Hooray…you’re wedding will be here soon! Yay! As for me, right now I’m on vacation and having a great time. Saw a bear yesterday and one today. Way cool!

  112. Congratulations on being so close to the big day! Excited about another book coming soon.

    Been enjoying the cooler weather and rain to catch up with reading and laundry instead of out playing in the sunshine.

    Thanks for the contests! They’re awesome!!!

  113. Hi Jane!
    Love the shirt…your readers love you so much too:) So excited your wedding is coming up, you deserve all the happiness in the world…looking forward to the photos too! If anyone can handle all of the craziness of writing, wedding, family, etc, you sure can. I am in such awe of you, I don’t know how you do it…as I still have yet another unfinished email to you bc I can’t get enough quiet to finish it at once, so I’ve been trying to keep in touch with your blogs. Tomorrow we’re going to the Hoboken Museum with a group of kids from school, but first we’re stopping off at Carlo’s Bakery, aka Cake Boss, all of the kids are thrilled ~ I am too! Good luck with your writing.
    Love ya,

  114. How exciting…and crazy… and overwhelming I am sure 🙂 My husband and I ran away to Monterrey to get married. We called everyone afterwards… needles to say, my mom was not very happy.

  115. Hola Jane!
    School is back in session and glad to back in a routine. How fun knowing you are planning your wedding. Me and my friends from San Antonio (we all met you in Georgetown) would volunteer to be your bridesmaids if you are needing them. We have no problems traveling to Las Vegas to see you get married and to have fune with Elvis! We all have old dresses from previous weddings we can wear if you want us to. lol

  116. That must be sooo exciting. I beleive marriage can be a wonderful and spiritual thing for a couple to share. My children are in school & now its back to college for me. No matter how long it takes me i will never give up on my dream of being a college graduate for my children. Wish you well.

  117. Hi all,
    I’ve spent most of the day writing but just took a short break and realized I need to announce winners!

    Our main winner is #84 CaroleAnn!

    Bonus winners are:
    #9 Amy
    #37 Keisha Talley
    #60 Angiemac
    #97 CathyF
    #126 Fe Y Roberts

    Congratulations!! Please send me an email at jane(at)janeporter(dot)com with your mailing address and don’t forget to include your t-shirt size!


  118. Best wishes on you wedding. May you dearest dreams come true.

    I hope it isn’t a hot there as it it here. 23 straight days of over 100 degrees and it is supposed to get hotter Tuesday and Wednesday. We are under severe watering restrictions and my plants are truly suffering. Can only water the two days a week.

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