Photos from Mt. Etna!

Ty and me at the Greek ampitheatre in Taormina

I’m busy writing, writing, writing right now, so today’s blog post is just to lead you to a bunch of super fun photos!

Mt. Etna erupted this past Monday, August 1st. Mt. Etna is in Sicily, Italy. It blows my mind because, even though it is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, I was walking around it just a few months ago, when I took a holiday to Sicily with my all my big guys this past spring.

It was such a wonderful trip. Besides excellent family and tourist time, my new book A Dark Sicilian Secret takes place in Sicily so there was a lot of research, too. I find Sicily a perfect romantic setting…

Be sure to see my photos from when we visited Mt. Etna.

Also take a look at my photos from my time in the resort town of Taormina, Sicily! So beautiful!

Ty and I at Mt. Etna, Sicily's volcano
Ty and me at Mt. Etna, Sicily's volcano



  1. Thanks for sharing your vacation pictures. I enjoyed seeing them and almost feels like a vacation to me. I would love to take this trip some time. It’s scary to think you were walking around the volcano and now it’s erupting.

  2. Hola Jane!

    Enjoyed viewing your family photos. Just downloaed A Dark Sicilian Secret onto my Kindle. Can’t wait to see my own photos as I am reading along.

    Enjoy your rest of the week.

  3. Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing. I love travel photos. They give me ideas of places to visit.

  4. These are just beautiful Jane! Gosh, the view in each one is just fabulous. Love the shots of you and your boys (all ages) too. Your sons are getting tall. So glad you had that R&R time especially with you in a writing frenzy this summer.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Jane, thank u for sharing these pics. I am vacationing thru your pics. Wish we could go away this summer, and I don’t mean a weekend away, i mean away away! I’ve never been to Europe and one of the countries I definitely want to visit is Italy

  6. Hi! I heard that today from a friend who’s in Italy now! Love the pictures-you make such a cute couple! Italy is one romantic place not just Sicily! thanks for sharing your pictures!

  7. I love the pics of you and Ty. What a gorgeous couple. I can’t wait to see pics from the wedding. You two are going to be stunning!!!

  8. Timing is everything. Noone wants to be a tourist during a disaster. Glad you missed out on the volcano’s fireworks.

  9. thanks for sharing your pics; they are wonderful. glad you were over there when the volcano wasn’t erupting…take care!

  10. Hi Jane! Thanks for sharing some photos with us! You and Ty are such a beautiful couple, and the background’s gorgeous as well. Glad you had such a wonderful trip!

  11. Yes, I know…..I’ve been mia but I’m back with so many emails it’s crazy. Viruses on all three computers.

    Thanks for sharing your photos Jane, you both look so very happy! Got your FB email, thanks.

  12. Wonderful vacation and family pictures. It’s so nice to see pictures of places that I want to go see. I also enjoy seeing the places from someone else’s eyes. Thanks for sharing your pics, Jane.

  13. I loved seeing your pictures. My son and his wife honeymooned in Italy and Sicily this past May. So romantic! They hiked the Amalfi coast, visited the Blue Cove, the city pf lemons, and hiked up north in the Dolomites.

    We loved visiting vicariously through their pictures!

    I hope you discovered lots of material for future books.

  14. I visited Mt. Etna a few times when we were living in Sicily because of my Dad’s job, but I was little and barely remember it. Nice pictures. It must have been a beautiful trip.

  15. Great Photos! As always!
    You two are such a cute couple!

    Someday we will make it to Italy!

    Thanks for sharing Jane! 🙂

  16. I forgot to mention I clicked on the link you have for Mt. Etna, the pictures were amazing and beautiful.
    I also think about safety for people and wildlife.
    It would be scary to be visiting during that time.

    Timing is everything!
    Have a great week! 🙂

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