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Back to Work

I am working–writing–and it feels good.  Really good.  I’m one hundred pages into my story and there are areas I need to tighten and edit, and other areas I need to build up and flesh out, but its exciting to start understanding the story and feeling the characters come alive.  I am going to be writing a lot, which means long days at my desk, but it actually sounds fun right now.  After the rush-rush of Christmas, I welcome quiet and a chance to really concentrate on what’s at hand.

I kicked off January with a three day writing retreat in Palm Springs with pals Megan Crane, Liza Palmer and Elizabeth Boyle.  The photo below is me at my ‘desk’ outside on the patio, a table I claimed early on as I love working outside in the fresh air.  Over the weekend I did some plotting, wrote nearly 40 pages, and came home inspired to keep up my momentum and keep writing fresh scenes.  One of the cool things we did in Palm Springs was writing sprints.  I’d never done a writing sprint before but it was good for me.  The goal was to write 1,000 words in an hour, and we would do these 2,3, 4 times a day and while I never actually hit 1,000 words, by the time we came home, I was able to write 900 words in an hour.  Liza, Megan and Elizabeth were producing so much faster (1,500 words an hour from Liza!  1,200 from Elizabeth and Megan!) but I learned a lot about how I work and what I need to feel good about me working and momentum is part of that.

The retreat also helped me focus on me and some things I’ve been ignoring for awhile, like my health and my mood and my overall satisfaction with life.   I don’t like talking about it but I have a couple auto-immune things going on and I sometimes just feel crummy and pain’s no fun.  So I’m going to be more honest and realistic about what is, and what isn’t, and what I can do about it, and if I eat better, and get more sleep and more exercise I know I will feel better.  So I have to do it.  But with joy.   My goal for 2012 is to seize life– to throw myself into the middle of it, and savor it–all of.  Messy juicy exciting life.

What about you?  Anything you want or need?  Any resolutions you made, big or small?  Tell me!  I’ve got 4 New Years Resolution prizes here waiting to be won.  Share with me in the comment section and you have a chance to win one of them.  Contest runs through Saturday night and I’ll announce the 4 winners on Sunday.  Good luck and here’s to a brilliant new year and lots more messy juicy exciting life!

124 Comments on “Back to Work

  1. 2012 is the year I plan to get more exercise, eat more fruits and veggies and write….Write a lot! And I like the idea of the writing sprints! I will try them. Glad to hear that you had a good writing getaway to Palm Springs. Hugs to you too, with regards to feeling crummy. Hope it all gets better soon. Take Care, and yes, seize life!

  2. Jane,

    Your weekend sounded like it was just what you needed. I have learned that I have to occasionally do things like that to sort of refresh and renew myself on so many different levels. For the last several years all of my “vacations” have been spent taking care of family obligations. This year I have vowed to actually at some point take a real vacation. I have also decided to take better control of my life and occasionally say no. I have already started working out again and have made it fit into my already busy life, because I realize just how important it really is to my overall being. I also have planned and done one, all about me days at a local spa. I treated myself to a massage, pedicure and a relaxing time with a great book. That is one of my goals this year, to take better care of myself. Although I realistically can’t afford to do the Spa thing or take great vacation every week. I plan to every few weeks take a day to myself, turn off the phone, and relax! I plan to stay in my PJ’s the whole day and just read to “escape” to new exotic vacation spots that way!

    Thanks Jane, for always sharing your life with us, and for always giving us great books that we can take a staycation with!

  3. Palm Springs is a lovely place to visit. My husband and I used to go on short trips there and we always had a wonderful time. My resolution is to try and not worry about things so much. I tend to really be worry-wart, when there is no real good reason for it, so I do plan to be a bit more carefree about things.
    Well wishes you Jane.

  4. I usually don’t do very well with my New Years resolutions of losing weight, so this time I decided to change things up a little and say I will 1. Eat healthier (eating a huge portion of veggies daily) and 2. Will exercise more. SO far, it’s paying off! I’ve been feeling a lot better doing these 2 things, as well.

  5. I just turned 50 and decided to make a list of “50 things” I wanted to do this year.One of those goals is Hawaii,so my husband and I are headed there next month. It will be our first time and we are pretty excited. It’s one of the bigger goals on the list but I’ll be able to cross off other items on the list, like walking on the beach and zip lining! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us. I feel very fortunate to have found you and look forward to your new releases. Happy New Year!

  6. For the new year I have resolved to scan all the family photos from my mom’s estate and give them on thumb drives to my brothers and sisters. I got started, but am having technical difficulties and I will have to find out what to do to make it work and jut keep at it. There seems to be a million, but scanning photos one hour every evening should get it done eventually.
    Besides that project, I need to stay healthy by eating better so I can stay active. I HAVE to move; I am a very physical person but I love to read, too, so it is a constant balancing act to satisfy both urges.
    The new year makes it all seem possible and I am thrilled to take on 2012!

  7. my goal for 2012 is to focus as much as i can on the positive parts of my life. crohn’s disease is not an easy disease to live with, so if i can try to stay positive, it will help me with the complications and the depression. bravo to you jane for all that you do, even when you feel crummy. and thanks for sharing your insights, thoughts, and struggles.

  8. Hi Jane – The writing sprints sound like a great idea. I, too, need momentum to keep up with whatever I am doing. I’m glad it was a good weekend.

    My 2012 is about staying on top of my health – physically, mentally, emotionally. I need to exercise (check; I’m going regularly, it’s a habit now since November), continue my gluten-free lifestyle (it has made a huge difference on the aches and pain), rediscover my writing and photography and learn the word “no” for all the school activities. The kids are so busy, it rules our lives and leaves me exhausted. I need time for my own mental health, just to organize the chaos that overwhelms me, play in my sewing room, drive around with my camera and take pictures, and get back to writing. And my to be read stack just keeps growing, so some quiet time with a book is long overdue. 🙂

    Enjoy the work time, remember to take breaks for you.

  9. I suppose my main resolution is to NOT make resolutions I am sure to break, but make life changes that I will keep.

  10. Hi Jane,
    I’m working in trying to not worry and stress over things not in my control, especially at work! I am also hoping to spend more quality time with my kids now that I have completed a big project at work! Happy writing! Can’t wait to start reading your new trilogy. I love connected books!

  11. Aloha Jane! I usually haven’t made New Years resolutions in the past, but this year 2012 feels like it is just going to be a different year. It is in one way since I will be transitioning from a 20 year run in the Navy into civilian life, which I think is just freaking me out. So my auto-immune stuff is in full blown mode. Stress is the enemy.

    My resolution has been to start eating better too… i.e. go grocery shopping instead of eating out all of the time (uh, still working on that – as I eat a bowl of popcorn for dinner). I have planned to start a consistent exercise routine too. Still working on that. I think I am in the turtle mode you were a year or so ago 😉 Kind of like a case of the Mondays everyday; sluggish.

    I will admit though that I am excited about all the changes that are going to be coming and finally finishing my degree in several weeks! I also plan to arm myself with as much knowledge as I can so that I am prepared for anything. Hoping you feel better soon Jane – we are here for ya! ~

  12. It sounds like something people always say..but my father passed away two days after Christmas. I was left with, AM left with such pain and loss that I want to grab more time with my family, enjoy life more and find time for the things I have put aside.

  13. My resolutions, never made any resolutions so far.. I just want to stay healthy, be a good mom to my two boys, lovely wife and live happily every single days 🙂

  14. Hi Jane,

    I don’t tend to make New Year’s Resolutions. I more like to reinvent myself throughout the year. Right now I’m trying to lose a total of 10 pounds. I’ve lost 2 1/2 already. I’m getting there slowly but surely 🙂

    I can’t wait to get my hands on your next book. I know that it will be just as fabulous as your other books. Have a wonderful day 🙂

  15. I have the usual yearly goals, lose weight and exercise more. But, this year, I’m trying to work on much more. I am a shopaholic and I am trying to break that habit. Also, I want to be more positive and stop letting little things people say and do get to me so much. I want to be happier this year. I am trying to work on my self image too. For so long, I have been so unhappy about myself and I want to feel good in my own skin. It’s a lot of goals, but I’m working on it. I’m glad to hear your writing is going good and it sounds like the retreat was a good help.

  16. Jane,

    Glad you were able to so much accomplished over the weekend. It’s important for you to take care of you so that you can be at your best for whatever you want to do. Big hugs to you.

    No resolutions made so I don’t feel bad or guilty when I don’t complete them. However, I would like to focus more on me and not put my needs aside for others all the time.

  17. I didn’t make any resolutions this year. I’m just wishing for better health this year for me and for everyone.

  18. I don’t make New Years Resolutions. It always seems that by the end of Feb I forget what my resolutions were. So I just stopped making them.

  19. I appreciate the perspective you give by describing life as messy juicy and exciting. That will have to be my mantra for the year.

  20. I don’t make resolutions but I do set goals periodically throughout the year. Exercise is one that is always on it, I am looking to go back to work, and organizing my house which seems to be as ongoing as the exercise goal.

    Onto housework and laundry folding and ironing!!


  21. Great for you and how many words you could get out. Im glad you had time to relax for a while you deserve it. This year I hope to exercise, eat healthy and do as many college classes as I can. I work and have 3 children plus another child that I take care of. Its caotic but I love it. Good Luck on writing your new book I can not wait to read it. I just finished your princess triology 🙂

  22. my nys resolution was to make more time for myself which i have been doing. at the same time making sure all the daily chores & family are taken care of…not making everything an issue at the moment. excersing has helped too…taking off in the middle of the day and going for a walk by myself which gives me my me time.

  23. I am going to try or maybe I should say continue to try to live in the moment and not worry about anything in the past or future. Sometimes it is hard to turn off that part of the brain that wants to dwell on other things when I need to just be living. And this year I want to love and appreciate more the people in my life. Thanks Jane for your writing, because another goal is to read more!

  24. I love hearing how happy you were in your post!

    I’m still figuring out how to achieve my goals. I know what I want (be healthier, happier, more prolific) , but how do I realistically achieve them?

    And I suppose that’s my real goal–to establish a life that has me getting what I set after–realistically.


  25. For this new year I have resolved to make time for me. I always seem to be doing for others and forget that I need some TLC too. I plan on treating myself once a month to a mani/pedi, massage, or something of that nature. This month I will be indulging in an hour long massage. I can’t wait. I hope your new year has started off well. I love reading your blogs. It’s great getting a glimpse into your daily life.

  26. Your blog post took me back to when we used to live in Palm Springs…what a wonderful crazy life it was! I am focusing on a health issue now and pretty dedicated to seeing things in a positive way. Always enjoy hearing about your life and journeys and your work…fun post. It’s gonna go quick, so let’s hope we all enjoy this new year!

  27. I’m rather anti-resolution. Mostly b/c of a perversity in my nature that subconsciously deliberated sabotages any planned resolutions. Almost like by making a resolution is a sure-fire way to failure in that endeavor.

    That said I have, dare I say, goals I’d like to achieve in the near future. I turn 40 in August and to say I’m not dealing well with this milestone birthday is to be the understatement of the year. I need to be physically stronger for the speed bumps in my everyday life. I need to be better at taking advantage of the many opportunities I have, particularly in writing, and fight the urge to curl in the corner and hide from them merely b/c it means a lot of hard work. I want to lose my temper less (no promises on PMS week when I am a nasty, nasty lady) and feel more positive.

    But if I think about those things in clear, definitive statements (don’t look now, but I think I just made a few of those) then the self-sabotage demons will take notice and kick in. So, no, I don’t have any resolutions for 2012 (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

    Sounds like you guys had another kick-ass time together in Palm Springs. I particularly like the shots of you creeping thru the bushes to sneak attack Megan (the Internet sees all, knows all) 😉

  28. Your post was inspiring for me. Love that you spent time away writing. I will stop being so worried about things that are beyond my control and become more positive about life and the future. Best wishes with your latest book.

  29. I love the writing sprint idea… brilliant! And I can’t wait for this new book of yours!

    I’ve had a very stressful, hectic few months with some setbacks. I want to get back on track, take better care of myself and get a handle on my weight and personal fitness. Small steps… small steps will get me there one step at a time without feeling overwhelmed by the whole big picture.

  30. I couldn’t really think of a resolution this year so I just want to continue trying to be an overall better person!

  31. I am not much on resolutions but I do plan to start exercising more, eating better and trying to loose some weight. I have picked up this winter. I did manage to get in some walks this past week which is a start, but now the weather is getting bad so I am going to have to come up with some different exercises I can do.

  32. I try not to make resolutions because I think they are doomed to failure. However, I am going to try and eat healthier this year. I think we are even going to try and grow some of our own vegetables this year. Don’t know how well that will work, but it’s worth a try. By the way, anyone interested in watching the rebuilding going on in my hometown after the tornado can watch Extreme Home Makeover tomorrow night because it is a two hour special of the 7 homes for 7 families filmed for their 200th episode. It will also be their last one. It will be a very emotional show for all of us here.

  33. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions; I make decisions throughout the year instead. One thing I decided recently was to not let friends/family walk all over me. They can only do so if I let them, and I no longer am letting them. So far so good on that front.

  34. I don’t make any formal resolutions but this year I want to focus on eating healthier (but not beating myself up for the occasional fall off the wagon) and getting more exercise. I was walking for a half-hour 3 or 4 times a week and feeling better but slipped on that. Time to get back to it. As always, thanks for a motivational post and letting us get a peek into your life.

  35. Well for me i just finished a weight loss challenge that i came if 4th place in. Lost 35lbs and 21% of my body weight. That being said i have 5 more lbs to lose and then lots of toning to do. I plan to stick with what i’ve been doing and be healthier. I also want to learn a language this year. Spanish i’m thinking. Try to find more hapiness in my life and live better.

    Lisa B

  36. I try not to make any resolutions but always find myself thinking about them and what I should do to feel better, excercise more, eat better and take one day at a time and not to stress to much about things I have no control over….and keep telling myself I can do it! I think I can, I think I can and I will!

  37. Good Afternoon Jane,

    My resolution for this year is to eat better, exercise more and to be a happier, healthier me. I tend to indulge a little too much around the holidays and now is the time to get back into my normal routine.

  38. I resolve to be the best me that I can. More patient with my kids, a better wife, a fully engaged friend and mentor, more creative. As in actually making the time to create things that I love to create – handmade cards, jewelry, painting, and continue to de-clutter our home.

    Nothing sexy or exciting, but all that will make me a better me!

  39. Hi Jane,

    Sounds like you had a great time in Palm springs.

    My resolution is to get to the gym (that´s the easy part) and drop of my twins at the day care!!!
    I´m still not good with leaving my twins in the hands of strangers. So that´s my goal for 2012.

  40. This is the year that I’ll be turning 50 years young. Oh boy!

    I need to continue to exercise and eat more veggies & fruits.

    I want to be a better Mom, girlfriend, daughter and friend. This means letting my teenage son having more independence even though it makes me cringe. It means that I will give my boyfriend a lot of lovin'(not difficult to do)! And it means spending more time with my aging parents who live very close to my home, but don’t seem to get a lot of my time. I owe more to them.

    Have fun with your writing! I hope you feel better, Jane. Exercise always helps me with whatever pain I’m having.

  41. Hi Jane! Your get-away sounds wonderful! It’s snowing here, very cold, and I’m ready for the sunshine to come back. This cold thing is for the birds! 😉

    Anyhow, my goals for this year are:
    Get organized! Easier said than done since I lost my office :/
    Get writing! I’ve come to the conclusion that inspirational romance is the right track for me to be on so I’m revising one of my older WIPs and I think it will be so much better.
    And last but not least, the one on most people’s list: Be healthier! I’m really looking forward to gardening season but in the meantime I’m working out more and shopping smarter, cooking smarter.

    I hope you get to feeling better. I know about autoimmune issues, my son suffers from 2 different ones and other members of my family have some as well. Difficult and frusterating to be sure. But you’re strong and I know you can do it!

    Hugs to you, my friend!

  42. Hi Jane,
    It was wonderful to read this blog as I think you and I are in the same frame of mind. I am focused on getting back in shape after a year of inactivity. I used to have a body I was so proud of and this last year left me with a body I am now embarrassed to have. Ick! I am being realistic and setting goals to work out at least 20 minutes a day even if it is just a walk with my coworker. So far so good. 5 out of 7 days for the past two weeks. Yay! Great start to a new year.

    Keep writing. I can’t wait to read it on my elliptical!
    Michelle F
    in Denver

  43. Wishing you the best of health and happiness for 2012. I hope to be more patient and thoughtful to all whom I encounter especially family members.

  44. HI Jane,
    I feel like this is going to be a much better year for everyone.
    No resolutions for me this year.
    I feel that if I could get enough rest a lot my problems would get better.
    I have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. I do better when everything is on routine but it is hard for me to stay on a routine. Way too many demands and obligations.

  45. Hi Jane,
    I am hoping to get healthy this year and loose some weight. I am also really trying to eat healthier but it is hard to do that in Texas where we have delicious Mexican food. Wish me luck!


  46. Jane,
    Wishing you a healthy New Year.
    My resolutions are to focus on myself more, making it to my 5:30am workouts, eat more clean foods,take control of my body and health, I deal with daily pain, and try so hard to be normal. I hope to work on living each day to the best, treat others with more kindness.
    I was told a great little saying, Inch by Inch Life Is A Cinch, Yard by Yard, Life is Hard. My gym Instructor told me this, to set goals small and work at increasing them . This was for my being inconsistent with my workouts . Tomorrow will be finishing a complete week!,,,,

  47. Hellllo my friend!

    Loved the pics from Palm Springs! Congrats on digging in and making extreme progress. I did some pretty fantastic things in 2011 and took an amazing trip!

    For 2012 I want to run a half marathon. I am running about 20 miles a week and I can probably get where I want to be. There’s a 15k (9 mi) in March and then a half in April. When I’m not running, I’d like to continue to hold my family together. That, as you know, is a daily task.

    I’d also like to see my friend Jane at least once in 2012 and I’m guessing that will be a slam-dunk!! I might see my friend Kari this year as well.

    Much love to you as you write, write, write. So I can read, read, read!

    Shannon in Tustin
    (no contest)

  48. Sorry to hear that you are dealing with some auto-immune issues. I was recently diagnosed with Systemic Lupus (SLE) so I can relate. The diagnosis was a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that I now know that it’s not all in my head when I’m felling terrible. And a curse because it really takes its toll on my body. It can really kick my butt at times. If I were to make a resolution it would have to be that I resolve to take time out to take care of myself. Wishing you many pain free days.

  49. I really hate new years resolutions because I normally break them. I’ve had several different stories in my head for a few years that I’ve wanted to turn into screenplays and a book, so this year I’ve vowed to put forth the effort to make it happen. I’ve got the outline for my screenplay done and have written 15 pages. My goal is to complete it. Of course making it happen is difficult sometime while I’m chasing after a 2 yr old (my granddaughter) but I know I can do it if I concentrate on finishing.

  50. Well, I just turned the dreaded 51 in December, officially over the hill. So I decided that I’m going to do my best to get into the best shape I possibly can by my next birthday. I’m tired of being tired & fat, and miserable about being tired & fat! So I’m finally going to do something about it. Wish me luck…it’s going to be HARD, but as the L’Oriel commercials say, I’m WORTH it!! 😀

  51. I don’t really make New Year resolutions, mainly because I don’t think I need a certain date to make changes in my life like losing weight or eating healthier food. Another reason is because for me the New Year starts on Rosh Hashanah (which is the Jewish New Year) and for me January First is not such a big deal.

  52. Hi Jane,

    So glad your writer’s retreat was a success and that you found the sprints to be useful. I find it interesting that during the holidays, I feel like I don’t want them to end, but once they do and I get back in my routine, I’m very glad for it, even if it means the return of 5 day work weeks! 🙂

    Remember to take good care of yourself and that eating right and rest are two of the best. As I always say, you are the only person who can truly take care of yourself because you know what happens when you don’t.

    Happy writing!


  53. It’s great that you can start the year off in such a positive way. I need to change my diet and exercise. I’m trying to do it a little bit at a time since I know dratic changes never work for me.

  54. I didn’t really make any resolutions but I want to eat better and walk more. I also had get a job and that resolutions is already fulfilled so onto my next goal this year. That goal is buy a house. I love reading your hoofs, books, and everything you post. Congrats on your wedding and I hope you had a good holiday season.

  55. Hi Jane!
    Thanks so much for the Christmas card. Its awesome to see your wedding photos. They are beautiful.

    This year, to make sure I keep my New Years Resolution to be healthier and get in shape – I recruited some ladies from our book club to join with me and committ to doing the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk. This way, we can raise some money for an excellent cause and be good to ourselves too!
    Happy New Year!!

  56. Welcome back to work Jane! I usually do not set resolutions. I have a goal to update the kids scrapbooks, 2 years behind- sigh. To finish some sewing projects and to start the garden. Now the kids are older (5,2) they can help. Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  57. Hi Jane,
    My new year resolution is to begin a prayer journal. I always fall asleep during prayers so I figured writing things down would help me complete my prayers. Just so I’m not too tired to pick up my journal. Happy writing to you!!

  58. 2012 for me is about recognizing the fact that I am responsible for the changes I want to make in my life. This is the year I stop talking about doing things (traveling more, actually starting to work on my book idea) and just take that leap of faith. I’m approaching my goals and dreams this year with a no-holds barred attitude. I figure that sometimes life is like the lottery – you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket!

  59. My resolution is to take better care of myself. I think that as Moms we always put everyone else first, often neglecting ourselves. This year I am eating healthier and exercising more often. I’ve added yoga to my regimen and I’m feel better already!

  60. I don’t make resolutions but I do vow to eat healthier and lose weight this year. Can’t wait for your next book since I’ve loved them all so far.

  61. Hiya Jane,
    Sounds like you had a good retreat. I have to say I need to get back on track diet/exercise wise and stay with it. I started off great lost 1 lb so far but 1 day of stopping exercise has gone to more than 1 day. So need to motivate myself again for health reasons and to feel better. Try and lose that weight, exercise and think before eating.

  62. I don’t really make New Years Resolutions. I’m not very good at sticking to them so I know better than to make them. Plus, I work out year round. It’s something I love doing so I don’t need a resolution to make myself workout more. I should probably try to worry about work more and the gym less, haha. I will try to eat a bit healthier this year but I could never give up my Starbucks!

  63. 2011 was a year to just survive and get through. I look back and still can’t believe that my divorce is now final and I am actually raising these three kids by myself and doing an okay job. I have proven to myself two things- one I am a survivor and two I can handle a lot more than I thought I can. I have learned to live in and enjoy the present and to not swesat the small stuff. So 2012 for me will be out living purposefully and intentionally. My goals are to get out of debt and become financially sound, to start pursuing some of my own dreams (I am starting by creating a cooking blog that will also have inspirational things for women who do too much) and I want to get my back and legs strong. I have scoliois and a varicose vein problem that has caused a lot of pain so I want to start a yoga, pilates or pure barre class that will be good for my body but also my soul. In the meantime, I will focus on my business, developing the people who work for me, continuing to take care of, love and praise my three kids who have been amazing on this journey and have taught me so much and I will see where this new love in my life takes me. I feel like I have been through the worse and my anthems come from three Jennifer Hudson songs- “I Remember Me,” “I’ve Got This,” and “I am Changing.” She is a woman of resilience and strength. Happy New Year Jane- can’t wait for the new book!

  64. Happy New Year to you and yours, Jane.

    Thanks for sharing some of your writing process. I’m also using the 1K1HR tool and it’s forced me to stay focused, one uninterrupted hour at a time. Reminds me of one day at a time, which is how I try to live my life.

    I’m not into resolutions, but I do set goals, and this year I will continue to lose weight – I’ve lost 70 pounds already and have 30 to go – I will complete two WIPs and spend my spare time loving on my four grandkids and three Pomeranians. Feeling blessed!

  65. I’m really, really bad about not sleeping enough. My norm is under six hours. So my NY resolution was to go to bed earlier. Of course the first two work nights of the new year I had crazy things go on and only got about 4 hours sleep those nights. But I’m going to take it one night at a time and try really hard to get to bed by 11pm, maybe earlier if I can stand it. And every night I will dream of an east coast town that runs on pacific time, my perfect town.

  66. I resolve to get into better shape. Of course, I resolve that every year! I am hoping that this is the year that I actually do it!

  67. My New Years resolution is to more for myself. That doesn’t sound great, I’m sure, but I totally mean it in a good way. As a mom, I am always doing things for my children, friends and family…which don’t get me wrong- it’s great and the way it should be. However, I am realizing, I really don’t do much for myself. I work hard and feel I need to start seeing a little bit of a reward for all that I do. Is that crazy? I guess I just feel like there is so much in life I want to do and haven’t and I know if I don’t start…well, I never will. So I’ve made a list of places I want to go and things I want to do. Doesn’t matter how big or small. Hunting is on my list for next fall as well as going to Mt. Hood with my husband and girls. One of the big things on my list- going to Australia. It’s just a way to add more adventures to my family’s lives and create more memories for all of us. I am really looking forward to checking some things off of this list!!! Happy Ney Year everyone!

  68. I want to take control of my career this year. I have dabbled in home-based businesses, but I want this year to be different. I really want to make it happen in 2012! It can be done and I can do it! I have a local opportunity meeting planned for tomorrow with my teammates and so far we have 5 rsvp’s and I bet you can’t guess who is so excited that their about to burst wide open??!! heehee

  69. Ther retreat sounds like it was amazing! I like to do that with scrapbooking, but I should do it with writing.

    My goals this year are the same as they have been…Go back to Zumba, get more sleep and eat better. Write more and blog more, and do something with my books! My goal is to get two on Kindle this year!

    Happy New Year!!!

  70. I am not so good at making resolutions 🙂 The key for me is to always remember that at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is my “Family”!

  71. Jane,
    Can’t wait for the next book!! My goal is to move to AZ by next summer and get out of rainy Seattle. As much as I like it here I’m tired of the gray and want to wake up to the sunshine!!

  72. This year I decided to find out more about me. I have spent my life so far filling the roles of daughter, student, girlfriend, wife and mother, and have never really thought seriously about what I truly want, being too busy trying to please others. I plan to develop my “bucket list for my life”. Then I am going to make sure I complete what is on my list no matter how long it takes.

  73. Hi! I’m still trying to find a job but am happy doing odd jobs for a few people. signed up for subsitute teeacher at the Pre-K and elementary school, only been called acouple times but it helps me feeling better and one of the teachers have me helping out reading to kids that need help,and one of the mom is paying me for acouple days a week to help with his homework. My daughter is a senior so been going to a see a few schools, its been adventure and still not sure where she’s going. I lost my grant money for this semester but will go in the fall,if all goes well, I need to finish so I can get certified to work at a daycare or Pre-K. Still not divorce so that needs to be final,too.Just didn’t have enough money to pay my lawyer so thats on hold, but it willbe done by the time Marian’s graducation comes around in June. One thing I always wanted to do is to learn how to horseback ride so my cowboy friend is teaching me,plus all the other respondsiblity that goes with having a horse/is been fun riding/and spending time with my daughter,too.Its going to be so hard for us both when she goes off to college,but its her time to fly her wings.

  74. Every year I do the same things, work to lose weight, and say I am going to watch what I eat, but I don’t. This year I am going to love my family and myself for who we are. We might not be the most perfect family, but we are all health and love each other.

  75. hi jane…
    i would love to find more time to read…and enjoy the little things our daily lives have to offer 🙂

  76. Balance in my life. That is my goal for 2012. I have enrolled in school to become a health and wellness coach. I want to help people realize they can have balance to their lives in this mad world we live in. To take every moment as an adventure and enjoy it.

  77. as for me, I plan on walking and treadmill(ing)more to keep my diabetes in tact; I am still working on decluttering our home and it feels great to give to places where others can buy for little money.

    Take care Jane. Keep on writing the awesome books.

  78. I am setting as goal this year to volunteer my time to organizations, schools, etc. Even though after work and family I don’t have a ton of time, at least it’s something! 🙂 It’s more of a goal than a resolution and I love the feeling I get from volunteering! I usually set a goal of weight loss – so not happening this year. I always find it’s just a big failure in disguise.

  79. Congrats on your great retreat! Sorry to hear about the health issues — I know that can’t keep The Good Woman down. Pun Intended:) My goal for 2012 is to stay focused on the positive — and return to thinking in the positive if I veer away from it. If I can master that, everything else will fall into place.

  80. Hey Jane! Glad to hear you had a great time in Palm Springs, bet it was sunny the whole time. 🙂

    Good Friends and Good Times can be so help for a re-charge.
    I have tough couple years, so this year I plan on focusing on me. I have always been the “yes” girl. And I also have auto- immune stuff, I realized I can’t do everything. I want to feel good so I guess I am going to be the “no” girl from now on!

    I feel 2012 will be a great year and bring good health (good food & exercise), organization (live simple), precious moments (more family trips & gathers), no credit cards( pay cash) and some Me moments ( reading & journaling). Oh yeah! I plan on getting a passport! 🙂 More traveling!

    It is always so exciting to hear about your writing, then we know there is a new book coming our way! Love your books and love reading your blog too! 🙂 Wishing you the Best in 2012!

    I am going to Hawaii in April (finally!!!!),
    I will have to email you to find out the places to go! 🙂

  81. I am currently studying to become a holistic nutritionist and so I am really learning everything there is to know on how to be healthy, vital and full of life. Nutrition and exercise are really important, but we cannot forget about the emotional part which really plays a big role on how we feel physically. However, to let go of negative feelings and painful past experiences is a lot harder than cleaning up your diet. But it is possible and so right now I am trying to focus on that. I am learning breathing and meditation exercises that are very helpful. I hope you can find a way of healing yourself Jane. Our body has amazing abilities to do so.

  82. Just celebrated our Grandson’s 2nd Birthday…got a great photo of handprints in the snow: his, his Daddy’s, and his Daddy’s<3 Think I'll frame it.
    (Okay, so I didn't follow today's topic's instructions, just so full of joy about today.)

  83. Hi Jane!

    Glad to hear you’ll be moving to So Cal! That should be great for son Ty’s waterpolo! I’ve said the normal resolution of losing weight, and I have started eating right for the most part! Weekends are tough! My other resolution is to not look at my cell phone at red lights. I don’t text while I drive, but I do have a tendency to look at my phone while sitting. Need to stop. Doing well with this resolution. Good luck with your writing! Take care,


  84. I have resolved to not ‘sweat’ the small stuff. Let it go!;) Life is short and I wanna laugh. Alot. All the time!
    Love your books and blogs!

  85. I loved hearing from all of you! Here are the four winners:

    #68 Jessica Meddick
    #13 Mariska
    #35 Lisa B.
    #85 Willow Bastiaanse

    It’s time I cleaned house which means, goodbye to extra mystery prizes stacked up in my laundry room from being unclaimed. I am going to offer those prizes to you here and this is how it’ll work:

    1) If you’ve never won a prize on my blog…post in a comment that you haven’t ever won, and then email me privately ASAP with your name, address etc, and you will get one of the mystery prizes.

    2) If you haven’t won a prize in a year, post that in a comment and email me privately with your address etc.

    And if I still have prizes left over after that, I will make another announcement on how to get rid of them. But I want and need a clean, clutter free house so prizes must go!!! 🙂


  86. I’m very happy to say I’ve won something before. Thank you very much! But, it’s been a while. You’re always more then helpful trying to make people happy. I wish there were something we could do to make your day special too.

  87. I have never won a prize and this was the first time I posted on your site, would love to have something from you. I have all your books they are great.

  88. Jane,

    Congrats to all the winners. Thanks for always being so generous to us. I am happy to say that I have won a prize package and it totally made my day.


  89. I won a prize about 2 years ago. And I have to say you have the best ever pens!! You sent me a bunch & I had to hide them at work….everyone wanted to “borrow” them. HA!

  90. Hi Jane,
    I haven’t won a prize pack in over a year. The last one was fabulous! Hopefully you’ll still have a few available!

  91. I have similar resolutions this year. I told my husband I feel like I’m loosening my looks, losing my shape, losing my energy & losing my mind! Time to get it all back. I’m on day 8 of the “Clean” cleanse, signed up for a triathlon (mini) and the 3 day Breast Cancer walk, I’ve got an organization plan together and I am trying to chill out about the little things and take more time for me! Then on January 2nd – I stepped on a plug that stuck in my foot! It really infected and no working out for 3 weeks…but I’m sticking to the cleanse and I’m taking the prescribed rest to catch up on reading!

  92. Congrats to the winners. I have won a prize before but its been a while and it was awesome. You have the best prizes ever. Give the prizes to the ones that haven’t won and I am sure one day my name will come up again.

  93. Jane – I haven’t won a prize from you before and I would be thrilled to receive something. This is very kind of you, thank you!

  94. Jane,
    I won a couple of times, the latest time a book for my best friend Becky. You are generous and I love to get people turned on to your blog and books!

  95. hi jane…i haven’t had the pleasure of ‘winning’ a prize on your fabulous blog…thanks for being so generous 🙂

  96. Thanks for your generosity, Jane! I have not won a prize from the blog, but think it was when you could do contests on Facebook.

  97. Hey Jane!
    I waited til you posted your winners, cuz I’ve gotten goodies before. :o)
    Loved the pix of you and Mac sleeping. Surfer Ty probably couldn’t resist taking a picture of the two people he loves most in the word looking so peaceful together. Lucky guy.
    This year I am going to loose weight. Hokey I know since everyone says they’re going to do this and then they don’t but I’ve got to. My health and sanity need it.
    It’s also been a 20 year long dream to get my helicopter pilot’s license. Got the chance to fly in them a few times while I was in the Air Force and caught the bug. Was given the option to learn then but passed it by and could kick myself now.
    And someday, when I’ve lost some weight, I’m gonna learn to surf. Yea, I know, Utah is crawling with opportunities for that, but I still wanna do it.
    Glad too you got the opportunity to enjoy the snow. That storm is now pounding Utah.
    Keep writing, can’t wait for your new books.
    Take care.

    peace out

  98. thank you SO MUCH for the “care pkgs.” you sent to my daughter and me. she was so excited to get something from you (and i was, too). brightened up our day in so many ways! thanks again.

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