Snow Play

What a week!  We’ve had days and days of snow and the kids have absolutely loved being out of school.  I haven’t been playing though as my deadline is less than a month away and I’m deep into this new book.  I really love this one, its complicated and intense, but also really fun as every day I can’t wait to see what will happen next.

I’m lucky I have great help with little Mac as he’s made the most of his snow days, too.  While Jake and Ty have been hanging out with friends, Mac has gone sledding and tramping through snow and throwing snowballs with anyone that will play with him.

Late yesterday afternoon I’d just wrapped up my writing for the day and was starting to make dinner when Mac begged to go outside and go sledding one more time.  The weather was supposed to change over night so we all agreed to go out.  I dressed Mac in winter clothes while Ty Gurney changed, too.  Son Ty had just gotten home and he headed outside with us, too.  Soon we were running up and down the driveway, and then hauling the sled over an icy 92nd Ave. It was almost five and the streets were deserted and the twilight was just gorgeous.  Everything looked so magical–the sky, the snow, and the lake–they glowed lavender, white and pewter.

It was so good to be outside away from my desk.  I hadn’t gone outside to walk in the snow at all this week, too determined to get solid work done, but last night’s hour of play during the beautiful dusk made all my hard work worthwhile.

Now I head to Ohio for an all day writing workshop and fingers crossed my plane can make it out.  The airport is full of people stranded from cancelled flights.  What have you been doing this week?  Fill me in, and tell me what you’re reading.  It’s time I bought some books for my new Kindle!  I also have a prize for one of you that comments.   Contest runs through Sunday night and winner will be announced on Monday.  Good luck and I’ll check in soon!


  1. “The time to be happy is now”…that’s what I remembered as I read your letter and saw the delightful photo of your son. Drop the work and play with your little ones…and make memories for them. Yesterday, I made my favorite beef stew and invited a few neighbors over for supper (dinner=too formal for a snow day). Because of the storm, each of us had been out of something (bread to sop up the juice) and hadn’t been able to shop…so, we had a true “pot luck” meal with lots of laughter and catching up. One neighbor had been gone for nine months so it was wonderful hearing his work related adventures. Love the photo of your little Ty.

    1. Mary, I call Mac Ty all the time…and Ty Mac…and Jake by the dog’s name, and Abi Mac…and man its hard for even me their mom to get their names right!!

  2. Hi Jane,

    I’ve been busy this week with my little people. I started my own daycare and have a bunch of kids that I watch. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I hope that you enjoy your time in Ohio. I love that picture of Mac. What a little cutie!!!

  3. what a wonderful photo and such a great time playing and sledding. Nothing beats being outside in the winter with the kids having the time of their lives. Spending time with family and making the mealtimes a family time with our sons this week. Have a great trip.

  4. I am SOOOO glad you could enjoy the snow with “your boys”. And no guilt because you had done your writing for the day – bonus!

    I have been cleaning my basement. I’ve chucked encyclopedias and catalogues. I’ve passed on books and magazines. I’ve shredded a LOT of paper. Now I’m working on my office in the basement. Its shelves are next on my hit list. I’m trying not to take any prisoners, LOL.

  5. I am glad you got to spend some playtime with the family, especially your adorable Mac. That photo is so cute.
    This week I have been relaxing after a busy week of entertaining out of town guests last week. I’ve been reading Rachel Herron’s “How to Knit a Love Song.” Really enjoying it. Good luck with your flight!

  6. Wow, Hawaii to snow! Your life has changed lately. I hope you have a good flight.

    I am reading Lori Wilde’s The Welcome Home Garden Club, and it is really good.

  7. A little play can make you feel rejuvenated. I have had a busy week at work. I have looked at way to many numbers.

  8. love mac’s picture…thanks for sharing, jane.

    have fun in ohio.

    just finished reading ‘faith’ by jennifer haigh. excellent!!!

  9. I love the picture of your son in the snow. How adorable. My daughter loves the snow, but she doesn’t see it as often as she’d like since we live in Tennessee.

    I have had a pretty busy week with work and my daughter. Nothing too exciting, but it’s what my weeks are usually like. I hope your weekend is nice. I will keep my fingers crossed that I am chosen!

  10. Looks like Mac had fun in the snow!! We had snow here in Sandy, OR, as well. My kids got two snow days and were thrilled!! We had a massive accumulation, but it was gone in a couple days.(We warmed up and have been having tons of rain.) I am very grateful we are not having flooding like some areas in OR. Very sad to see peoples homes totally surrounded by water. Three people have already lost their lives. Hoping things get better soon. Safe travels to you, Jane! Sounds like you’ve been working hard! I’m glad you took a little break to enjoy the snow!!!

  11. So glad you got some snow fun with the boys! We’re getting about 8 inches right now in the Midwest. I just started, Every Day a Friday, by Joel Osteen. Not that far into it, but inspiring so far. Have fun in Ohio.

  12. I haven’t done too much this week. I went out to lunch with my sister and her friends yesterday and my daughter and I went to Books A Million to look for books Wednesday. I am reading Master of the Outback by Margaret Way, I’m almost done with it. I have been a big fan of hers for years. She is the one who started my fascination with Australis. I just got a kindle copy of Beswitched by Molly Snow and I can’t wait to start it. Enjoy the snow, please don’t send it our way.

  13. We are expecting snow tonight and it will be the first snow since Halloween. This week I have been trying to get things together for my son to go back to college on Sunday. Hopefully the weather will be good for that trip. Good luck with finishing the book!

  14. I am putting clothes out on my college daughters bed in anticipation for our upcoming cruise to the Caribbean!
    While its cold and dreary here in the Central Valley, we will be drinking mai tai’s and relaxing on a beach in the Turks and Caicos!

    Hope you were able to make it to Ohio and love seeing all the pics of your beautiful home. Makes me miss living in Bellevue sooooo much!

  15. Hi Jane…our snow is coming tonight. We haven’t had any measurable snow since early October so I imagine the grocery stores are packed. I just enjoyed an evening mimosa and am waiting for my sweetie to bring chinese takeout. A wonderful way to end a hectic work week. The weekend is pretty full so I am enjoying an episode of house hunters and the quiet!

  16. I’ve been working on a Needlepoint with a gazillion beads on it. First the Fibers then the beads and yes it is a LOT of work. I just finished reading “Ladies of the Lake” by Haywood Smith. It is a very good book. About four sisters. I enjoyed it a lot.
    Hope you can get on your flight tomorrow Jane. Have fun. Please give little Mac a Hug for me.

  17. We have had spring like weather here this week. I’m glad you were able to get out and enjoy the snow yesterday. I’m sure it’s something that the kids will miss once y’all move. I’m excited too about your new book. As much as you’ve been talking about it, I just can’t wait to read it. I’ve finally started reading again. I don’t have any new books, so I read a couple oldies but goodies. I sure wish they didn’t close our local bookstore. Enjoy your trip to Ohio.

  18. Sounds like you had a great time outside playing Jane. I miss snow being in FL. I used to live in MN and had a lot of it 🙂
    I just bought Nadja Notariani’s Her Dark Baron to read this weekend. I read T.C. Archer’s For His Eyes Only and liked it. Have fun shopping for books- it is addicting.

  19. Yay! I’m glad you went out to play. That little Mac is such a cutie! We are expecting rain tomorrow, so we’ll have rain day…I’ve got some movies and my books, so I’m looking forward to it. I also need to get ready for my school semester that starts on Tuesday. That’s mainly what I’ve been doing this week…finishing with getting all my books, buying my campus parking permit, etc. Fun stuff!

  20. We don’t have much snow here in Mi right now but it is really cold. To cold for playing outside for sure. Mac is adorable in that I am reading A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster but it doesn’t come out to March and it’s boook 4 in a series. Very good so far.

    Lisa B

  21. I have been working all week. I got off work at one on Wed. I did something wed I never get to do. My boyfriend meet me for lunch and we went and seen a movie. This weekend going to Indianapolis to pick up my uniform to wear for next two weekend in Indy at the NFL FUN Zone at the convention center for the Super Bowl. Gina my friend and I are volunteering to help with Super Bowl. This will be one in a life time event. Jane have a nice weekend in Ohio.

  22. We’ve been in a cold snap (minus 40 celcius, frostbite in 5 minutes) all week, so we have been doing the opposite of playing in the snow! We have been doing our best to stay warm and cozy indoors!

    Just trying to get through the end of “Three Cups of Tea” (Mortenson), and trying to decide what to read next.

    Can’t wait to see a new Jane Porter book in stores! Best of luck with your deadline, and also your trip to Ohio 🙂

  23. Hello Jane,

    I hope you got to Ohio safely. The weather here is cold and we are suppose to get a few inches of snow tomorrow. I can handle the cold, but I really don’t like the snow. It looks like your little guy had a good time outside. I love watching kids play in the snow. They seem to light up and have such a good time 🙂 There is just something about kids that’s magical.

  24. I’m glad you had fun out in the snow!
    I did some cross country skiing before it got so cold (-30C has been the high for the last few days)
    I’m reading Seduced by a Rogue by Amanda Scott.

  25. Hi Jane!

    Glad you got to have a little fun in the snow! I have spent my week being a taxi for my kids, as well as going to various doctor appointments. Not a fun week! Now I’m hoping the rain holds off just a little longer so we can get our baseball tournament in this weekend!

    Safe travels to you!


  26. Hi, Jane! I’m glad you got to enjoy a bit of playtime in the snow. I really only like snow if I don’t have to drive in it! LOL!

    This week, it’s been fairly slow at work, so I’ve been exploring options for spring break! Can’t wait,

    I hope you have a good weekend in Ohio!

  27. I forgot to say what I!ve been reading. I finished The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and am now reading A Christmas Carol.

  28. Ah, the snow has been lovely but I’d like the power to go back on now! We have a generator (and internet) and a wood stove, but it’s still a challenge. The kids are bored and need the computer to finish homework! I am about to dive into Connie Brockway’s new book. In the mean time, my son and I have been finishing up a puzzle – 1000 tiny pieces. We are about 1/2 way through.
    Safe travels, I hope SeaTac is open for you!

  29. Praying Traveling Mercies for you Jane.
    What a cute picture of Mac. He is really growing. I am reading Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods right now and looking forward to the next Jane Porter book.

    Take care and hope the writing flows from your fingertips and imagination just as you want it.

  30. I was busy with gym trips and laundry and usual mom stuff. Today was a candle party and dinner with friends. Now we are waiting for the snow we are getting tonight and tomorrow.

    Safe traveling to you! Enjoy your workshop!


  31. Hi Jane! Glad to see you got to enjoy the snow with your family. I am reading Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis. We are expecting up to a quarter inch office and a few inches of snow here in Columbus, but it is supposed to stop pretty early tomorrow so hopefully it won’t impact your event. The snow is pretty, I just wish it wasn’t so cold. Wishing you safe travels! Have a great weekend.

  32. We had a little bit of snow, so not the usual for Western New York. Working heard this week, presented three workshops for educators in our area to infuse technology into curriculum. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my family. Hopefully we’ll be able to fit in a nice dinner for two with my hubby.

  33. Jane, I am so happy that you are doing well on writing your new novel. This week I started back to college. Yay so excited I will never give up on my dream. I just finished reading, “One For The Money” by Janet Evanovich. It was funny, I just wanted to read the book before the movie came out. Can’t wait to see it :). Well hope you catch your flight. Enjoy your downtime. By the way reading on the kindle is awesome.

  34. Hi Jane,
    This week I have been getting my home ready for my parents visit this weekend. But, in between chores, I have been reading Family Ties by Danielle Steel.


  35. Jane,
    Such a cute picture of Mac…fun to enjoy the snow through a childs eyes. I got the kindle fire and have downloaded so many free books I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to read them all but reading authors I probably never would have known about…hard to get used to no book but loving it. Safe travels.

  36. I haven’t played in the snow in year because my son is grown and I don’t like the cold anymore. I haven’t done much this week threw my back out early yesterday so have spending a lot of time on an ice pack and reading. Hubby’s got abcess tooth again from a failed root canal will have to go on Tuesday to get it fixed. The year is not starting out good but I still have high hopes in the coming year.

  37. Jane,

    Glad that you went outside and played for a bit! It looks like so much fun. I don’t miss driving in the snow, but I have to admit I miss playing in the first snowfall, making snow angels, sledding……

    I am getting so excited about your new series! Thanks for always keeping us in the loop.

    My week has been spent working, glad that today is Friday! I like to read before bed and I actually have been reading some of your older Harlequin Presents that are now available on my Nook. Just finished “King of the Desert,Captive Bride.” Loved it!!!

    Enjoy your workshop in Ohio, hope that the weather cooperates and everything goes smooth.

  38. I hear u on the snow…it has been great. Nice and peaceful outside. We have had no school and work days here, just all play. I hope your plane made it out…

  39. SNOW! What a great moment after a day of hard work. I’ve been in the doldrums, scrambling to get things done but not making much progress.

  40. I am sweltering here in the heat of an Australia Summer, so the snow looks very inviting. We are just gearing up for the new school term which begins on Monday. Not too much reading going on I’m afraid.

  41. It’s so easy to get lost in snow fun and you’ve certainly had your share. What a great diversion for you for a win-win all around. Finally reading ‘She’s Gone Country’ and otherwise doing as little as I can get a way with. Hope you get the flight out and enjoy your time in Ohio…Ruth

  42. No snow over here in CA. The pictures I have seen are just so beautiful.

    I have been out looking for work. Does anyone want to hire? I really would even just appreciate a call, email or anything to know they have at least received my resume/application. It is such a different world out there.

  43. I’m jealous of your snow. Here in the midwest, we usually have had about a foot total accumulation. But this year, only about half an inch. My kiddos think it was very mean of Santa to have brought them both new sleds but no snow for the foreseeable future. Way to go, Santa! 😉

  44. Hi Jane,
    I just finished reading She’s Gone Country and loved it. I’m from Texas, living in Ft. Worth, and was wondering if the restaurants in the book are real and if so where they are. I’m ready for a road trip! Thanks.

  45. hi jane; hope your trip to ohio was good. i went to my best friends’ daughter’s 2nd birthday party today or i might have driven to see you in ohio. it’s not too far from my dad’s so i could have visited him, too. loved your pic of mac; he is such a cutie. our snow came and went so fast, we didn’t really get to enjoy it. take care.

  46. Hi Jane,

    My week have been crazy with lots of snow and no way of getting out, to no power for 3 days. So I have been reading on of your Harlequins, The Greek’s Royal Mistress.

  47. I wish I could have sledded when I was a kid like Mac.

    For the past two weeks I have been nursing the sick in my family.
    It started with my oldest daughter. My mom had a severe flare up of her asthma and the past four days my husband has been ill. Today I felt like I was trying to get what my daughter and DH had so I spent the afternoon napping in bed. I feel a bit better but feverish.

    I have been enjoying More Than a Mistress/No Mans Mistress by Mary Balogh. I on the second story in the book and enjoying it immensely.

  48. Reading my Physics textbook. I don’t know what possessed me to take this class!After a long workweek it was either study or clean. I went with study.

  49. No snow in Hotlanta. Just LOTS of rain! One year ago, I was in your shoes. We were snowed in for a week & it was awesome. Loved being “stuck”. No one in, no one out! (Although Rich has a truck with 4-wheel drive, to get supplies:)). I actually enjoyed it more than Christmas Break…no stress, just me and my kids!

    Currently reading Love In Mid Air by Kim Wright, really good! I didn’t know you have a Kindle…Et Tu, Brute?

    Cute picture of Mac!

  50. Hi Jane! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the snow. I just finished reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. Loved it and am now anxiously awaiting the next novel in the trilogy.

  51. I was at the hospital most of the week relieving people so they could get some rest. With Evergreen at Level 2 emergency plan, the only way someone could go home/get some sleep is if they had someone relieve them. Was glad I could be there and help out but glad things are back to normal now and I could spend some time with my pups.

    I just finished Save Me by Lisa Scottoline. Really liked it and found a new author to enjoy.

    Hope you have a safe and great trip!

  52. it wasn’t a good week for me and my baby. I got eyes infection since last Friday and cough. And my baby too. Poor baby.. So we just stay at home 😉
    Love the pic of Mac with the snow !

  53. Hi Jane,
    The snow was so pretty and I am glad we got some this winter, but I did not like when the ice storm hit and the power went out. We were out for 36 hours and it felt like an eternity! I will never take heat, light, warm water, etc. for granted again!
    I haven’t read anything really good lately. The last two books I picked up and didn’t pull me in, and I ended up not even finishing them. On and off I’ve been reading The Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown. She is an excellent speaker – you can look her up on U-tube.

  54. Hi Jane,
    I guess you are having all the snow out West this winter. We have very little here in Toronto and my girls are really disappointed. They love to sled and play in the snow. However, the winter hasn’t been too cold till now, so I can’t complain.
    I am back in school, so I am reading a lot of school books. I have started to read Opium Nation by Fariba Nawa but it is not an easy ready. It is very interesting, but sad, so I picked up the book you recommended from Elizabeth Hoyt, not to get too depressed.
    Enjoy your trip and, as usual, your little angel is adorable.

  55. I enjoyed the snow days, too, as I didn’t go to work Wed. or Thursday, returning Friday afternoon to try to catch up.
    We walked to Safeway on Wednesday and bought some groceries and got some exercise, but stayed in during the ice/snow storm that hit Thursday morning. Trees were falling and it was nasty outside. I read The Tiger’s Wife and Shanghai Girls and watched old movies on tv. I was feeling antsy and was so happy to get out Friday – being stuck at home wasn’t such a treat, but at least we had power the whole time.

  56. Long week at work with equipment not cooperating resulting in overtime (which I get paid for but which totally wiped me out). We got hit with lake effect snow but wasn’t as bad as predicted. Just enough that I had to shovel but not enough to close schools or work. Taking a couple of vacation days the beginning of this week to recover. 🙂
    Love the pic . . . he looks so adorable!

  57. Hi Jane. I love the photo of Mac in the snow. It has been a rough week for me. My mother passed away on January 13th.

  58. Sounds like great family fun in the snow. Here in canada we have had our share but no as much as your area no snow days for our kids but they keep hoping. At christmast time I saw the girl with the dragon tatoo movie it was very good and you could not help but cheer on the bad girl since she has such a hard life, I had to borrow book two so I could continue here journey to see where it leads here. That is what I am reading enjoy your workshop!

  59. Hello Jane,
    I was stranded in Alaska during the Seattle snowstorm since the airport was closed. I was concerned I might run out of books. I had only brought 4. Do you love your Kindle? I am debating getting one.
    Have a great day!

    1. I know you asked Jane, but I have used both a Nook and Kindle. I ended up using an iPad in which I can use the Kindle, Nook, and iBooks Apps. It works great and I can make the font bigger! I’ve R & D Nooks and Kindles for work and they are both great devices. I suggest going and testing them at B&N and Staples to see which feels best for you.

  60. All of us in Ohio were greatful Jane made it in for the wonderful workshop she presented to our local RWA chapter (COFW). Columbus was in the midst of a sleet/ice/snow storm, but so many people were eager to see Jane we even had walk-ins register the day of the event!!

    Next book on my reading list is “She’s Gone Country.”

  61. Great photo of Mac! So glad you were all able to go out and enjoy the snow. The photos you have shared this past week are beautiful and it looks like you live in such a wonderful place.

    We have up and down cold snaps here, one day having snow and ice and then it melts and we have mild temps.

    My boys went cold weather tent camping with scouts this weekend and they had 2 inches of snow and a 1/4″ of ice. My husband couldn’t unzip his tent for 10 minutes yesterday morning! Glad it was them and not me! My daughter and I enjoyed a quiet weekend, had dinner out and ran some errands. Now its end of semester crunch time for the kids this week so I am helping them study, study, study. Can’t wait to read your new books!! Just finished Robyn Carr’s latest and it was very enjoyable.

  62. How fun!!! I am reading “Bud, Not Buddy” by Christopher Paul Curtis with my 11 year old son. He has to read the book for school and since he has a reading disability I have the privilage of reading it with him. It allows us to spend quality time together. Also, I am really enjoying the book… probably more than he is 🙂

  63. Looks like Mac had a blast in the snow! How cute! All of ours is gone now and we are left with the rain. Been busy with work and school. Hoping to enjoy my next three days off with a good book in between my study time. 🙂

  64. Hi Jane!
    Mac looks adorable as always:) We finally got some snow in New Jersey yesterday,not a lot, but enough ~ lol. We just finished watching the Giants/49ers game & we are so psyched to see the Giants go to the Super Bowl! Work has been crazy busy since we just began our scheduling process for next school year. I’m so happy your writing is going well…I wish the summer were here so I could start reading them!
    Love ya,

  65. No snow equals no snow days or play days. sigh. Super cute pic, I suppose we can’t call him baby-mac any more.

  66. Here to announce the winner!

    It’s #35 Maddy

    Maddy, shoot me a private email with your address and I’ll get your prize out in the mail!!

    Love to all and have a great week!


  67. At first the snow was great. But losing power for 3 days, throwing away tons of food and housing an extra family for 3 days…well, the snow lost it’s happiness for me. Love your pics!

  68. this past week we had been taking the old rug and sub floor out of the living/dining rooms and putting new subfloor and laminate down. Today we took a trailer load to the Nuisance Grounds to dispose of. This gave me fresh winter air and cleared my lungs.
    Happy days ahead for you and yours.

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