Must Share Great Book!

My deadline is beginning to make me sweat a little so I’m starting to unplug and retreat from the world, but before I do, I had to share a new book out that is getting rave reviews and terrific press.  Let me also preface the introduction of this book by saying, yes, I know this author and adore her.  She’s beautiful, smart, warm, fun, witty and everything wonderful.  If I could be her, I would, but since I can’t be, I’ll be her fan.  If you haven’t read Kristina McMorris, now’s the time.  Her new release, Bridge of Scarlet Leaves, is fascinating and compelling and a story you, and your bookclub, will love.

In this poignant and evocative novel, a country is plunged into conflict and suspicion—forcing a young woman to find her place in a volatile world.

Back cover blurb:  Los Angeles, 1941. Violinist Maddie Kern’s life seemed destined to unfold with the predictable elegance of a Bach concerto. Then she fell in love with Lane Moritomo. Her brother’s best friend, Lane is the handsome, ambitious son of Japanese immigrants. Maddie was prepared for disapproval from their families, but when Pearl Harbor is bombed the day after she and Lane elope, the full force of their decision becomes apparent. In the eyes of a fearful nation, Lane is no longer just an outsider, but an enemy.

When her husband is interned at a war relocation camp, Maddie follows, sacrificing her Juilliard ambitions. Behind barbed wire, tension simmers and the line between patriot and traitor blurs. As Maddie strives for the hard-won acceptance of her new family, Lane risks everything to prove his allegiance to America, at tremendous cost.

Skillfully capturing one of the most controversial episodes in recent American history, Kristina McMorris draws readers into a novel filled with triumphs and heartbreaking loss—an authentic, moving testament to love, forgiveness, and the enduring music of the human spirit.

What do you think?  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  For more on Kristina check out Kristina’s website.

Want a chance to win the book?  Share with me what you’re reading right now, or what’s in your TBR pile, and you’re entered to win a copy of Bridge of Scarlet Leaves plus a signed copy of one of my books from my backlist, chocolate and fun JP reader goodies.   The contest runs through Sunday night and winner will be announced on Monday so share with me what you’re reading and you’re entered!

Have a wonderful week.  Thinking of you all and grateful to have readers and friends like you!


  1. I´m reading a danish thriller by Kaaberbøl and Friss and it´s very exciting and hard to put down.
    And it´s a nice break from what I usually read.
    I hope to finish it soon.

  2. This book sounds really interesting. Lots of emotion i bet. I am reading Susan Mallery’s next release Barefoot Season. I’m a little over half through and and wow emotional for me. One of the main characters is a wounded female veteran. Hard to read about this since I’m a vet myself. I hate to read about her pain. Wasn’t sure i could read it at first but i pushed through the hurt feelings at the begininng of the book and it’s really good. I have several books on my TBR list. Here’s a few Somebody to Love by Kristin Higgins, Hot Under Pressure by Louisa Edwards and Summer Days by Susan Mallery and author i love but haven’t read in a while Linda Lael Miller’s next book Big Sky Country.

    Lots of good reading i think.

    Lisa B

  3. Well this is a big reading week for me after a hiatus (which I hated because I love to read and usually read every day). I ordered three books last week from Chapters and have read two of them: Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins and Sixkill by Robert B. Parker. I will be diving into The Hunger Games tomorrow when my son returns it to me and I cannot wait as I have heard so many rave reviews. I see on FB that you are in a deadline crunch… can’t wait for this new series of yours to come out, I know it’s going to be good! Take care Jane!

  4. HI Jane,
    I am reading “heat wave” by Nancy Thayer. It’s so good. I am finding it hard to find time to read though because my sister is visiting. Can’t wait for her to leave!! hahaha Just kidding!!!

  5. I just finished the monster book “IQ84” by Haruki Murakami (925 pages) that I found difficult but fascinating. In between I also finished the 3 “Hunger Games” books, and “Paris to Die For” which were fun reads.
    My favorite book lately was “Crow Planet, Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness” by Lyanda Lynn Haupt, written by a young mother and scientist in suburban Seattle that brought up myth, history and science and helped open my eyes to be more aware of nature when I walk around my own neighborhood.

  6. Yes, “Bridge of Scarlet Leaves” sounds like a very moving story and a great read. As for what I’m reading, I just finished the first book of the Hunger Games Series. I read it last year, but wanted to read it again before the movie comes out. Now I’m reading a nonfiction book named “Quiet, The power of introverts in a world that just can’t stop talking.” I’m only on page 29, but it is really interesting so far…especially since I am an introvert. It discusses how so many of the great contributions to society have come from introverts, and how society loses by undervaluing introverts. Fascinating topic.

  7. Wow, that sounds like an amazing book! I will definitely be checking out this author and all the books that she has written. As for what I’m reading now, I’ve gotten sucked into a series and am finally on the last one called “Perfect Fifths” by Megan McCafferty. The books in my stack to get read are the following: “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?” by Mindy Kaling, “The Perfect Christmas” by Debbie Macomber, “Yoga Bitch: One Woman’s Quest to Conquer Skepticism, Cynicism, and Cigarettes on the Path to Enlightenment” by Suzanne Morrison, “I’ve Got Your Number” by Sophie Kinsella, “Sleeping in Daylight” by Elizabeth Flock and “The Saving Graces” by Patricia Gaffney. Trying to get a bunch of reading in before I start nursing school and won’t have any time to read anything but textbooks.

  8. That does sound like a good book!
    I am reading The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher From Grocer’s Daughter to Prime Minister by John Campbell. And, I have Robyn Carr’s Hidden Summit on my TBR stack.

    God be with you Jane as you finish your writing. I know the books will be worth your effort and our waiting.

  9. O my, her book sounds soooo good. Being a descendant of Omar Bradley and having a large family of military that has served I would love to win it! My grandfather served as an officer in WW2, my twin uncles served in the Korean War and both my sons served in Iraq. Do to time contraints I haven’t yet finished She’s Gone Country but plan to sit outside and get some rays tomorrow (80 degrees in VA)and get some pages under my belt (bikini). Thanks for sharing the book, really sounds wonderful and good luck with your deadline!!!

  10. I have just finished I’ve got your number by Sophie Kinsella,which I liked, it is pretty funny, and Hidden Summit by Robyn Carr, her Virgin River series is incredible. I am now reading The nex always by Nora Roberts. I am planning to finish it this week, which is March break, as after that I have to hit the books for school again.
    Take care and happy writing!

  11. thanks for sharing about the book and a new to me author.

    I’m about to read Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness.

  12. I’ve seen a few reviews on the Internet for BRIDGE OF SCARLET LEAVES. I already have it on my wish list. I just know I will love it.

  13. Kristina’s book sounds dramatic and is going on my TBR list. Another one I’m waiting for is Welcome Caller this is Chloe by Shelley Coriell. Right now I’m reading Once a Good Girl by Wendy marcus.

  14. Just started reading Leah Braemel’s PERSONAL PROTECTION and hope to finish it today.
    Not sure what’s next on the list.
    Good luck with that deadline, Jane!

  15. I am reading a couple of different things. I love the free Kindle downloads from Amazon and then I got a gift card to Amazon. Christmas Wedding was one, Falling Home, and now starting To Love Anew by Bonnie Leon.

  16. I am reading “The Help”. It is really good. Thank you for the book recommendation. I always enjoy hearing about good books. Have a wonderful rest of the week and best wishes to you with your writing.

  17. It does sound like a great book! And what a great addition it would be to my summer reading pile! I am currently reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It is told by a long distance runner who takes a long hard look at the Tarahumara Indians who are know to be centurion runners. It is engaging and inspiring. So any of us who are falling by the wayside, lacking motivation I would highly recommend it. Great read!

    Still waiting for Fifty Shades of Grey to be delivered!!

  18. Jane, Thanks for featuring this wonderful novel which appeals to me greatly. The story and era sound compelling. I am reading Before The Poison which is excellent.

  19. Oh my yes this books sounds wonderful and if I don’t win it I am going out to purchase it you are right it sounds intriguing. Right now I am reading Kiss River by Diane Chamberlain it is the 2nd book in a series and a very good read as well. PS I was in Florida on vacation and looking for your new harlequinn and I could not locate so I may have to order that one on line as well! Cheers

  20. I just got Samantha Grace’s book Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel and I can’t wait to read it. She is a new author and I love trying new authors. I haven’t had time to read it yet but will let you know if its good.

  21. hi jane! thanks for sharing this book and author. both sound wonderful. i am reading “with this kiss” by bella riley. it is the first book of hers that i am reading, and i think it won’t be the last…lol. take care!

  22. It sounds like a fascinating story and one that deals with a tough time in our country’s history. I am just finishing Home Front by Kristin Hannah and it really had me thinking about what the Iraq War veterans and their families have to deal with. It really brought me to tears.

  23. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. So far, a wonderful book. I am holding off watching the movie until I finish it. TBR: Hmmm something by Kristina McMorris!

    Can’t wait to read your next book, Jane. Happy Writing 🙂

  24. Currently I’m reading REDWOOD BEND, by Robyn Carr.
    Jane my hat is off to all writers of fiction. It’s not as easy as some may believe. Very stressful and yet very satisfying.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Life is great!

  25. That does sound like an interesting book. I’m not reading anything right now. I don’t have any money for books at the moment.

  26. I’m reading a Blaze by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Wanted. I always enjoy her books. After I finish this series I’m going to start on Jaci Burton’s Play-By-Play series. I have The Perfect Play and Changing the Game so I need to pick up Taking A Shot.

  27. I recently gave you my reading laundry list, for the year so far:). But today I just finished First Husband by Laura Dave – it was FANTASTIC! Next up, Bond Girl by Erin Duffy.

  28. Ooooh, that sounds like a great book. If I don’t win it I will definitely go out and buy it. I’m currently reading The Starter Wife. It’s a really good book. I have a hard time putting it down. Well, off to read some more. Have a great day.

  29. Hi Jane,

    That books sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to get my hands on it 😉 Right now I’m reading The Bake Off. It’s a good book! I love getting lost in good books.

  30. Hi Jane,
    Currently not reading anything but next on my list is your book She’s Gone Country. I’m a little behind I know but can’t wait to open it up.
    Have a great weekend.


  31. I am going to have to get me that book. It sounds fabulous! I’m almost done with Something Blue. I love her books.

    I hope you have a nice day. It’s rainy and colder than it has been, but I can’t complain 🙂

  32. Further to my post above, I have just started The Hunger Games and I can see that I won’t be doing much of anything tonight and tomorrow until I finish it. I ordered the other two books in the trilogy after reading Chapter One… it was your recommendation, Jane, that made me buy it… Reading the back cover did nothing for me. My son really enjoyed it too — and is glad I’ve ordered the next two books! Have a great weekend!

  33. This sounds like a a book that I would definitely enjoy reading- thanks for sharing it, Jane!
    I am currently reading a book called the “The Forgotten Garden” by Kate Morton…I’ve just been invited to a book club on this read and am so excited! Have a great weekend!

  34. I am currently reading, The Sisters by Nancy Jensen. I am eagerly awaiting the Hunger Games though…. I also can’t wait to read your newest book when it comes out!

  35. Hey Jane! I’m reading Fleece Navidad by Maggie Sefton from the Kelly Flynn Knitting Mysteries. I’ve actually read all of them in the series but somehow managed to skip this one. Maggie does a great job of describing the Colorado Rockies, the amazing fibers used in the knitting shop and all the quirky characteristics of all the characters in the stories. Even the dog gets plenty of time in the books. Highly recommend them as a series. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  36. I’ve been reading Hunger Games, to prepare for seeing the movie with my teenage daughter. More exciting than I thought.

  37. How funny – a local show (AM NW) just had an interview on a couple weeks ago with Kristina McMorris. The book sounded great to me then and with your awesome words – I know it is one I must read!!
    Right now I am reading “Born To Play” by Dustin Pedrioa of the Red Sox. Just seemed rather fitting as I am getting all pumped up for baseball season to start! 🙂
    Have a great weekend!!

  38. I just finished reading Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis (amazing!) and I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella (not my favorite of hers, but good). I’ve just downloaded The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. Definitely have to read your suggestion-I love to try new authors, and from the back cover blurb, I think I would really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!

  39. I’m reading The Women by T.C. Boyle. I had a hard time getting into it at the beginning- too many footnotes but now its getting good! [About Frank Lloyd Wright]

  40. We are grateful for you, too!

    Today was a cold rainy day, perfect for reading a book, unfortunately I didn’t have that luxury today, but I am going to curl up with an older one of your presents, “Hollywood husband, Contract Wife.” I just ordered it on my Nook. I still love hands on books, but I have to admit I love being able to buy books instantly anywhere I am. I looking forward to your new series. Hope that you have a great week!

  41. Jane, given that I’m such a big fan of YOURS, and for all the reasons you listed above, I’m equally flattered and stunned. Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway and for spreading word among your readers! I’m beyond grateful. 🙂

    And now, after reading all of these comments, I’m more determined than ever to crack open my copy of The Hunger Games!

  42. Right now I am reading “The Hunger Games” and “Escape” by Carrolyn Jessop. Both are great! Thanks for the recommendation – sounds like a great book! I remembering seeing her on a local show about a month ago! She seemed like a very sweet lady and the book sounds really good! I know what will be on my list next time I go shopping! 🙂

  43. Jane, thank you for sharing the info about Kristina McMorris’ book “Bridge of Scarlet Leaves”…and what a beautiful cover! I’ve read “On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet”(and then, with reading buddies, went in search of all the places in Seattle that were referenced in the book) and just this week finished “No-No Boy”…which left me with a new and better understanding of those who went to war and those who did not and the impact those decisions had on them and their Japanese and American families.
    I appreciated K.McMorris’ website and the background material, including photos, which she included. It looks like her book will give insight into those events from a woman’s view. I’m really interested in that.
    On another note…looking forward to seeing the “Hunger Games” movie, although I think I won’t see it in 3-D. Book was fabulous! Hope things are going well for you and your house showing.

  44. On my to be read soon list is, “The Son He Never Knew” by Kristi Gold, it is an older Harlequin book, but hey I am playing catch up 🙂

  45. Right now I’m reading Sweet Enemy by Heather Snow. Kristina’s book sounds great so I will have to add to my never-ending pile.

  46. Reading ‘The Christmas Wedding’ by James Patterson and also ‘One Thousand White Women.’ Yes I read more than one book at a time….lol. ‘Rainshadow Road’ and ‘Scarlet Feather’ are next in the pile to be read.

  47. Kristina’s book is a must read!! Just like “She’s Gone Country” Thanks for the chance to win. Seriously, whoever doesn’t win, you will have to go buy this book!

  48. Was my birthday weekend, so didn’t get too much reading done. I have Jillian Michaels book to read, for my endless search for the perfect diet, and Sheryl Woods Beach Lane !

  49. Hi all,

    I’m surfacing from the depths of my manuscript to wave hello to all of you and announce the winner!

    #7 Crista Quinn

    Congratulations, Crista! Shoot me your address in an email and I’ll get these goodies out to you!

    Thanks everyone for sharing what you’re reading!


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