Almost Three

Mac is so much fun right now, and just a month shy of turning three.  He’s full of stories, talks nonstop, and loves making us laugh. Mac’s favorite words are (and in no particular order):  skeletons, zombies, pirates, cats, chocolate, adventure, ghosts, fighting, swords, brothers, gross, disgusting, and weird.

And with those as your vocabulary, you can imagine all the stories he tells.

I’m working hard on stories of my own, with Kit’s book due in less than two weeks.  It’s an intriguing book and I lay awake at night thinking about Kit and the complexities of her world.  On the surface she’s a simple woman–an English teacher at a Catholic high school in Oakland, California–but there are layers to her and strengths and secrets, fears and dreams and I really want her to have all the good things she deserves.

I’ve just finished reading A Discovery of Witches, which was really fresh and fantastic, and last night I read a bunch of chapters in Fifty Shades of Grey a big ebook out right now that’s generating lots of press and sales as erotica or “mommy porn”, but the book was making me sad (erotica should not make one said, right?) so I’ve put that aside and I’m not going to read much of anything now until Kit’s book is finished.

But life is good.  Boys are good.  My gorgeous guy, Ty Gurney, is in Hawaii teaching surfing since its Spring Break.  Accupuncture helped my migraines, we’re still showing our lovely house in Bellevue and hoping the right family will fall in love with it.  How are you?  Tell me about your life right now.  I’ve got a special prize for two of you!   (And yes, it’s a surprise prize…the very best kind!)  Ths blog contest runs through Thursday, with the winner announced on Friday.  Now have a great week and bring me up to speed!


  1. You always are so amazing with your characters that I can’t wait for this new series.

    Your little guy is so cute, and what a fun age.

    So glad that accupuncture helped you with your migraines. I have been thinking of seeing a holistic practioner myself, I have had some issues and no one in Western medicine can quite figure it out. I am seeing another specialist in April, so we will see what happens.

    I have nothing super exciting going on this week, but next week I am heading to Utah to hang with one of my best friends and then we are driving back here so she and her family can meet her new niece that is about a month old.

    I agree with you that Erotica should never make you sad! A book should evoke all kinds of emotion including sadness, But I kind of think Erotica, is not a genre that I would equate with having sadness in it. Sometimes books, do effect us in different ways than that of most. I remember when all the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books came out. I thought oh everyone says that they are inspiring and will lift you up. I barely made it all the way through one of them, and every story made me incrediably sad and half made me cry. I have never picked up another one of those books.

    Hope that your week is a great one and very productive for you. “Kit” is lucky that she has you bringing her story to us, and we are lucky to have you as one of our favorite authors.

  2. HI Jane,
    My sister is visiting from Alaska and I have been working almost nonstop. I get 3 days off soon so we can do nothing! I hope to catch up on my reading and lounge on the couch!
    Hope you’re doing well. I can’t wait for your next book
    Take care!

  3. Life is very settled right now, which I love. If I could I would happily stay in a rut & venture out just for the good stuff.

  4. Things are always a little bit crazy around here but we get through it OK. Middle kiddo just turned 16 and is starting drivers ed next month. Shjould be fun. lol Been trhough it once so i know what to expect at least.

    Lisa B

  5. Good morning Jane!

    Enjoying some very unseasonably warm spring weather here in Pennsylvania, we have been in the 70’s and low 80’s for over a week now. Spring has really sprung!

    We had a great weekend with my 10 year old nephew staying overnight Friday and then I cooked pancakes for him and the neighbor’s kids Saturday morning, then they ran loose all afternoon in the sunshine. The weekend wrapped up with a birthday picnic for my middle sister, who turns 37 today.

    Yesterday meant back to the workweek grind but I do get to do something fun today–be “locked” up for the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s annual fundraiser. Much to my brother in law’s dismay, they really just take you to a local hotel, feed you lunch and let you make last minute “bail-out” calls. Should be fun and I am glad to be helping such an outstanding organization, esp. since I am so lucky to have beautiful, healthy nephews. Life is good indeed.

    Happy writing!

  6. Your son is scrumptious!! 🙂 How fast they change! My younger daughter turned 10 yesterday, so we celebrated that, and my older one is 12. I am just busy working part time and keeping up with family activities. Also trying to up my game as far as calorie counting and exercise go, since our unseasonably warm weather has made me think about trying to wear shorts again! 🙂

  7. Hi Jane

    What a great picture of Mac! Glad to hear everyone is doing well and can’t wait to read your new book.

    I just finished Zero Day by David Baldacci and am now reading Robyn Carr’s new Virgin River book and it’s hard to put down. Good to have a little romance after the complex Baldacci novel.

    Enjoying the unseasonably warm temps here in Northern VA. We hope to get to the cherry blossoms but they are peaking so early this year. Spent a fun weekend video taping my daughter and two friends “having lunch in a French restaurant” in our dining room speaking only French. It’s a project for their French class and I can’t wait to see how the video turns out. Lots of giggles before they got the final one down.

    Have a great week.

  8. Jane,

    I have been wanting to read Fifty Shades of Grey but can not find it and may have to resort to reading on my Nook app on the iPad…my only problem with that is that the iPad is the family’s iPad and I really wanted to stay away from erotica on the device my kids play on. lol I am so eagerly looking forward to the Brennan Sisters Books!!

    Mac is so adorable…makes me just want to kiss those cheeks!! Do you kiss them a million times??

    Have a great week!!

  9. One of my requirements of the books I read now is that they not make me feel really sad. I don’t mean that books don’t make me cry in certain scenes, but I want to read something that has the characters grow, learn something, feel love, overcome adversity and end up with a happy ending. Real life is too hard to have my reading life be a downer. Reading is for fun and escape from the problems of life.

    Sounds like Kit is going to be a multidimensional character and I look forward to meeting her. Good luck with your progress in these next few weeks.

    Mac is growing into a handsome young man and sounds like he has a great imagination. Our grandchild is still in that unguarded stage where she smiles real smiles and laughs out loud at our antics. Children are treasures!

  10. Your Mac is so adorable. I love his vocabulary! It is such a “boy” vocabulary too…totally awesome. As for me, I just took a final in a class yesterday and I have two more classes to finish before I get my paralegal certificate. The final yesterday was 3 full hours of writing essays (on civil litigation), but I am pretty sure I did okay on it. At least I knew enough info to answer the questions! Now I’m off to my internship at the courthouse and then to my class this afternoon. It makes for a busy day but I’m close to finishing so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

    Can’t wait to read Kit’s story!

  11. I love that list of words. Really, some days, that’s all the words you need. Spring is in the air, and until it gets out of the air, I’ll be semi-drugged and trying to breathe and focus.

  12. yeah first day of spring, now let the nice weather begin! not too much is new in my life…trying to find the perfect house, being a mother & wife, working fulltime.. i think i need a vacation!?

  13. i can imagine the stories mac tells with his favorite words… 🙂 enjoying the first day of spring with my middle son; and waiting for spring break to get here in a few weeks for my youngest son. the weather has been beautiful and everything is blooming!!

  14. Mac is just getting cuter and cuter. He still looks so much like his Dad.

    Here in the South, we are having almost summertime weather. Everything is budding, but unfortunately, we have lots of pollen too.

    I am trying to exercise more, do lots of reading, organize my paper piles, and get together with friends and family.

  15. Mac is precious, what an imagination (future writer?) and a delightful little guy to keep you young and laughing…kids are wonderful (especially boys). Enjoying our weather in the 70’s and trying to lose some weight for my son’s upcoming wedding next month. Good luck selling the house to the right buyers but in the meantime you have that comfort zone to keep writing. Great to read your blog, as usual and see pictures of Mac…time sure has gone by fast!

  16. My nephew is four and swords are a favorite for him too. Our son just went back to school from spring break. No surfing in Hawaii for him. He got to work instead.

  17. Swimming dogs, dealing with the college age women I advise, waiting for spring and I wore a fabulous pair of red pumps today! If that won’t make you feel good for a least a few minutes then try chocolate!! I like all of Mac’s words too.

  18. I just had a great job interview. How I hope I have a job offer extended. It would open doors and help me move onto other things. I only have to wait until Friday to find out…. Seems so long away! LOL

  19. Your little Mac is adorable. It sounds like he is a boy through and through.

    I have an unexpected few days to myself starting tomorrow and am excited about just doing whatever I feel like! Which means I’ll have my good friend over to watch a movie with me and I’ll read books and try to munch on healthy snacks & drink tea. Heaven.

  20. Mac is precious and adorable. Enjoy this special time together and hold him tight. I am enjoying reading and the warmth finally. Your writing sounds wonderful. Best wishes on your book and the house.

  21. We had a good laugh with my girls reading Mac favourite words. As I have two girls, their favourite words were pink, princess, wand, crown, castle (soo different from Mac!)and of course, gross, disgusting and weird are pretty much common among all children.
    I have to say Mac is adorable, those eyes are really the deepest blue. Soo cute!
    Having unbelievably warm weather here, however life is a bit crazy right now with school, work, dance and everyday normal routines.
    Happy to hear your migraines got better with acupuncture. I am a big fun of holistic practitioners. I am studying to become a holistic nutritionist and it is fascinating to learn how the body can heal itself just with whole foods.
    Happy writing and can’t wait for the new books to be available.

  22. Mac looks like a beautiful boy! I love his eyes and eyelashes. I’m envisioning him growing up to be a nice looking young man. Great news about your migraines. I’m very happy for you. Right now, I’m struggling with Lent and berating myself for not having more self-discipline:(

  23. Mac is so cute. My youngest grandson is a handful. He’s a little over a year and a half and is bad about taking clothes off all the time, including his diaper. Yesterday afternoon he decided to strip off and play with his mama’s Nook Color and he peed all over it. Needless to say, mama was not happy. Luckily it seems to still be working. The grandkids are on spring break this week so I’m spending a lot of time with them.

  24. Look how big he is getting! And those eyes..what a cutie.

    Today is the first day of Spring and my daughter’s 27th birthday. She and her family are coming for dinner and a birthday celebration.

    Life has been husband desperately needs a new job and we need health insurance but I find something to be happy about every day…today? The celebration of my daughter’s life.

  25. I’ve been busy at work. No real down time for fun or reading. But I do get cuddle time with my daughter at nights and that’s all that matters 🙂

  26. Hi Jane! Mac is so cute!! I can’t believe he is almost 3..where did the time go? As for me, I’ve been reading a ton of books lately & remembering just how much I loved reading as a child. A good book can be like ointment for the soul sometimes. Wondering about the Brennan Sisters this a modern lit series or harlequin? Anyway, Have a wonderful week!

  27. My life is pretty ordinary and dull right now. Just working and going to the gym a lot. I’m spending a lot of time with my adorable puppy, Haley. Things are good! I’m glad things are going well for you!

  28. Mac is absolutely adorable!

    I’ve got Discovery of Witches on my TBR. I’ve started it, but it’s a little slow so I’m not eager to get back to it. My daughter absolutely loved it, so I’ll get to it again. Right now I’m reading Evenfall.

    Of course I’ve heard so much about Fifty Shades, but it just looks so…well, not very romantic. I guess I like passion–passionate romance, rather than erotica.

    I’m working on my next YA, while a single title is bubbling and frothing and sputtering out all over the place. Must finish current book first!

  29. Not too much going on with me, getting a lot of couch time with my books! I love a good smut novel 🙂 Just trying to stay warm, who knew we would still be getting snow up here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

    I have been painting some boring white walls here-I need some color to liven me up!

    Looking forward to the new book-HURRY!!!

  30. Hi Jane,
    Those big eyes…Mac is a cutie-pie…but you know that already! So fun to watch them grow, isn’t it?

    I’m busy writing, playing Grammy, and doing what I can to make life easy for dh who is struggling in the new job. Always an adventure! But I’m SO grateful. We’ve come so far in our family in just two years. Seems impossible, the mountain that we’ve climbed, but we keep on keeping on!

    Good luck w the selling the house, and can’t wait to read your next book. Peace…

  31. Ah Jane, it is tax season :/ I am sneaking a little “online break” in 😉 Fixing to go grab some dinner to bring back to work and finish up for the day just to feel like I never left in the morning 😉 I am in good spirits and feeling blessed in spite of the hours though 🙂

    Mac is too cute! My 4 year old grandson has started having dreams and telling about them – so cute…and funny!

    Take care!

  32. What a fun age for the whole family, they are so entertaining at 3! As for me, after nine years of being single and just being mom, I am starting to date(!). It is scary, weird and fun all at the same time!

  33. Mac is such a cutie and all boy! I am busy teaching preschool to little ones just a little o,der than he is and getting ready to go to Tuscaloosa AL on a mission trip to work on homes destroyed in last year’s tornadoes. It is during our spring break.

    I read Fifty Shades and it felt very unromantic and sad. I know there are others in the series but seem to.have no interest in reading further, a bad sign!

    Good luck selling the house; I love Bellevue.

  34. I’ld love to hear more about these stories Mac makes up. He has quite a vocabulary. Not a whole lot going on around here. just passed some storms last night and this morning. We’re trying to save back money to siding in the atrium. The last couple times it’s rained, we’ve had water get in our kitchen from outside. not fun to sit up at night with towels trying to get it before it goes too far across the floor.

  35. I’m glad to hear that things are going well for you and your family. I wish you the best of luck that the perfect family will purchase your house and the move to Southern California will be a smooth transition for you. I don’t have much going on this week other than a few doctor’s appointments. My daughter came over for dinner last night which is always enjoyable. And I have a church bake sale this weekend and will be making lots and lots of cupcakes and cookies at the end of the week. Have a good rest of the week.

  36. Hi Jane,
    I always look forward to hearing about how you and your family are doing. It’s hard to believe Mac is already going to be 3! I’ll be praying with you that a wonderful family falls in love with the Bellevue house too.
    We are all doing great right now too. It’s spring break week here and so far we are all enjoying eachothers company. I got my tax return and I was able to pay some bills, do some much needed maintenance on my car, and splurge a little on the boys too.

  37. I am so looking forward to your new trilogy…….yea!
    Mac is so cute and all boy!
    I have been busy preparing for spring conferences at school, which run the next two days. Otherwise, I am anxiously awaiting better “spring” weather in the Pacific NW. It’s been cold, windy, and rainy. I’m very thankful not to live in tornado alley right now though. Those things scare me!

  38. Hi Jane! Mac is growing so fast! I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already since we were celebrating his arrival. What a handsome young man.

    I’m so glad your migraines are better. Praise the Lord I’ve only suffered one of those in my life and it’s been years ago. I hope you are headache free from now on. 🙂

    As for what I’m doing…I’m loving this glorious weather we’re having here. It was 87 degrees today so I spent much time outside, puttering around in the flowerbeds and garden. So glad Spring arrived early 🙂


  39. Mac is adorable!!! Life is good, my parents are coming for a visit for a few days and I’m getting ready to start reading The Hunger Games series after many recommendations!

  40. Mac is so stinkin’ cute! Aw what a long time ago that seems!

    My kids are keeping me running. My son is about to begin his little league season. My daughter has been recovering from a concussion (got it in soccer), which means lots of trips across the bridge to the doctor, tests, etc. Slow improvement, but it’s still improvement!

    I can’t wait to read Kit’s story. I’m rereading The Hunger Games now, I want it all to be fresh when we go to the movie. My daughter is still prohibited from screen time, but it is motivating her to get well. 🙂

    Fingers crossed for you on the house ~
    Sharon A

  41. Hi Jane,
    I’m glad accupucture helped!
    It’s amazingly warm for this part of the world right now. Most of our snow is gone and we’ve almost got the yard raked (only about 2-3 months early). There is snow in the forecast. Spending as much time outside as I can before it cools off again.

  42. Jane,
    Mac is adorable!!! I have a grandson that turned 1 in December and Lindsay had a boy the end of December so we have a almost 3 month old too. It is so much fun. Just got back from AZ – 85 two days and then first rain they’ve had in months!! Oh well got to see some spring training. Hard to get back to this cold weather. Have a good week.

  43. Jane,

    I LOVE Mac’s pic and all of the creativity that he is clearly blessed with!! So sweet!!!

    Things are busy here. I am helping a friend with a local athletic wear business with some marketing…we have been doing photo shoots this week to help increase their presence and I was honored to be included as a model.

    And I have a half marathon this Sunday that I am running in. So, life is super busy but I am hoping to get some time for reading this week as I just picked up the new Harlan Coben. I miss your books so I cannot wait for your next one to be released!!

    Much love to you and your sweet family!


  44. Hi Jane!

    It’s been crazy nice out here so I’ve been taking a lot of walks and I just started physical therapy so that has me pretty bust too. Hope you have a great week!

  45. Hi Jane,

    The weather here has been PERFECT. It’s definitely not typical upstate NY weather. It’s been in the high 70’s/low 80’s. I’m loving it and thoroughly enjoying it. Your son is just too cute. I could eat him up. I’m having a blast spending time with my daughter outdoors. She loves her swing set. Now that she’s walking she just wants to explore EVERYTHING.

  46. So glad to hear that the acupuncture is bring you relief, Jane. Mac sounds like a real pistol. He fits right in there with his big brothers. Keeping my fingers crossed that the house sells soon. If I had won the lottery tonight, I would have bought it from you. *smile* Fighting a cold while working like a demon. Will be glad when things become more manageable.

  47. My life has gotten out of balance. I work to much. I’m tired most of the day and I’m cranky. So this week I’ve spent a lot of time rethinking my life and how I want it to be. I’m trying to find a better balance and even though I’m not there yet, it feels good to start somewhere.

  48. What a cutie!

    I just bought my first place, so have been busy unpacking and putting stuff away. Buying furniture, appliances and just went to price out counter tops. Fun and stressful, and all mine.

    Take care!

  49. Hi Jane,
    Not much is going on with me right now but work, celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary on Monday, getting my son registered for his sophomore year in college (we survived Freshman year), and celebrating my dads birthday this weekend. I’d say life is pretty good right now!
    Hope you continue to have a productive week.


  50. My kids and I just decorated the house for Easter. It’s so much fun for them. I am looking forward to a week off from homeschooling for Spring Break. And, I am also looking forward to attending Liza Palmer’s book release event at Vroman’s Book Store!

  51. I’m still recovering. After more than two weeks with no connection to the net, coz i had muscular pains in both legs, that made me can’t walk at all, and even i just couldn’t move my legs coz when i tried to move , it’s so painfull. now i can use both my legs to walk and still under medicine and therapy.

  52. Mac is sooo cute and I can’t believe he is almost three. Not much happening around here. I am still having problems with my back going to the doctor on Friday. I have so much work to do outside in the yard and can’t do what I want to do because of my back. I did get the lawn mowed a few days ago but paid for it that evening. Maybe the doctor can do something on Friday that will help

  53. Hi Jane,
    My hubby and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary. I cannot believe we made it this far. I would have never dreamed it possible. However, we are stronger than ever. Yay!

    Kids are growing away every day. So sad but that’s what teens do. I’m looking forward to spring break to reconnect. I’m anxious for some down time. Work has been too chaotic.

    I love your photo of Mac. Great composition.

    Have a great day Jane!

  54. Your son is so adorable. I miss that age. Mine are all grown and have families of their own. Today I’m going to enjoy this unseasonable warm weather. It has been sunny, warm and just overall lovely here.

  55. Your son is sooooo cute. He looks like he enjoys getting his picture taken.
    I’m looking forward to reading your new book when it’s finished and comes out. I want to read that erotic one and you are right erotic shouldn’t make you sad. I’m still trying to get though the Kitchen house by Kathleen Grisson, Sarah’s key and city of ashes (the last one by Cassandra clare, I think you would enjoy that series this is the second one) all on the nook and happiness key by emilie richards in trade size book. My monthly book counts haven’t been very good this year so far need to get my reading motivation back up. can’t seem to finish anything.
    Today I have some errands nothing much happening the rest of this week. next week will be busy with a dentist appt on monday, tuesday some errands, wednesday I’m going to my needlepoint group’s first bookclub (the kitchen house) and thursday I’m heading the the shore because I have something down there on the thursday and going to check a few of my favorite places in town down there then heading and having my favorit open faced lobster melt sandwich then going to the house and get in some good beach walking and picture taking and spending the night so I don’t have to drive down and back in one day and take my time leaving on friday to come home. so looking forward to it and hope the weather is good. So anyway next week will be my busy week. so hopefully the next few days I’ll be just playing catch up arund here.

  56. I am busy! My oldest daughter just turned 6 and my youngest turns 4 in April. She recently had a second round of tubes put in her ears and had her adnoids out… its been a journey. The year is flying by… entirely to fast I think sometimes… We are good though!

  57. we are still remodeling our house and almost finished the kitchen;

    went to the city yesterday and checked out the new store ‘Giant Tiger’- very interesting.

    Started walking again and enjoy it.

  58. Hi Jane,
    I can’t believe Mac will be 3 in about a month. I remember back when you were pregnant you wrote on the blog that the doctor wanted you to put on more weight and you were eating Peeps. Boy time flies.
    I just finished planting 150 trees for a screen around the house. Now I am spending hours watering the trees.
    My hubby has been away this week on a business trip so I spent last night watching The first season of Downton Abbey on DVD. Fantastic.
    I also watched My Week With Marilyn that was also very good.

  59. Hi Jane,

    I love the picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Life is busy here and we are fighting the twins first colds. I guess I´m luck that it´s not until now we run into a cold but it´s no fun for either of us.

    So right now I´m not doing much other than making sure we all stay warm and dry and hopefully they will be feeling better soon.

    I look forward to sleeping through the night again.

  60. Hi, Jane!

    I love the ages of 1-3! Kids are at their cutest, I think! Mac is so adorable, and I can understand why you are having fun with him.

    I’m trying to get back in the groove at work this week. My family and I had a wonderful spring break in Orlando visiting all of the theme parks, plus Kennedy Space Center! I geeked out there!

    I sure hope my kids remember this trip, because every spring break will NOT be like this one, and trips like this are few and far between for us.

    Hope the rest of your week is wonderful, as well as for all of your readers.


  61. Hi Jane,
    I’m really glad the accupuncture helped your migraines. What a pain (literally and figuratively) that must have been for you.
    I have had a lot of paid work recently, so I have cut back on badminton, blogging, and reading until work “gets back to normal”. I hate it when that happens, LOL!

  62. Hoping and praying your WA home sells soon! I want you in CA!

    Business is growing by leaps and bounds for hubby and me. We are getting ready to take the kids on a suprise vacation for spring break. We are close to making and offer on a new home.

    This Friday is a date night of sorts for Jeremy and I as we are going to the law school alumni association dinner. Guess what the theme is? A Night in India! I am so excited as I am going to borrow a sari from a friend at the kids’ school. I will be all decked out in traditional Indian attire, feeling much like a princess for sure!

    As for reading, I blew through all three Hunger Games books, finished the In The Garden trilogy by Nora Roberts. I have a stack of about 10 or so books that are in my waiting-to-be-read pile. So many books, so little time!

  63. Hi Jane!

    Mac is so adorable! He looks like such a little boy now! They grow so fast. Hmmm…extensive vocabulary, vivid imagination with a love to tell stories..and a writer for a mommy…sounds like you may have a future author on your hands!

    It’s been busy lately…trying to spend lots of quality time with my two little guys in this gorgeous weather we are having (80s!!).

    Good luck finishing your book. I can’t wait to read it! Also wishing you much luck with selling your house!!

  64. Mac is so cute!! I am taking a few days off to enjoy spring break with my kids. The weather has been beautiful.

  65. I remember when my kids were three…ah, the good old days! Now my son is graduating high school – he just committed to play lacrosse in college – and my daughter is enjoying her final high school years, too. Can you imagine what it will be like when Mac graduates? Oh the stories he’ll tell!

  66. Hi Jane,

    Mac is so beyond Gerber baby cute. What a little man he has become. Bet he has mom and dad wrapped around his little finger. We survived some massive weather lastnight and today turned out beautiful. Spending the next week putting the final touches on my screenplay before registering it with the Writers Guild East then off it goes to Austin Film Festival. I will then start rewriting the screenplay into a novel. Off to World Market tomorrow for some great new tea and a new candle. Must have for my writing desk. Ohh and some Dove milk choc. UMMMM

  67. Mac is such a cutie, and yes- three is such a fun age!!
    Life for me right now…I can sum it up in one word- Stressful! My husband is unhappy at work and wants out of his current position due to stress. I totally back him up. He was offered a wonderful job with another company and wanted to take it, but it wont work out since I must work as well. We don’t use childcare, so we are trying to work out a plan and keep everyone happy, but it’s not easy! He’s got a lot going on with work, school and family. I think the world of him for all of his hard work and doing this juggling act. I know it isn’t easy. Looking very forward to a couple fun vacations next month. It’ll be so nice to relax and take a breather!

  68. Hello love! What a fantastic picture of Mac!

    This week I’m dealing with the aftermath of a great conference (Liberty States Fiction Writers), a dayjob that will not quit trying to kick my butt, and serious home drama with my mother’s now former medical aide who keeps showing up at our house for one (valid but wonky) reason or another. She’s also become chatting with my landlady and seems to be trying to talk her way into my apartment as a tenant, so there’s a lot of uncertainty and fear and a little crazy with that. Forefront of my mind right now. Of course, it does serve to take my mind off the impending Golden Heart finalist announcements on Monday. (I entered.)

    Have a great week! Can’t wait to read the new series.

  69. What a cute photo of Mac! I just want to say I LOVE everything about the new book and can’t wait to read it! The cover looks amazing! Her name is Meg (need I say more)! and I feel like many can relate to what she is going through!

    I have had a great week! The weather here has been amazing this week and I spent all afternoon at the park with my girls and good friends (even got the sunburn to prove it…in March, in New England…can you believe it!) I also just finished Kristin Hannah’s Home Front and loved it!!! What a powerful story.

    Happy writing:-)

  70. Someone just recommended that book to me,but isaw it featured on the Today show and it sounded disturbing….

    So glad everything is going well! Looking forward to the new book.

  71. Just returned from a team meeting regarding the upcoming 75th Birthday of our congregation…that is we’ve been in town for 75yrs.(Church is way older than 75!) I’m in charge of the banquet…fun, fun, fun. Enjoying reading and listening to the Jackie Kennedy conversations she recorded shortly after President Kennedy’s death(can even hear the ice cubes clinking in the glasses and people coming in and going out of the room.)Great News:our newest Grandson is due April 4th…he and parents are holding on (he tried coming early about a month ago). His Big Brother is just over 2 years old…would be great fun and have a delightful play time with Mac…especially if Mac likes trains. Your Mac is absolutely adorable<3 Looking forward to "meeting Kit" when your book comes out. Glad you have a hold on those awful migraines…maybe a trip to Hawaii would help;) All is well. Take care of yourself.

  72. Hi Jane, There is something incredibly cute about three. My eldest is now only eighteen months off thirty and it isn’t nearly the same thing ;-]. My youngest (of seven) has just turned eleven so it’s been a long time.

  73. Hi everyone! Thanks for the lovely comments this week. I so enjoyed hearing about what you’re doing, and reading, and yes…those compliments on Mac. Thank you! He certainly keeps things lively around here.

    I have drawn the two winners for this week’s blog:

    #6 Jill F
    #74 Meg M

    Will Jill and Meg please email me with your mailing address, the size t-shirt they’d like and oh–the address can’t be a PO Box! Okay, I think that’s it.

    Have a wonderful weekend all!



  74. What a angelic little face Mac has, I can just imagine what trouble he gets into with that vocabulary!

    Good luck showing your house, I’m sure the right person will find it! I saw just the picture of your “library” and fell in love with the house 🙂

    I am reading the latest Jennifer Weiner book…Then Came You. I’m not hooked yet, I read “Fly Away Home” over Christmas holidays and really liked it, so I picked up this one too. (Maybe the missing ingredient is “holiday”…it’ hard to love a book when you only have 20 minutes to read at bedtime!).

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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