I Heart Elizabeth Boyle

Another love blog!

Hopefully you know me now, and hopefully you know that I really really love my family and friends and readers.  When I’m writing a lot, or feeling stressed from a deadline, I like to focus on the things that make me happy, like friends and family and books and travel, and so here’s a new blog and this time, I heart the fabulous fun New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Elizabeth Boyle.

Elizabeth & Jane at Emerald City Conference Literacy Signing

Elizabeth and I go back a long, long way…to my first summer in Seattle in the summer of 1996!

I met Elizabeth at the RWA Conference in Dallas July 1996.  I remember the date exactly because it was my oldest son Jake’s 1st birthday and I’d gone to the conference on the spur of the moment with hopes of learning how to get published.   At the conference I had the good fortune to meet Elizabeth who had just won the Dell Diamond Debut Award.  I was in awe of Elizabeth’s win.  I’d never met published authors before, and suddenly I was at an RWA conference with all these authors, and sitting in a cocktail lounge lifting a glass of champagne to toast Elizabeth.

Two years later we roomed together at the RWA Conference in Anaheim and Elizabeth won the Rita for Best First Book (for Brazen Angel) and I had just won the Golden Heart for best unpublished long contemp series manuscript.  I was in awe of her again and as happy as I was to have won the GH in my category, I wanted to be published, too!

Happily, I got my first sale in January 2000 and Elizabeth was one of the first to congratulate me on my sale to Harlequin Presents.  Over the years as I juggled writing and motherhood she always lended an ear, offered moral support, shared in a laugh.  Elizabeth is pure joy….loving, fun, loyal, smart, and one of the best plotters I have ever met.  When I’m writing a book and have a plot crisis I turn to Elizabeth and she has saved more than one story.

Elizabeth writes smart, fun, sexy, witty historicals.  I am crazy about her, and her books, and so excited that her first three books–including Brazen Angel, that stunning Dell Diamond Debut Award winner–are finally available in ebook format.  You can find the Brazen Trilogy at Amazon and Barnes and Noble).  And I love the new covers…they’re simply gorgeous:  Brazen AngelBrazen HeiressBrazen Temptress.  Do you have a favorite?

To celebrate my wonderful friend, I’m giving away 3 prizes and yes, they are a surprise, and yes, you will be happy you won.  🙂  How do you enter?  Just talk to me!  It’s that simple.  And if you have a chance to read one of Elizabeth’s books let me know.  Or if you’re already an Eliabeth Boyle fan, tell me which of her books have been your favorites.  Blog contest ends Wednesday night and I’ll announce the 3 winners Thursday morning. Good luck!






  1. I have not read any books by Elizabeth Doyle, but I’m seriously wondering why not? They look amazing & my kind of reading.

  2. Thank you for sharing the story of how you met. Good friends are precious in life. And I have read some of Elizabeth’s books. I enjoyed the Bachelor series.

  3. i am in need of a good book and author so i will go check out elizabeth’s books. looks like the rain in back for awhile so time to cozy up w.a book!

  4. Hi Jane,

    The weather here is crazy. For the past 2 weeks we had record breaking high temps. Now it’s in the 30s and I had to turn the heat back on. Brrrrr … at least I know that the summer is almost here. I hope you are having a great day!

  5. hi, jane. i haven’t had the chance to read any of her books yet, but will put one on my “to be read” list. good friends are a blessing to have…i am so glad to have a few to share my life with.

  6. Hi Jane. I love Elizabeth Boyle’s historicals. Love Letters From A Duke has been my favorite of her books.

  7. What a great friend to have!

    My parents came for a short visit from Indiana and we all had the best time. It’s been 7 months since I last saw them.

  8. I LOVED the Bachelor Chronicles!
    Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress
    made me bawl. Not a tear here and there, but bawl….
    Loved the whole series!

  9. I haven’t read any of her books yet. Sounds like I should!

    Nothing much going on right now. Trying to get my house in order, being a mom to a teenager and wondering if it will ever warm up around here.

  10. Nice story about you and Elizabeth, I have not read any of her books yet, but I will sure pick one up on my next bookstore run. I am really getting excited about your up coming book The Good Woman. I know it will be as good as all of your others.

  11. Hi Jane!
    We are getting back into the swing of things after a fabulous spring break at Sea World and a Bahamas cruise. I have not read any of Elizabeth’s books yet but love when my favorite authors talk about books and authors I have not read yet! I have discovered some great books that way.

  12. Hi Jane ! I love you do surprize giveaways for us ! Your prizes are always the best so I just know it will be worth it !

    I have not yet Elizabeth but you definitely have my attention she sounds wonderful !

    I adored that you shared your story with us. As for something happening right now all I can say is that I am super busy at work (I am a paralegal to one heck of a brilliant attorney) oh and I read a really brilliant book recently,Deserving of his Diamonds by the wonderful Melanie Milburne and also The Good the bad and the wild by Heidi Rice both really incredible.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win you rock !


  13. Jane,
    I don’t think I’ve read her yet but I am going to check her out. I’m getting a big library of books on my kindle fire and I love it. Just need a vacation so I can sit on a beach and read some of these wonderful books. Have a great week.

  14. Hi Jane,

    I have not read any of Elizabeth Boyle´s book jet, but I´ll pop over to amazon when I´m done writing on your blog 🙂

    I simply love the cover for Brazen Temptress. It sure catches the eye.

  15. Good afternoon! I have never read Elizabeth’s books at all, to be honest never ever heard of her either. I love the story how yu and were became good friends. What a sweet story. I’m cleaning house and been worried about my little brother,Marty, he’s in the hospital something to do with his heart, fluid is around his heart and they went in to release it.Just got a call and he’s resting but taking more test. I miss all my family and I can’t fly to Chicago for i can’t afford it at this time so all I can do is pray for him to get well. On a happier note had a nice springbreak,read alot of good books and spent time with my daughter, got her dress and a few other things for her prom, need to find shoes and a dress for her graducation but we have acouple more months until then. Anyways, glad to hear yur love story about your friend…have a wonderful monday!

  16. I’m glad you met Elizabeth. She sounds like a huge inspiration to you. I’ve been trying to enjoy the early spring weather this past weekend. I can’t believe how warm it has gotten already. But, that’s Texas weather. You never know what to expect. I hope your week will be a wonderful one.

  17. Jane,

    I love your books and will trust your opinion and add Elizabeth’s books to my library. I really like the e-book capabilities, but have been disappointed with the spelling/grammar errors in a lot of them, especially when I have previously read the well edited paper versions. Do you know how the publishers go about bringing a book to e-book? I’d even be willing to proofread for free, just to get rid of those distractions!

  18. What a great tribute to your friend, Jane. I have never read any of Elizabeth’s books, but after your rave reviews, I just might need to purchase one. Great photo!

  19. I just purchased the Brazen trilogy and can’t wait to jump in. The new covers look amazing! I love the stories about meeting her and spending time at the RWA’s together. I know meeting you has been a joy every time, as have the other authors I have met.

    These days, I’m busy taking things off my list. Yep, learning the word ‘no’ so that I can focus on some things that have been back burner for far too long. And as usual, I’m just trying to keep up with the kids.

    I hope the new book is still going great, can’t wait for it to come out!

  20. I have never read any of Elizabeth’s books and you know the saying never judge a book by it’s cover will does not apply to this.The cover’s alone make you want to read it. They are sexy and colourful. Think I may have to add these to my list of books to read….I may have to quit my job so I can stay home and read since there are so many great books out there!

  21. I have read every one of Elizabeth’s books, and I always buy her new releases as soon as they are published.

  22. I’ve read a few of Elizabeth’s books and really enjoyed them. She’s an amazing Author. A couple of my favorites by her are “Mad About The Duke” and “How I Met My Countess”.

    I haven’t read anything by you yet. You’re a new Author to me, and I found my way to you courtesy of my dear friend Desere (she’s left you a comment above) too.

    Thank you for such a great opportunity to win one of Elizabeth’s books.

  23. I have not read any of Elizabeth Boyle’s books yet but must check them out. I have heard a lot of good things about her books.

  24. I haven’t read any of Elizabeth’s books … YET! It’s always good to get a new name to check out!!! Thanks for the recommendation!!! 😀

  25. Isn’t it nice to have friends like Elizabeth?

    I just started reading Game of Thrones. I am enjoying it to the utmost. I have not read any of Elizabeth’s books – yet! I will check out the ebooks though later today!

  26. I have MAD ABOUT THE DUKE and HOW I MET MY COUNTESS in my TBR pile. I loved her excerpts and look forward to reading her entire book(s).

  27. I enjoyed your interesting story of how you met Elizabeth. What a beautiful friendship. I will read her delightful books. Now it has warmed up so I am outside reading.

  28. I haven’t read any of Elizabeth’s books … It’s always good to get a new name to check out.

    Nice weather here and time to get out in the yard.

    Take care.

  29. I just bought the ebook Brazen trilogy, and love all of Elizabeth Boyle’s books. In fact, her FB post sent me over here. It’s wonderful that you & she are such fabulous friends.

  30. I have not read Elizabeth Boyle’s books. I will have to check her out. You have led me to some great authors.

  31. Hi Jane!

    I hope your writing is going well! I have not read any of Elizabeth Boyle’s books before, but I was just purchasing A Dark Sicillian Secret on my Nook (my first Harlequin by you!), and so I decided to buy Elizabeth’s Love Letters From A Duke. Thanks for suggestion!!

  32. I just love your blog because you are always introducing and exposing me to new authors and great new books. My summer reading stack is getting taller!

  33. Hi Jane,
    Elizabeth’s books have been on my list to read for a while now! I enjoy visiting her website and I enjoy historicals, so I do need to read some of hers. Since I’ve been in school I’m limited on my reading for fun…but I’ll be done next month and I’ll be ready to read, read, and read more for fun!

  34. Elizabeth Boyle sounds like a great artist and friend. I will have to check out her books.
    Well it’s the week before spring break. I wish I was able to escape somewhere, but money is a bit tight. Maybe next year! I had some sleepy kids in class this morning. I think they were already wishing they were on break so they could sleep in.

  35. What a perfect day to post this post! Having a little sad over not finaling in Golden Heart today, but love hearing yours and Elizabeth’s stories of your first forays first into RWA and then into awards success! Look forward to these titles!

  36. Good luck with your writing Jane! I have read and enjoyed several Elizabeth Boyle stories and she sounds like a wonderful friend. Reading a good story is a great break during stressful times.

  37. I have read one of her books and it was wonderful. Thanks for bringing her name up. It reminded me how good her book was and now I’m going to see if I can get another one.

  38. I have not read any of her books yet, but the covers are amazing. I will definitely be looking for them.

  39. The two Elizabeth Boyle books I remember best are Confessions of a Little Black Gown and Memories of a Scandalous Red Dress. She is a good writer and I want to read more of her books. And, she looks like she is a fun friend to have. Glad you met her Jane and are friends.

    It is getting warmer here. Sure hope we don’t jump right into summer and not have a spring! Praying for your house to sell and your writing to go smoothly.

  40. Such a great story. I have never heard of her but I will definetly check out some of her work. Right now I am reading Debbie Maccomber’s novel “This Matter of Marriage” its an oldie but I am liking it. I enjoy her work as well as yours. Looking forward to your upcoming novel. Good Luck Jane and I hope you enjoy your week.

  41. What fun! To attend the yearly RWA conference and be around all those published and non-published like minded souls. This past week I’ve decided to make a major change in my writing. I’m turning my screenplay into a novel and will start on my journey to become a published author. I have some great role models to lead the way!

  42. What a beautiful tribute to your friendship with Elizabeth Boyle. Girlfriends are the best! It’s interesting how friendships evolve and strengthen through the years. Thank you again for introducing me to an author I otherwise might miss.

  43. I am a fan of Elizabeth’s going way back.
    One Night of Passion is a favorite. I really enjoyed the Danvers Series and the covers are so lovely. Let me think of others…I just finished reading Lord Langley is Back in Town. Loved it. I have a good amount of her books in my keeper tubs.
    The historical genre was my first love.
    Right now I am watching the Masterpiece theater Downton Abbey on DVD I am starting the second season tonight.

  44. Good Morning! My daughter has her trike-a-thon at here school today to raise money for St. Jude. She is so excited and has been practicing every day. It’s going to be so cute to watch her and all of her friends riding their tricycles.

  45. What a truly great friend you have in your life and she looks like so much fun too. Have not read any of her books but I need too and thanks for the heads up.

  46. I, too, am going to read Elizabeth Boyle. She sounds like a really special person and wonderful author.

    I’ve been having fun this week reading “The Hunger Games” on my boyfriend’s new reader (kindle). I didn’t think I’d like it very much, as I love the old fashioned kind of books, but it’s pretty handy I must admit.

  47. Hi Jane,
    Writing hasn’t aged either of you at all! Must be because you’re doing something you both love. Thanks for sharing a bit of your sale story and your lovely friendship. Finding people on the same wavelength is so important esp when you’re a writer. I haven’t read Elizabeth’s books yet, but she’s on my list!

  48. What a wonderful tribute to your friend, Elizabeth Boyle. I think I would enjoy reading one of her books. How fortunate that your paths crossed and you have remained friends throughout the years.

  49. What a great story to share with us. I have not read any of Elizabeth’s books, yet, but I am going to add them to my reading list!

    I am heading to Utah tomorrow to hang out with friends and to go to a Mary Kay conference, then I am actually doing a road trip from there back to CA on Sat/Sun. There will be be 4 adults and a 7yr old and a 3 yr old all in a minivan. I am thinking it could be quite the adventure. We are stopping half way in Vegas, maybe I will find a lucky slot machine!

  50. Hey Jane! I have yet to read an Elizabeth Boyle story, so I will have to check out her books. All of your recommendations are always stellar 😉 Not much else going on other then trying to find homes for two kittens.

  51. Nice story about your friend. Sometimes, you meet a person you feel an affinity with immediately and it is so nice that you can help each other with your books. I have never read any of her books, but will try them as soon as I have some spare time.
    Take care.

  52. Friends are the best. I spent last evening on the phone with Library Lady and can attest to the wonder of best friends!! Your prizes are the best. I have shared them with friends. Spring is trying to creep into Wyoming. The dos are out playing. Otto stole on slipper from under my nose and I had to rescue it from the backyard. Friends and dogs put a smile on our face. Have a great remaining week.

  53. Hi Jane!
    I haven’t read any of Elizabeth’s books yet- but would love to! Been a busy week and I am just hoping the weekend is here soon! 🙂

  54. Hi everyone,

    I’m so glad some of you will check out Elizabeth’s books. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them! Elizabeth’s a star in my world and I adore her!

    Okay, so our winners for this post are –

    #13 Desere Steenberg
    #32 Winnie P
    #58 Karla

    Ladies, please shoot me an email with your address info and I’ll prizes in the mail very soon!

    love to all,

  55. My computer has been down, but now it’s up and so am I…thanks for the drawing! so excited to see my name as a winner…thanks!

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