Last days to order The Good Woman on Amazon and get it the day it releases!

This is just a quick note to let you know that The Good Woman comes out next Tuesday, September 4—only five days from now! And that means today and tomorrow are the last days for Amazon Prime members to order a print copy and have it arrive on your doorstep on release day. I can’t wait for you to get to know the Brennan family. The first two chapters of The Good Woman are up on my site for you to enjoy right now, and if you want to keep reading, handy order links to a bunch of formats and stores are right there on the same page.

As for me, I am just enjoying summer—here’s one of my most favorite moments from last week. I’ve been smiling every minute since…


  1. I can’t wait to start reading this book. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas 🙂

    I love that picture of your son. What a little cutie. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer …


  2. Precious! Just want to reach out and hug him. Precious, delightful, darling! Oh, what a joy! Place his photo in frames and you’d be a millionaire; being his Mom=priceless<3

  3. Oh Jane, he is starting to look like a young man instead of your baby. Looks like he is blowing you a kiss. He is so handsome and what a blend of you and Ty. Thanks for allowing us a peek into your life right now.

    Can’t wait to read The Good Woman!

  4. That is an adorable picture! I just pre-ordered 3 more copies to send to friends that I know are going to love the book! I am going to ask them pay it forward if they love the book, like I know they are going to, I hope that they will buy another copy and give it to someone they know will love it and might not know how wonderful your books are!

  5. OMG!!!!!!!!!! He is ADORABLE!!! The girls are going to be beating down your door, Jane. I can’t wait to get my hands on your new book!

  6. I ordered it and another book and can’t wait for the package to come! Is Mac blowing kisses? I think I caught one!

  7. That is the most adorable picture!

    I ordered the book from Amazon on Tuesday – but now I’m wishing I’d ordered it from Barnes & Noble!!!!!

    Can’t wait!

  8. Read the two chapters and now I’m just waiting for the UPS truck on Tuesday wit hmy copy of “The Good Woman” 🙂

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