Amazing You!

I’ve had an incredible couple of weeks.  After two years without a big book out…after eighteen months without a lot of promo and book events, touring or book club appearances, it’s so good to be back out in the public world, meeting readers, seeing friends, talking about the publishing industry, the changes in the book community, the inspiration behind the Brennan Sisters trilogy.  I am honestly on a high.  I sometimes find it exhausting traveling so much, but then I have a night like last night in Kirkland, WA where 65 readers and friends came to celebrate the launch of The Good Woman with me, and then I’m recharged and blessed.

Do you have any idea how lucky I feel to have you in my life?  Do you know that being a storyteller is important to me, but even more important is knowing that I get to be part of a community with you? That I have a relationship with you?  That through books, I now know you? Forgive me for being so mushy and gushy, but this month the sense of community and support has just dazzled me.  I’m overwhelmed, and touched, and grateful.

Thank you to those of you who have taken time to come see me.

Thank you to those of you who’ve bought the new book and posted reviews.

Thank you to those of you who are hoping to read it soon.  Do read it soon!  I get so excited everytime I hear from you about the book…whether its good or bad, passionate or frustrated.  Writing and reading is how I form connections and bonds, and sharing books and stories with you helps me feel closer to you…connected to you.  I’m serious when I say that you really do matter.  I wouldn’t be here–published–if it weren’t for you.   I’m in print because of you and it wouldn’t be half as fun, or joyous, or inspiring, to write if I didn’t get to have you in my life, talking books, talking about life, sharing dreams, sharing heartbreak.

I’ve had a couple really hard days this week due to a personal situation (a parenting crisis), and I’d enter my hotel room and stand there reeling in shock, wondering what I’m doing on the road, what I’m doing juggling writing and parenthood, but then I’d walk into one of my events– Third Place Books on Monday, or the party last night in Kirkland, and see a room full of people—there for me–and it moved me to tears.  Good tears.  Happy tears.  You see, I honestly couldn’t do this without you.  I couldn’t.  And this is why I want to give back to you, and other women, love, support, connection, community.  We’re not alone.  Not ever.  All we have to do is look out, reach out, care.

Tonight I make an appearance at Warwick Books in La Jolla, in San Diego County.  The wonderful, talented, and generous Anita Hughes (author of the very successful Monarch Beach) is joining me and we will both be discussing our novels, and how we write, and what we’re working on next.  Anita has become a good friend as well as my neighbor, as she’s just a few miles from me in Dana Point.  All the details for tonight’s event are up on my website event page, or you can find details on Facebook, too.

So fill me in on what’s going on.  I have a special Good Woman giveaway for you, and the prize includes a signed copy of The Good Woman, a signed copy of Anita’s amazing debut novel, Monarch Beach, a Starbucks drink card, a California mug, and tons of JP swag.   This is a prize bursting out of the box and I’d love for you to win.  How?  Just chat with me by posting a comment below between now and Sunday night, Sept 23rd at midnight, and I’ll announce the winner Monday morning,  Good luck, and remember, you are amazing…a gift, a joy, and a VIP to me.




  1. Jane,

    My sister, cousin and I met you
    at the RWA book signing in Anaheim. We told you we would be at your event on the 13th but
    homework,sports and all the other “duties” we have got in the way. Hang in there with your
    crisis. We all have them, but we also have to go on and do our jobs. The jobs that feed, clothe our families. Your job just entails traveling for now.
    Loved meeting you! It made our evening. Take care!

  2. Hi Jane,

    I have had so much fun these last couple of weeks promoting “The Good Woman” and their for it was so nice that I the last two days, yes two days, could come and see you in person at your events. It just felt so right.
    I love your books and read as many of your books as I can get my hands on.
    I can´t believe that you had events last night her in WA and now tonight you have an event in CA. But I´m just so happy for you and your new book and as you know I can´t wait to read “The good daughter” on Feb 5th.
    Have a great evening and I´ll send you some pictures from your events in the Seattle area.

  3. I would love to meet you at either a book signing or at one of the conventions but there is no bookstore close to me. Maybe one day at one of the conventions.

  4. So good to hear that the new book is going so well for you, sorry to hear about your parenting issue, being a parent is probably the hardest job we have in life and I hope it all works out for you. You also bring us alot join in your writing of these books that takes our everyday life to new places and new people and for that “WE” thank you as well and we are glad you are in our life!

  5. I hate when I feel like I’m torn between parenting and my job. I feel you pain!

    This week I have something every night except this past Tues. I hate weeks like this!

    Hang in there!

  6. Sadly I live in the middle of the country and there aren’t any signings close to me ever, or I’d totally be there. Not much going on here other than trying to get over a lung issue and my little granddaughter is back in the hospital again. Good thoughts are prayers are always welcome for her. Hope your parenting issues clear up soon. Have a great evening.

  7. I too wish I could see you at a book signing, Jane; alas, that might be difficult in my little town in southern Ontario, Canada. I am thrilled beyond belief, though, that we can communicate online in the meantime.
    This weekend I will continue to “find my house” before my sister and her husband arrive some time next week. It’s a never-ending battle (the cleaning – not the relationship – LOL)!

  8. Congratulations and best wishes on your wonderful book tour and the success of your great book. I have been enjoying your book and love your writing. It sustains me through my illness.

  9. I am so glad to here everything is going well with you. Between taking son back and forth to his college classes and going to physical therapy I have been really busy. I am hoping that this is the last week of PT and I can just start keeping up with my exercises at home. I hate being on the go all the time. I guess I am just a home body. Also been trying to take walks every day and haven’t got that done yet today. So I guess I better get off of this computer and get that taken care of.

  10. What a beautiful post, Jane. This is why you have so many fans who love and care about you. You’re so genuine in your posts. Even those of us who haven’t been lucky enough to meet you in person, feel like we know you. I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend reading, writing and spending time with family.

  11. I hope what ever is going on at home will soon pass. I’m glad seeing your friends and fans cheers you up even when there are crises at home. I’m still dealing with the big mess that happened with my account. Someone hacked into it and charged $300. Dealing with them and banks has really stressed me out. now, I’m dealing with the possibility of my husband losing his job. hopefully he doesn’t, but I have always been a worrier so I worry about it. If my head would stop hurting, maybe I would read. but, so far this week, I haven’t been able to pick up a book, much less focus on reading. Your event with Anita sounds like so much fun. i did read her book after you did the blog about it. I love that you both have similar writing styles. I know you will have a good time at this next event. I appreciate having you part of my life too. I always look forward to your posts on Facebook and your blogs. Love and hugs to you too because you have helped me feel better about things that have happened in my life when I read similar things in your books. Somehow, I am able to pull out of my slumps and move on through the day.

  12. I think that even though you have rough moments, remember that you are making a difference in a lot of lives. It’s not just a drudge, pay the bills job (though I’m sure it feels like it a lot of the time!), its so meaningful, and each day you make a lot of people’s lives a little better when they read one of your books. I’m re-reading Mrs Perfect again, and am always amazed how you have made Taylor, such an unlikeable character in Odd Mom Out, so likeable in this book, in spite of her vanity and spending, her excessive obsession with image, etc etc. My favorite of your books so far.

  13. I’m sorry I was unable to see you at the San Francisco events. I was lucky to see you in Palo Alto a few years ago, of course ran into people in line and we got to talking about Hawaii. I remember the first time I read the Frog Prince, and I’ve been a fan ever since. Thank you for writing such wonderful heartfelt stories. Looking forward to reading the next one.

  14. What a beautiful post, Jane
    You are such an amazing woman!
    I see that you are scheduled to visit Royal Oak, MI in February. My sisters and some of my book club friends would love to meet you!
    It’s been a beautiful Fall week so far-my husband is on vacation and it’s been nice having dinner as a family every night! Take Care of yourself and sweet dreams…

  15. I love hearing about your all too far away events and how exciting and grand they are and how happy they make you. Congratulations, love! It’s been a hard time coming…and it’s good to be back!!

    So thrilled, as always, at your success. So delighted, as ever, to “see” you interact with your readers as it brings so much joy to them – and especially to you. Huzzah. Well done. xoxo

  16. I just ‘found’ you recently thru FB and other bloggers. You are right. At times we all may feel alone and overwhelmed with our family duties. It’s nice to be reassured that we are not alone. We all share common bonds. I can’t wait to read your book. Keep on keepin on sister!

  17. Hi Jane,
    I am so happy for you.
    Sounds like the book tour is a booming success.
    I have been getting the yards ready for Fall. I have been reading more lately since it turns dark in the evenings sooner.
    I can’t wait to hear more about the book tour.
    All my best.

  18. I attended your book signing in San Clemente last week and was so excited to be able to meet you! You are so down-to-earth, sweet and funny! I have read all of your books and I am almost finished with The Good Woman. I think it’s your best one yet! I look forward to the next Brennan Sister’s books! I hope to run into you around San Clemente – you will love living here! Kim

  19. Oh Jane. You are such a great person, mother, writer and wife I am sure. We all get discouraged but you are doing what you do best (writing). Congragulations on all the success and I wish you much more in the future. The book is on my to read list, but right now it is all about school and getting that degree. I would love to meet you one day!!!! You need to come to Houston Texas or even better Lake Jackson Texas! I work at a book store it would be awesome to have you sign there. Have a great week Jane.

  20. Hi!I love reading your books and so many other authors so I can spend alittle time to forget about all the things thats are going thru my life…at the moment I’m stressed for my divorce isn’t final yet and he won’t sign the papers and he’s going in for another surgery its is 5th one and he doesn’t want to follow the doctors orders so its just useless…but I’m the one who ends up taking care of him and I don’t want to anymore..I have my home daycare that I need to handle so that comes first and why should my the kids take time out of their college classes to deal with his mess…he’s so selfish and only thinks od himself..well thats about all thats going on around my house. I’m back taking classes at our local college and so happy that I’m finally taking a class that I need so I can get my teaching degree.Hope all is well at your homefront..your a lady with many hats and we juggle those hats the best way we son is coming for the weekend so I’m happy about that, I probaly won’t see much of him for he has a girlfriend and lots of friends that he’ll want to visit with but will spend a few hours together.Have a fun at your book parties and a good weekend!

  21. Jane,

    Love your writing and love you. About to start The Good Woman tonight. Life has been crazy lately. Getting ready to help a friend open a store in this area and things are busy!

    I am so sorry things are crazy for you and you are dealing with any crises at the moment. You are such an amazing woman and such a blessing to your readers. Praying things calm down and improve for you!

    Thanks for your amazing writing and giving us the ability to escape for awhile into your worlds. Your characters are so fresh and full of life. By the end of a book, I feel as if I have made new friends!!

    Blessings to you!

  22. I’m soooo sad that I wasn’t feeling well enough to go see you in person. I would have loved to add my excitement to those of other readers at your stop. Well, perhaps next time.

  23. I love the way you connect with your readers on your blog. You seem like another mom friend to me! I’m sorry you’re going through something tough at such an exciting time, although that seems to be the way it goes sometimes. I loved The Good Woman and I can’t wait to read more about the Brennan girls!

  24. No more swag….just wanted to write a comment. You are sooooo generous, the most generous author I’ve ever met. I’m grateful for you and your stories! I am sooooo glad you are having a wonderful tour – you deserve it! So sorry for your parenting crisis (I hear you sister), but I am so happy you are being showered with love by your devoted fans!

  25. Jane,
    Wow, your heartfelt thanks and the appreciation that you show to your readers really something special. I loved reading your words, “love, support, connection, and community. All we have to do is look out, reach out, care.” LOVE it! Great, powerful things and of such value to us women who are your fans. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone lived with those things first and foremost in their minds? Thanks for making a little corner of my world so wonderful. Thank you for entertaining me with your wonderful stories.
    I hope your personal parenting issue can be resolved as painlessly and quickly as possible. Good thoughts coming your way.

  26. Jane,
    I wanted so much to see you in Kirkland last night. My daughter and grandson were visiting from TN so I had my hands full with a 21 month old and boy was he a handful, as I’m sure you know. I can’t wait to read the book, as soon as I finish the book I’m reading right now, and I will recommend it to all my friends because I love you’re writing. Safe Travels.

  27. Jane, my hubby and I are keeping you and your family in our daily prayers. You are so strong and so giving and it is always a pleasure to come read your blog and also your books!

  28. Wonderful post Jane…you always make us feel so good!

    Cannot wait to read this book, have been SO looking forward to it and am very glad book 2 in the trilogy is out soon after.

    Wish I could get to a signing…not much in that way happening up here in Montreal. Hope the rest of your tour goes well and may things settle down at home quickly.

  29. Hi Jane.
    Glad all is going great with your book, book tour and all that entails. I know parenting is never easy and most assuredly not long distance in your case. Please know you are not alone even if you happen to be in your hotel room alone. I will put both your family and you in my prayers.

  30. It was great being in Kirkland last night. You are such a generous and beautiful person (inside and out); it was a love fest from you and to you and the room (standing room only, you are LOVED Jane!) was warm with the wonderful weather but even more so, warm from all the good feelings we were surrounded in!
    So sorry you are having problems. I am awed by how you can write insightful, fabulous novels about women, relationships, families – all that jazz, and manage a household with a couple of teenagers and an active 3 year old, not to mention your husband Ty. Whatever the problems are, you will be fine. Those of us who have survived raising a teenage boy know it has to be one of the most difficult accomplishments ever, so hang in there. In the words of a James Taylor song – “when you are down & troubled… have a friend.” Play that tune in your head Jane, and know you have many, many friends and we all send you hugs!
    The Good Woman is a good read and I will read it again, waiting for the next book to come out in February. I gave Paula the book you signed for her today, so you can add a new FOJ (fan of Jane’s) to the long list.

  31. Jane, you are sooooooo nice!! I have loved your books from my first read. I long to be a part of a community of writers myself, as I am a fledgling writer. Reading your posts and blog inspire me. I would love to meet you at one of your events, but you don’t come to my neck of the woods. I am just going to have to find a way to travel and meet my favorite author.
    Lots of love!

  32. Hi Jane – I’m glad you are enjoying the success of the new book! I remember when I met you, the series was still the idea in your head and you were shopping for a publisher. I’m thrilled that it’s out! I just got it and can’t wait to dive in. As I told you back then, your stories resonate because the characters are real; there is always something or someone familiar. As one of 4 sisters, I’m anxious to read about the Brennans.

    I’m sorry for the parenting crisis, no easy answers there. I can only say hang in there!

    Also bummed to have missed you in Kirkland this week. We had a car issue and I was left to cart kids everywhere, no time to come say hello. My husband and I instead spent our anniversary, shopping for a new-to-us car.

    Speaking of anniversary, happy anniversary to you and Ty! I love the photo of your red shoes, it is so fun and just speaks to the joy of the day.

    Hugs, and hope to see you on your next trip back to Bellevue/Seattle –

  33. Jane,
    Your books are always number#1 on my must read list for many reasons. I connect on many levels with your characters. I think you are an excellent writer which makes for a can’t put it down book. Dear to my heart, you set the stories in many of the same cities I have lived in or near so I feel even more enmeshed in the story I am reading. I so enjoy your blog and the parallels you personally have to my own life. I too have three children, only two are boys though. My oldest just decided to jump ship as I call it and it is breaking my heart. I am still have mini-crises, though not every day now. I am going through the beginning stages of moving, I hope it will end up being somewhat pain-free. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us in so many ways I cannot tell you how much it truly helps to have that bit of escape found in your wonderful books. I look forward to hearing more from you in San Jose!

  34. I am thrilled to hear things are going well. Can not wait to read your new book. Me personally I have just started a new job after many months unemployed, I feel very blessed and am so thankful for the opportunity to prove that I am worthy of my new position. Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s just life’s way of making us realize all the good things in our lives. XO

  35. Jane,

    Please no prize for me, you have been so generous to me and I have enjoyed and loved every bit of it.

    Sorry this week has been a rough one for you, sending good thoughts your way, hope everything resolves quickly.

    You know I love and adore you. SO glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know you and that I got to go to the SC event and the fun book discussion tonight with Anita.

    You are amazing and Thank You for sharing your wonderful talent of storytelling with us!


  36. I am so happy to have found your books. Thank you for giving so much of your time to your readers. Hopefully, despite the parenting crisis, you are able to enjoy this special moment of continued professional success!

    Lately, I have had to reminding myself of the words that there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. Embrace the joy! Embrace the kinship of your fellow author, Anita. Please know that your readers appreciate you!

  37. Another midwestern here, who appreciates your wonderful writing. With you in spirit at your signings, hoping that you know there are a great number of us who will never get the opportunity to actually meet you – but still feel like we ‘know’ you in our hearts!

  38. Jane,
    I got dizzy reading your post- the high of connecting and then the ditch of a parenting crisis. Hoping that crisis resolves itself well- remember that everything comes in clusters…

    And congrats on a great book!

  39. Jane, you are the most kindest author that i’ve ever met thru blogs 🙂 really feel that we are so close to each other even we haven’t met in person before..

    hope everything will run smoothly at home !!

    and yes, i’m sooo looking forward to have the chance to read Good Woman…please 😀

  40. Hi Jane…I just finished reading the Good Woman and loved it! And now I really want to travel to Napa for a visit…I’ve always wanted to. 🙂 I’m so glad to hear the book tour is going well, can’t wait for you to make it to the East Coast this winter. Also wanted to say thanks for my Jane Porter tote and goodies! Take good care. Hugs, Tracy

  41. Hi!

    I’m sure you’re bogged down with comments, replies, emails etc… So I sent you a message saying that every time I see the cover of this (I’m so hoping to read) new book of yours, all I see is Shannen Dougherty.

    Cheers to your success!

  42. Parenting crisises are the worst when you can’t just drop everything and take care of them. Hope all turns out well. Can’t wait to read The Good Woman. Fantastic reviews everywhere!!

  43. This post was so sweet. You have the best fans because we appreciate our favorite author. You are more than the person who writes the books we love. You are a person who cares about her fans and makes them her friends. I want to thank YOU for being an brilliant author, caring friend and overall great person!

  44. Your tribute to your readers was very touching and sincere, brought tears to my eyes. You will get through the trials and tribulations with ease. You are the Queen of hats and wear them well. I’m so happy for your success with The Good Woman, can’t wait to read it. You’re the best Jane, and loved by all…Ruth

  45. Hi Jane! I am so glad & honored that i was able to meet you when you came to the Kentucky Book Fair. We all go through our day to day problems with parenting and doubting that what we are doing is right. I think all moms go through that, no matter what their day consists of. I am so happy that you are able to do what you love and have passion for. I am glad I picked up that first book “The Frog Prince” and fell in love with your writings. You bring much joy to many people; I will always be grateful for knowing you.

  46. Hi Jane,
    I had a wonderful time at the Warwicks event last night. Both you and Anita were really engaging and I loved hearing you both talk about your books, inspiration for your stories, etc. It was my birthday yesterday, and I had a great day, ending the day with the time at Warwicks. Thanks very much for coming down to SD. Also sending you best wishes and prayers regarding what you have going on with the parenting crisis. I hope that it all works itself very soon. Take Care.

  47. Right back at you Jane, you are an amazing woman. Love your books.

    We are putting siding on a friend’s house right now(helping dh).
    I have worked a few days also at the little coffee shop/one meal a day place.
    Take care.

  48. It was great to see you again after 2 years and I’m so happy that you’ve come back to SoCal. I enjoyed talking with you and some of your author friends at Tequilla’s Mexican Grill. I was touched by the mention of your parenting issue because I know the move has been hard on the boys. I can relate because in 2010 we moved to California from Michigan. My kids are the same age as yours and it wasn’t easy for them to make the transition either. Although, they made some new friends and kept up their grades they missed what they’d left behind. We’ve been able to visit twice and I think that it helps knowing they can go back even if it is only temporary. They both tell me that when it comes time for college it will be in Michigan and I’m okay with that. It’s like the old saying goes”, you can take the kid out of Michigan but you can’t take the Michigan out of the kid.”

  49. Jane,

    Read the Q&A on the B&N website. Bravo! Good questions were asked, and your answers were spot on.

    Hang in there. You are right. Life gets messy, we mess up, our kids mess up, we clean it up, we heal, we love, we move on.

    Keep loving, keep smiling, and keep looking forward. Know that you are loved.

  50. Glad your book tour is going so good. It is hard to be away from home so long, but you will be home soon. Thanks for brightening my life.

  51. It sounds like you have been on a roller coaster, Jane. Hopefully it’s been mostly exhilarating and not too stressful. As a single Mom of a teenage boy, I feel for you. Just hold on tight and it WILL get better. That’s what friends tell me, and it’s always true. You are a great Mom! Those boys are so lucky to have you.

    I love to read books that involve women who are NOT perfect but are trying to do their best, whether it’s relationships or parenting or both that are givin’ them fits. This book sounds just like my cup of tea. I can’t wait to read it.

  52. Hi Jane,

    I think we are all so happy for you because, not only are you a fabulous author, but you are truly a genuine, nice, authentic person who cares about others. I think that many of us see some of ourselves in you and your characters. Women who are just trying to take care of our families and be the best mom, wife, daughter, friend and not lose our own identity along the way. As a mom, I am always feeling guilty about working too much or not enough or spending time doing something for me. It seems like some days I’m pulled in so many directions and it never seems to be enough. So, thank you for sharing some of your difficulties with us. Our 14 year old son has been having some struggles in school and his mood has such an effect on mine! I guess there is a quote by someone that says, “You are only as happy as your unhappiest child.” Isn’t that the truth? Anyway..thanks again! Your readers continue to cheer you on!

  53. I wish you’d come to Montreal! I have been a fan for ages now and am really looking forward to reading this new book. It’s on my extensive reading list. I also wish I could spend far more time reading…!

  54. Jane,

    Big hugs to u. Ihope tha things get more manageable for you as life with family is never easy. Just know that I am thinking of you.

    It’s been a busy week here as my mom is recovering from knee replacement surgery and work is getting more hectic as one of more co-workers is leaving for a better position. I’m ordering The Good Woman this weekend, but I have no idea when I’ll get to read it. Maybe a vacation is in order.

  55. I want to thank you for the books you write. I really enjoy them and always look forward to the next one you put out 🙂

  56. Hi Jane,
    Congratulations on the new book and all the success you are having with it. We are starting to get some cooler weather here and before you know it the leaves will be falling.

  57. HI Jane,
    I wish I could come to one of your book signing. I would love to meet you. I can’t wait to read your book. It’s next in my stack!
    Take care!!

  58. Just trying to get through the latest virus that’s making the rounds here. My son had it last weekend, then my daughter had it the beginning of the week. Thought I had gotten lucky and escaped it but no. Salt water gargles, ibuprofen, tea, chicken soup and rest and I should be better in a couple of days. So happy for you that the book tour is continuing to go well.

  59. Oh wow, sorry to hear about your tough time dealing with parenting issues long distance…it’s hard enough having issues when you’re in the same house and able to hug them while doling out the tough love (we’ve had a little of that in our house over the past couple of days)…

    I’m really excited for you with the success of your tour though, and would love to win a copy of your new book because I haven’t had a chance to pick it up yet with the crazy-busy back to school schedules!

  60. Jane,
    Glad you are enjoying your tour! You deserve it! Ohio is always a nice place to visit ( hint, hint). I hope everything works out for you with your kids. I am sure dealing with it while you are away is hard. Good luck!

  61. My daughter told me about the nice evening she had going to your book signing with Anita. I hope you continue to your enjoy your book tour. I am starting to read “The Good Woman” and am hooked. I’m glad there will be 2 more books in the series. Thank you again for all the Jane Porter goodies, books, etc. You are very kind and generous to your readers.

  62. Just finished reading The Good Woman. Love it even though, you are right, it is not a happy ending, everybody is great kind of book. It is very real and so well written I could feel Meg’s pain through the pages.
    Congratulations! I can’t wait to read the Good Daughter.

  63. Congrats Jane! I have not read The Good Woman yet, but am SO looking forward to getting my hands on a copy!!! Have a great week!

  64. Hi everyone, our winner is #44 Cate S!! Shoot me an email, Cate, with your mailing info and I’ll get the prize to you very soon.
    Hope you’re all having a great day. I’m on my way home from an event in Tulare, CA and then I jump back to writing book 3 of the Brennan Sisters.
    Jane xoxoxo

  65. I, too, would love to attend a book signing. I have never been to one since not many authors seem to make their way to New Hampshire. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading The Good Woman yet, but I hear it is amazing so hopefully I can read it very soon!

  66. You deserve the best! I’m reading The Good
    Woman and I’m going to ignore some chores
    this weekend to finish it. Bravo Jane

    And that’s a sweet Dedication in it too,


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