The Good Woman Book Tour so far…

I kicked off the book tour for The Good Woman last week and it has been a huge success so far.  I’m awed and humbled by the response from my readers and family and friends.  Going home to Visalia over the weekend and reconnecting with so many old friends and new was such a wonderful experience, I feel truly blessed.  The luncheon was fabulous and I was so thrilled by the number of people who came to see me.  Thank you, Visalia and Fresno!  You’ve made me feel so loved!

We packed in a lot of events and it has been a little tiring with hours and hours of driving but every minute has been totally worth it.  What’s made the whole experience even more fun is that I’ve had my beautiful sister, Kathy, with me every step of the way.  It just feels so right to have her with me, especially given that this Brennan trilogy is really about sisters and their interaction and bonds with each other and here I am, getting a chance to spend so much time with mine.  It makes me happy.  I love it!  Our relationship reminds me of how the sisters, Meg and Kit are always there for each other with lots of love and advice, a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on.  That’s like my relationship with Kathy.

Now I’m home for a few days, trying to catch up with all the mail in my inbox, spend some quality time with my guys and prepare for tomorrow’s Orange County event.  It’s going to be a fun Girls Night Out launch party for The Good Woman on Thursday, September 13th at 7pm at Tequila’s Mexican Grill.  Then on the 17th and 18th of September, I head up to Seattle for a couple of events before coming back to California for a booksigning on the 19th at Warwick’s in La Jolla, CA.  If you live close to San Clemente or San Diego or if you plan to be in the Seattle/Bellevue area around these dates, come join me for some fun.  My events page has all the details  so check it out.  I’d love to see you!

I’ve also got a couple of mystery prizes here to share with you so talk to me.  Tell me what you’ve been up to this week or share something about your sister(s) and what you love so much about your relationship.  Contest runs through Tuesday next week and I’ll announce winners on Wednesday.

Now I’m off, taking my youngest to karate.  Hope you’re all having a gorgeous, wonderful day!


  1. I don’t have a sister but my best friend has become such a part of my family that her kids call my parent GiG and Grandad and 1/2 the time my mom calls me her name. 🙂

    Good luck on your tour! Don’t forget to take a minute for yourself.

  2. The first picture has to be you and your sister. You have identical eyes and smile! Great photos, Jane. I have one older sister and she is the greatest, even though she zipped me up in a sleeping bag – head first, when we were kids! 🙂

  3. It looks like you’re having a lot of fun and how wonderful to share it with your sister. I have a younger sister who I will always think of as the baby since she is eight years younger than me.

  4. Love that you came to our book club (bottom picture) and we got to interact and discuss The Good Woman so much with you! Thank you!
    I have 2 younger sisters (the youngest is in the picture with me on your blog!) and I love them both dearly. Thru the years we have all 3 had our ups and downs and the typical sibling fights but we are there for each other and we stand up for each other. After all, FAMILY is FAMILY!
    Have a great few days at home, Jane! And enjoy your time with your boys! xo

  5. Hi Jane,

    I have been busy this week getting my book club’s first meeting prepared. I’m so excited for our new book club. Of course we are reading The Good Woman as our first book. Everyone is so excited about it. Hopefully you can join our monthly meeting when you are in my area promoting your second book. I can’t wait!!!

  6. It sounds like you’re having a good time and I’m glad you have Kathy to go with you. I wish i could say I had good relationships with my sisters, but I never have. My family was never close. Even being in the same house, we all pretty much kept to ourselves. But, I do wish I had at least one that I could talk to for advice and share secrets and talk to about things. My week has been going ok so far. I just picked up stuff to make a Christmas stocking for my new kitten. All of my cats have had them and she needs one too. I’ll put it together this week. Since I don’t have children to make things for, I do it for my cats.

  7. So happy for you Jane that things are going well with the new book. We are in family mode this week, taking care of our grandchild and my elderly father. So sweet today to see her sitting in his lap listening to him read a book to her. Reminded me of the times he read books to our sons. Books are and have always been so important to our family!

  8. nice pics and talk of the book tour;
    1 sis is 9 yrs. younger than me and the other is 18 yrs. younger than me. We do sisterly things and are there for each other.

    Take care Jane.

  9. Jane,

    So glad that you are having such a great turn out. You deserve the success! Excited to see you at the SC event tomorrow.

    I have a couple of girlfriends that are close as sisters and I know that I could count them no matter what.

    This week is insane for me, so much going on, but it is all good.

  10. I’m one of six sisters (and one brother), so you can imagine the fun we have when we get together. We may not see each other for years because of distance, but the catching up is sweeter for it.

  11. What wonderful photos. Your tour is such fun and a great success. Best wishes on the wonderful book which sounds fabulous. My sister has been there for me through this difficult time that I am facing now with breast cancer. I appreciate all that she has been to me.

  12. looks like your tour was a success. now i will head over to your events page to see where you will be in the seattle area. i do not have a sister, but have a best friend who is like one.

  13. How do you do it all? Whew, whatta life, crazy fun. We’re at the beach this week and lovin’ it so much. My sister is also like yours and it too is so comforting when sometimes family grows apart when there is distance and traveling to get together. Great pics, thanks for sharing and glad you’re having a wonderful time. You’re great Jane!

  14. I’m not up to much of anything this week, I lead a pretty dull life. My sister and I are really close, we haven’t always been that way. She is 10 years older than me so we have developed a better relationship as we’ve got older. She is always there for me and she is great about taking me for my doctor appointments and just anywhere I need to go. We share a lot of the same reading habits so we are always talking about books and what we are reading. She is the one who started me reading Christine Feehan and I started her reading Harlequin Presents and Blazes. We usually talk every day.

  15. Looks to me like you are having a wonderful time on the book tour.
    I don’t have a sister so I have no idea what it would be like.
    I have been sick for the past couple of weeks. I will be finished with my meds on Friday. The side effects have made me feel lousy.

  16. I’m also guessing Kathy is posing with you in photo one-same great smile. With school starting, and kids and book travel, I’d be interested in your hints for scheduling every thing you do!

  17. I have 4 sisters but am especially close to the oldest one. She came from Florida to Kentucky to take care of me when I was very ill…just love her.
    This week I have been helping the CCFA KY CHAPTER with donations for our 1st Cupcake & Cocktail event. Love to see what people /businesses/organizations are donating to help us raise funds and awareness for our cause. 🙂
    So happy the book tour is going well for You!

  18. I so wish I lived closed so that I could attend some of these exciting events 🙁 So glad I can experience them on your blog. I am taking a jewellery making class with my sister friday evening at Micheals…should be fun and funny as we are both pretty clutsy…can wait to see what our necklace and earning will look like after the class is done!

  19. I have two sister’s and that is about all that is left of my family. Love them dearly. When we were younger we didn’t get along at all but not that we are older we are the best of friends most of the time. There are ten years different in my younger sister and the other sister is five years older but my younger sister says we are triples not because we look so much a like. Every now and then we will get together and just spend a weekend together and we always have a ball. Its a lot of fun. They are my best friends.

  20. That is so awesome that your sister has been with you at your events. How fun! I have 3 sisters and love getting together with them. One of my sisters lives out of state (the other 2 live near me). We don’t see our out of state sister very often, but she and her hubby were down for 3 weeks this summer and it was wonderful. I loved hanging out with her and chatting and just being with her. Can’t wait to see her again.

  21. Close to my elder sister (by 15 years). 2000+ miles apart, mind you, but we feel VERYCLOSE/THISCLOSE to each other. She and her husband are on their way here to visit for a week or two, hopefully arriving next week. Can hardly wait.

  22. I wish I had one of those close families that can laugh over everything!!

    Hoping my son comes home for an overnighter since he’s away at college. Love it when he comes home!

  23. Spent the last week helping sorority sisters with recruitment. I advise at my chapter on campus so they are like my daughters/sisters. I love it…never having any sisters (an only child or kids of my own!)
    Now I’m catching my breath. 🙂
    By the way they did great.

  24. Hi Jane! I so wish I could join you on some of your adventures as I’ve loved and cherished each event I’ve been able to make it to. You’re such a sweet and wonderful hostess and a dear friend.

    I have 3 sisters- one older and 2 younger. I love them all dearly but I have a special bond with the one that’s just younger than me. We’re only 15 months apart in age and grew up doing everything together. She was always my champion growing up, encouraging me when I had no faith in myself and I know now that many of the amazing experiences I had growing up would never have happened without her cheering me on. I love her to pieces and miss her so much!

  25. i have two sisters actually,..but not so close…
    and now i have someone that consider me as her own sister..what a great feeling to be so close with a ‘sister’ 🙂

  26. I have three sisters and I’m the oldest but have been told that I act like the youngest! I used to be close with my sister who’s a year younger than me but for reasons I can’t explain she is so closed off and secretive. But, I do have my girls in my new book club and we are all reading your new book! I loved it and can’t wait for everyone to get together to discuss it. Can’t wait for the next one! Happy book touring, Jane and enjoy the ride.

  27. My dear sister who was ten years older than me died last year. She was such a sweet soul and I have fond memories of all the times we had together. I have two sisters who live out of state and we talk on the phone weekly. Sisters are surely a blessing. Enjoy the time with your sister Jane. And best wishes for the rest of your book tour.

  28. Hello Jane,

    I have been reading The Good Woman and loving it. Thank you for putting out such wonderful books for us readers.

    My sisters and I have always been close. Unfortunately I only get to see one of them. All of my sisters besides one lives in the Philippines. I haven’t seen them in over 40 yrs 🙁 I still talk to them and skype, but it’s not the same.

  29. Hi Jane,

    This past week has been a blur. We have all been sick so we have stayed at home for way to many days now.
    It’s the toughest week ever for me since I became a mother.
    I have not tried before all of us being sick at the exact same time.
    But now it’s the weekend so I hope that we can all fell better before Monday arrives.
    Because I so want to see you on Monday for your event in the Seattle area.

  30. I don’t have a sister…although I always wished I had. I always thought it would be nice to have that best friend for life (after the teenage years of course)! 😉
    I however did have two little girls of my own, tho. I am excited they will always have eachother to lean on and be close.
    Congrats on your new book, Jane! I can’t wait to read it!!!

  31. I have a sister who is 10 years younger than me. She arrived when my parents did not expect her, but she brought us all so much joy.
    We are very close, especially since my Mom passed away years ago when my sister was only 20. We talk to each other many times during the day and we see each other often. I am filling a bit my Mom’s role.
    Right now, I am spending the nights till the wee hours of the morning reading “The Good Woman”. What a wonderful book!
    Enjoy the book tour, Jane. I wish you could come to Toronto one of these days.

  32. I don’t have a biological sister but when my brother got married I got the sister of my heart. She’s generous, supportive and always there for me whether I need a shoulder to cry on, someone to cry with me or someone to give me a kick in the butt. She has a heart of gold and I couldn’t love her more.
    Glad the book tour is going well. Thanks for sharing with us.

  33. Congratulations on your new book and great reviews so far. I haven’t laid hands on it yet, but I’m looking forward to reading “The Good Woman”…just as soon as we adjust to the back-to-school routine here. Big week ahead with the start of music lessons and swim club!

    Best of luck to you on the rest of your tour!

  34. Hello! I am actually with my sister in Alaska. We are expecting a big storm. We stocked up on non-perishable things. Even bought some Halloween candy! Waiting for the lights to go out!

  35. I’m the youngest of four girls. Ok, maybe not so young! In May we lost a sister because of lung cancer, she was exactly 1.5 years older than I. All four of us were and always will be each others best friends. Being 47 years old, and a very young at heart 47 year-old I was able to talk my oldest two sister into getting matching dainty tatoos for our sister who passed away. I adore and love my sisters, we have a bond that will never be broken.

  36. Hi Jane,
    My sister is 13 years older than me – she is the oldest of the 4 kids in my family and I am the youngest. She was such an awesome big sister when I was growing up (and still is!). She would take me places all the time – into Seattle to the Market and Seattle Center, and various other places. She is an artist and always had all this cool stuff in her room – paints, pastels, chalks, pens/ink, etc. that my brother and I were just dying to get into, but were forbidden from. When I was a teenager and wouldn’t be caught dead at the mall with my mom, my sister would take me back to school shopping – and that was “cool”. She’s always been a lot of fun to be around and I am lucky to have her in my family.

  37. My sister and I did NOT get along growing up and well into our twenties. When she had roommate issues and was worried she would have to move back in with our parents, I decided to try living with her. Three years later, we’re still living together and I love bonding with her! I’m so glad we’re close now!

  38. Hi Jane,

    I am in Aberdeen for work, which I am hoping to catch up with you this week. We will see how it goes.

    I also just finished Where We Belong by Emily Giffin and really enjoyed it.


  39. I can’t wait for this series! 🙂 My little sister and I just got to escape our daily lives and visit family for a wedding… Just the two of us and we felt like giddy teenagers again (only this time, we got along and didn’t argue). 😉 *LOVE* my sister! Hugs to you!


  40. #29, Donna M, you are the winner of this week’s contest! I have a fun mystery prize waiting for you. Just send me your address in a private email and I’ll get the box out in this week’s mail!

    And #42, Sara, you are my second mystery prize winner. I hope you’ll love the goodies. Please shoot me an email with your address and I’ll get the prize out to you.

    Thank you everyone for commenting. I love the sister stories as well as the tidbits you share from your life. You are all wonderful and I heart you!!


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