The Good Woman Book Tour Heads to Pasadena!

My two events in San Franciso were very successful and lots of fun. Last night’s event was a wonderful time and I met so many lovely people at the Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco.  Thank you to my friends, family and readers who took time to come see me.

Jane speaking at the Irish Cultural Center about what inspired her to write The Good Woman.

Tonight is also going to be a lot of fun as I head to Pasadena for a book signing at Vroman’s Bookstore.  I thought it would be nice to have drinks and appetizers before the event at El Portal Restaurant which is across the street from the bookstore.  This will give me a chance to chat with readers before the event.  So if you are going to be in the area and would like to join me for a relaxing happy hour before the event starts, that would make my day!

Here are all the details for tonight:

5:45pm Join me for drinks and appetizers before the signing at El Portal Restaurant
695 East Green Street, across the street from Vroman’s

Vroman’s Bookstore
695 E. Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91101




  1. Hope you have a wonderful event. I’m sure all of your readers, myself included wish that we all could make those meetings. Good luck and hope you have a great time!

  2. Hi Jane, I got the new book and I’m already half way through. Alex is looking for Ty at school, we heard he stayed in WA, but he lost hope he will see him again. Looking forward to seeing you in Kirkland on the 18th. Best wishes!

    1. Iuliana—Ty ended up moving after all in August. He missed his little brother and family so much but he’s finding it a hard adjustment so far. He’s very lonely right now. Tell Alex to skype with Ty. It’d make Ty so happy!

  3. Sounds good! I am happy for your success. I just got The Good Woman – it is sitting on my counter staring at me, tempting me to open it and start reading, but I have a couple library books that are due soon and not a lot of time to read. So, I will have to wait!

  4. I will let Alex know, he is sick today, staying home with fever and sore throat. I finished The Good Woman in 2 days, I usually inhale them first and then I read one more time on a slower pace. It made me think about visiting those places, and maybe finding me a “Chad”, it’s been a while since my divorce. Love the book, smiled and cried through it and even get Meg’s anxiety and pain, now waiting for the next one. I’ll see you in Kirkland. If you bring Ty with you, he can spend the night at our house.

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